2469 try, attempt
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2470 specious, flattering
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2471 violate, break
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2472 (1) vow, promise, (2) surety
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2473 stayed erect, endured
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2474 plundered, robbed
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2475 controlled
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2476 unalterably
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2477 founder, instigator, father, ancestor
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2478 enslave
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2479 Satan and his followers
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2480 “while God spoke thus”
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2481 (1) not imaginary, (2) real, (3) amply
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2482 paramount, supreme
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2483 authoritative decision
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2484 encircled
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2485 proclaim, celebrate
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2486 surrounded
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2487 Satan
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2488 sentence, final fate
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2489 conclusive
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2490 conferred, bestowed
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2491 fallen
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2492 lost by misconduct
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2493 particular, special
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2494 chosen
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2495 (1) in good time, (2) at an early time, speedily
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2496 inflamed, angered
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2497 [adjective]
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2498 proper, fitting, right
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2499 arbitrator
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2500 enlightenment, the brightness of Heaven
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2501 patient endurance/toleration
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2502 sworn fidelity
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2503 loving
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2504 consecrated
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2505 unyielding, strict, firm
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2506 payment of a debt [legal/theological]
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2507 love, spontaneous goodness, benevolence
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2508 company
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2509 protector, advocate
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2510 mediator
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2511 sentence, judgment
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2512 not anticipated, not won by prayer
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2513 fit, suitable, appropriate [adjective]
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2514 hold, reckon
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2515 ultimately
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2516 give vent to
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2517 tribute, right
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2518 boasted of
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2519 bow, submit
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2520 broad, spacious
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2521 in spite of
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2522 exhibit, display
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2523 destroy
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2524 overfill, surfeit
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2525 complete
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2526 wonder mixed with reverence
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2527 to lead, result
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2528 quickly, at once
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2529 pleasure, delight
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2530 ransom
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2531 place
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2532 transferred
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2533 those among them
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2534 expensively, at such a high price
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2535 pleasurable possession
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2536 renounced, given up
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2537 embodied
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2538 reward
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2539 make subject, subdue, constrain, lower
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2540 dwell
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2541 summoned
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2542 judgment
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2543 outburst/volley of sound
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2544 called to account
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2545 accomplish
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2546 wild cries, shouts
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2547 cries of praise to God
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2548 mythical flower that never fades
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2549 [adjective]
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2550 floor [noun, and grammatical subject; the verb is “smiled,” at the end of the next line]
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2551 harmony, music in parts
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2552 harmoniousness
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2553 except
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2554 lower part of a robe
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2555 still
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2556 Christ
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2557 eminent
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2558 stamped
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2559 splendid radiance
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2560 full whole
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2561 fourth of the nine orders of angels
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2562 sixth of the nine orders of angels
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2563 the fallen angels
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2564 sentence, judge
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2565 separate
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2566 opaque
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2567 curved surface
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2568 fenced in
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2569 (1) sudden incursion, raid, (2) a road in, entranceway
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2570 harsh, severe, pitiless
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2571 at large = unconfined, at liberty
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2572 Himalayan mountain
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2573 leaps, often on horseback [verb]
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2574 leaving his usual surroundings, shifting
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2575 springtime
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2576 origins, sources
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2577 on, along
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2578 descends
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2579 partly in China, partly in Tibet
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2580 cane, bamboo
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2581 [adjective]
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2582 plenty, abundance
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2583 whether
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584 incomplete
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2585 unnaturally
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2586 hurry [verb]
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2587 silvery
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2588 transported
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2589 Enoch and Elijah: see Genesis 5:24 and 2 Kings 2:11
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2590 Shinar, in Babylonia
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2591 if they had
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2592 means, resources
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2593 singly, one by one
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2594 he = as per line 471, below: Empedocles
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2595 considered, judged, thought
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2596 foolishly credulous/sanguine
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2597 he = as per line 473, below: Cleombrotus
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2598 as described in Plato’s Phaedo, which he had just read
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2599 too long to tell of
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2600 hermits
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2601 Carmelite
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2602 Dominican
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2603 Franciscan
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2604 frauds, trash
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2605 where Christ was crucified
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2606 clothes, habits
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2607 Dominicans
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2608 i.e., in Franciscan garments
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2609 i.e., “or so they said,” proposed, prated
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2610 all as in Ptolemaic astronomy: the “trepidation” was the shaking of the spheres
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2611 small door/gate
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2612 await
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2613 [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
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2614 sideways, across
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2615 one league = ca. three miles
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2616 askew, out of the right course
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2617 remote
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2618 dispensations
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2619 [the pun is surely deliberate]
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2620 [noun, and subject of the verb “turned,” immediately following]
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2621 sees
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2622 steps
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2623 the decorated entrance of a building
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2624 lustrous
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2625 gateway
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2626 i.e., making the distinctions of dark and light that indicate depth, color, etc.
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2627 [both bisyllabic, first accented]
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2628 see Genesis 28
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2629 mystically, allegorically
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2630 i.e., this is Jacob’s “ladder”
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2631 invisible
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2632 carried
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2633 worsen
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2634 commands, injunctions
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2635 (1) choice regard = well-chosen/careful attention or (less likely) (2) choice regard = deliberately observed
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2636 Paneas = “spring of Dan” a city near Mt. Hermon, in northern Palestine, at a spring of the River Jordan; now Banias
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2637 source
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2638 river
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2639 Beersheba, in southern Palestine
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2640 spy
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2641 reveals
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2642 (1) of good appearance, (2) large
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2643 view
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2644 constellation, the Scales
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2645 Aries, the Ram
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2646 nebula
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2647 headlong
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2648 [verb; rhymes with “finds, minds, binds,” etc.]
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2649 smooth as marble
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2650 either
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2651 in which the Hesperides, daughters of Night and Darkness, guarded a tree that bore golden apples
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2652 stopped
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2653 “away from the center,” which in this astronomy = the earth
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2654 i.e., whether Ptolemaic or Copernican
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2655 the sun
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2656 at a distance from
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2657 common
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2658 dense
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2659 the sun’s
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2660 proper, fitting
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2661 changing
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2662 powers, qualities
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2663 luminous
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2664 made of glass
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2665 telescope: Milton had visited Galileo and looked through his telescope
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2666 utterance
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2667 stamped, impressed
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2668 see Exodus 28:17–20
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2669 i.e., the so-called philosopher’s stone
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2670 the god also known as Mercury, “volatile” because fond of trickery and furtiveness
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2671 sea god, a shape-shifter
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2672 glass vessel with a beak, used by alchemists for distilling operations
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2673 mythical essence
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2674 liquid, drinkable
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2675 powerful
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2676 master chemist (or alchemist)
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2677 distant
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2678 fluid
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2679 reach
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2680 Satan’s
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2681 line (of sight)
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2682 identifiable distance
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2683 see Revelation 19:17
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2684 tiara, headdress
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2685 luminous, shining brightly
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2686 furnished
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2687 commission, mandate, responsibility
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2688 thought, reflection
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2689 contrives
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2690 youthful
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2691 fully grown, mature
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2692 spread, shed [verb]
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2693 a small, inferior crown
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2694 feather
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2695 not cut full, close-fitting
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2696 respectable
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2697 Satan
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2698 addresses
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2699 usually
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2700 authoritative
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2701 one who makes another’s will known, a messenger
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2702 message, business
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2703 “unspeakable desire to see” = subject; the verb is “hath brought me,” in line 666, below
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2704 companies
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2705 wonder, marveling
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2706 proper
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2707 sincerity, innocence, ignorance
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2708 controller
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2709 considered
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2710 Uriel’s
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2711 integrity
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2712 attains to, brings
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2713 celestial
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2714 home, residence
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2715 pleasing
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2716 collected into a form
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2717 stopped in its tracks
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2718 controlled
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2719 cumbersome
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2720 airy, impalpable
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2721 the fifth essence, of which substance the heavenly bodies were thought to be composed
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2722 infused, animated
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2723 in a circle
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2724 furnishes walls for [verb]
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2725 puts forth, introduces
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2726 the goddess of the moon, Diana, had three distinct shapes (“triform”), representing the moon’s three phases: Luna, Diana, and Hecate/Proserpine
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2727 to give light to
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2728 control, rule
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2729 holds back, retards
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2730 customary
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2731 (1) appropriate, (2) owed
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2732 the orbit of the sun around the earth; earth’s great circle
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2733 twists
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2734 circular movement
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2735 stopped
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2736 Armenian mountain, near the Assyrian/Mesopotamian border; it is the source of the River Tigris
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2737 expectation, looking forward to
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2738 boundary markers
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2739 shown, disclosed
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2740 i.e., Satan’s
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2741 orders
The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems Page 86