Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 44

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 7: Flag Visit

  She had been putting it off ever since she had landed a few days before. It wasn’t something she was avoiding. It was that every time she thought she could get a few hours to slip over to the embassy and meet with the ambassador something came up or it was too late in the day. With her marines now on planet, and the IRS handling the space lift as expected it was time to meet with the ambassador from Earth.

  Generally when large contingents of the Imperial Armed Forces made port calls at Trena or any other world that the Empire had relations with that allowed port and liberty privileges, the ranking officer of the deployment would pay the embassy or consulate a visit. Usually this visit happened within hours of the ship or fleet making port. Usually this happened before liberty or leave was permitted for the Marines, starmen, and others aboard the ships. It was done so that the rules governing the liberty of the marines and starmen could be discussed, and to get new orders, etc. It wasn’t really a courtesy call, but wasn’t really a business call either. That was one of the reasons that General Alphine had been putting this off. But mostly, the princess wanted to have enough time to meet with a friend of her father’s so she wouldn’t be slighted. After lunch on Tuesday she gathered up her detail and drove to the embassy in an open jeep. Which she knew caused her detail to have kittens. Though most of them had gotten used to the idea that she might be the heir to the throne of the Terran Empire, she was still a general and sometimes had to go in harm’s way. Not that going to the embassy was going in harm’s way. Her detail chief had long since learned not to argue with the young lady he seen grow into womanhood and become a very professional capable officer.

  At the embassy they found a line of civilians winding out the main gates on down the avenue running in front of the embassy. The line went on for several blocks. The driver stopped the car in front of the main gate and allowed the princess and her principle agent to get out. As they approached the gate a Marine NCO blocked their path and demanded that they identify themselves. Both the General and her body guard presented their IDs. The body guard rolled up his sleeve so the Marine could see the small metal implant on his forearm. After scanning his, and the princess’ implant, he snapped to attention and called, “Welcome aboard Princess Carroll.”

  “Thank you Sarge,” the princess replied.

  “May I announce your presence?” The Sergeant asked.

  Carroll shook her head saying, “Keep the racket to a minimum marine.”

  “Aye-Aye general” the marine said.

  “What’s going on?” The princess asked. She was surprised that they had to show positive ID to get into the embassy. She normally didn’t have to prove her identity at any Terran Embassy. The embassy staffs were expected to know who she was. Her implant let the AI in the embassy know she was near by.

  “My apologies general,” The sergeant said, “but it’s been like this for a couple of weeks now. We have to make sure of everyone who enters the embassy is who they say they are. The only space craft allowed to depart the space port are those of the various star nations and then only with their own nationals aboard. It is amazing to see how many Terran Nationals who are living on Trena.”

  “No offense taken Sarge,” The general replied, “Would you tell the Ambassador that I am here to see her.”

  “Aye Ma’am” The sergeant replied turning to the radio in his hand. He spoke quietly for a few seconds and then turned to the admiral, “The Ambassador will see you in her office. Private McKay will show you the way.”

  Carroll nodded and followed the young marine into the embassy proper. He was only a few years older than her son Max. Watching him she felt every bit of her forty years.

  Carroll along with her body guard walked up a short flight of stairs onto the executive level of the embassy where they found the ambassador waiting for them. The ambassador was a short woman, with gray streaks through her hair. Her small stature belied the fact that she held one of the most important diplomatic posts of the Terran Empire.

  “Good day princess,” The woman said, “Welcome to Trena.”

  “Thank you Ambassador,” The princess returned.

  “Let’s sit down.” The woman said as they entered the office. A servant appeared quietly and poured coffee for all including the body guard who would normally have preferred to melt into the back ground and be considered just a piece of furniture.

  “I was hoping you would stop by,” The small frame woman said, “I was getting ready to go Quarters Six, or the Palace.”

  “Oh?” Carroll replied, “Why?”

  “Oh intelligence has gotten rumors that there is a closer team from Ebio on Trena. Just rumors so far. But Duck thought that we should tell you and the Marshall as soon as possible. We suspect the targets are the Wilsons.”

  “Thank you,” the princess said setting down her coffee cup. “I’m having dinner with him tonight I’ll pass the word along. I was told one was mounting up on Earth and heading this way. But I’ll let him know it’s Hozenbur.”

  “I had heard that also,” She changed the subject, “I got a dispatch a few weeks back from Maxwell requiring me to assist Lord Wilson in any way I can,” The ambassador replied, “That goes with out saying.”

  The princess detected that the ambassador was a little miffed at her orders and tried to ease the situation. “Ambassador, you know how my father feels about Lord Wilson. He firmly believes that Sarge may have some key to helping with the Ebio problem. I am not so certain. I apologize if dad’s orders were too blunt.”

  “I may have taken it wrong princess,” the ambassador replied, “Max and I have discussed Ebio at length. I know how much he admires Lord Wilson. He was hoping he would sit on the board of directors and make things happen, or at the very least take his seat in the senate, and be one of the clean senators as he says, not owned by Ebio. How long will you be here princess?”

  The princess replied, “I will be here for several months. I am dad’s personal representative here. That doesn’t mean you are out of a job. My job is to make sure Sarge gets anything we can give him. You’ll still handle all the diplomacy I’ll be around to bust the chops of anyone from the Empire who gives Sarge or Queen Agatha any problems.”

  “That will work.” The ambassador replied, “Do you want me to find office space for you in the embassy. I assume you will need a secure work spaces and communication?”

  “Lady Gray, do you want me in your building. That can cause a lot of problems for you and your staff? There is a liaison office at TMB Fletcher. It’s mostly empty, but I can work out of there with a small staff I’ll steal from the 15th MEU aboard the Majestic. Maybe borrow one or two of your people. I don’t want to be in your way.”

  “You won’t be in the way princess.” The ambassador said, and she wouldn’t be in the way.

  “Just the same Lady Gray,” the princess said, “My presence could cause your people mixed loyalties. Besides my job is to make sure that Lord Wilson has the imperial resources he needs to get his people off world. Your job will be to look after the Empire’s interests on Trena.”

  The ambassador mulled this over for a few minutes then said, “That does make sense. We’ll make it work princess. Just so you know I plan to be the last Terran off this world. I was hoping Max or you would leave me something heavy to do it in.”

  “The Majestic will be here to the end. The Mists of Empire will be leaving tomorrow. It may be back to pick me up. Dad was talking about releasing some moth balled troop transports for our friends here. He hasn’t made the decision yet.”

  “Is he aware that there a couple of heavy cruisers finishing in the TET yards?” The ambassador asked. “They are almost finished, and ready to be turned over to the IAF. Wilson hasn’t frozen them yet but it might be helpful if he nationalizes them.”

  “I’ll mention it to them.” The princess said.

  “Will you make sure he knows that my team will continue to be av
ailable to him?” The ambassador askreplied, “That includes my protective detail The Iron Maiden will have my graying head if I let any harm come to her son and his family.”

  “When you writte the Iron Maiden,” The general said knowing the close relationship between Ambassador Gray and Admiral Joyce Wilson, “You tell her that I am on the job and I will not let any harm come to Mike or his family.”

  Later she would remember these words and would have a difficult time looking the retired admiral in the eye, and then the vow she made afterwards.

  “I guess I best get back to work my lady,” The princess general asked, “Is there anything else I need to know.”

  “No,” The ambassador replied, “Thanks for stopping by.”

  “Okay we’ll get out of here then,” The Princess General rose and walked with her shadows out of the office. As they got into the jeepcar he commented to the princess, “Ma’am, she’s more of a grandmother than a diplomat.”

  “Lady Gray?” The admiral asked, “Don’t let her grand motherly ways fool you, she is one tough lady. She was held hostage for sixty days, raped repeatedly, by a so called rogue Ebio security unit. She later killed every one of them. That lady is not soft. She’s in this post because she’s not only tough, but fair and competent. Her Ambassadorship is not a reward to her service to the crown; but an acknowledgment of her abilities and her coolness under fire. While this post is not like those of the Peoples Republic, it has its moments, especially since this is an independent neutral world. Take us home.”


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