Pack Enforcer

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Pack Enforcer Page 3

by Crissy Smith

  She screamed when he stabbed his tongue inside, using his tongue to separate her folds, then penetrating inside. His thumb circled her clit. Her hips bucked, and she was scratching at his shoulders. Too much pleasure assaulted her. His tongue caused each sensitive nerve to dance.

  “Cain.” She cried out his name as her body tightened and exploded.

  “Yes, say my name,” he told her as he knelt between her legs. “Mine.”

  He pushed just the tip of his cock inside, then stopped. “Look at me, Emily.”

  When she opened her eyes, he pushed farther in. “Say it.”

  She nodded, tears streaming down her face. “Yes.”

  His hands held her up and in position. Their eyes held. “Scream my name now.”

  And she did at the first thrust.

  Emily felt her body stretch to allow him entrance. Cain moved with long, deep strokes, picking up speed as he slammed into her.

  Emily lifted her hips and matched each thrust, her body taking him deeper each time. She was slick, coating him as he pulled out and then pushed back in.

  Watching him, she saw his eyes start to glow. She knew she was giving him pleasure. “More. Harder,” she panted out.

  He groaned but lifted her hips higher so he could plunge in faster, his hips snapping a fast rhythm. Emily felt her second release tear through her body.

  She dug her nails into his sweat-laced skin as he reached orgasm.

  Chapter Five

  Cain rolled off of Emily, and they lay side by side on the mat, trying to catch their breath. He got his first and propped up on one elbow and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed, and she had a small smile playing on her lips. He leant down and kissed that smile gently.


  “Uh huh,” she answered without opening her eyes.

  “Emily, look at me,” he told her softly.

  She opened her eyes, “Cain, if you tell me that was a mistake, I think I might kill you. No, I’m pretty sure I will.”

  He laughed softly and adjusted her where she could lay on him and still look at him. “No, I wasn’t going to… I want you to… I mean…” He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.


  “I want to go on a run with you. Tonight.”

  He watched the surprise then pleasure and, at last, uncertainty flicker in her eyes. He held her breath as he waited for her answer.


  He nodded. It was a big step for him. Going for a run just the two of them was what mates, what bonded, did. It was intimate. He wanted her to understand that she belonged to him now. To run in their other forms, their wolves, was a sign of commitment.

  “Just us?” Her voice was quiet.

  Cain didn’t know what to think about the amount of time she was taking to answer. A male could not force a female. The females in a Pack were protected above all else. If she said no, he had to back off, no matter what. He only nodded in answer to her question.

  She leant in and whispered her answer against his lips, “Yes.”

  He let out the breath he wasn’t aware he’d been holding. He kissed her gently, running his hand through her hair that had come loose from its holder, trying to make up for how rough he’d just been.

  He couldn’t stop touching her. He had fought his attraction for so long. Now, having her in his arms, he knew he would never let her go.

  He deepened the kiss and felt her shudder. “If we don’t get up now, we won’t make it to tonight,” he told her, pulling away. He stood and lifted her to her feet. His hand covered the bruises on her wrists where he had held her. He stroked them with his thumbs.


  “I hurt you.”

  “No,” she said, placing a hand on his check. “You didn’t. And these will be gone in an hour.”

  He stepped back to let her dress before he had her on the mat again. He pulled his pants on and watched her slip into hers. She looked at the ripped sports bra then pulled her shirt on without it.

  Her breasts stretched the material, and her nipples were hard. He groaned and rubbed his chest. She was going to kill him. He picked up her ruined bra and stuffed it in his pocket before taking her hand and leading her up the steps into the main house.

  He didn’t drop her hand when they went into the kitchen and saw Tony sitting at the counter with a bowl of cereal, but he stepped in front of her and blocked her from Tony’s view.

  Tony looked up and smiled. “Did you have a nice…workout?” he asked.

  Cain felt Emily lean her forehead against his back, and he knew she was blushing. Every room in the house had extra soundproofing because they had such good ears, but you could hear enough.

  That and Tony would be able to smell them on each other, along with other smells.

  Cain cut him down with a look that said to be gone when he came back.

  Tony just continued to smile at him. Then he sobered. “Adam called. I told him you were a little…busy and would call him back.”

  Emily’s grip tightened on his hand, and Cain growled at his brother who just blinked innocently at him.

  He pulled her from the kitchen, but turned back just before the door closed and mouthed, “You’re dead,” to his brother.

  Emily didn’t say anything as they walked through the house and out the front door. When they reached the car she used when she was there, he held open the door for her then leaned in and kissed her before she could get in. He had her trapped against the car and his body.

  He had meant it as a soft, quick goodbye kiss, but it deepened as if on its own, and his arms caged her to his body. She kissed him back with the same amount of passion and need he gave her. His body hardened, and he lifted her off her feet and leaned her against the side of the car.

  He quickly scanned the area for any others who may have been walking by or the guards making their rounds, but the area was clear for the moment. Not that it would be a big surprise to anyone to see a couple making out or even having sex.

  But Cain wasn’t about to let anyone but him see Emily. The fact that it was the first time he had that thought did not escape him. In the past, when he'd been with another female, he hadn't cared if anyone walked in while they were together.

  Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was pressed against her. She moaned and rubbed herself on him.

  “Cain,” she whispered when he broke the kiss.

  “I know, baby. I know.” He tried to release her but the pulse between his legs only increased when she moaned again.

  He cursed and hitched her higher around his waist. Kissing her, he walked over to the trees on the north end of the property. It would keep them hidden from the house or anyone who drove up. He would hear or sense anyone else.

  He barely had her on the ground before she was tearing his pants down. He did the same to her and plunged into her as his mouth covered her scream.

  * * * *

  “What is wrong with us?” Emily asked from under him as they came back to the world.

  He rolled off of her and shook his head.

  She blushed, pulling her pants back on. Her hands were shaking. He reached over and grabbed them. Her eyes met his and he saw her confusion.


  “We just did it in the middle of the yard. Anyone could have walked by.” She sounded nervous, and he smiled to reassure her.

  “It‘s not unusual.” He pulled her up to her feet with him.

  She frowned at him. “No, Cain. I mean, I’ve been…uh…” She looked around, as if what she wanted to say would be written somewhere. “With others, you know, and it’s never been like that. Well, like either time really.”

  She pulled her hand away and wrapped her arms around her middle. He embraced her, hoping to give her comfort.

  “Baby, you haven’t been with a Were before, only human men. That’s bound to be different. Plus I am very good if I say so myself. I’ve ruined you for all others, human or Were.”

�t be cocky.” She pushed him away, laughing. She started walking back to her car but stopped so abruptly he almost ran her over. “How do you know I’ve always been with humans?”

  He froze. He couldn’t very well tell her he knew about every one of the men she had been with. Checked them out when she started dating them and kept an eye out for any problems. So he told her the other truth.

  “Because I put the word out if any wolf touched you I’d kill them,” he told her as he put his hand on her back to push her forward.

  But she dug her heels in. “You did what?” Her tone was the first warning. The narrowing of her eyes the second. And her fist smashed into his face.

  His head snapped back, and he saw stars of a moment. When he recovered, he looked at her and saw her eyes wide with surprise.

  “You deserved that.” she told him as she started back for her car.

  He shook his head again. It wasn’t to clear the pain but the shock. She’d just almost taken his head off.

  He smiled and ran to catch up with her. “That was a good hit.”

  She sent him a sidewise look.

  “You’re right, I probably deserved it.” He walked around her and then backward in front of her. He felt young again. Happier than he had been in years.

  “Stop, Cain.”

  “Stop what?” he asked innocently.

  Emily reached her car, but he was still in front of her.

  When he in to kiss her, she pushed him back.

  “No way, or I’ll never get home. You can wait until tonight.”

  He sent her a mournful look before tucking his hands in his pockets. And, of course, that’s where her bra was.

  “Get in the car while you can then,” he warned her.

  She laughed and went around the door he had left open. Before she could close it, he grabbed her chin and kissed her long and hard. Her eyes were unfocused when they separated.

  “Drive safely,” he told her as he shut the door. And he could swear he heard her growl.

  Laughing, he headed upstairs to shower. He’d never felt so light-hearted in his entire life. He was already in his room with his pants off before he remembered he needed to kill his brother and call Adam back. So he made a mental note—shower, call Adam, and kill brother. That ought to do it, he laughed to himself.

  * * * *

  He never did go after Tony. The call from Adam changed that.

  “Another girl was attacked.”

  “When, where, who?” He grabbed for a pair of jeans.

  “Riker’s territory in Colorado. He did the same as the other Alphas and called the Pack home. Girl was fourteen miles from territory.”

  “We need permission to go up and talk to Riker, and the girl.” Cain was already making plans in his head.

  “Done. Christian’s already called. We leave at first light.”

  Cain nodded then said out loud, “Good. Good.”

  “Just me and you. Riker doesn’t want anyone else around the girl.”

  Cain frowned into the phone. “It was bad?”

  Adam sighed, and Cain could hear it clearly over the line. “Very. I’ll be there to get you at six.”

  “I’ll be ready,” Cain promised, then went downstairs to give his dad the news. He didn't want to leave Emily. The fact that she was his first thought instead of the attacked girl confirmed that he was already in over his head. He had a job to do. Even if all he really wanted was to curl up in bed with Emily and shut out the world.

  Chapter Six

  Cain returned home tired and frustrated. They hadn’t learned anything new from their trip to Colorado. Only that neither one of them smelled a familiar scent on the girl’s clothes. All he wanted was a hot shower, food, and some rest before he went and saw Emily.

  Walking into the house, he heard the noise and racket of numerous guests. So he probably wasn’t going to get the nap.

  He could still get the hot shower and food before going to see her. That was his plan when he started up the stairs, until he caught her scent in the air. She’d been in the house very recently. Even better. He would talk her into the shower with him.

  He’d hated being away from her for three days. His mind kept returning to the run he’d shared with her. Chasing her as she ran, jumped, and teased. The feel of her fur and tongue when he’d finally caught her. They had laid in woods together, just taking in the sounds of nature. He’d watched her fall asleep and closed his eyes beside her.

  He must have fallen asleep as well because the next thing he remembered it had been dark and they were both back in human form. She was spread over his body kissing his neck and chest.

  His body hardened at the memory of her taking him deep inside. Riding him with the moonlight shining over her.

  The words to ask to mate with her had been on the tip of his tongue when she’d dropped her head back and climaxed. The jolt that had gone through his body had sizzled him, and he had rolled her over to pound himself inside her until she came again, screaming, taking him with her.

  Dropping his bag at the foot of the stairs, he headed to look for her. She needed to join him for a shower now.

  Toby was in the kitchen, tying his shoes. “You’re home!” he exclaimed.

  Cain smiled. That was a good greeting, and he was expecting a better one from Emily.

  “Hey, champ.” He ruffled his hair. “How’s it going?”

  Toby smiled up at him, showing a missing tooth. “Good.”

  “Hey, there’s something different about you.” Cain stroked his chin, pretending to think about it. “Did you get your hair cut?”

  Toby laughed and shook his head.

  “Hmm, wonder what it is.”

  Toby smiled, his large gap in plain view.

  They both turned as the kitchen door opened. Toby scowled and bent down to finish tying his shoes.

  “Hey, just came in for some water. We got a football game in the back yard going,” Kyle told them.

  Toby mumbled something and jumped off the stool.

  Cain nodded at Kyle and placed a hand on Toby’s shoulder. They were silent until Kyle walked out the door.

  “Okay, bud, let’s figure this out.” He studied Toby again. “It’s not new shoes. Hmm, let’s see…” Cain trailed off. Toby still had the scowl on his face. “What’s up, bud?”

  Toby looked down at the ground and kicked the cupboard. Cain waited patiently. When Toby finished thinking about what he wanted to say, he looked up at Cain with big eyes.

  “I thought Emily was your girl,” he told his older brother.

  Cain nodded. “Does that bother you?”

  Toby shook his head enthusiastically. “No, if she was your girl, she’d stay. Not go away again.”

  Cain nodded. “Okay.”

  Toby shifted from one foot to another. “But if she’s your girl, how come Kyle was kissing her?”

  Cain felt like he had been punched in the stomach. “Where?”

  Toby tilted his head at him. “On the mouth.”

  Cain tried to hold his fury in. He looked at the young, innocent boy in front of him. “Where were they?”

  “In the living room.”

  Cain nodded.

  “I don’t want her going away with him,” Toby told him.

  Cain gently ruffled his hair again. “She won’t. Don’t worry.”

  Cain gave him one last pat on the head and strode to the sliding glass door.

  He saw her the minute he stepped out the door. His vision narrowed to only her. He crossed the yard quickly as she turned and smiled at him.

  Emily sensed him more than knew he was there. She smiled, but as she turned, the smile almost immediately fell from her face. He looked furious. When he reached her, he grabbed her arm in an iron tight grip and yanked her towards the house.


  He dragged her forward so fast she tripped over her own feet. He held her up by her arm then half turned, picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder.

  Emily was hu
miliated, but instead of causing a bigger scene, she let it go without fighting. He went through the open glass door, crossed the kitchen and kicked the swinging door open into the hall.

  She cursed at him quietly, demanding he put her down. Emily couldn’t believe he was acting this way as he stomped up the stairs and down the hall to his room. She started kicking and scratching when he opened the door then slammed it behind him. He dropped her on the bed none too gently.

  “Cain?” Emily raised herself on her elbows.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Emily?” he yelled.

  She blinked. “Wh…what?”

  He stood in front of the bed, and his eyes were flashing. She could feel the shimmering in the air as he tried not to shift.

  “Why, Emily?”

  “Cain, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please just tell me what happened. What I did.” She tried to keep her voice soft and controlled. She’d never seen him this way. She didn't know if it was something with what he was working on or her. But it scared her. He was pacing the room like… a caged wolf. “Cain, calm down.”

  “Don’t! Do not tell me to calm down, Emily. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Did you think I would just shrug it off?” His voice had gone low, dangerously low.

  “Find out what?” She moved more firmly up the bed. She didn’t like where this was going. “Talk to me, Cain.”

  “Shut up. Just shut the hell up,” he ordered still in that deadly tone. “What did you think I’d do, Emily?”

  She didn’t know what was going on, but for the first time in her life, she was afraid of him. She kept her mouth closed. Part from fear and the fact she couldn’t believe he’d told her to shut up. That wasn’t like him. Sure, he was domineering and arrogant, but he was never downright disrespectful.

  “Answer me, damn it!”

  “You told me to shut up,” she blurted out. She hadn’t meant to say it, but she was scared and starting to get pissed herself.

  He was on her—from the door to the bed in one leap—and he sat with his knees holding her legs down and arms at her side.

  “Cain.” She struggled, which only seemed to make him madder.


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