Every Last Mother's Child

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Every Last Mother's Child Page 183

by William J. Carty, Jr

  Chapter 5: Help From a Strange Quarter

  As she waited for things to start in the throne room Jill reviewed what had happen to bring her to the throne room with the honors platoon from the academy.

  She had been called to her father’s office and was surprised to see the Princess there, with the Queen, Lord Mercer and her grandmother.

  “Jill,” The princess started, “This is Trudy. She is from Trojack. One of the worlds you own.”

  “Hello,” Jill greeted the biowoman, not understanding what was going on.

  “Hello Miss Jill,” The woman a gamma biowoman replied.

  “Jill we talked earlier what might happen should the worlds you own want their independence.” The princess said.

  “That’s right,” Jill said starting to understand.

  “It seems that some company personnel ceded the world of Trojack to the biopeople living on it. The only problem is that since they were not authorized to do that by you; there is some question of Trojack’s sovereignty.”

  “I see,” Jill said then turned to the Galactic Council Representative, “Councilor, how do I let them have the planet.”

  “Do you cede control of Trojack to the people who live on that world?” the councilor asked.

  “I cede my control of the Planet Trojack to the people of Trojack.” Jill replied. Then realizing that she shouldn’t be so fast to release the planet to just anyone she asked, “I assume that she has been checked out?”

  “Yes,” Lord Mercer replied, he had spoken with Kellogg earlier and had verified that Trudy was part of Trojack’s underground.

  “Miss Wilson,” the gamma biowoman said, “We thought we would have to fight for our independence. We were certain you wouldn’t give it to us!”

  “Miss Trudy,” Jill said softly, “All I have done is to give you a planet that your people run already. You’ll have to fight to keep your independence. That may be a lot harder than signing the planet over to you.”

  “It may at that,” The biowoman was shocked that the young girl understood the dynamics of what was going on.

  Trudy watched in awe as first the young girl before her and the Princess of Earth, and then the older woman who had said nothing during the meeting, signed the title of Trojack over to the people of Trojack. Jill handed the title of the world to her.

  “Ambassador Trudy,” The Galactic Councilor said, “The Galactic Council would like to send a representative to Trojack. We would like to start the process of Trojack joining the Galactic Council.”

  “That will be up to Roy,” The woman said, “My mission is to help Queen Agatha get her people to safety. Roy was adamant that because Trena has always been a safe harbor for my brothers and sisters during the company era that we need to help you.”

  The door keeper slamming his baton harshly down on the throne room floor brought Jill back to reality as she and her honor platoon were standing as part of the honor guard for the Ambassador of Trojack. She and the platoon came to attention as the door keeper called, “Presenting Her Excellency, Trudy, Clone Gamma, T500 -124 Y. The first Ambassador to the Court of Trena, from the Free World of Trojack.” He slammed the baton down again, and stood aside to let the thirty year old. Queen Agatha, sitting on the throne watched the young woman approach her. This was the first ambassador to present her credentials to the Free World since the beginning of the evacuation. She was a short husky and rather plain woman. This had surprised the Queen. She had expected some one as elegant looking as Francine or Lisa. Knowing that the Deltas were the top of the line, she assumed that the recently emancipated world of Trojack would send a delta as their ambassador. She was also greatly surprised that any world would present their ambassador to her, especially one who was in fear of being taken back over by Ebio.

  “Welcome to Trena,” The Queen greeted the ambassador. Standing beside her was her Marshal, Michael Wilson, and her Crown Attorney, Larry Mercer. This was a special audience with the few ambassadors still on Trena, and a few handpicked nobles in the throne room including Duke Horton. Though getting smaller in number with so many foreign nationals having left the free world there were still some fifty ambassadors in the audience chamber.

  “Thank you for allowing me to present my credentials your majesty.” She stepped forward and stood three feet from the Queen. She presented a parchment to the Queen that held her diplomatic orders and a greeting from Roy. As the Queen took the parchment she reflected that even in this day of electronics, computers and such, credentials and other official documents were committed to paper. Even such papers like parchment that been superseded by modern paper.

  This was a mere formality. The credentials had already been presented in private to Lord Kenworth and the Evacuation Command earlier in the day. The Queen at first didn’t want to hold this audience as she thought it was a waste of time. Jill had been in her father’s office when Mercer and Wilson both insisted that Queen Agatha should have it. Her father put it succinctly, “They are a newly independent world who may become a great trading partner of our new world, and we don’t want to alienate anyone at this time.”

  Reluctantly the Queen agreed to the audience.

  “Thank you for coming to our assistance.” Queen Agatha said bringing Jill back to reality, “Considering the turmoil Trojack must be in I find it unusual that your manager would send an expedition to Trena at this time.”

  “I found it strange also majesty,” the young woman said, “but Roy put it to me this way. Trena has always looked out for our people. Your people have always accepted my people not as escaped biopeople; but as human beings. You have accepted our people into your culture, and society. Most, if not all have become citizens of Trena. You didn’t turn your back on our people when they came to Trena in need, so how can we on Trojack turn our back on you in your hour of need. My mission, your majesty is to assist you in getting every last mother’s child off your world. The people of Trojack are at your service.”

  “The people of Trena welcome your assistance Madame Ambassador.” Queen Agatha replied. “Ladies and gentlemen of the Trena Diplomatic Corps, and the Court of Trena; I present to you the Ambassador from Trojack.”

  The Queen stepped out of the throne, and stood with the biowomen in the reception line. It was a little intimidating to stand with the ruler of a world and be presented to diplomats from across the galaxy. As a biowoman she might have been present at such gatherings; but never presented formally to the nobles and upper class at court. Especially as a gamma clone she had been designed and trained as a sexual companion. She stood with the Queen as she was presented to the diplomatic corps and nobles from the Trena. The last people in line were Captain Kellogg of Ebio’s Containment and Alignment, who unbelievably was escorting an elegant looking Delta biowomen.

  Trudy bristled when she saw the notorious company officer. She turned to the Queen and asked, “What is that man doing here? He’s a closer from Ebio!”

  “Was a closer for the company,” Marshal Wilson spoke softly, “Right now he is one of my special project officers. His current task is to hunt down and bring to justice, Captain Martha Hozenbur. He enjoys a crown pardon, and we have an understanding.”

  “I harm anyone he cares about,” Kellogg injected, “there won’t be enough left of me to blot.”

  “But he’s a closer,” The woman said, “How can you trust him?”

  “Trudy how many of the clones you have in that three hundred man force are ex company security. Almost all,” Wilson said, “Yet we are not going to sanction them or prevent them from stepping onto Trena. We think they may be of some help.”

  “Mr. Kellogg,” Trudy said, “I have read your file, and I know what you did for the company. It’s a good thing Lord Wilson is vouching for you. Or I would kill you where you stand.”

  Kellogg nodded, and it was time to say his piece, he didn’t quite trust these clones. “My number one vocation and life’s work is to see that the biopeople who have emigrated to Trena never be
apprehended by the company. My friends and I will start a storm the likes you have never seen if you turn out to be a bad actor.”

  “I see that puts us all on the same page,” Lady Gray said pleasantly.

  “Ambassador,” Trudy replied, “can I meet with you at some time. I have a message for Maxwell and his justice department.”

  “What type of message,” Princess Carroll joined her father’s ambassador.

  “As I was departing Trojack,” The gamma biowoman spoke, “The security police were packaging several company officers for transport to Earth. They are being charged with crimes against my people in the Empire. I have a letter for your father asking his help in bringing these criminals to justice anywhere we can find them and try them.”

  “We will send your letter to Maxwell. On behalf of the Empire let me extend our heartfelt sorrow as to what has happened to your people over the years. I wish also to say that the Emperor has been working hard behind the scenes to stop the abuse to clones, and just couldn’t get things to happen.

  “I cannot tell you how many nights Dad and I have discussed how to free the clones.” the princess said, “now with Ebio’s CEO helping to shut down the containment unit, and Lady Wilson’s interview we have the best shot in years of helping you and your people.”

  Jill who was standing with her platoon witnessed the confrontation and wondered just what the bioperson had on Kellogg. She didn’t know anything about him except that he seemed to be working behind the scenes to help find captain Hozenbur. She also saw how the princess handled the information and tucked it away.

  That sobered the biowoman a bit then she looked to the tall and imposing figures of Lord and Lady Wilson who were standing with a tall Thonian Mounted Patrol Officer who stood 10 inches taller than her. “Lady Wilson, on behalf of the people of Trojack, I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to you and your husband for the courage you have exhibited over the years in helping our people. I also wish to offer my sincere condolences on the death of your father Marshal. He, like you has a special place in the bioengineered community.”

  Wilson was silent for a moment, then spoke softly, “Thank you.”

  “I guess I should mingle,” Trudy said, as Francine, Kellogg’s companion came up with a drink for Kellogg. She just couldn’t believe that a biowoman would be seen with a closer. Especially Kellogg!

  “Come along Kell,” Francine said. Seeing the puzzled look on the biowoman’s face, she spoke to the woman from Trojack, “You don’t have to worry about Kell. He’s quite a reformed closer. He has done almost as much as Lady Wilson has, to make sure our people don’t come to grief.”

  With that the couple walked away from the party Kell taking Francine’s arm. Shortly Trudy was wandering through the crowd. Her mission had several parts to it. One of them was to make diplomatic contact with as many diplomats to begin Trojack’s entry into the community of Star Nations.

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