1927 regained
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1928 luckier, more fortunate
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1929 goes along with, depends on
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1930 rank, worth, honor, excellence
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1931 defensive structure, rampart
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1932 political parties, intrigue, strife
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1933 after
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1934 (1) hope, (2) confidence, confident expectation
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1935 cared
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1936 opinion, judgment
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1937 injurious, abusive, disgraceful
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1938 engine = mechanical device: God’s chariot?
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1939 the deepest region of Hades
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1940 unknown, unfamiliar
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1941 drug, potion
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1942 in book 1, line 266, an “oblivious pool”
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1943 intrinsic—i.e., that which inheres in Spirits/Angels, etc.
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1944 actively opposed (i.e., unnatural)
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1945 the hindmost portion of their army
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1946 attacking, assaulting
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1947 result, outcome
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1948 horrible, disgusting
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1949 [adjective]
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1950 harass, oppress
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1951 slaves, serfs
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1952 kindle, inflame
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1953 essence, being
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1954 proclaimed, threatened
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1955 as God had dropped manna to the Israelites, in the desert, when they fled from Egypt
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1956 complicate, confuse
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1957 frustrate, destroy
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1958 (1) companions, (2) high lords
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1959 prognostication
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1960 result
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1961 feats, deeds, actions
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1962 being brought to an end, death
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1963 goal, purpose
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1964 object
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1965 dark, secret
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1966 “if we could”
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1967 overthrow, defeat
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1968 celestial
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1969 distinctive nature/shape
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1970 evil, harm
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1971 low, inferior, degraded
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1972 absolute, lifeless, spiritless
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1973 employ, exercise
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1974 undo, release
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1975 (1) intelligent existence, (2) superior intelligent existence
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1976 possibly, probably
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1977 ordained
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1978 set apart
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1979 in full force of numbers
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1980 interrupted
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1981 overhanging, near
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1982 afflicting, shaking
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1983 without reprieve/delay
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1984 struggling, fighting
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1985 therefore
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1986 occur, come to pass, result
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1987 dishonor, disgrace
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1988 sentence, judgment, destiny
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1989 discharge, withdraw, cancel
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1990 distant
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1991 remember, notice
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1992 unwholesome
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1993 habituated, accustomed
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1994 adapted
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1995 announce, proclaim
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1996 submission, obedience, homage
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1997 for/by
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1998 from
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1999 unfavorable
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2000 showing, displaying, exhibiting
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2001 lacks
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2002 lack
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2003 component parts
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2004 perception, awareness, feeling [noun]
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2005 arrange, adjust
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2006 exhausted after watching all night
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2007 sailing vessel (usually small)
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2008 small boat, schooner-rigged, often with two masts
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2009 opinion, judgment
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2010 battlefield
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2011 worked
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2012 create, begin the building of
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2013 lower
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2014 statecraft, stratagem
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2015 course, lapse
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2016 ambitious rivalry
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2017 opposed, hostile
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2018 face
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2019 the Titan Atlas, on whose shoulders the entire world rested
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2020 (1) the state of hearing, (2) reception
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2021 pronounced, judged
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2022 [five syllables, second and fourth accented]
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2023 chain or strap fastened to the bit of a horse, in order to restrain it
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2024 kept, stored
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2025 golden scepter
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2026 settled, fixed, resolved
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2027 overthrown, defeated, repulsed
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2028 conferred, granted, allowed, permitted
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2029 whip-strokes/lashes
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2030 exchange, give back
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2031 resistance, opposition
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2032 harvest, gain from
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2033 opportunity
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2034 be lacking
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2035 speed, promptness
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2036 bold/daring task
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report, talk
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2038 [four syllables, second and fourth accented]
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2039 form
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2040 endowed
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2041 (1) judge, (2) sole and absolute ruler
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2042 the world of man
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2043 attack, assault
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2044 ruin, destroy
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2045 direct (like cattle)
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2046 (1) inexperienced, (2) undersized
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2047 i.e., the first man, Adam
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2048 overthrow, defeat
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2049 Adam and Eve combined, metaphorically the root of all mankind
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2050 high-ranking powers, beings of rank/status/importance
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2051 assembly
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2052 suitable, timely
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2053 safe
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2054 precious, lustrous
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2055 test
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2056 touchable, tangible, perceptible
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2057 darkness
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2058 unknown
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2059 abyss
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2060 (metaphorical)
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2061 sentries [Milton’s spelling = prosodically necessary]
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2062 vote, collective decision
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2063 cautious, doubtful, uncertain
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2064 stunned, paralyzed
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2065 worthy, select
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2066 first in rank/degree
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2067 bold
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2068 calm, collected
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2069 descendants
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2070 celestial
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2071 hesitancy
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2072 the high vault of hell
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2073 excessive, cruel
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2074 walls in, surrounds, imprisons
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2075 material of impregnable hardness
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2076 shut
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2077 exit
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2078 emptiness, vacuum
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2079 vast, deep
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2080 immaterial
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2081 miscarrying, bringing to nothing
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2082 great depth, abyss
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2083 weight, importance
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2084 sovereignty, pomp
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2085 consider assiduously, apply oneself to thinking about
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2086 [four syllables, first and third accented]
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2087 remedy
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2088 incantation, spell
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2089 relieve, delay, suspend
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2090 reduce/diminish
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2091 wretched, difficult, troublesome
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2092 abode
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2093 omit
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2094 border (-lands)
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2095 participate in, share
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2096 by
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2097 restored, roused, stirred up, animated, stimulated
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2098 esteem, reputation
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2099 profoundly respectful
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2100 plausible but false [by A.D. 1651 the modern meaning]
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2101 incites, sets in motion
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2102 secret, hidden
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2103 somber, wicked
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2104 frowning, sullen
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2105 atmospheric agency (the weather)
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2106 spreads out, stretches forth
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2107 bear witness to
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2108 settled, secure, steadfast, unwavering
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2109 harmony, agreement, peace
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2110 alone
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2111 possessed of, protected by
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2112 undertake, impose
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2113 reconciliation, agreement
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2114 enough
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2115 infernal, hellish
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2116 overlord
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2117 having a spherical form (or, in this case, a spherical arrangement/order)
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2118 heraldic devices
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2119 bristling
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2120 pronounce, announce
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2121 kingly, magnificent
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2122 resonant, sonorous
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2123 trumpet made of a composite brass-based metal, shining like gold
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2124 sent back, reflected
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2125 drawn up in ranks
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2126 anxious, in doubt, troubled
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2127 high up
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2128 compete, strive earnestly
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2129 i.e., the games held at Olympia, in Elis
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2130 second most important site of Greek games, held at Pythia, in Delphi, and in honor of Apollo
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2131 practice checking/managing/controlling
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2132 avoid
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2133 column making a turn, in a chariot race
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2134 facing
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2135 vanguard
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2136 spur/urge forward their horses
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2137 lower (into fighting position)
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2138 densest
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2139 come together, grapple
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2140 sky
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2141 Typhon/Typhoeus, a hundred-serpent-headed giant with a great voice, who fought against and was killed by Jove as soon as he was born
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2142 fierce, savage, cruel, terrible
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2143 tear
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2144 Hercules
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2145 a kingdom on the large Greek island of Euboea, ruled by Eurytus, whose daughter, Iolé, was beloved by Hercule
s; Hercules was married and neither the girl’s father nor Hercules’ wife was pleased
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2146 sent to him by his wife, Deianeira, who believed (erroneously) it would win her back his love
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2147 Thessaly, in NE Greece
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2148 the innocent messenger who had brought him the poisoned robe
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2149 mountain in south Thessaly
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2150 the southern Aegean
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2151 withdrawn, retired [adjective]
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2152 unlucky
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2153 judgment
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2154 enslave
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2155 they complained that, at Fate’s hands, free virtue was put in bondage to force or chance
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2156 prejudiced, biased
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2157 riveted the attention of
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2158 seized
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2159 communication of thought by speech
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2160 “eloquence charms the soul, but….
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2161 secluded
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2162 unyielding, hardened in evil, insensible to moral influence
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2163 dense, compact
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2164 confident, daring
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2165 reconnoiter
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2166 extensively [adverb]
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2167 swift, rapid
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2168 full of active evil
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2169 river
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2170 [trisyllabic, second accented]
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2171 for
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2172 sorrowful
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2173 [trisyllabic, first—with “ph” pronounced as “f”—and third accented]
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2174 swift-flowing [adjective]
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2175 blaze up
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2176 with rage = violently
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2177 [bisyllabic, first accented]
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2178 like error, the river follows “a devious or wandering course” labyrinth = a maze
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2179 at once
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2180 river
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2181 mass, form
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2182 large structure, building
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2183 abyss
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2184 deep
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2185 Egyptian lake, bordered by quicksand
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2186 Damietta/Tamiathis: city at the mouth of the Nile
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2187 mountain range bordering on Egypt
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2188 to dry/shrivel/wither with cold
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2189 intensely cold, frostlike
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2190 brings about, works, achieves
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2191 dragged
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The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems Page 84