Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 102

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 14: Parking Problems

  “Sir Mike,” Lord James the Trenaport Mounted Patrol chief came into Wilson’s office a couple of days after the assassination attempt, “Did you see this.”

  “See what,” Michael asked looking up from his paper work. Sometimes he couldn’t believe how much paper work was involved in this job.

  “Computer, find and display the video from the day before yesterday at the space port parking lot. In particular the scene of the cars being towed from the lots,” the police chief requested.

  The air in front of Wilson shimmered for a second and a holograph of the space port parking facility appeared. The imagery showed all the abandoned cars being towed.

  “Computer stop video.” The chief said, “Thank you.”

  Wilson looked to the chief waiting for his old boss to get to his point. This had been one of the most difficult relationships Wilson had to work with. Before the Queen had reached down and chose him to be the head of the evacuation he was one of this man’s police officers.

  “Sir Mike,” The chief said carefully, he had wanted this man to be one of his watch commanders. Now he was his boss. “We can’t move this many cars every time we make a lift. We either have to close the parking facilities, or have to time the departures to give us a chance to clear the lots. If not, we’ll not be moving anyone out of the port.”

  “Lord James,” Wilson looked to his old boss. “We’re closing the space port parking facility to all outgoing families. Get with General Langtree and see what you can do. We anticipated this; but not so soon.”

  “That’s what I figured Sir Mike,” Lord James said.

  Wilson looked at the paper work and then at the chief, “Skipper, you ever wish that you were back to being a beat cop? Not responsible for all the officers of your department and all the crap that entails?”

  “Some days,” The chief said, “Especially when some dumb rookie does something so stupid you want to bounce him off the walls.” Then the chief smiled, “but you know skipper, one of the more pleasant things about this job, is to see that same rookie do good and become one of the best cops you’ve had the pleasure of working with. Or when one of your cops is chosen by the crown for an important job and he does it well. That not only reflects on him, or me but the entire department.”

  “Thanks chief,” Mike said, “You need anything else from us.”

  “No,” The chief said, “We didn’t lose hardly anyone in this lift. Just remember me when you start evacing my cops.”

  “Will do chief,” Michael said as Liz came in “Marshal the Queen would like to see you.”

  “Tell her I’m on my way.” Michael said Lord James waved and left.

  Lord James left the palace and went out to Fletcher Militia Base. He found General Langtree in his war room. Lord James chuckled when he saw the hangar that Langtree had taken over. On one wall were paper maps of all the populated centers of the kingdom. One another wall was a map of the kingdoms road network. On that map were triangles with the letters LZ and a number under it. On other walls were status boards of every piece of flying hardware the kingdom owned or controlled was listed. Langtree had a circular desk in the middle of the hangar raised about three feet above the rest of his staff. He found the general talking into a phone.

  “Yeah I know we we’re supposed to activate the LZ in another two months. But I’m doing it now.” Langtree said into the phone he lapsed into Thonian which James did not understand a word of. The general put the phone down and turned to see Lord James, “Hello Chief.”

  “Good morning general,” The lord said, “I overheard part of that conversation. Did you say you’re activating your LZs early?”

  “Yeah,” Langtree said, “That mess at the space port the other day won’t happen again. What I am doing is taking over all the public airports, and landing pads throughout the Kingdom. Anyplace I can put an LT10 onto, is now active.”

  ”It sounded like someone was unhappy,” James commented.

  “Yeah,” Langtree chuckle, “A small landing port owner who makes his mortgage by charging landing fees to people wanting to use his small patch of land. Well I activated it this morning, and had to tell him because it’s been federalized, he can’t charge us for using it.”

  “Ouch,” James said “What was that bit in Thonian.”

  “Oh I reminded the gentle soul that unless he cooperated that maybe I’ll have the crown revenue service pay him a visit. As it is I have to send an engineering unit to his place to fix a couple of things. I’m going to have to beef up the pad itself.”

  “Well I was on my way to talk to you about the parking problem at the port.” The police chief said. “Looks like you got it under control.”

  “Not really,” Langtree said, “Moving the pickup points out of the space port helps. But I still have to get people to the pickup points. I don’t want to have deal with a couple hundred cars at each of these places.”

  “Why not bus them?” The chief asked, “It gives us control, and it’s better for the security forces. Most of the people you’re picking up have only a single bag. We drop them off at the pickup point and go for the next one.”

  “That will work,” Langtree said, “we get the MPs to secure the inbound routes.”

  “You know general,” the chief said, “This also makes it harder to protect our people. We’re going to need a reaction force to be able to get to these points. Intelligence is hearing rumors of some very unhappy campers. Nothing concrete. Just enough to get our attention.”

  “I’ve read them Lord James,” Langtree said, “I hope we can keep the lid on for a couple more weeks. But I am not holding my breath. “

  “Yeah, I hear you.” Lord James replied. “Okay general I’ll get out of your hair.”

  As he left Langtree turned to Lieutenant Hooper who had just walked in with his sergeant. Since he had chewed them out, their officers had not complained about their work and Hooper had not filed any more charges.

  “Hooper,” he called to the lieutenant.

  “Yes, General Langtree,” Hooper called back.

  “Take your team and get out to LZ 90.” Langtree ordered, “It’s a private pad near West Jefferson. It is a level 4 pad. Make sure we can use it. I want to begin ops out of there as soon as possible.”

  “Colonel Jefferies has me headed out to the line to work on a couple of birds.” Hooper said.

  “What!” Langtree snapped, “I thought you were doing facilities prep?”

  “Jefferies pulled me off that last week.” Hooper answered.

  “Sergeant Hoi,” Langtree turned to his sergeant, “I want Hooper and Erickson to be assigned to my staff as special expediters, and projects officers. If Jefferies says anything, tell him to see me.”

  “Aye sir,” Sergeant Hoi replied.

  “Off with you two,” Langtree said. As he watched the young officer walk out he couldn’t help but be reminded of himself.


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