Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2)

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Dirty Deeds (An Office Romance #2) Page 1

by J. L. Beck

  Dirty Deeds

  An Office Romance #2

  J.L. Beck

  Copyright © 2016 by J.L. Beck

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  To all the dirty girls out there, this one is for you.

  Meet J.L. Beck

  J.L. Beck is a stay at home to two little minions and happily married to her high school sweet heart. When she's not writing steamy hot as sin books, you can find her with a glass of wine, and book of choice in hand. She believes all love stories should have a happy ever after, but knows that real life sometimes occurs so for her readers if she can give her books a HEA then she's happy.

  If you like romance that bleeds from the pages, and love stories that make you swoon then pick up a J.L. Beck book and forget about the world for a while.

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  Chapter One

  “Mr. Jefferson is here for your two thirty meeting, Sir.” Caroline, my temporary office assistant announced as she popped her head around the glass door and into my office, her dark blue eyes meeting mine. She was a lot older than I like my assistants to be but when you're in a pinch, you'll take what you can get.

  “Go ahead and send him in.” I requested letting out a ragged breath. I leaned back in my chair and thought about all the good times we had. Cameron Jefferson is one of my longest partners in the business industry and also my best friend. Anytime I need a lawyer, advice or help, he is there.

  “Since when do I have to start scheduling an appointment to see my best friend?” Cameron joked as he stepped into my office. I shoved from my desk and crossed the room in a few quick steps. Man it is good to see him. We shook hands like we always do and gave each other the Bro hug...slaps on the back half hugs. I couldn’t help but smile at the bastard. Every time I see him, he's been in a good mood since Sadie came into his life. Not his usual disposition before her so I'm really happy for them.

  “Only when you stopped coming around as often...and it doesn’t help that I am literally always fucking busy.” I sighed into the air and scrubbed a hand down my face wondering if that one move could erase all the stress from my life. I was drowning in business deals, income reports and phone calls from my father who was supposed to have given the company over to me....No strings attached.

  “What can I say? Sadie keeps me busy…” The shit eating grin on his face proved his statement to be true. I have never seen the man happier especially when it came to a woman. I was almost jealous, almost.

  “I can tell. I’ve never seen you this happy about just breathing.” My attitude was a bit piss poor for seeing someone that I hadn’t in months but I knew if anyone could understand my frustration it would be Cameron.

  A gruff laugh escaped his throat. He looked good, better than he ever has and I hated to admit it but I was jealous. God damn was I jealous and I admit it. He had everything I could ever want, but here I was, still a bachelor. To say I was done with the slew of one-night stands was the understatement of the year. I like variety and the fact I do as I please. I still hadn’t found a woman worth my time, all of the time.

  “Actually, I’m here because of Sadie....by the way, she sends her love.” There was a change in Cameron’s voice hell, there was a change in the air, too. The kind of charge that told me a favor was on the tip of his tongue. I was a businessman after all and I knew how to spot that shit from a mile away.

  I pursed my lips and stared him straight in the eyes, there was a flicker of sadness there that I hadn’t seen before and it made me wonder what could possibly be the cause of it?

  “Don’t beat around the fucking bush Cam. We’re businessmen, but most importantly friends. If you need something, you know I’ll always help you out.” I assured him, but the sadness in his eyes only became more evident. Frustration burned through my veins. It wasn’t something I enjoyed feeling towards one of my best friends. I was pretty close to breaking down and asking him what the fuck his problem was and why he couldn’t just come out with it?

  A second later Cameron exhaled a deep breath, “Sadie has a friend....a very close friend.” I could see him struggling through whatever it was that he wanted to ask me. Cameron wasn’t someone that had trouble getting to the point so whatever is going on must be important. Which is why I was trying to be patient and wait it out, but patience wasn’t really my strong suit.

  “Spit it the fuck out, Jefferson.” I snapped hitting the end of my rope. This shouldn’t be this hard especially between friends. Cameron rolled his eyes at me in annoyance. Seriously he's going to roll his eyes at me when he's the one asking for a favor?

  “Chloe is her name and she is someone Sadie feels the need to help save. They both volunteer at the local women’s shelter downtown and...”

  He trailed off, his eyes dropped to the floor before he took a steadying breath and looked back up at me. The nervousness that was rolling off of him would be amusing if it wasn’t taking up so much of my time.

  “Get to the point.” I folded my arms over my chest and scowled.

  “Alright, alright. Sadie told me last night that Chloe needs to find a better paying job or she’s going to lose her apartment and I know you're not a job agency or anything like that. But...” He paused and I knew then exactly what kind of favor he was asking for.

  “If I recall correctly you were saying something last time we spoke about hiring a new Office Assistant, so...” Why did the look on Cameron’s face make it seem like he had just solved all of my problems?

  “I don’t mean to be an asshole but I don’t hire just anyone…you know that.” Was there really anyway to say that without coming off as a prick?

  Cameron sighed, “I wouldn’t have asked if she was anyone else, but she’s Sadie’s friend, and you know how it goes, happy wife, happy life.” I clenched my fists at my sides not because I was angry with Cameron but because I knew there was no way I could tell my best friend no. Add in the fact that in a few days I would have a new assistant who probably didn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground and pisses me off. In my kind of business, that won't fly. Plus I had no one to train her besides my "Temporary" Assitant. It was like a train wreck waiting to happen.

  “Fine, but I swear to you Cam, if she can’t handle corporate business I will have no choice but to fire her. You’re my best friend so I’ll give her a chance but I’m trying to run an empire here and I need someone that can handle my demands.” And fuck did I have a lot of demands... or should I say needs?

  “Awesome…” The air around Cameron changed as he brushed his hands together as if to sa
y "that's that". The unease that he stepped into my office with was still there for some reason and only seemed to be growing. If me agreeing to hire Sadie’s friend wasn’t what was making him all weirded out, then he must have something worse he needed to tell me? Hmmm...this better be good.

  “So now that we have that out of the way, why the hell are you still so anxious?” I questioned curiously, leaning against my desk. A mischievous glint appeared in his eye when he glanced at the door, but it was when he spoke that I understood exactly what the fucker had done. He opened the door and looked out. My frosted glass doors prevent others from looking in. I like my privacy, never know when you might need it.

  “Come in and meet your new boss, Chloe.” Oh hell no, he did not just say that. What the fuck was he thinking? How long had she been standing just around the corner, out of my site? My heart slammed against my chest as soon as she waltzed through the double glass doors. I was all but salivating when I finally finished looking her up and down.

  I stared at her strawberry blonde hair that looked shinier than the commercials, and moved over her soft, yet slightly young, facial features. I drank in the dress she wore which clung to her body in ALL the right places. Her tits were perky and one button away from exploding out of the top of her dress. Hot damn!!

  She was shapely, and the exact type of woman I liked to fuck. I don't like those stick thin women you see in the magazines. I like full women with a nice set of hips to hold on to while I pounded them from behind. Yeah, this was going to be a problem, a big fucking problem.

  “Um, Hi Mr. Nelson.” Oh sweet fucking Jesus my cock grew harder than steel the second she said my name. My large bulge now strained very uncomfortably against my dress pants. Mr. Nelson? Oh hell to the no!! Mr. Nelson was my father. I am Ryan Nelson playboy extraordinaire, and the man who could make you cum so hard with barely a touch. Or at least that's what Cosmo Magazine says about me. I was a celebrity in my own sort of way. The ruthless, business tycoon kind of way.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to discreetly adjust myself in front of my new employee. It was then when I realized just how turned the fuck on I was. Christ, I need to remember that I am a fucking CEO of a multi-billion dollar company and that I don't get tongue tied over curvaceously sexy women like Chloe. Most importantly, I don't pop boners like a sixteen year old hormonal teenager that can't control himself.

  “Ryan, please call me Ryan. Mr. Nelson is my father.” I hid the aggression and primal urge to strip her bare and take her right there on my desk, from my voice. Chloe tipped her chin up and down in understanding, her choppy bangs moving against her forehead.

  Looking over at Cameron, the sideways smirk on his face couldn’t be missed. That fucker. He knew exactly what he was doing by bringing her into my office. She definitely fit the bill of the sexy damsel in distress as he claimed her to be...OMG. The fucking asshole knew the moment I saw her I wasn't going to change my mind or go back on hiring her. I just played right into his fucking hand. Damn it.

  “Ryan…” Cameron coughed, hiding his laughter under it. I am totally going to kick his ass for leading the lamb right into the Lion’s Den.

  “Thank you so much for this, Sir. You have no idea how much this job means to me. I’m forever grateful Mr...um..I mean Ryan.” The words spewed out of her mouth as she wrung her hands together nervously. I narrowed my eyes at Cameron once more giving him a look that said he owed me, big time.

  “Believe me sweetheart, it’s MY pleasure.” Fuck me sideways. I need to not say pleasure in her presence or I'm screwed. The way her eyes lit up as I spoke basically gave me the indication she thought I was a God already. It also meant that it wouldn’t take much effort to have her naked and beneath me.

  “Alright…” Cameron cleared his throat taking a step back. “I’m going to go and let you two get acquainted with each other. Let Sadie or I know if you need anything, Chloe. I’ll be in touch with you next week, Ryan. Maybe we can meet up for a beer or two…like old times?” He didn’t linger, instead.he slipped from the room as if he was never here to begin with, leaving me alone with a huge boner, and a very, very attractive woman.

  God, save me from making an ass of myself right now.

  All I could do was lean there, against my desk and stare at the sweet, innocent package Cameron had all but shoved at me. I squeezed my eyes closed in frustration. I need to get my shit together before I do something stupid.

  What, like fuck her? My subconscious knew me all too well.

  “Are… are you okay, Sir?” Her voice was smooth and sweet, so fucking sweet it dripped like honey from her lips. I knew nothing about her except her first name and that I wanted her. God did I ever fucking want her.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. Get your fucking shit together, Nelson, Jesus!!

  “I’m fine.” I informed her rather harshly, a frantic look formed in those deep blue depths of hers. I was a dick and just made that clear to her. I should call Cameron right now and make him come and get her before it was too late. Before the animal in me sunk his teeth into her skin and tasted her essence.

  I stared at her wondering what the hell I was going to do with her next. I noticed her bright white teeth sinking into her ruby red plump bottom lip. How is it even possible that my cock grew harder in my pants?

  “Caroline!” I growled as I slammed a finger down on the phone button directly next to me. I could feel the fear and unease rolling off Chloe in waves, each one hitting me harder than the next. I wanted to be sorry for acting this way in front of her already but I couldn’t be. Not when I wanted to fuck the sweetness right out of her after only knowing her for all of the five minutes we've been alone. I needed her gone, at least for a couple of hours so I could think. What to do Ryan, what to do.

  “Yes…Yes, Sir?” Caroline stumbled over her words through the receiver. She was always fumbling through the day. That's what happens when you hire out of necessity.

  “Please come and get our new employee, Chloe and show her around the office. When you’re finished with that, take her to HR and get her the new hire forms to fill out. Make sure she fills them out correctly." Good, that should keep them busy for a while, I thought to myself.

  I look up to see Chloe staring at me all doe eyed as I await Caroline's reply. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Chloe’s red lips, the desire to nibble at them was nearly consuming me. I could feel my body pulling me in her direction, needing to get closer to her at any expense.

  “Of course, Sir.” Caroline gulped before her line of the phone went dead. I placed the phone back on the receiver and averted my eyes to anywhere but Chloe’s.

  After what seemed to be an eternity to me, but in reality only a few minutes, Caroline finally arrived at my door. Relief flooded my veins but I could feel the heat of Chloe’s stare on my skin. The relief she was radiating when Caroline showed up made me wonder what I'd done wrong already. When I finally did look up, just as she was leaving the office, I saw a small trace of sadness fill her features. Why can't I just be more like Cameron?

  You’re a fucking douche bag, that's why.

  “Fuck!” I swore as I tipped my head back and took in a deep breath of air. When I stepped foot into my office today, I didn’t think it would be any worse than a bunch of paperwork and meetings. You know, the normal routine. Little did I fucking know a beautiful temptress named Chloe would come walking into my life, kicking me in the balls, and taking my breath away. I shouldn’t fuck my assistant, well especially on her first day at least, but I wanted to, hell I needed to.

  “Deep breaths, Nelson. You’ve got this. You are the boss and you run this shit, not your dick. So dick just go back to doing what you do second best and hang in there. I'll call you big guy if I need you." I gave myself a pep talk as I stepped back behind my desk and jumped head first into the stack of paperwork that I needed to review. All while images of the alluring Chloe played in the back of my mind on repeat.

  Chapter Two

is the break room. We get a half hour lunch at noon, and the bathroom is here…” Caroline, who I assumed was Ryan’s current assistant gave me a tour of the office. She seemed pretty nice. She was around forty years old I'd guess and had her brunette hair in a bun. She dressed pretty casual for this office from the looks of the others when Cameron brought me up. Yet as she spoke all I could think about was that egotistical asshole sitting in his office laughing at me. I never should’ve told Sadie about my problems with my landlord. I would much rather be homeless than deal with that asshole every single day. Me and my big mouth.

  “And basically that is it… do you know what Mr. Nelson hired you for?” Caroline wrinkled her nose at me. I could only assume it was because of the dirty look that marred my features since we left his office. It wasn’t directed towards her, though she didn’t know that.

  “Umm… I think his personal assistant.” It was strange to say knowing that, that was her job right now but she asked, so I told her.

  “Hmmm, that can’t be right…” Annoyance laced her words assessed me. This was yet another reason why I should’ve just grinned and bared it instead of telling Sadie what was really going on. I don't like to step on toes when I don’t have to, and that seemed to be all I was doing here.

  “That’s what Cameron, Mr. Nelson’s best friend told me.” Her eyebrows lifted in disbelief and I could see the anger just below the surface threatening to break free. I imagine she was thinking about choking me to death right now. I could almost feel her hands around my neck as she stared me down. She was pissed, and honestly she had every right to be. If someone had taken my job from me, or my boss gave it away to someone else without even mentioning it, I would be livid, too.


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