Running for Love (The Armstrongs Book 10)

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Running for Love (The Armstrongs Book 10) Page 6

by Jessica Gray

  Vivian crawled in the water, pure elegance and seductiveness. He stared at his air cast, wishing he could get rid of it and dive into the cool wetness to chase her. Alexa his housekeeper had pointed him to the pool, her only comment a cryptic one that his taste had improved and this one didn’t appear to be like the others.

  Not that there have been that many in recent months. Rock had all but given up on dating, sick of the games the celebrity women who sought after him played. And then Vivian literally crashed into his life. His eyes followed her lithe figure swimming back and forth. God, she’s beautiful!

  His rude behavior from the day before weighed heavy on his shoulders. He’d done his best to push Vivian away, but that wasn’t what he wanted. I’ll invite her for dinner tonight and apologize. We’ll start over with a clean plate.

  It seemed like a great plan, until he received a text from Tommy.

  All set up! Meet CD Wed for lunch. Loc follows.

  The letters swam before his eyes. CD – Carla Dawson. He’d all but forgotten about her while admiring Vivian. Rock’s good mood dissipated and he hobbled over to lower himself to a sun lounger.

  As the elation of observing Vivian faded to the background, the throbbing of his broken ankle and the itching skin jangled his nerves. He stared at the air cast with disgust and then back at the pool where Vivian’s willowy body sliced through the still water.

  Her strength belied her small frame and the way she plowed through the water was controlled and … graceful. His body tightened at the sudden vision of her stretched out across his bed, begging him to take her.

  By the time Vivian climbed from the pool a few minutes later, he sported some serious wood and draped a huge towel over his lap and legs to hide his arousal from her.

  “Are you cold?” Vivian asked as she approached him with a bright smile.

  “No…yes…I mean…it was rather chilly.” I’m burning up.

  “May I?” her electric blue eyes pierced him in place and he stared blankly at her. “The towel, please?”

  “Oh, sure.” Rock took the towel and gave it to her, praying his erection would disappear fast enough so he wouldn’t scare her off.

  No. Such. Luck.

  Vivian took the offered towel and wiped the excess water from her skin, causing his desire to go haywire. Then she bent over to rub her hair dry and came up with a turban around her head and the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. As she stood in front of him, in her tight swimming suit, he saw the beaded nipples beneath the thin material.

  Rock clenched his fists around the edges of the sun lounger to prevent himself from jumping up to grab her and pull her against himself. He needed to get a grip. Fast!

  Chapter 10

  Vivian stood in front of Rock, the desire surging in her body. Her arousal had been on a slow burner since she’d arrived this morning, but the moment she’d left the water it had exploded a hundredfold.

  Rock undressed her with his stare. His hungry eyes had darkened with desire and she noticed the barely visible tremble in his muscled arms as his fists clasped the edge of the sun lounger.

  Another shiver ran down her spine. When he stopped being so commanding and barking orders at her, he was not only sinfully sexy, but also incredibly appealing. Magnetic even.

  Her legs became wobbly and her pulse beat way too fast for the minimal exercise she’d just engaged in. Instead of doing the sensible thing, run for the changing room and get dressed, she held his gaze and moved closer.

  Her lips opened in a silent gasp the moment she brushed against his knee and the tingling sensation set her body on fire. The next moment she became wrapped into two strong arms with her breasts brushed up against a solid chest.

  Raw feelings overtook logic. Vivian snaked her arms around his shoulders, even as his mouth crashed over hers. His tongue demanded access to her mouth and took it with the rough need of a starving man.

  Viv knew she shouldn’t like it. He had no right to steal that kiss from her. But her body thought otherwise. She followed his lead and played with his tongue, nibbled his soft lips and licked across the tiny pit in the middle.

  Her stomach filled with thousands of butterflies and she needed to get closer to him. Feel his ardor. The lust pooling in her belly destroyed every rational thought and she was pure sensation. Bliss.

  When they came up for air, he pushed her back to look into her eyes. His gaze was … embarrassed. Now that’s cute.

  Rock thrust a hand through his hair, and cast his eyes down as he took several deep breaths. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

  “Shush.” Vivian put a finger on his lips as she struggled to get herself back under control. For once he wasn’t arrogant and commanding, and that completely sent her off-kilter.

  She was sick and tired of being told what to do or what not to do, but at least she knew how to cope with it. All of her life, her five brothers had butted into her life with commands, and the last thing she needed was another man in her life doing the same. Off course she knew her brothers bossed her around because they loved her and wanted to protect her…but Rock?

  “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked moments later, apparently as shaken from the intense sensations of the kiss as she was.

  “Yes, please.”

  “Coffee? Lemonade?” he asked.

  “Lemonade is fine,” Vivian said. Coffee would only agitate her even more.

  He picked up his phone and let the housekeeper know what he needed and then looked at her again. “Vivian, would you have dinner with me? Please?”

  The soft tone of his voice made her want to crawl up on his lap and stay there forever. And his dark brown pleading eyes undid her. She shouldn’t. But since she couldn’t come up with a valid reason why not, she nodded her head. “I’d love to.”

  “Great. Tomorrow?” Rock’s smile had her melting to a puddle at his feet.

  “Tomorrow.” She somehow managed to answer, which cause him to chuckle, but the next moment his expression hardened again.

  “I’ll text you the time,” he said and busied himself with his phone.

  Vivian felt the strong urge to get out of there and clear he mind. “Texting is fine.” She jumped up and gathered her belongings. “I should get out of here so I’m not late to work.”

  Rock stared at her with the same arrogant expression he’d mastered so well.

  Figures. Hot one minute, cold the next. God, he’s frustrating. But his kiss…

  “Thanks for the use of the pool,” she said and all but darted away to the changing room.

  “No problem. Shall we go into the…”

  Vivian was already out of earshot and leaned against the closed door. Then she quickly changed and got ready to leave, hoping he would have left meanwhile.

  No such luck.

  “I’ll see you out,” Rock said and she couldn’t decide whether he was happy or sad about her leaving.

  “Thanks, but don’t put yourself out. I remember the way.”

  Rock looked like he wanted to argue, but then he nodded and said, “I’ll text you later.”

  “Fine.” She gave him a tentative smile and walked away, nodding at the housekeeper as she passed by with a tray with two glasses of lemonade.

  “You are leaving?” the housekeeper inquired.

  Vivian nodded and smiled at her, a real smile this time. “I’m afraid I need to get to work. But thank you. The pool was wonderful.”

  “You’ll come again?” the woman asked.

  Vivian shrugged and then smiled. “We’ll see.” She headed out to face the rest of her day, her mind’s eye stuck on the image of a handsome man with dark tousled hair, dark brown bedroom eyes, and a killer smile.

  She was more attracted to him than any other man she’d ever met, and memories of his kiss sent shivers up her spine.

  Chapter 11

  Vivian finished her workday and then headed to her parents’ house. The Armstrongs were a tight-knit family and not a week went by where sh
e didn’t stop in for dinner with her mom, dad, and whichever of her siblings happened to be there.

  She parked in front and surveyed the other vehicles in the driveway. Only her older brother Preston’s SUV was parked outside. Preston owned hotels and resorts all over the world, but his main offices were in L.A. Despite being a billionaire he’d stayed down to earth and tried to keep out of the press as much as possible.

  “Mom! Dad! Where is everyone?” Vivian called out when she didn’t hear or see anyone inside.

  Her mother came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a rag and wearing a welcoming smile upon her face, “Viv! Come on in. Preston and Gina are already here.”

  “Viv. What’s new?” Preston asked and hugged her.

  “Same old, same old,” she said with a shake of her head. “I’m sure you have more exciting things to tell from you last trip to Rome.”

  “I could talk for hours about Italy. How was your day?” Gina giggled and kissed Vivian on the cheeks. Three times. The Italian way.

  Preston’s girlfriend Gina was Italian and they had met on one of his trips to Rome. Now she lived with him in L.A., but frequently travelled to her home country. She was the perfect match for Preston – in private life and in business. After finishing her tourism studies, she’d started to work at Preston’s company, overseeing the business in Italy and Europe. He’d already been looking a long time for a person with local knowledge and mastery of at least two European languages. Gina of course spoke fluent Italian and English, but also French and Spanish. His perfect fit.

  With her long, wavy dark brown hair, the fir-green eyes, olive complexion and her enviable curves she looked a lot Monica Belluci and was as temperamental as they came. A stark, but fitting, contrast to Viv’s calm and controlled brother Preston.

  Funnily enough, the pair had met when Gina ran over Preston with her Vespa. Another accident. Like Rock and I.

  She pushed that thought aside and nodded nonchalantly. “Just a normal day at work. Another Monday spent in the courthouse.”

  Sounds from the front room announced the arrival of her brother Chuck, his fiancé Linda and their dog Courage. Chuck was one year younger than Preston, with the same dark hair and striking blue eyes, but he had one inch on his older brother. A fact that had annoyed the heck out of Preston during their teenage years. Chuck worked as private investigator and a while ago he’d met his fiancé Linda Ross as he worked for her mother the A-list Hollywood actress, Evangelina Ross.

  Unlike Gina, who came from a close-knit family, Linda had lived through a difficult childhood as a single child with an egocentric mother and a father who hadn’t bothered to visit his daughter after his divorce.

  Vivian smiled at how well Linda had blended in the crazy, loud, touchy-huggy Armstrong family in such a short time. Linda worked with therapy dogs in an animal assisted therapy practice. She was a rail-thin blonde with huge brown eyes and a soft voice. She usually stayed quiet, but under Chuck’s admiring eyes she transformed into a queen.

  With some jealousy Vivian acknowledged the way all of her brothers treated their significant others like they were the most valuable things in their lives. True Queens. I want a man who treats me like that.

  Her mother Annie poured everyone iced tea and the conversation continued after everyone had exchanged greetings and patted Courage.

  “Have you been able to find a new employer?” Preston asked Linda. She worked in a practice with several doctors. Two of them had retired and the new ones wanted to shift the focus away from animal assisted therapy.

  “Not yet,” Linda answered and shared a look with Chuck before she continued. “I’ve been thinking about opening up my own practice. There are plans for a new rehab center opening next year. If I could open my practice as part of it, that would be awesome.”

  “Aren’t there rehab centers all over the city?” Preston asked.

  Linda shook her head. “Not like this one. It will specifically cater to amputees, veterans and civilians alike. Rock Martens’ foundation will be building and managing the center.”

  “Rock Martens? Isn’t he that Ironman champion?” Gina asked.

  Chuck nodded. “Yeah. That’s him. Nice guy. I’ve only heard good things about him and his foundation.”

  It they knew how frustrating he could be, they wouldn’t gush over this seemingly nice guy. Vivian faked disinterest at the topic and studied her fingernails.

  “Nice? He’s scorching hot! All masculine,” Linda said with a giggle. When Chuck gave her a frown, she patted his arm. “But he can’t hold a candle to you, babe.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Chuck said, mollified and kissed her on the lips.

  “Isn’t his foundation called Rock Hard, or something like that?” Gina asked.

  Blood rushed to Vivian’s face. She hadn’t missed his hard erection pressing against her thighs this morning.

  “No!” she said a bit too loud and all heads turned toward her with quizzical looks upon their faces. “Rock Solid. His foundation is called Rock Solid.” Her blush intensified under the scrutiny of her family.

  “How do you know what his foundation is called?” Chuck narrowed his gaze at her.

  Vivian shifted her feet and shrugged, playing it down. “I’ve heard about the charity triathlon in two months.”

  But Chuck wasn’t famed for being one of the best P.I.s in the country for nothing. He had the annoying ability to pick up on the things a person did not say.

  “And since when are you interested in triathlon?” He continued his interrogation.

  Vivian sighed. Now that her brother’s hunting instinct had wakened, she could as well tell them. “I met him the other day. And before you all gush about how nice he is, you should also know how arrogant he can be.”

  “Do tell? How did you and Rock meet? That’s so exciting.” Linda nudged her.

  Vivian could feel everyone’s eyes on her and she once again tried to downplay things. “I ran into him with my bike.”

  “You ran over Rock Martens?” Gina asked.

  “No, I didn’t run over him. He was running and I was biking and we collided. That’s all,” Vivian explained, hoping they’d stop their interrogation. Sometimes she hated to be part of a big and nosy family.

  “An accident made in heaven. That is the best way to start. With a Big Bang.” Gina smiled from ear to ear and slipped her arm through Preston’s.

  “For the record. I’m not interested. He’s an arrogant jerk,” Vivian objected, but by the looks of her siblings, nobody believed her.

  “I’ll check him out,” Chuck said.

  “Don’t you dare!” Vivian shouted at her brother.


  “No! You keep your nose away from him.”

  “Who is Chuck keeping his nose away from?” Tyler asked, having arrived just in time to catch the tail end of their conversation.

  “Rock Martens,” Gina supplied. “It seems your sister here collided with him.”

  “Yes, and now she’s running in his charity triathlon,” Tyler blurted out.

  “What?” several people questioned in unison.

  “Yeah, Viv felt guilty for breaking his ankle when she hit him and offered to run the triathlon in his place. Why, I have no idea.” Tyler readily offered the information Vivian had tried to hide.

  Everyone started talking at once, firing questions at Vivian. She gave Tyler a dirty look and then shook her head. “Stop talking all at once!”

  “Vivian’s right. You all sound like a gaggle of geese.” Vivian smiled her thanks towards her mom and then groaned when her mother used the quiet to say, “Now tell us what really happened, dear.”

  When Vivian had ended her story, they only missed one beat before jumping in again with the third degree.

  “I’m for sure checking him out now,” Chuck said. “I can’t have my little sister using his pool if he’s some kind of pervert.”

  Vivian rolled her eyes and struck out her tongue at him. Will the
y ever stop treating my like a little girl?

  She dropped her head into her hands and made secret plans to get back at Tyler for his big mouth, while she listened with half an ear as her family continued to discuss her newfound love for sports, especially running.

  Chapter 12

  Rock showed up at Vivian’s apartment five minutes before the agreed upon time. He took a deep breath, forcing his hand to knock on the door.

  “Hello Rock,” she said, flinging the door open with her brightest smile and all he could do was hold the flowers into her face.

  “Hello Vivian, I hope you like them.” In spite of his thirty-four years he suddenly didn’t feel like the well-versed sophisticated man he was, but like a schoolboy.

  “They’re beautiful. Come on in,” she said.

  And again he was left feeling stupid. Should he kiss her? Or not? Good lord, since when had dating become so difficult? Usually the women went after him and all he had to do was say ‘yes’.

  While Vivian finished getting ready, he glanced around the small, but homey place. Bold colors and unique things made the apartment different and totally hers. She’d decorated the corners of the room with colorful pots of flowers and greenery, and a small bear statue sat beside the door, welcoming visitors.

  Instead of paintings, she’d hung a huge piece of copper representing the sun on the wall. The patina finish caught his attention and he grinned at the novelty of it all. It fit her personality. Sassy. Feisty. And stubborn as hell.

  Moments later Vivian returned and his jaw fell to the floor. He’d seen her in cycling gear, jeans and T-shirt, a bathing suit, but this…wow.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said, admiring the low-cut royal blue blouse, just giving him a glimpse of the rosy flesh of her breasts hidden beneath. His eyes wandered down to a black leather mini skirt that hugged her curvy hips and left most of her legs bare to his gaze.


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