Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 180

by William J. Carty, Jr


  Next Sunday at 1100, the cadets began assembling for their pass in review. The cadet officers were inspecting their cadets ruthlessly. Jill was about to say something to Lamile when she noticed that Lamile was already saying something to her junior officers.

  “Look! I know you guys want no mistakes when we pass in review.” Lamile was saying to her officers, “I know you want the kids to look as good as Imperial Marines, but they are kids, just like you and me. We need them to be their best. Help them be the best by showing them; not by yelling at them. You have five minutes to get your guys ready to go. They are either ready to go or they are not.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the cadet officers repliedsaid. Rhonda who was still adjusting to being a company commander nodded. Since they had gotten to the academy she hadn’t seen much of Lamile; but when she had it had been to help get her settled in. She went to her company and did one more walk through, satisfied that the cadets were as best as they could, she made ready to move out. She had the first company. Jill, Lamile, and Mitch took their places in front the colors. Jill called, “Corps of cadets! Atten-hut!”

  The entire corps of cadets nearly a thousand kids ranging in age from just about twelve to just about eighteen came to attention.

  “Right shoulder arms!” Jill called and the sound of the cadets shouldering their arms was almost uniform. Only one or two cadets were a little later than the others. She looked up and saw Georgia quietly taking pictures of her cadets. Now feeling very self- conscience, Jill called, “Corps of Cadets! Pass in review!”

  With that command, Mitch called “Forward March. Silent Cadence!”

  With that, the cadets moved out. The only sound was that of their foot falls on the walk way leading up to the parade ground. They filed into the parade ground that had been the old boarding schools main athletic field where they normally did their morning PT and roll call. As the colors passed the reviewing stand, where her mother, father, the qQueen, and the adult officers of the academy sat in review Lisa stood up and placed her hand over her heart. The colors made one round of the parade ground and came to stand before the reviewing stand with Jill, Lamile, and Mitch standing attention. As the cadets filed pass her mother, the cadet officer in charge of each company called, “Honors Right! Hand Salute!”

  When the entire corps of cadets was assembled, Jill with Lamile, and Mitch in unison approached the reviewing stand where Jill called in a clear crisp voice. “The Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets reporting for inspection Lady Wilson!”

  Lisa stepped down off the reviewing stand and walked with Jill and her party through the cadets. Several months pregnant she stopped here and there to talk with the cadets. She was very honored that these kids would do this for her. When she was finished reviewing the cadets she climbed back up to the reviewing stand, and spoke.

  “Thank you for the great honor you have bestowed on me. I am honored that you would hold your first parade and pass in review for me. I am humbled that you would choose me for this honor.

  “As humble as I am that you, the first cadets of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets would choose me as the person to inspect and review you,” Lisa continued with mischief in her voice she continued, “I wondered why you choose me? Could it be that you wanted someone easy to fool? Who didn’t know what she was looking at maybe? Someone who isn’t say the Marshal, or the XO, or possibly General Qoum? Did you forget that my husband, is the mMarshal, and my daughter is your cadet commander? So I have a good idea how to inspect you!” The brought some chuckles. “However since this was your first pass in review I didn’t hand out demerits! However, Colonel Wilson and I will have an err conversation about the outstanding appearance of her cadets.

  “Gentle souls of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets,” she continued with a more serious tone of voice, “never forget that you are the first of a long line of young people who will make up the corps of cadets. That what you do from here on sets the precedence and traditions of the Queen’s Own Royal Corps of Cadets. Thank you for this honor of being the first to review your parade. It is the start of a fine tradition that I hope you will continue. I only ask that you never pass in review for someone who requests the honor, that you continue to choose who you wish to honor! Corps of Cadets! Dismissed!”

  With that Jill did an about face and called, “Corps attention!”

  The Ccadets came to attention.

  “Dismissed!” Jill called and then walked to where her parents were standing.

  “Jill,” Her father said, “They looked really good.”

  “Thank you,” Jill repliedsaid, “But if it wasn’t for Sergeant Green and several of her cohorts we wouldn’t look that good.”

  “Well the cadets did most of the work,” Sergeant Green dressed in her splendid marine dress uniform came up. “But they look good Colonel Wilson.”

  “Thank you Sergeant,” Jill said.

  “The cadets have the afternoon off.” Lady Hawthorne said, “Would you care to dine with me?”

  “That would be fine,” Lisa said, “Let me tell Maggie…”

  “Uh Lisa,” Lady Hawthorne said, “She already knows!”

  “I see,” Lisa said, she turned to her mother in law, “I thought that the sergeant’s network was military only!”

  “I guess not,” Joyce said, “I always did wonder how my noble friends managed things.”

  With that they went to the house that had at one time belonged to the school’s head mistress; but now served as Lady Hawthorne’s quarters.


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