Hawaiian Winter Heat: An Erotic Romance

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Hawaiian Winter Heat: An Erotic Romance Page 8

by Nanea Knott

  “You keep giving me that look and I will strip you again.” He threatened.

  “Promises, promises,” She answered before she took off running. She ran into the women’s bathroom laughing, partly afraid he would run in after her. She wouldn’t put it past him.

  “I’ll get my revenge when you least expect it.” He called after her looking down at the obvious outline of his cock in his clinging wet shorts. He heard her laugh again.

  During the week, when Keoni picked Anna up at home Christopher would sometimes be there. He declined to go with them when he was invited. He probably didn’t realize he was doing it, but he looked longingly at Keoni who pretended not to notice. Anna thought they needed some time to figure it out. In the meantime she was trying to decide what she wanted. Christopher was still cold, and Keoni was burning hot. Her desire for him ramped up the moment she saw him. He teased her, flirted with her, turned everything they said to each other privately into sexual innuendo and she loved it. He was a playful lover and all his remarks were foreplay. She hadn’t slept with him again, but she wanted to, and Keoni made it clear if she made the first move, he would be open to it.

  On Saturday, Keoni wanted to spend some time with her. No real plans just get in the car and go. Christopher surprised them when he decided to accept the invitation to go with them. Keoni drove them out to Waikele to look around at the outlet mall. Anna still hadn’t bought something for Christopher for Christmas. She was hoping to get some ideas while spending time with them. They were at least talking to each other instead of just speaking to her. They were trying. It was something. Christopher was no longer hostile to her, but he still made no attempt to touch her. She was beginning to think when he admitted to being in love with Keoni, it meant he was no longer in love with her. The last thing she wanted was a competition between herself and Christopher for Keoni. She wasn’t sure who would win.

  At first it was awkward with all three of them in Keoni’s truck, but after a while Anna felt good, it felt right. The guys started telling her stories of their antics in college. She especially enjoyed Christopher telling her how some of the girls at school had a wicked crush on Keoni. After he slept with them and broke up with them, they still loved him. Keoni explained why.

  “I never let a girl think it was anything more than sex. I made sure she understood what I needed from her and what she could expect from me. I definitely made sure she was satisfied when I left her bed.” Keoni grinned.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Christopher smirked, “You were a man-slut. I remember the time your mother told you to give your ‘wee-wee’ a rest from all those girls.” Both Keoni and Anna burst out laughing.

  “Yeah okay, she did, but she also told me to tell the truth and that’s what I did. My partners never got mad at me because I have always been honest with them. I never told anyone something I didn’t mean.” Keoni said, “When I said something, they knew it was true.” Christopher nodded. He remembered when Keoni told him he loved him. Once Keoni said those words, Christopher gave him everything he had, except to tell him he loved him in return.

  It had been a pleasant day so far and Anna was glad. The tension between the two men in the morning eased as the day went on. On the way home, they stopped in Pearl City to eat lunch. Anna and Keoni sat on one side of the restaurant booth and Christopher sat on the other. They ate and enjoyed each other’s company. They were chatting and trying to decide what to do after lunch when Zachary Roberts stopped at their table with his daughter in tow.

  “Honey go wash your hands, I’ll wait for you here.” He said to her. She kept walking towards the restroom door.

  “Go away Roberts.” Keoni said.

  “That’s not what you said when I was in your bed three days after lover boy here left you. You were crying when I found you and you were coming when I left.” Roberts whispered loud enough for all three of them to hear.

  “Go away Roberts,” Keoni growled again.

  “Did you tell them we had an orgy in your apartment? Three of us were ready to take turns plugging his ass. Unfortunately we got interrupted, but we still had fun. I remember when we left you, you were lying on the bed ass up and ready. God I wish I had fucked you. You were begging for it.” Keoni stood up, red faced, and angry. Anna quickly reached over and put her hand on Keoni’s arm hoping her touch would calm him. Christopher sat there stunned.

  “You must be thrilled,” Zachary said to Christopher, “Your boyfriend is back and you guys can start fucking again. You might want to wear a condom with him though. There’s no telling who’s fucked him since then.” Anna gripped Keoni’s arm harder when she felt him tense and lean forward. Anna was about to say something when Zachary’s daughter came back from the restroom and stood next to her father waiting for him. Keoni removed Anna’s hand from his arm, pulled it to his lips, and kissed her fingers before saying, “I’ll be in the car.” He stared hard at Zachary until he moved out of his way and then he walked out. Zachary smiled watching him go. He put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder and guided her away from the table.

  “What the hell was that?” Anna asked.

  “I don’t know, but the whole thing sounds wrong.” Christopher replied.

  “Let’s go.” Anna said. Christopher put money down on the table to cover the check and followed her out.

  Keoni got into the truck and the tears he had been holding back fell silently down his face. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. Fucking bastard, why couldn’t he just keep his fucking mouth shut? Everything was going so well. He was starting to feel like he could spend the rest of his life with Anna and he was still hoping he could at least have a friendship with Christopher. This could ruin everything. He would have to explain. There was no way Anna and Christopher would let it lie.

  Keoni stared out the window when they got in the truck. Anna said nothing, but she ran her arm through his and snuggled against him. He wanted to cry again, grateful for her attempt to comfort him. He could tell Christopher wanted to ask, but he saw Anna pat Christopher’s arm to keep him quiet.

  When Anna let go of him, Keoni drove them straight back to their house and was tempted to leave without saying anything. He stopped the truck, but kept the engine running. Christopher got out. Anna didn’t say anything, but she must have known what Keoni was thinking. She stayed where she was until he turned the truck off. She waited until Keoni got out and then followed him out.

  Keoni used the remote to lock the doors and Anna took the keys out of his hand. He started to protest when she looked at him and said, “You tell people honestly how you feel. I am the same. I love you, when you hurt, I hurt. Come inside. If nothing else, I want you here with me.” Keoni knew then he would never deny this woman anything.

  When Anna came in holding Keoni’s hand, Christopher did his best to keep his face blank. He was feeling so many emotions. He didn’t know what to say. When he left Hawaii he felt like he had left his soul with Keoni and he still felt Keoni owned it. It hurt him that it had taken Keoni only three days before jumping in bed with someone else. Although after the way he treated him, he shouldn’t have been surprised. Keoni was a desirable man. Any number of people tried to break them up when they were together. Most of the ones that tried probably would have treated him better than Christopher had. He mentally kicked himself again for being such an asshole. Then he recognized that he had been feeling sorry for himself quite a bit lately and mentally snapped at himself. He was even getting on his own nerves.

  Christopher thought back and remembered when Zachary wanted to date Keoni while he and Keoni were still together. Zachary bought Keoni a necklace and instead of telling Zachary “no thank you,” Keoni accepted it. Christopher threw a fit and made Keoni give it back. Zachary swooping in to comfort Keoni after Christopher left didn’t surprise him, but he hated the thought of it.

  Keoni sat on the couch and Anna sat next to him, wrapping her arm through his again. She looked at him expectantly and waited. Keoni look
ed at Christopher sitting opposite him and shook his head. He couldn’t tell Christopher how broken he was after he left. His pride wouldn’t let him. Anna nudged him to get his attention, “Tell me, not him.” Keoni looked at her beautiful face and into her eyes and nodded. He thought Anna was the most amazing person he had ever met and he was falling hard for her. He looked at her and told them what he remembered.

  “After he left, I stayed home for three days. I couldn’t get out of bed. My sister came over and yelled at me that I needed to forget about him and live my life. I left the house just to get her to shut up.

  I went to a favorite bar and got drunk. The bartender knew me and took my keys. Zachary happened to be there with some friends and he said I could keep drinking if I wanted because he would make sure I got home okay. He bought the next round and I kept drinking. My plan was to pass out and sleep for days.

  The next thing I remember I’m in the apartment, tied to the bed face down. My arms and legs were spread eagle. Zachary and his friends were there naked, stroking off around the bed. I was trying to get loose, but there wasn’t much slack in the rope.”

  He stopped to take a breath to continue when Christopher quickly stood and walked away. Keoni was startled. Before then it seemed as if none of them were even breathing. Keoni was hurt by Christopher’s interruption.

  “I’m going to get to a beer, do you want one?” Christopher stammered. Keoni nodded, his hurt forgotten suddenly glad for the break. His throat was dry and it was taking a lot of effort to recount what happened. Christopher came back and gave him the beer. Keoni took a swig, swallowed hard, and Anna urged him to continue.

  “I woke up groggy and confused. I knew I had been drinking, but not enough to black out. Zachary admitted to drugging me. I woke up and realized what was happening. I started yelling as loud as I could. They shoved a towel in my mouth. Zachary said since I liked fucking guys, he and his buddies were going to show me a good time.” Keoni stopped speaking. Tears were running down his face. He kept wiping them away, but they kept falling. Anna reached over to a side table and pulled a couple of tissues out of the box and handed it to him. He blew his nose and went on.

  “I was lucky, my cousins talked to my sister earlier in the day and they were worried. My family had keys to my place. They walked in as Zachary was climbing on top of me. My cousins threw them out, and took me to the doctor.” He stopped speaking and took sips of his beer. Anna was rubbing his arm and he looked at her with such love, Christopher thought his heart would break.


  “Did you press charges?” Anna asked.

  “No, my family and I talked it over. We decided to let it go. I wasn’t physically hurt in any way except for rope burns on my wrists and ankles. I also couldn’t identify anyone but Zachary. I just wanted to move on with my life. I moved out of the apartment and went to the Big Island to stay with my grandmother. I spent a lot of time fishing and surfing with my uncle and cousins. It was good for me. I came back to Oahu two years ago, moved back in with my parents, and got a job. I have been pretty happy since.”

  “How can you stand to look at Zachary?” Christopher gritted out. “I want to kill him.”

  “I hadn’t seen him again until the paint party. Besides, I’m not angry anymore. If I stayed angry, I would never have been able to get my life together. For the most part I had forgotten about it. Unfortunately it’s coming back. I haven’t been sleeping well, too many nightmares.” Anna stood up, faced Keoni, and sat back down, straddling his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

  “I’m so sorry for what you went through and you are a better person than I am. If I ever see him again, I’m going to kick him in the balls.” Anna said. Keoni laughed.

  “My fierce defender,” he said bringing his arms around her waist.

  “I would do anything for you,” She kissed him. “Bastard needs to get his ass kicked.” Keoni laughed again and then Anna turned to look at Christopher.

  “What are you thinking Christopher?”

  “I’m thinking it’s a good thing I don’t own a gun.” Anna reached out to Christopher. He took her hand and she tugged at him to sit next to Keoni. He sat down and Anna gestured for him to move closer. He was thigh to thigh with Keoni and could feel his body heat. Anna further surprised them by getting off Keoni and putting one of her legs between Keoni’s and the other leg between Christopher’s and then sat back down on both their thighs. She put one arm around the neck of each man and rested her head on their shoulders.

  Anna wasn’t sure what she was doing, but it felt right to her. Maybe she was being selfish, but she wanted both of them. Keoni wrapped his arm around Anna and found Christopher’s arm there. He pulled away, but Christopher’s arm shot out and grabbed it. He put Keoni’s arm around Anna and put his own arm over Keoni’s. Keoni glanced over at Christopher who said, “I’m so sorry.” He gripped Keoni’s arm and Keoni nodded. He knew Christopher wasn’t just apologizing for what happened, but also for how things ended between them.

  They stayed frozen in the moment each focusing on just breathing and being together until Keoni said, “Christopher, there is a beautiful woman sitting on us with her legs spread. I’m getting ideas.” Christopher laughed and Anna’s mouth dropped open. She slapped Keoni’s chest and they all laughed. She started to climb off them when Keoni stopped her and kissed her. “Thank you,” he said. Christopher got her attention and he kissed her too. “What he said.” Anna smiled.

  “Christopher you and I have to talk.” Anna stated flatly. Christopher frowned. “What?”

  “I’m just going to come right out and say it. I love you and I love him too. You are going to think I’m crazy, but I want a relationship with both of you. If you make me choose, I’m sorry, but I’m going to choose Keoni. These past months with you have been the hardest of my life. I’m willing to try again, but things have to change, or you and I are done.” Anna said honestly waiting for his response. She knew Keoni would take her no matter what. She half expected Christopher to get angry and start yelling, but he surprised her. He smiled wide and laughed. It had been months since she heard him laugh with such joy.

  Christopher looked at her and knew he had never met a more fascinating woman. He looked at Keoni and knew he was an idiot to have left him. He had never been as happy in his life as he was with these two people.

  “I don’t think you’re crazy. I want to try again. I love both of you. I just hope you can forgive me for being an ass.” Christopher said. Anna nodded her head acknowledging his pledge to do better. Christopher glanced at Keoni.

  “I have forgiven you, but it’s going to take a while for me to trust you again. I would like to see where this relationship takes us though.” Keoni said softly. Anna stood up and stepped back. Christopher leaned over and kissed Keoni who kissed him back before pulling away.

  “I’ll take what I can get.” Christopher started to cry.

  “Let’s start again, okay?” Keoni eyes were shiny as he wiped away Christopher’s tears. Christopher nodded unable to speak. Anna smiled through her tears.

  “My heart is full.” Keoni said. Anna and Christopher had to agree. Keoni stood to leave when Christopher grasped his hand.

  “Will you stay tonight?” Christopher asked.

  “Do you want me to?” Keoni asked glancing between Anna and Christopher.

  “Yes,” they both answered. Keoni was overwhelmed with feeling and took a deep breath to steady himself. Christopher loved Keoni more now than he had before. He could see his lover struggling not to cry. He wanted to hear him laugh instead.

  “I hope your cock is as big as I remember.” He commented. Keoni laughed, “It’s bigger.” He replied.

  “It is pretty big,” Anna chimed in and Keoni laughed again. Christopher took his lovers’ hands and dragged them into the bedroom with him. He let go of them to pull his shirt off and take off his pants. He stood there in his boxers and waited. His cock was semi-hard
and got harder when he noticed both of them watching him.

  “That’s my boy, always hard.” Keoni said walking over to rub his hand over the outline of Christopher’s penis. Christopher moaned.

  “I missed that sound.” Keoni murmured while licking Christopher’s flat pink nipple. Anna reached over to run her hand over Keoni’s crotch and felt his cock jerk and he groaned.

  “Looks like you’re ready to go too.” She commented.

  Keoni stripped to the skin where he stood and waited. Both Anna and Christopher stared at him. He was beautiful with powerful rippling muscles beneath smooth tan skin. Both of his lovers devoured him with their eyes.

  “If you two keep looking at me, I’m not going to last.” Keoni said. Christopher scoffed. “So? It just means we get to enjoy making you hard again.” Anna smiled her agreement. Christopher stripped off his boxers and his thick cock jutted straight out from his body. Keoni grasped Christopher’s cock and stroked him, relishing the velvet-like skin over the quickly hardening steel core. Christopher reached for Keoni and stroked the dark iron rod he still fantasized about. The men gazed into each other’s eyes and slowly worked each other. Anna sat on the bed and enjoyed being a part of the pleasure they gave to one another.

  It was fascinating to watch Christopher’s pale hand moving over Keoni’s darker flesh and vice versa. They were twin beings, one light, one dark, each mirroring the movements and rhythms of the other. Anna basked in the energy they created and watching them was making her as horny as hell. She stripped to the skin and while the men turned to watch her, they never took their hands off one another.


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