Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 47

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 1: In the House of Lords

  Lord Ramsey, known as the Rammer to friends and foes alike had drawn first blood. The meetings he had had with the parliamentary experts and others had allowed him to put together a parliamentary inquiry. He had convinced his associates in the House of Lords to demand that Lord Wilson come before the House of Lords and answer the lords’ questions concerning his plans for the evacuation. The Rammer had been told that now; even three several weeks after being commissioned by the Queen to begin the evacuation he had no plan. True he got some nursing home patients evacuated. That had caused a commotion in the Public Heath, and Safety committee. Several of the remaining lords who had not left or resigned had wanted Wilson’s hide. Several of the lords had become upset when they had tried to leave the planet and Wilson’s officers wouldn’t let them. That was about maybe thirty in all. Wilson was not having any part of it. With all this going on, The Rammer had convinced enough of his peers to hold hearings on the plan. He intended to get the man terminated, and his man General McMillan put in charge of the evacuation. General McMillan had been furious when he had found that General Qoum had been placed in charge of the Trena Militia in his absence, and had allowed a mere police officer to become the chief of the planet’s evacuation command. It had been child’s play to get Wilson summoned to the House of Lords. He had planned to grill the retired Marine Corps NCO like none other.

  “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!” the bailiff of the House of Lords called calling the House of Lords to order. He slammed his massive baton down on the floor between each, Hear Ye, “All citizens and persons having business before this body come forth and ye shall be heard.”

  There was a loud bang on the door followed by:

  “I demand entry into this hall!” Queen the Agatha queen called making the ancient challenge to the House of Lords to allow her entry into the hall.

  “And who are you to demand entrance in this noble hall!” The bailiff counter challenged.

  “Queen Agatha I of the Kingdom of Trena, Ruler of the Trena Solar System, Commander of the Trena Militia. Protector of the Kingdom’s Citizens,” The Queen’s young voice called her reply as was the tradition of this body.

  “Pray tell what business brings you before this body!” The Bailiff demanded.

  “I demand entry to witness the testimony of my Marshal before this body!” The Queen answered.

  “You dare demand! The Crown has no rights to demand anything in this hall!” The Bailiff retorted the ancient ritual reply to the challenge.

  “I beg the Lords pardon and ask permission to witness the testimony of my Marshal before you?” The Queen pleaded. This was part of the ritual of the Crown requesting to enter the House of Lords where by tradition the House of Lords was a sanctuary against the monarchy. No one was sure when this tradition started; but all monarchs had followed this tradition when they wanted to address the House of Lords.

  “My Lords and Ladies of the House of Lords may the Monarch join us?” The Bailiff asked. “How say you, yea or nay?”

  “Yea,” The voices of the assembled lords thundered allowing the Queen to enter the chamber. As the hall quieted down, single solitary Nay, was heard.

  “Your Majesty” when the doors opened the Bailiff turned to his old friend’s daughter, “May I escort you to your seat?”

  “Thank you, and yes you may.” The Queen took the Bailiffs arm and allowed him to escort her to a small chair set on a small platform between the ranked chairs on both sides of the hall the left for the Contras, and the right for the Royalists. As she sat she leaned closer to the Bailiff and whispered, “It’s good to see you Uncle Bob.” The bailiff squeezed her arm then returned to his post at the main entrance.

  Although both houses had adjourned, they had left a small contingent to carry on the business of the Parliament. The Parliament had expected to go into session a few months down the road to formally dissolve itself. Some members had wanted to, right after the Queen’s announcement; but the Queen had asked they stay on to the bitter end to provide leadership to the people. Although not every lord or MP had agreed to stay many had. One of the Queen’s bitter disappointments was how many of the lords and MPs had just abandoned their family and left Trena. She had naively assumed they had their families and the people they represented best interests at heart. Mostly those with conscience, and the power of their convictions had agreed. Although a great many of the remaining minority party had left the planet, or had resigned their positions, or they thought that they might be able to overturn this nonsense of the evacuation. The majority the Royalist party had thrown a bone to the Contras by letting them bring Wilson to the house for question time.

  The Royalist knew that there was no way to stop the asteroids, and most of them knew in their heart of hearts that Trena had to be they had to evacuated. The parliament had sat through a hearing not a week before where experts from Trenaport University, the Royal College of Science, and others had testified about the militia’s discovery. Although there had been disagreement among the Trena scientific community, most of the scientists had agreedsaid that there was no doubt that the asteroids would fall on Trena and cause damage to the planet. The disagreements had come in the area of how bad it would be. The noblesy had come to believethe decision that their home world would soon be destroyed. Many of the nobles sitting in the House of Lords also were looking to the future and had been pondering planning what came next for them. Many knew that their titles and nobility were tied to the Court of Trena. Although only Trena would be destroyed, the kingdom, which included all of the Trena Solar System, much of the kingdom would survive. Though parts of the Kingdom would survive, many the nobles who titles were tied to their lands on Trena herself would die when their home world died. They were certain that while many could find refuge on many of the off world settlements, they would not be noble. Their status would only be marginally better if they took refuge on other worlds. So many were contemplating resigning from Parliament, and preparing to leave Trena.

  As many were contemplating their future, they knew that until they were evacuated they still had a duty to the people of Trena. Because of this when y would lose their power. They knew that where ever they went they most likely wouldn’t be the movers and shakers of that world. They would be refugees.

  Tthe he Rammer’s requested Marshal Wilson to answer questions from Rammer and the contras, the other lords, many who had, if not abandoned their seats, had been absent from The Lords for the last few weeks came back in mass to hear Marshal Wilson’s respond to Rammer and his party’s questions.during the question time had brought many of them back.

  As the lords assembled, they talked among themselves about Rammer and what he was up to. More than one lord had mentioned censoring the Rammer. Many felt that this was unnecessary political theatre. Many felt that The Rammer was exceeding his authority by calling Wilson before the Lords. They were talking about the rumor that Rammer was thinking about challenging the Queen’s use of the emergency provision of the constitution. Rammer thought the Queen was over reacting and may be unstable because of the overwhelming stress caused by the scope of the disaster about to befall the planet.

  There was a little used provision in the kingdom’s constitution that allowed a sitting monarch to be replaced by an heir in time of emergency. The provision was a national security provision to ensure that a seriously mentally ill monarch couldn’t do grievous harm to the kingdom. The kicker was that for the provision to be enacted, the Parliament had to issue a writ of incompetence. The writ could be requested by any of the nobles sitting in the Lords. The prime minister was duty bound to try the monarch in the lords. The lord or a group of lords making the charge were given an hour to present their case for the dethronement. The monarch, who by law must be present in the chamber to hear the charges, was then allowed to defend his or her position. When the vote was finally taken it must pass by a two thirds super majority. Upon a vote to dethro
ne the monarch, the writ was then submitted to the Queen’s Bench. The evidence outlined in the writ as the reason for dethronement was reviewed in secret by the full Bench. All nine justices must unanimously agree that the writ was in order. If any one of the justices’ found there was insufficient cause to dethrone the monarch the writ was voided. The nobles who requested the dethroning of the monarch were subject to the full power of the monarchy. The monarch had the power to divest the nobles, and in some instances could levy a charge of treason against the noble, and then execute them. Although there was conversation among the assemble lords and ladies of the House of Lords, it was only talk. As no one had the required votes to even bring it up to the Speaker for a discussion on the floor. The Contras were just agitating because they could.

  “Is there any member who has business before this house?” The speaker called.

  “Lord Speaker,” The House of Lords Minority Whip spoke up. “I demand the presence of Michael Aaron Wilson.”

  “For what reason,” the Speaker asked.

  “To query him about his plans for managing the current emergency,” Lord Ramsey replied.

  “Are there any objections?” The Speaker asked. Hearing none he nodded to the bailiff. The Bailiff marched to the main doors and called in a commanding voice “Michael Aaron Wilson is commanded to present himself before the assembled lords and ladies of Trena. Is he present?”

  “Aye,” Wilson’s voice rang out as only a Drill Sergeant’s voice could.

  “Advance and be recognized.” the bailiff called.

  Wilson entered the chamber. He was dressed in a simple uniform with his grade on his collar. His uniform shirt held only a few of his decorations. Some of the ribbons were from his service with the Mounties, and one or two from his service with the Imperial Marines. The Trenaport Mounted Patrol allowed officers who had served in other services to wear certain awards on their uniforms. His choice of uniform had been a tough decision. He had wanted to wear a set of fatigues. Mylea had agreed with him. Lisa and the Queen had thought his Mountie dress uniform would be best. However, McGregor had weighed in by saying, “Boss, look you should show up in your regular office dress, nothing special. This way you don’t show contempt, and you don’t tell those pompous wind bags that they are overly important.”

  “I think you’re right.” Wilson said, when he went to dress he had found that his steward had laid out his normal work outfit, and had added two of his ribbons from his marine corps days in addition to his two or three citations from his Mounted Patrol days. Dominating the ribbon holder was the baby blue, star speckled ribbon of the Imperial Medal of Honor. Next to it was his Navy Cross. In all he had over thirty or forty ribbons he could wear. His steward had known how to prepare his charge for his testimony.

  So when Wilson presented himself before the House of Lords he was dressed in his normal work day office uniform. Accompanying him were Mylea, who was there at his request, and as was the Crown Attorney. Mylea was slowly becoming his aid. She had been working mostly out of his office except for the short periods of time when the Queen drafted her for a short errand. Wilson felt guilty about using her this way. Every time they had worked together she had been the boss and he had been her senior NCO. Now he was the boss and she was his most trusted assistant.

  Princess Carroll was watching from the gallery. As she saw Wilson and Mylea come to rigid attention the princess smiled. She along with the Queen had gone over the testimony he was to present to the Lords. The Crown’s Attorney had tried every trick he knew to get Wilson to blow his cool. But nothing rattled the retired marine. Wilson was cool under fire.

  “And who pray are you?” The Speaker asked.

  “I am Lord Michael Aaron Wilson, Knight Commander of the Terrestrial Empire, and Marshal of the Trena Royal Constabulary.” Michael replied.

  “Lord Ramsey is this the individual you have requested.” The speaker asked.

  “Yes, your Lordship,” Lord Ramsey replied.

  “Before this proceeding gets underway, Sir Mike I wish to express my regards to you and your family. You and Admiral Wilson were instrumental in rescuing my daughter ten years ago. I never did get a chance to thank you.”

  “Your Lordship,” Wilson returned, “I am pleased that you daughter was returned to you safely. I hope she is well?”

  “She is that,” The Speaker replied.

  “Shall we begin,” The minority whip asked impatiently. The speaker nodded, and the minority whip began,

  “Lord Wilson what is your current position?”

  “I am currently the Marshall of the Trena Constabulary.” Wilson who had been through legislative hearings before both here on Trena and on Terra answered only what his position was.

  “Marshall of the Trena Constabulary,” The minority whip commented, “Under whose authority? I mean how were you appointed to this position?”

  “The Queen came to my home showed me a briefing and then asked me to be the Marshall of the Trena Constabulary. Later I was sworn in as the Marshall of the Trena Constabulary.” Wilson replied.

  “Are you aware that your appointment and swearing in is illegal?” The lord asked.

  “No your lordship,” Wilson replied.

  “I see. You are aware that your position requires the approval of the House of Lords before your appointment.” Lord Ramsey asked.

  “Your Lordship,” Wilson replied, “I am aware that under normal circumstances that the Queen would recommend a person for this position and that in time the House of Lords would then approve a nominee, or present one of their own. However these are not normal times.”

  “No. They are not,” Lord Ramsey replied, “But there is enough time to hold an approval hearing.”

  “Yes sir,” Wilson said, “and provided this hearing does not drag on for months I may be able to do the job I have been commissioned to undertake. Be assured that until such a time that this body makes a decision as to my status I will continue with my commission.”

  “Lord Wilson until such a time as we the members of the House of Lords approves your appointment as Marshal of the Constabulary the position will be vacant.” the minority whip replied acid dripping from his voice.

  “Your lordship,” Wilson spoke softly, “The Queen’s Attorney has advised the Queen that with the invoking of the emergency powers that the constitution grants the monarchy, the Queen can fill such positions she’s deems critical to the management and containment of the emergency. She can do this without consultation with Parliament. As the Queen has declared an emergency, and has deemed that the position of Marshal of the Constabulary is vital to the safe and timely containment of this emergency; she has appointed me as the Marshal.”

  “Creating a constitutional crisis,” The minority whip said acidly.

  “Only if you choose to make it so,” Wilson returned his voice now had a cold edge that matched the look in his eyes. Ramsey couldn’t hold eye contact with Wilson. “Lord Ramsey. If you challenge this, the Crown is quite prepared to take the appropriate action. Regardless of the outcome of today’s political exercise you will not stop the disaster that is about to befall our world. This political exercise is delaying the work that my staff and the Queen should be doing to ensure that the citizens of Trena are evacuated to safety. Delaying the work that we need to get done could be considered treason.”

  The chamber had become as quiet as a grave yard in the small hours of the night. To mention treason in this chamber was serious business. Now the entire chamber was waiting for Wilson to accuse Lord Ramsey of being a traitor.

  “Lord Wilson,” Lord Ramsey said softly, “Are you leveling a charge of treason against anyone in this body?”

  “No sir,” Wilson said, he hadn’t told the Queen, or the Queen’s Attorney that he was planning to say what he had just said. He wanted to get everyone’s attention and keep it. He didn’t want to spar with the Lord. He wanted to move from the potential constitutional crisis to the emergency at hand. “No sir! That
is not my intention. I am only stating that if we spend days in hearings that drag out for months that we betray the people who have put their trust in us and expect us to work to bring them and their children to safety.”

  “You are of course right,” The Speaker commented. He was pondering how to move forward when Lord South Hampton spoke.

  “Will the Lord yield five minutes?” The Lord South Hampton called.

  “I’ll yield five minutes to the lord.” Lord Ramsey called wanting to find a way to break Wilson’s ice hard glare without appearing to be a coward.

  “I move that the House of Lords approve Lord Wilson as Marshal of the Trena Constabulary without debate.” South Hampton called.

  “I second the motion!” a voice in the back of the hall.

  Lord South Hampton called, “I call the question!”

  “The motion has been dully made and seconded, and there is a call for the motion to be approved” The speaker called, “Those in favor press the green yes button. Those opposed press the red no button. You have the remainder of the time yielded to Lord Southland to vote your pleasure.”

  Lord Ramsey was caught. He could try some parliamentary trick to delay the vote or to even to stop it but that could be construed as treason. Lord Ramsey turned to South Hampton and nodded as he went to his seat in the chamber. He of course voted against Wilson.

  The tally board was projected in the air in front of the speaker’s podium. Slowly within the last few minutes of Lord Southland’s time the assembled nobles in the House of Lords voted on Wilson’s appointment to Marshal of the Trena Constabulary. It was not a close vote. The Royalists party in the House of Lords held the majority of seats in the chamber. Almost as one the Royalist Party voted for Wilson some one hundred and ten nobles of the Royalist Party voting for him but what surprised the Queen was that fully three quarters of the Contra Party voted for him too. This gave him another thirty votes cast for him. The remaining sixty votes were either against him, abstained, or were not in the chamber. The final vote when it was tallied showed 140 for Wilson and only 50 against him.

  When the voted had been taken , the Speaker called, “The scribe will record that on this day, that the House of Lords has approved the Queen’s recommendation of Lord Michael Aaron Wilson, Knight Commander of the Terrestrial Empire as Marshal of the Trena Constabulary. As such the Marshal is entitled to all privileges and rights as The Marshal of the Trena Constabulary.”

  “The scribe so records the result of the vote,” The scribe called.

  When the chamber settled down, the speaker spoke, “Lord Ramsey, you may continue.”

  “Thank you my lord.” The minority whip replied then turned to the man he had hoped to remove as the marshal. Now that would be impossible. Instead he asked, “Lord Wilson what are your plans for the evacuation?”

  “I am still putting it together. A few of the pieces are falling together but there are still some things I am trying to put together.” Marshal Wilson answered.

  “Such as,” the lord asked.

  “My staff for one,” Wilson said, “I have one or two people who work with me. But I am still trying to put together the staff I need to advise me and to help plan the evacuation. This job is mostly resource management. Either managing the people who are doing the work, or making sure the resources they need are there for them. I can open a door, I can request that such a thing be placed somewhere but I can’t do it alone.”

  “You have the resources of the Militia,” The Rammer said, “Is that not enough?”

  “They have man power, as do the police and the fire departments,” Wilson said “but I also need planers and builders. I need logistics people who can get things moved. Some of these may not be in the military. One of my best resources is the CEO of Boeing Space Works. If he can pull off what he is promising we’ll have enough space lift. I am still working on star lift.”

  “What staff do you have,” the lord asked thinking he could maybe cause them grief. Maybe come up with something that the house has to approve them

  “Very few sir,” Wilson replied, “I’m still putting a staff together. Deputy Chief Atomi temporarily has consented to be my aid. The Queen’s attorney is acting as my general consul. Princess Carroll although representing the people of Earth, will be a consultant, the Thonian ambassador will be acting also as a consultant. The manager of the Boeing Space Craft Works will be my manufacturing coordinator. General Qoum is on board he will continue to work as the militia commander. There are a few more names I am considering.”

  “What other staff do you need? Can we be of help?” Rammer asked.

  “I am following the incident command system and incident management system trying to make a hybrid system that uses the best of both systems. They allow emergency management people to manage an emergency efficiently. It just hasn’t been done on this scale before. I am still considering what positions I need to fill. I could over staff this thing big time. Which could be self-defeating.”

  “What do you need to get this job done?” Rammer asked.

  “People, time, and resources,” Wilson replied, “All of which is being made available to me either by the crown, or friends of Trena.”

  “When do you expect to have a plan?” The Rammer asked.

  “As soon as my staff is put together I can better answer that question. But parts of it are coming together now. At this time I am not ready to discuss the plan as it hasn’t been fully formed and I feel the Queen, since she hired me so to speak has the first review privileges of it.”

  “So you think it might be what weeks?” the Rammer pushed a bit.

  “Not more than a couple of weeks sir,” Wilson replied, “The sooner I get out of here the sooner I can devote my time and energies to the task I have been commissioned to do. I have spent most of the weekend prepping for this meeting; not reviewing the things I need to get done or getting people settled in their jobs.”

  “I see,” The Rammer said, Wilson had told him that he was slowing down the process. He wasn’t getting anywhere with this man it was time let Lords have at him!

  “Do any of the lords have questions for this crown official?” The minority whip asked.

  “Lord Ramsey,” Lord Winterhaven spoke up, “I have questions for the marshal.”

  “Proceed,” Lord Ramsey replied.

  “Last week,” the elderly Winterhaven started, “Forces of the Earth Empire abducted several thousands of our citizens to imperial worlds. Were you aware of this?”

  “Your lordship,” Wilson replied, “What are you talking about? I know of no abductions.”

  “Elements of the imperial marines and interstellar rescue serve were allowed remove critically ill citizens from their convalescent homes.”

  “Oh,” Wilson said then continued, “pursuant to the powers invested in my office I authorized the Imperial Interstellar Rescue Service to evacuate such individuals who were infirm to worlds where their continued medical care would not be in jeopardy by the evacuation of trained medical personnel. Every soul that was evacuated were persons who could not be rehabilitated prior to when they must be off world. Some of the people we evacuated were the soul survivors of their family or were in such states that they couldn’t take care of themselves. The Empire loaned me the hospital ships and I took advantage of it.”

  “Were they given the opportunity to refuse their forcible evacuation to Earth?”

  “Yes sir, those that were conscience and who met the current standards of competency.” the marshal replied. “When apprised of the situation, and the fact that the evacuees were given a grant of 1,000 crowns to assist in their relocation they said they wanted to be evacuated. The crown is also picking up any costs associated with their medical recovery.”

  “The nursing home owners whose patients you took against their will...” The lord continued.

  “May I Lord Wilson,” The Queen’s Attorney spoke softly to Wilson. Wilson nodded. After a second Lord Mercer spoke, “Lord W
interhaven some of the nursing home owners whose patients have been removed from their care have on close examination of their books by my staff were found to be over charging their patients or their patients’ families for years. An investigation by the Ministry of Health indicates that many of the people were receiving poor treatment and that once in the care of the medical personnel of the Imperial Interstellar Rescue Service, many of these same persons improved dramatically. So much so that some of the expectant patients are now expected to recover. Admiral Klond, Surgeon General of the Interstellar Rescue Service, has documented each of these cases with her surgeons, and physicians swearing affidavits to the conditions they have found in the nursing homes, the conditions of the people they found and the treatment they have received since their rescue and evacuation. Should the lord’s clients and constituents wish to pursue the matter the Crown is quite willing to entertain their legislation before the Queen’s Bench.”

  Lord Mercer, the Crown’s attorney had not only thrown down the gauntlet; but had picked it up and slapped the lords face with it.

  “However the Queen has instructed my office to only pursue those issues that directly affect the safe and orderly evacuation of our people.” The Queen’s Attorney said unemotionally.

  The room was quiet, finally Lord Winterhaven said, “Lord Mercer, I will concede that the citizens now on their way to safety in the Empire are in good hands. The nursing home owners will be dealt with as appropriately. I yield to Lord Ramsey.”

  “Are there any other questions for the Marshal?” Lord Ramsey asked. When there were none the Lord turned to the Speaker of the House of Lords, “I have no further questions for this witness sire. He is free to go.”

  The Speaker nodded and the bailiff turned toward Marshal Wilson, and spoke, “Marshal Wilson, the House of Lords thanks you for your time by testifying before this body. You are free to go.”

  Wilson stood turned towards the Queen bowed then towards the speaker and bowed again. He did a parade ground about face and left the hall with Mylea and Lord Mercer beside him.

  When they were safely in the limo Wilson commented, “The Rammer certainly doesn’t like us. I hear he wants to put General McMillan in my place and feels that the impacts can be survived.”

  “I’ve heard that too,” Mercer remarked. “A couple of the Contras have been feeding me back door information. One of them told me about a meeting between Rammer and a couple of junk scientists.”

  “I heard that he’s got a hard place for you,” Wilson commented.

  “Rammer's been pissed since I turned out to be a stronger regent than he wanted for the Queen,” Lord Mercer replied, “the Contras wanted to basically destroy the house of Macalister and put the house of Ramsey in its place. This is just a continuation of his battle. Yes, he is a much unhappy camper. We’ll have to be careful what we do with him. If he winds up in a position of power on a planet we colonize he could cause us much grief.”

  “My nobility is tied to Earth, not to Trena,” Mike said, “In fact on Trena I shouldn’t be addresses as lord at all. Marshal for sure, or Mr. maybe; but not lord. So what I am thinking should we colonize a new world the Trena Nobility might not exist. The Queen is certain that her monarchy is tied to Trena.”

  “Yes,” Larry replied, “In fact her great grandfather made provisions in the charter so that Trena cannot charter a colony. The royal constitution prohibits it. We may have to change that or we may not be able to move our people onto a new world. It’s something to consider.”

  As the limo pulled away the communicator clamored for attention. Mylea picked it up.

  “Atomi,” she said into the hand set. She tapped on the window, when it slid down behind the driver, “We need to be at Lemay’s now.”

  “Aye Commander,” The driver said.

  “What’s up,” Mike asked.

  “The Companions just stopped a closer operation,” Mylea replied. Then back to the phone, “Evac 1 is on the way.”

  McGregor was on the other hand set, “This is Mac, Where is Lady Wilson?” He listened a bit and said, “Okay,” He listened a bit more, “Lady Wilson is not to be made aware of why the security is being upgraded. Also I want the Queen’s detail told what’s happened and let them make the appropriate decision.”

  Wilson nodded. It was the right decision. If a closer team was on planet they would be after any escaped clone, and Lisa. “Mac, have one of your guys run the known closers against all incoming passengers for the last few weeks.”

  “Good idea sire,” Mac said, he relayed the suggestion then added one of his own, “The entire protective detail is to review the entire closer file.”

  “Make sure the photos are put up on the Mounted net, I want every cruiser and cop in the kingdom to have access to the file.” Mylea ordered, and chuckled. Wilson gave her a puzzled look. “Sarge they can put the girl in an office, assisting the rulers of our world, but they can’t take the cop out of the girl.”

  “I know,” Wilson replied, “This is going to be tough. A cop for nearly thirty years doesn’t stop being one that easy.”


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