Hawaiian Winter Heat: An Erotic Romance

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Hawaiian Winter Heat: An Erotic Romance Page 6

by Nanea Knott

  “I’m coming baby, I’m coming.” He reached down to stroke her clit and she came again groaning.

  After a few seconds, Keoni took a deep breath and slowly pulled out of her. He flipped them back over and was happy she chose to straddle him and lay her head on his chest instead of getting off him right away. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her face.

  “Thank you.” He said.

  “Best truck fuck ever.” Anna mumbled. Keoni laughed.

  “Have you ever had sex in a truck before?”

  “No, but if I do, there’s no way it could ever be better than what we just did.”

  “Wait until the next time.” Keoni said mischievously. Anna’s face changed and she moved to get off him. Keoni held her in place, and looked into her eyes.

  “I know your situation is complicated and what we did tonight could make it worse, but this doesn’t have to go anywhere. I won’t make any demands on you. You have my phone number. If you just want to be friends, we’ll be friends. I won’t like it because after touching you, it’s going to be hard not to touch you again. I want to, badly. We just got done and I want to do it again. If I had my way, I would take you home and you wouldn’t get out of my bed for the next three days.” Anna laughed, “I would have my cock buried in you every chance I got. You’re beautiful, special, and incredibly passionate. I would do whatever it took to keep you in my bed, but I know I can’t. If you never call me again I’ll be sad, because there is something between us. I feel it, and I will never regret what we’ve done. You decide what you want and call me. If you don’t call, I’ll know.”

  Anna kissed him touched by what he said. She couldn’t think of anything to say to that except “Thank you.” Keoni pulled up the top of her dress after giving the nipples on each breast one last lick with his hot tongue. Anna was getting excited again.

  “Stop it,” she scolded, “I have to go.” Keoni laughed. He reached over to the passenger side and grabbed the box of condoms and put them on the floor in the back.

  “How is it you have a box of condoms in your truck?” Anna asked giving him a look.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I let my cousin borrow my truck sometimes. These are his.”

  “Right,” she said still skeptical. Keoni laughed. He picked her up and placed her onto the passenger seat. Before he set her down, she reached for her torn panties and held them until he put her down. The second she was comfortable, he snatched the panties from her hand.

  “Hey!” She said trying to take them back.

  “I tore them off, I get to keep them.” He said hastily shoving them in his pants pocket where she couldn’t reach.

  “I can’t go home without underwear.” She complained.

  “You’re going to have to, you can’t wear them anyway. You’re going commando.” He laughed and Anna hit him on the arm then burst out laughing herself.

  “Shit, what if Christopher notices?”

  “How is he going to notice? You said he never touches you. Besides, I like the idea of you naked under the dress, easy access.”

  “You’re bad.” Anna said laughing.

  “No, I’m good.”

  They finished dressing and he took her back to her car. The café was closed by then and her car was the only one left in the parking lot. He parked next to it and got out to open her door and walk her to her car. She unlocked and opened her car door, tossing her shoes and her purse into the car. She turned around to say goodbye to him. He crowded her against the open door, sliding his right arm around her waist. His left hand went up the front of her dress between her legs. His middle finger went right to her clit and gently massaged her.

  “What are you doing?” She said looking around to see if anyone was watching and tried to push his hand away.

  “One more,” he said, “I need to make you come one more time.” Anna inhaled sharply when he stroked her harder. She moaned softly against him. She gripped his arms and spread her legs a little.

  “That’s right; spread those beautiful thighs for me. You want it, and I want to give it to you.” Keoni’s hand kept stroking while he held her tightly. He was listening to her breaths come in little pants and he knew she was close.

  “Come on, right here, right now, I want to feel you come in my arms again. I want to hear you say my name when your pussy is pulsing wishing my cock was still inside you fucking you hard.” Keoni’s voice had every nerve ending in Anna’s body humming. He strummed the bundle of nerves once more and she came, her legs suddenly weak. He clenched his strong arm around her and kept her upright as she groaned out his name into his chest. He held her close while she tried to catch her breath.

  “You are so damn hot.” Keoni said kissing the top of Anna’s head. When she tried to step away from him, he didn’t let her go. His hand was still under her skirt and he moved his fingers slightly and slid a finger inside her. He wiggled it around for a second.

  “What are you doing to me now?” Anna asked holding onto him and sighing contentedly leaning her head on his chest.

  “I’m checking something.”

  “What?” Anna’s head popped up to look at him.

  “I was checking to make sure I thoroughly fucked your pussy. Yes, I can feel your pussy has been good and fucked.” Anna’s mouth dropped open when she pulled away to look at his face. Keoni kissed her and ran his tongue on the inside of her mouth.

  “You have a beautiful mouth. One day I hope to have it wrapped around my cock.” Anna sputtered.

  “You like saying things to shock me.” Keoni removed his hand from under her skirt, but kept his arm around her.

  “I do, and you like that I say them. Don’t worry. I would never act this way if I thought anyone else was nearby. This is only for you and me. You are a lady and I am a gentleman. I will never be disrespectful to you.”

  “Thank you Keoni.”

  “Thank you Anna. I hope to hear from you. If I don’t, take care of yourself. I will wait for you to drive away to make sure you’re ok when you leave here.” He said kissing her sweetly and releasing her. He gestured for her to get in her car. He went back to his truck, adjusting his hard on before he got in. He had no doubt he would have to jack off when he got home.

  He waited for her to start her car and head for the street. He started his truck and followed her to the sidewalk. She pulled out onto the street headed for Kaimuki and he turned in the opposite direction to head for Waimanalo.

  Anna watched his truck fade in the distance and wiped the tears from her face. Keoni was wonderful. If she didn’t have to deal with Christopher, she would have gone home with Keoni and would have willingly been naked in bed with him for three days. She drove home wishing she had met Keoni before she met Christopher.

  She got home and was relieved to find Christopher asleep in bed. She went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. She stripped off her dress, the front of it smelled like Keoni, as did she. She didn’t want to wash off his scent, but she couldn’t very well get into bed with Christopher smelling of another man. She buried the dress in the hamper and stepped in the shower. By the time she was done, she no longer smelled of her lover, but her body still bore the signs of being with him, a pleasant ache between her legs and sensitive nipples. For now, it would have to be enough.


  Anna and Christopher went to work the next day in separate cars as usual. Anna woke up still tender after last night, but happy. She was looking forward to spending the day with her students, and then helping Dana plan the painting schedule. When she caught up with Dana later that day after school, she found out there was a problem.

  “What do mean the maintenance guys can’t help us paint?”

  “They have to do emergency repairs on one of the buildings. We have to do all the painting ourselves. I thought we could have a painting party on Saturday. Call whoever you can to help out. I’ll try to round up some of the parents.” Dana said.

  “Round up pa
rents for what?” said a voice behind them. It was Zachary Roberts. Anna didn’t like him. He was nice, on the surface, but he felt slimy. He was tall with thinning blond hair and watery blue eyes. He might have been in shape at one time, but he was soft around the middle.

  “Mr. Roberts, we are organizing a painting party for the hall on Saturday, can we count on you?” Dana asked charmingly.

  “Are you going to be there Anna?” He asked looking at her.

  “Of course she is.” Dana answered for her, “She is my partner in crime on this project. Aren’t you Anna?” Anna nodded. She didn’t trust herself to speak. He moved closer to her and she was fought the urge to step away.

  “Great, tell me when, and I will be there.” Zachary grinned.

  “Thanks.” Dana said.

  “No problem, see you later Anna.” Anna smiled then glared at Dana.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I know he’s creepy, but we need all the bodies we can get. You wouldn’t happen to know any good-looking able bodied men would you?”

  “And why would a married lady like yourself be asking such a question?”

  “I’m married, not dead. I can look, I just can’t touch.” Anna hated the idea of looking and not touching, because she was already too familiar with it. After lunch, she called Keoni’s cell phone.

  “Anna, I’m glad you called.” Anna shivered, hearing Keoni’s voice soothed something inside her.

  “Me too, I haven’t decided anything since last night, but I was wondering if you could help me with something?”

  “Name it.” He agreed to the painting party and promised to bring at least one other person with him.

  Two days later it was Saturday and Anna was pacing in the hall. She hadn’t seen Keoni since the night they went to dinner and she wondered if she could pull off just being casual with him. She didn’t have to worry. Keoni showed up with three other people to help. He said hello to her, got instructions from Dana, grabbed a paint brush, a bucket of paint, and picked a wall to start painting. He hardly spoke to her at all which was what she wanted, but she also hated it. She wanted more. More what, she couldn’t say.

  Dana was in charge. She was directing people to where they were needed. All Anna had to do was grab a brush and start painting. She didn’t know where Christopher was. As usual he was gone by the time she woke up. She was thinking about what she was going to say to Keoni when she got a chance to speak to him when she noticed Zachary getting his painting supplies. He spotted her and instead of finding somewhere else to paint, he had to paint next to her.

  He was trying his best to engage her in conversation and then finally, he gave up. She was pretty much ignoring him until he said, “Is that Keoni Makana?” His voice sounded surprised, amused, and held an edge of mischief to it. It got Anna’s attention.

  “Yes.” Anna answered remembering they knew each other. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Christopher walk in. Zachary’s face lit up when he said, “Oh I get it.” Anna turned to see what he was looking at. They watched Christopher and Keoni spot one another and nod their heads in acknowledgement then go back to whatever they were doing. Anna turned back to Zachary and noticed he was watching her carefully. He started laughing.

  “You have no idea what you’re in the middle of, do you?”

  “What are you talking about?” Anna asked irritated.

  “Yes, Zachary, what are you talking about?” Christopher said staring hard at him. Anna blinked in surprise. She hadn’t seen Christopher walk over to them.

  “Nothing, just making small talk,” Zachary said dismissively. Anna was done painting where she was. She walked away, she had work to do. Whatever was going on between Christopher and Zachary wasn’t her problem. She was walking around looking for a new spot to work on.

  She glanced at Keoni and stopped to watch him paint. His strong fluid movements reminded her of how well he loved her in his truck. She was thinking that if she ever got him into a bed he would probably knock her socks off. She shook her head and tried to focus on the business at hand. She could see he knew what he was doing. She went over to him and stood near the ladder he was standing on. She waited for him to notice her so as not to startle him.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Keoni smiled and her heart skipped. His smile warmed her all the way to her toes. She was seriously in trouble. She was starting to fall in love with this man. He climbed down from the ladder and wiped his hands on his shorts. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I’m glad to see you. How are you?” Keoni asked.

  “I’m good. How are you?” Anna looked into his eyes and smiled.

  “I’m fine.” Keoni kept looking at her. It made Anna feel he was really seeing her. She liked it.

  “Thanks for coming, I appreciate it.” Anna smiled again under his scrutiny. Keoni grinned and leaned in to her to whisper his answer.

  “Well you certainly know how to make me come.” Anna blushed furiously and Keoni laughed.

  “I’m still willing to be your tour guide if you’re interested. It’s too bad we weren’t able to do anything today because of this, but that’s okay. I was thinking of some things we could do afterschool this week and maybe next weekend.” Anna was glad for the change of subject.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I could teach you how to surf.” Anna scoffed.

  “You really think you could teach a haole to surf?” She laughed.

  “I’ve done it before.”

  “You have?”

  “Who do you think taught Christopher?” Christopher was hovering nearby eavesdropping. Keoni said his name on purpose.

  “Did I hear my name?” Christopher said joining the conversation.

  “Yes, he said he taught you how to surf?” Anna commented.

  “He did.”

  “I didn’t know you could surf.” She said.

  “I haven’t done it since I left, I’m rusty. How do you know him?” He said gesturing at Keoni

  “This is the John who helped me at the beach.”

  “John?” Christopher asked looking at Keoni.

  “She’s haole, I wasn’t sure she could remember my name.” Christopher nodded remembering when Keoni had done the same with him when they met.

  “We should go surfing and see what you remember.” Keoni suggested. Christopher shook his head.

  “Nah, don’t have a lot of time for that these days.”

  “Well it was good to see you anyway,” Keoni said holding his hand out to him. Christopher hesitated only for a second, but it was long enough to make the moment awkward. Christopher finally shook his hand.

  “Anna said she hasn’t seen much of the island.”

  “Yeah, there just hasn’t been time.” Christopher lied. Keoni raised an eyebrow telling him he knew he was lying.

  “I have a lot of time in the afternoon so if it’s okay with you, I volunteered to take Anna around and show her the sights and maybe teach her how to surf. You trust me with your girlfriend don’t you?” Keoni gave Christopher a look to let him know the relationship with him and Anna was in deep trouble, but with Anna watching him expectantly, Christopher couldn’t say no.

  “Sure I trust you. Maybe some of those days I’ll join you.” He said. Anna thought that sounded like a threat.

  “You are always welcome.” Keoni smiled. “Anna, call me, and we’ll plan something.”

  “If we get the painting done today, we can do something tomorrow.” Anna said. Keoni climbed the ladder.

  “I better get back to work then, “ he said.

  Anna was excited to be able to do something with Keoni, but she was also conscious of her attraction for him. Christopher was acting weird, but as neither of them had mentioned why they were not friends anymore, she was going to leave it alone for now. At least they had shaken hands. Anna noticed Christopher’s hesitation but Keoni, at least, was willing to let the past be the past. Anna went to talk to D
ana and find out what else needed to be done. Hopefully the painting was going to be finished today.

  Keoni finished what he was working on and made sure his friends were settled in a new section before taking a break. It was hot in the building. Dana turned off the air conditioning and opened all the doors and windows to keep the fumes down and help the paint dry. Keoni took a bottle of water from a cooler near one of the doors and went outside to sit in the shade to drink it. There were some folding chairs to relax on.

  The breeze felt good. It was early evening by this time, the sun was setting and shadows were stretching long in the fading light. Keoni took another swig of water and closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He was able to smell the scent of Plumeria flowers on the breeze. The day had been a hot one, but it was starting to cool down. By the time he was driving home, he would be able to see some of the stars in the night sky.

  He put his hand in his pocket and fingered the piece of black lace he had there. It was Anna’s torn panties and like the pathetic romantic bastard he was, he had been carrying it around with him. He hoped he would soon be in a position to tear another pair off her fine ass. He closed his eyes and allowed himself the fantasy for a moment.

  “It’s nice out here.” Christopher said. Keoni opened his eyes and looked at him.

  “Do you mind if I sit?” Christopher asked.

  “No, I was going back in.” Keoni stood up.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Keoni sat back down. Christopher had a look on his face that Keoni remembered well. It was the one that said if Keoni didn’t listen to him, Christopher would follow him around until he did. He took another drink of water and waited.

  “I wanted to thank you for taking care of Anna, she means a lot to me.”

  “I was only helping someone in trouble and she should, she’s amazing. She said you’ve been fighting.”Keoni answered with a blank expression.

  “I can’t believe she told you.”

  “She probably did because I was willing to listen, have you tried it?” Keoni looked at him with annoyance.


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