Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 165

by William J. Carty, Jr


  “General, can I speak with you for a minute.” Sergeant Hoi, the general’s driver was waiting for him in their car. David was on his way to Mylea’s to take her out to dinner.

  “Okay Sarge,” Langtree turned his attention to the militia man before him.

  “General, could I get some leave tomorrow?” the sergeant asked.

  “Sure,” The general said,

  “Thank you,” The sergeant said, “Just so you know. You’ve known that Marie has been giving me fits for months.”

  “What have they done now?” The general knew his driver’s third marriage was on shaky ground. Mostly because of his driving Langtree around, and the odd hours they worked. Also because the sergeant wouldn’t pull any strings to get his co husband and his wife on an earlier evacuation lift. Marie didn’t understand that there were no strings to be pulled. The only string he might be able to pull is to get assigned to a militia unit on Home. When she heard that, she and Steven said no way in hell would they become a pioneer. He couldn’t understand Steve. He was a high tech medical equipment salesman. He wouldn’t have a job on Home and Marie just didn’t like getting her nails dirty.

  “Well Steve has an off world offer to go to McCraw. I need to meet with them and the arbitrator to sign some divorce papers and to swear that this is okay with me, and that I have not been screwed by the process.” The sergeant said.

  “You have a couple of kids don’t you Sergeant.” The general asked.

  “Yes but they are from my second marriage and they are with their mother on Earth,” The General never failed to amaze him on his ability to remember the family details of his immediate staff.

  “Well you don’t seem to be unhappy,” David said.

  “Sir I am just not made for marriage. This one taught me that.” The sergeant put the vehicle in motion. “I am actually quite happy to be out of this marriage.”

  “If there is anything I can do for you let me know Sarge,” The general replied.

  “Sir if I may be so bold.” the sergeant decided to take his shot, “When are you going to propose or move in with the XO?”

  “I don’t know Sarge,” David said not at all offended. Almost every night for a month or more the two of them had shared a meal or their off hours together. They hadn’t had sex. They just enjoyed each other company. What they both called adult company, “Mylea isn’t quite ready, and you know for a Thonian it is not as casual as it is with humans!”

  “Yes sir, I do.” he had been to a couple Thonian lifematings. It was not something the average human was invited to. It wasn’t just an exchange of vows. It was almost an orgy, as the couple to be wed would consummated their lifemating before assembled quests who would soon have their clothes off and making love to their own lifemates. He had only been to a couple of these events, always with a date. And not since he had married Marie. She for all of being married to two men didn’t like that type of thing. She never made love to both her husbands at one time. He also suspected that his general was being very respectful of Mylea’s desires and wishes.

  “If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen at her speed.” Langtree replied, “I am in no hurry. I have been a bachelor for ten years or more, so it’s not going to hurt to be one for a while longer.”

  “Well General Sir,” the Sergeant said as they pulled to a stop before the pedestrian gate where Mylea was waiting for them, “If I may be so bold again, your choice of companions are top drawer. She is mighty fine looking woman.”

  “That she is,” the general said as the sergeant got out of the car to open the door for his general’s lady.

  “Evening Chief,” The sergeant called as he held the door Mylea, a dumb smile on his face.

  “Evening Henry,” the chief greeted the sergeant seeing the dumb look. She got into the vehicle and observed David’s observation of her and his own dumb smile.

  “What?” Mylea asked thinking her uniform was out of order.

  “Nothing” the general said as his driver shut the door and went around to the driver’s side, “It’s that NCO’s are usually right. And mine is no exception. You are a mighty fine looking woman.”

  Mylea blushed now understanding why the sergeant had a dumb look on his face. It had been years since another man besides her lifemate would speak out loud what they thought of her body. On Thonia and with her people in general, once a woman was lifemated, young men had ignored her, almost insultingly so. Oh they had been respectful to her, and had worked with her. But the easy by play of young unlifemated Thonians disappeared as she was no longer an eligible woman. Now that she was eligible, she was noticing some of the longing looks she got and not just from Thonians either. Though there were not many Thonian bachelors, there were enough her own age and who had begun noticing the ribbon that always held her hair in place when she was out with David.

  “Thank you gentlemen,” Mylea replied, “Now will you get this girl to a meal or she may start prowling to see if there are other men who feel as you do just to get a meal!”

  “You heard the lady,” Langtree replied knowing full well that Mylea would never go on the prowl.

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