by Edwin Black
11. Active Membership Accession List. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, “The Detection of a Case of Simulation of Insanity By Means of Association Tests,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology Vol. VI (1911), p. 19.
12. Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1936), pp. 50-51,86,89. Eugenics Record Office, Official Record of the Gift of the Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York by Mrs. E. H. Harriman to the Carnegie Institution of Washington and of its Acceptance by the Institution (Cold Spring Harbor, New York: Eugenics Record Office, 1918), p. 33: CSH. Officers and Committee List of the Eugenics Research Association- January 1927.
13. Lothtop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1926), pp. 258,259-260. Active Membership Accession List.
14. Active Membership Accession List.
15. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, “The Mental Efficiency in Epileptics,” Epilepsia Vol. 3 (Dec 1912), p. 504. Katzen-Ellenbogen, “The Detection of a Case of Simulation of Insanity By Means of Association Tests.” Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, “A Critical Essay on Mental Tests in Their Relation to Epilepsy,” Epilepsia Vol. 4 (1913), p. 130. American Men of Science (1914): NA: RG4961 Box 457.
16. NA: RG4961Box 457. “Record of Marriage”: NA: RG4961Box 457. Letter, Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen to 7708 WCG, circa 13 April 1948: NA: RG4961 box 457. “Extract Copy: Review And Recommendations: NA: RG4961 Box 457.
17. See “Photo of Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen” at “A Critical Essay on Mental Tests.” Arrest photo of Katzen-Ellenbogen: NA: RG4961Box457. “Testimony of Karl Hemrick Victor Berthold”: NA: RG4961 Box 457.
18. “Review of WC Section, Military Affairs Branch.” Active Membership Accession List.
19. Letter, Olga Heide-Pilat to General Handy, 7 August 1951: NA: RG4961 Box 457. See Testimony of Katzen-Ellenbogen: NA: RG4961290/59/1411-5/Box 434.
20. Sworn statement of Walter Hummelsheim: NA: RG4961290/5911411-51 Box 444.
21. Timeline of Rockefeller Foundation History at
22. Letter, John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Charles B. Davenport, 27 January 1912: APS: B:D27 Davenport — J.D. Rockefeller. Letter, John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Charles B. Davenport, 27 March 1912: APS: B:D27 Davenport — J.D. Rockefeller. Letter, John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Charles B. Davenport, 2 April 1912: APS: B:D27 Davenport — J.D. Rockefeller. Letter, John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Charles B. Davenport, 8 May 1912: APS: B:D27 Davenport — J.D. Rockefeller. Timeline of Rockefeller Foundation History; see Biography of John D. Rockefeller Jr. at
23. Biography of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Rockefeller to Davenport, 27 January 1912. Rockefeller to Davenport, 27 March 1912. Rockefeller to Davenport, 2 April 1912. Rockefeller to Davenport, 8 May 1912.
24. First Meeting of the Board of Scientific Directors.
25. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Dr. William H. Welch, 1 March 1915: APS B:D27- Harriman, Mrs. E. H. #5. Also see Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Alexander Graham Bell, 5 March 5 1915: APS B:D27 -Alexander Graham Bell #7.
26. Davenport to Welch, 1 March 1915.
27. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Alexander Graham Bell, 20 March 1915: APS B:D27-Alexander Graham Bell #7.
28. See Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Mrs. E.H. Harriman, 13 February 1915: APS B:D27-Harriman, Mrs. E.H. #4. “Conference on the Feebleminded at the Home of Mrs. E.H. Harriman,” meeting agenda with notations: APS B:D27 — Harriman, Mrs. E.H. #4.
29. Letter, Robert W. Hebberd to Mrs. E.H. Harriman, 28 October 1913: APS B:D27-Harriman, Mrs. E.H. #3.
30. “A County Survey,” Eugenical News, Vol. I (1916) p. 24.
31. Memorandum on Immigration enclosed with letter, Charles B. Davenport to Madison Grant, 6 January 1921: APS B:D27 — Grant, Madison #3.
32. National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor, The National Committee on Prison and Prison Labor — Its Origin, Purpose and Present Activities (New York: National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor, 1915) pp. 2-3, 4,5: APS B:D27 Davenport — Nat’l Committee on Prisons & Prison Labor. “Field Work in a Police Department,” Eugenical News, Vol. II (1917) p. 21. “Field Workers Appointed,” Eugenical News, Vol. II (1917), p. 80.
33. “New York State Commission on the Mentally Deficient,” Eugenical News, Vol. 1 (1916) pp. 6-7. Letter, Davenport to Harriman, 13 February 1915. “Wanted,” Eugenical News, Vol.1 (1916) p. 48.
34. “Hospital Development Commission,” Eugenical News Vol.II (1917), p. 59.
35. “News and Notes,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917), p. 24. “Field Workers’ Returns,” Eugenical News Vol. 1(1916), p. 3. “Field Workers’ Returns,” Eugenical News Vol. I (1916), p. 9. “News and Notes,” Eugenical News Vol. I (1916), p. 18. “Workofa Field Worker,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917), p. 46.
36. Letter, A.G. Smith to C.L. Goodrich, 14 November 1912: APS B:D27 — ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, C.L. Goodrich to A.G. Smith, 25 November 1912: APS B:D27 — ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, D.A. Brodie to Charles B. Davenport, 26 November 1912: APS B:D27 — ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to D.A. Brodie, 29 November 1912: APS B:D27 -ABA Committee on Eugenics #2.
37. Brodie to Davenport, 26 November 1912. Davenport to Brodie, 29 November 1912.
38. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to George W. Knorr, 3 January 1913 : APS B:D27 -ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to George W. Knorr, 5 January 1913: APS B:D27 — ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to R. DeC. Ward, 5 January 1913: APS B:D27-ABA Committee on Eugenics #2. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to George W. Knorr, 10 January 1913: APS B:D27 — ABA Committee on Eugenics #2.
39. James Wilson, “Presidential Address: Ninth Annual Meeting,” The American Breeders’ Magazine: A Journal of Genetics and Eugenics Vol. IV(1913), pp. 53, 55, 57.
40. “Foreword,” Eugenical News Vol. I (1916) p. I. Truman Library, “Harry H. Laughlin Biography,” at Official Record of the Gift of the Eugenics Record Office, p. 33.
41. “Personals,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 12. “Accessions to Archives,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 12. “Voice Inheritance,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 19. “Our Visitors,” Eugenical News Vol. I (1916) pp. 32-33. “The New Immigration Law,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 22. “Eugenic Legislation,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 29. “Personals,” Eugenical News Vol. II (1917) p. 71.
42. Letter, Theodore Roosevelt to Charles B. Davenport, 3 January 1913: APS B:D27 Davenport- Roosevelt, Theodore. What I Think About Eugenics (n.p., n.d.), Bancroft Library. Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam, as quoted by Thomas F. Gossett, Race: The History of an Idea in America (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1963), p. 403 as cited in Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky, The Experts Speak (New York: Villard Press, 19S4), p. 30.
43. Dr. David Heron, “A Criticism of Recent American Work, “ p. 5, as cited by Charles B. Davenport, “A Discussion of the Methods and Results of Dr. Heron’s Critique,” Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11: Reply to the Criticism of Recent American Work by Dr. Heron of the Galton Laboratory (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Eugenics Record Office, 1914), p. 3.
44. Heron, pp. 4, 62, as cited by Dr. A.J. Rosanoff, “Mendelism and Neuropathic Heredity: A Reply to Some of Dr. David Heron’s Criticisms of Recent American Work,” Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11, pp. 27, 28: CSH.
45. Heron, p. 67, as cited by Davenport, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11. Heron, p. 30, as cited by David F. Weeks, “Extract from Letter to C.B. Davenport From Dr. David F. Weeks, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Village for Epileptics at Skillman,” Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11, p. 25.
46. See Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11.
47. Davenport, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11, pp. 4-5, 9. Weeks, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11, p. 25. Rosanoff, Eugenics Record OffIce Bulletin No. 11, pp. 35, 36.
48. Davenport, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 11
, p. 24. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to V.L. Kellogg, 30 October 1912: APS- BD27 Kellogg, Vernon #3.
49. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Alexander Graham Bell, 25 September 1915 : APS B:D27 Alexander Graham Bell #7. Letter, Alexander Graham Bell to Charles B. Davenport, 30 September 1915: APS B:D27 Alexander Graham Bell #7.
50. “Where To Begin,” The San Francisco Daily News, 14 October 1915.
51. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Thomas D. Eliot, 1 November 1915: APS B:D27.
52. Davenport to Eliot, 1 November 1915.
53. Letter, Irving Fisher to Charles B. Davenport, 18 February 1916: APS B:D27 Davenport-Irving Fisher #3.
54. Fisher to Davenport, 18 February 1916.
55. Letter, Charles B. Davenport to Irving Fisher, 25 February 1916: APS B:D27 Davenport-Irving Fisher #3.
56. Draft of letter, Charles B. Davenport to Alexander Graham Bell, n.d.: CSH.
57. Record of telephone call, Alexander Graham Bell to Cold Spring Harbor, 8 April 1916: APS B:D27 Davenport — Bell.
58. Letter, Alexander Graham Bell to Charles B. Davenport, 20 April 1916: APS B:D27 Davenport-Bell.
59. Letter, Alexander Graham Bell to Charles B. Davenport, 18 November 1916: APS B:D27 Davenport- Bell. Letter, Alexander Graham Bell to Charles B. Davenport, 5 January 1917: APS B:D27 Davenport — Bell.
60. Official Record of the Gift of the Eugenics Record Office, pp. 21, 24, 25, 2S.
61. “Temperament of the Negro,” Eugenical News Vol. IV (1919) p. 43.
62. “Thalassophilia,” Eugenical News Vol. V(1920) p. 26.
63. Charles B. Davenport, Heredity In Relation To Eugenics (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1911; reprint, New York: Arno Press Inc., 1972), p. 6.
64. Eugenics Record Office, Record of Family Traits No. 40688: MS. COLL. No. 77, ERO, APS Series I. Eugenics Record Office, Record of Family Traits No. A:0772-I : MS. COLL. No. 0772, ERO, APS Series I.
65. Record of Family Traits No. 40688.
66. Eugenics Record Office, Family Tree A:0-3a: MS. COLL. No. 77, ERO, APS Series I, A:01 #6,1921-1930.
67. Charles B. Davenport and Harry H. Laughlin, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 13: How To Make A Eugenical Family Study (Cold Spring Harbor, New York: Eugenics Record Office, 1915) p. 25: CSH.
68. Charts and Measurements: MS. COLL. No. 77, ERO, APS Series I, A:01 #4 Development, 1922-1923. Letter, Brett Ramer to Charles B. Davenport, 15 June 1922: APS Series I, A:01 #4 Development, 1922-1923.
69. Mrs. Anna Wendt Finlayson, Eugenical Record Office Bulletin No. 15: The Dack Family, A Study in Hereditary Lack of Emotional Control (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Eugenical Record Office, 1916) p. 11. Henry H. Goddard, The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness (Vineland, New Jersey: 1913), p. x. Eugenics Survey of Vermont, “Farm No. 47, Family Name Irving, Mark,” Jamaica Emigrants Questionnaire Interviews: Vermont PRA-15.
70. Davenport and Laughlin, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 13, pp. 4, 28.
71. US Const, Preamble.
72. J. David Smith and K. Ray Nelson, The Sterilization of Carrie Buck (Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon Press, 1989) pp. 14, 30.
73. Departments of the Central State Hospital for Epileptic and Feeble-Minded at Petersburg, Virginia, “Official Interrogatories and Papers of Commitment”: Emma Buck files, Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
74. Smith, pp. 15-16. “Official Interrogatories and Papers of Commitment.”
75. Smith, pp. 1-3,5-6,18.
76. “They Told Me I Had To Have An Operation,” Charlottesville (VA) Daily Progress, 26 February 1980. Author’s Interview with former Central Virginia Training Center Superintendent K. Ray Nelson, 14 November 2002.
77. Smith, pp. 17-18.
78. Paul A. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization in Virginia: Aubrey Strode and the Case of Buck v. Bell,” (Ph. D. diss, University of Virginia, 1982), pp. 177, 179, 180. “Order of Commitment of Carrie E. Buck,” Carrie Buck vs. Dr.J.H. Bell, 143 Va. 310 pp. 22, 25: Supreme Court of Virginia as cited by Lombardo.
79. A.S. Priddy, Biennial Report of tbe State Epileptic Colony (Lynchburg, VA: State Epileptic Colony, 1923), as cited by Smith, p. 32.
80. Priddy as cited by Smith, p. 32.
81. Priddy as cited by Smith, p. 33.
82. Unnamed Patient Hearing transcript, as cited in The Lynchburg Story, Dir. Stephen Trombley, Prod. Bruce Eadie. Videocassette. Worldview Pictures, 1993. Poe v. Lynchburg Training School and Hospital, 518 F. Supp. 789 (W.D. Va. 1981).
83. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 120. “Writ of Habeas Corpus, filed at the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, November 24, 1917,” as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 120.
84. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 120-121. “Writ of Habeas Corpus,” as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 120.
85. “Deposition of Willie Mallory, December 11, 1917” as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 122.
86. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 124, 126-127.
87. Author’s transcription, Letter, George Mallory to A. S. Priddy, 5 November 1917, Virginia State Archive File Drawer #383, Item #2711; also see Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 127-128; also see Paul A. Lombardo, “Three Generations, No Imbeciles: New Light on Buck v. Bell,” New York University Law Review, Vol. 60 no. 1, pp. 42-43.
88. Letter, A. S. Priddy to George Mallory, 13 November 1917 in “Grounds of Defense, Willie T. Malloryv. A.S. Priddy,” February 16, 1918 (Virginia State Archive File Drawers #383, Item #2711) as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 128-129. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 124-125. W.I. Prichard, “History — Lynchburg Training School and Hospital,” Mental Health in Virginia, Summer, 1960, as cited in Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 129-130.
89. Letter, James DeJarnette to John Dickson, 24 October 1947 (Strode Papers, folder 30 14A), as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 132. Celebration of Dr. J. S. DeJarnette’s Fiftieth Anniversary of Continuous Service at the Western State Hospital, July 21, 1939 (DeJarnette Papers, Western State Hospital, Staunton, Virginia) as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 132.
90. Harry H. Laughlin, Eugenical Sterilization in the United States (Chicago: Psychopathic Laboratory of the Municipal Court of Chicago, 1922) pp. v, 6-50, 446-461. Also see Harry H. Laughlin, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 10B: II. The Legal, Legislative, And Administrative Aspects of Sterilization (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Eugenics Record Office, 1914) pp. 120-131.
91. Letter, A.S. Priddy to Harry H. Laughlin, 14 October 1924: Carrie Buck File, Central Virginia Training Center Archives. Harry H. Laughlin, “Review of the Legal Procedure and Litigation Under the Virginia Sterilization Statute, Which Led to the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, Upholding the Statute,” The Legal Status of Eugenical Sterilization (Washington, DC: Eugenic Record Office of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1930), p. 10.
92. Letter, A.S. Priddy to Caroline Wilhelm, 14 March 1924: Carrie Buck File, Central Virginia Training Center Archives. The Lynchburg Story. Letter, Caroline Wilhelm to A.S. Priddy, 5 May 1924: Carrie Buck File, Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
93. Buck v. Bell, pp. 10, 12. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 183.
94. Strode to Don Preston Peters, 19 July 1939 (Strode Papers, box 30) as cited by Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” p. 183.
95. Priddy to Laughlin, 14 October 1924. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 80, 184. Smith, p. 82. Lombardo, “Three Generations,” pp. 39, 55. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, “Fire Insurance Inspection Report, Dee-Whitehead Building”: Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
96. Letter, Caroline Wilhelm to A.S. Priddy, 15 October 1924: Carrie Buck File, Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
97. Letter, A.S. Priddy to]. S. Dejarnette, 1 November 1924: Carrie Buck File, Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
98. Priddy
to DeJarnette, 1 November 1924.
99. Buck v. Bell, p. 67.
100. Buck v. Bell, p. 67.
101. Harry H. Laughlin, “Analysis of the Hereditary Nature of Carrie Buck,” The Legal Status of Eugenical Sterilization, pp. 16-17. Priddy to Laughlin, 14 October 1924.
102. Laughlin, “Analysis of the Hereditary Nature of Carrie Buck,” pp. 16-17.
103. Laughlin, “Analysis of the Hereditary Nature of Carrie Buck,” p. 16.
104. Laughlin, “Analysis of the Hereditary Nature of Carrie Buck,” p. 17.
105. Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 208-210.
106. Harry H. Laughlin, “Opinion of Judge Bennett T. Gordon of the Circuit Court of Amherst County, Virginia,” The Legal Status of Eugenical Sterilization, pp. 19-21. Smith, pp. 174-175; Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization,” pp. 210-212.
107. Harry H. Laughlin, “Opinion of Judge Jesse F. West of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, at Staunton,” The Legal Status of Eugenical Sterilization, pp. 30-37.
108. State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded, “Minutes: December 7,1925,”: Central Virginia Training Center Archives.
109. Liva Baker, The Justice From Beacon Hill: The Life and Times of Oliver Wendell Holmes (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), pJ.
110. Baker, pp. 3, 15. Catherine Drinker Bowen, Yankee From Olympus: Justice Holmes and His Family (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1945), p. 62.
111. David H. Burton, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980), p. 13.
112. Burton, pp. 28-29. “Overview of ‘The Harvard Regiment,’” at “Information on The Battle of Antietam,” at Baker, pp. 97-98.
113. Baker, p. 151.
114. Baker, pp. 144, 165-166.
115. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., The Common Law (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1881; reprint, 1923), p. I.