Bearly Mended (BBW Shifter Security Romance) (Big Paw Security Book 4)

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Bearly Mended (BBW Shifter Security Romance) (Big Paw Security Book 4) Page 92

by Becca Fanning

  “That was a nice warm-up,” he said

  “You’re obviously done,” she giggled. “Your balls are bone dry now.”

  “Not a chance. This stallion won’t be satisfied until he’s mounted his mare.”

  Abby felt him take her hands and lead her to the rail running along the back of the stall. He placed her hands on the rail and closed his hands over hers. She understood and gripped the rails. She felt something brush against her neck and realized he was taking off her silk scarf. She felt it being wrapped around her hands, tying her to the rail.

  He stood behind her, grabbing her hips and pulling her back towards him. She felt his throbbing cock fit between the gap in her legs. As he pushed forward it rubbed against her soaked sex through her jeans. She felt him lean forward and he buried his nose in her hair and inhaled deeply, his cock pulsing between her legs. His hands reached around to her chest and grabbed her breasts, squeezing and kneading them.

  “Please, I need you,” she whimpered.

  His hands went to her jeans, unzipping them and pulling them partway down her thighs. He crouched behind her and she sensed his face near her ass. He pressed his mouth against her entrance and sucked her dampness through her panties. Drinking his fill, he pulled her panties down to her jeans, leaving her hot aching sex exposed.

  She felt intense pressure against her slit, then her lips parted to take in his hard cock. He began thrusting into her, the head of his rod bottoming out inside her. A small jolt of wonderful pain went through her each time he crashed against her. She didn’t understand how he could go again so soon after cumming, but she thanked her lucky stars he could! One of his hands left her hip and grabbed her ponytail, pulling her head back. She loved the feeling and arched backwards towards him.

  A wicked smile appeared on her lips. As he pounded into her, she brought up one leg behind her and kicked him in the thigh. Her spur made a rattle sound as it raked against his skin. He sucked in breath between gritted teeth. The excitement brought her to the brink.

  “Come on, stallion. This mare needs to be ridden harder!” she said.

  Releasing his hold on her hair, his hand rejoined the other on her hips. He thrust in and out, holding nothing back. She kicked him with the other foot, and he fucked her harder. His pace quickened and she felt him tense up again. He lurched forward, burying himself to the hilt inside her. His cum flowed into her with each spasm of his cock. Her own orgasm exploded inside her, bolts of lightning raining down behind her closed eyelids. She gripped the rail with all her might.

  He pressed his weight against her, his hands affectionately moving down her arms. He planted soft kisses on her shoulders and neck while he untied her hands. His softening cock slid out of her, and they both straightened out their clothes. He gingerly felt the back of his thighs.

  “You’re a good stallion, but a bit rough around the edges. I should take you for a ride again,” she said, buttoning up her riding vest.

  “So did you end up winning your competition?”

  Abby’s jaw fell open. “I don’t know,” she replied. “I mean, I would’ve heard-”

  “Would Abby Conners please report to the arena winner’s circle? Abby Corners to the arena winner’s circle!” blared a voice through the facility PA system.

  “Shit!” she exclaimed, kissing him on the lips then running out of the stall. As she came up to the arena entrance, she let out a laugh. She still didn’t know his name!


  Menage A Spa


  Becca Fanning


  Nesha threw down the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter. Her hand went to the small of her back, massaging the tight knot that had been her constant friend for the past few years. She knew the extra weight she was carrying was the cause.

  "Jesse, breakfast in ten minutes! Get out of bed." She hurriedly put the groceries away and began scrambling eggs for her ten year old son Jesse.

  He ran down the stairs and grabbed a fork to attack his eggs. "No pancakes?"

  "I'm in a hurry this morning Jesse. I had to get the groceries, make your breakfast, then go drop you off at school, finally getting to work before I'm late." She tossed the cucumbers in the fridge.

  "I want pancakes!"

  "Then when you get back from school tonight I can teach you how to make them."

  "When I'm at Dad's house, Chloe makes me pancakes with chocolate chips."

  That name. Nesha hated that name more than anything. She looked down to see she'd crushed a tomato in her hand. Oh, what she wouldn't give to do that to Chloe. Though it was really her husband who was the problem: he'd been the one to cheat on her, not Chloe.

  "Well, it's easy when you only have to be a mom part time and the rest of the day you just lounge around.”

  "I hate this!" Jesse said, getting up from the table going into the living room. Nesha heard the TV come on. These mornings were the worst. Not only was her son starting to rebel against her, but he was learning to pit her against his dad. This brought up all sorts of wounds from the past. She broke the seal on a tub of dark chocolate covered almonds and popped two into her mouth. Remorse battled with euphoria.

  "If you're done eating, then get your backpack. Time for school."

  "Have a great day at school Jesse. I love you."

  Jesse climbed out of the car and ran towards the front doors of his school.

  "Love you too, mom," she murmured to herself.

  Nesha pulled away from the curb and headed towards work. Being a bank teller at First Bank of Cincinatti was a definite step down for her. But since the divorce it was the only job she could get these days. Back when she had just started dating Lawrence, she was in nursing school. She'd almost completed her residency when she'd gotten pregnant with Jesse. Then it was marriage, mortgage, and a new life in the suburbs. Everything changed.

  Lawrence was amazing at first. The things he would do for her made her feel like the only girl in the world. Flowers for no reason, breakfast in bed...other things in bed! A warm blush came to Nesha as she drove, remembering some of the attentions Lawrence used to pay her early in their relationship. He was a great kisser and a great lay. He was always hesitant to give head, but expected it be done to him. Her friends all told her that was a major red flag early in their dating, but she blew them off. Pulling up to the bank parking lot a few minutes early, she let the engine idle and let her mind remember the good old days.

  The weekend in Puerto Vallarta, where they'd snuck out into the pool to make love at 3am. She could still feel the sensation of Lawrence sliding in and out of her in the water. Each time he thrust into her, the cool water around her shifted. She felt like a piece of beautiful driftwood at sea, being carried by the current off into wonderful oblivion. The security person who had found them went back to his office without saying another word.


  The heavy security door in the rear of the bank closed loudly, snapping Nesha back to the present. She'd been getting worked up remembering that time with Lawrence, but she'd have no relief anytime soon. She had no time. Her life was being a single mom and working at the bank. Everything else had to take a back seat until...until when? She didn't have an answer. The best years of her life were being spent treading water. With a sigh, she turned off her car's ignition and went into the bank.

  Nesha watched as a man carrying flowers came into the office. They must be for one of the personal investment bankers, she thought with more than a little jealousy. They often got flowers when their clients' portfolios had a good run. She was confused when the flower man spoke to the security guard, who then pointed him at Nesha.

  "Hi, Nesha Miller? These are for you,” the young man said, handing her the flowers over the bank counter.

  She was so bewildered that she missed the man's first two requests for a signature on his receipt. Embarrassed, she scribbled her name on his form and took her copy. Her eyes went back to the bouquet.

  A d
ozen longstem roses towered out of a gorgeous cut glass vase. The petals were a divine shade of red, with a hint of purple. She bent forward and pressed her nose into one and inhaled. She closed her eyes and was a million miles away. An ache in her feet brought her back to reality. Looking down, she noticed the fatigue mat she normally stood on was gone. So were the other ones in the other bank teller stalls.

  She picked up her handset and dialed the branch manager.

  “Good morning, this is Harold.”

  “Hi Harold, it’s Nesha. I came in this morning and I can’t find the fatigue mat I normally stand on.” Nesha looked around her station again.

  “We had to remove that, Nesha. New policy at the bank.”

  Nesha frowned. “Why?”

  “They’re a tripping hazard. Our district manager sent a memo last night.”

  “I understand the whole safety first thing, Harold, but this mat really helped my feet and back.” Nesha hoped he heard the pleading in her voice. Maybe he would make an exception. The balls of her feet throbbed in protest.

  “Be that as it may, they’re no longer allowed at this bank.”

  “I understand. Bye, Harold.” Nesha hung up the phone in defeat. Her hand dipped to her lower back and she winced at the dull ache. Her eyes went back to the flowers and she decided that today would be a test of mind over matter. She turned the flowers around. A small envelope poked out of the bouquet which she hadn’t noticed before.

  Her heart skipped a beat. A note! Flowers were enough to get a gal excited, but she hadn’t been given a romantic note in a long time. Way too long, she decided. She took the lace fringed envelope in her hand. Her fingers played over the small waves embossed on the front.

  “Ahem,” a rail thin hipster girl coughed from the customer line. The eyes behind her thick black rimmed glasses were dull with boredom. In one hand she had a cellphone, in the other an opened envelope. She gestured with the phone in a way that told Nesha that it never left that hand. “I need to pay a bill.”

  “I’d be happy to help you. Did you need to draft a money order?” Smiling, Nesha put the small envelope back in the bouquet and gave the girl her full attention.

  “I don’t know what that is, but I need to pay this bill. See?” The girl unfolded her bill and pointed at it.

  “Did you need to withdraw money from an account to pay it?”

  “No, I just want to pay it. God!” The girl stabbed at the bill with her finger.

  “There are a few different ways to pay that bill, but you have to tell me which you’d like to do,” Nesha said quietly, maintaining her composure.

  “But I don’t know what those things mean. My dad has always paid this for me,” the girl whined.

  Nesha could tell this girl was close to losing it. Poor thing had no real world experience. Raised by the Internet and a never-ending line of credit from Daddy. Until now, that is. “Ok, how about we just pay it directly from your account? If you give me your account number we can wire the money to the company and pay the bill quickly.”

  “Fine, whatever!” the girl said, handing the bill she’d been holding to Nesha.

  Nesha politely looked it over before saying, “This is the bill, but we’ll need your bank account number.”

  The girl stood there, puzzled.

  “Your account number at this bank. Where your money is.”

  The hipster’s mouth slowly dropped.

  “You do have an account at this bank, right?” Nesha asked painfully.

  “This is so stupid!” The hipster girl snatched the bill from Nesha's hand and stormed out of the bank.

  Sighing, Nesha just shook her head and picked up the small embossed envelope. I bet it’s some kind of scam or something. I don’t know anyone who would do something this nice for me. She shoved the envelope back into the bouquet and tried to put it out of her mind.

  After coming back from her lunch break, Nesha noticed a blinking light on her phone. It was a voicemail from Harold, asking her to call him back ASAP. Perplexed she picked up the phone and dialed his extension.

  “This is Harold,” the voice said curtly.

  “Hey Harold, Nesha. Just returning your call. What can I do for you?”

  “Nesha, I just got off the phone with a customer, a Mr. Fullerton. He wanted to lodge a complaint against you.”

  “But Harold, I don’t…” Nesha started, but stopped as she recalled the name on the hipster girl’s bill. Damnit. “I’m guessing this is about his daughter?”

  “Yes, Nesha. Mr. Fullerton said his daughter was sobbing on the phone to him and very upset at the poor service she got from you.”

  “Now hold on Harold, I did my best with her-“

  “Your best is wantonly lacking, Nesha! He is going to withdraw seven figures worth of deposit accounts and investments he has at our bank. This is unacceptable. I’m dismissing you for the day.”

  Nesha's mouth quivered and her eyes welled up. Keep it together. Just keep your voice steady. Don’t give him the satisfaction! “Fine, Harold. I will see you tomorrow.” She hung up the phone and wiped her eyes. She picked up her purse and made for the employee exit. Halfway there, she stopped and walked back to her counter. She picked up the bouquet and walked out.

  Once she was in her car, she let the emotions roll over her. She didn’t have much, but she was good at her job. She teared up at being shamed by her boss. There was nothing I could do for her. Nesha was struck by the absurdity of the thought. It wasn’t like her old job as a trauma nurse. Back then those words meant someone had died. Now it meant some spoiled brat didn’t understand how basic banking worked. Laughing with tears in her eyes, she started up the car and pulled out of the driveway.

  At a stoplight, she realized she didn’t know what she’d do. She hadn’t had time off in a very long time. Her life had become her son and her work. There isn’t really any other way it could be. I’m too old for adventures. Or was she? She reached down into the bouquet and took out the small envelope.

  Without hesitating, she opened it and pulled out the little card inside. It was a business card for the Soft Touch Spa. She flipped it over and the simple handwritten message said:

  All you desire.

  It took Nesha a few seconds before she registered the blaring of horns behind her. She went through the intersection and made a hasty turn towards the Soft Touch Spa. She needed to know what this was about.

  The Spa was a handsome brick one story building on a quiet residential street. A very small sign over the door was the only indicator this was a business at all. Nesha sat nervously in her car, not sure what to do. I should just go home and watch TV for five hours until the sitter brings Jesse home. I’m always wishing I had more time to catch up on my shows. No matter how much she watched, the DVR only seemed to get fuller. She turned the key in the ignition and put the car in drive.

  Looking down at the flowers, she put the car back into park and took the key out of the ignition. The universe had put these events in place, and it was time to trust it. Spa card in hand, she walked up to the front door.

  She went to open the large wooden door but it didn’t budge. She checked the front door for hours or any sign it might be closed. There was nothing there, nor was there a doorbell or intercom. Flustered, she knocked on the door, embarrassment creeping over her. This was beginning to look more and more like a practical joke at her expense.

  Feeling dejected, she turned around and started to walk back to her car. Behind her, she heard the large door open. A deep male voice called out to her, “Hello?”

  She turned around and saw a tall guy leaning out of the open door. His blonde hair had that careless look that betrayed careful styling. His blue eyes quickly took her in from the shoes up until he locked eyes with her. His big smile touched his eyes and Nesha realized she was content to just stare at him.

  “Can I do something for you?” He was wearing a pristine white terrycloth cotton robe, the top showing a broad defined chest. He opened the door a bit mo
re and Nesha caught a glimpse of leg as the robe was brushed to the side.

  “Umm, I…this is going to sound really stupid. I got a bouquet of flowers and inside it was a card from this spa. But this isn’t me. I don’t really do things like this,” Rambling, Nesha turned away. “I should just go.”


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