Return to text.
4991 useless, wasted
Return to text.
4992 credibility
Return to text.
4993 offspring
Return to text.
4994 role
Return to text.
4995 as if
Return to text.
4996 rises and falls [bisyllabic?]
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4997 proper, decorous
Return to text.
4998 actions
Return to text.
4999 [raised as of some great matter to begin]
Return to text.
5000 standing up, rising (to speak)
Return to text.
5001 of right = rightful
Return to text.
5002 knowledge
Return to text.
5003 natural forces/substances that are productive of active phenomena
Return to text.
5004 no matter how
Return to text.
5005 God
Return to text.
5006 venturing
Return to text.
5007 kindle
Return to text.
5008 uttered denunciations against
Return to text.
5009 fitting, suitable, proper
Return to text.
5010 sharing
Return to text.
5011 they employ/make use of
Return to text.
5012 the gods
Return to text.
5013 reasons [noun]
Return to text.
5014 signify
Return to text.
5015 filled
Return to text.
5016 all by itself
Return to text.
5017 impregnated
Return to text.
5018 favorably disposed, inclining
Return to text.
5019 incited
Return to text.
5020 test, taste
Return to text.
5021 oral utterance
Return to text.
5022 lack, need
Return to text.
5023 plain language/terms
Return to text.
5024 not rational
Return to text.
5025 not to be suspected
Return to text.
5026 [pronounced, in British English both then and now, /et/]
Return to text.
5027 criminal
Return to text.
5028 noticed, paid attention to
Return to text.
5029 convivial
Return to text.
5030 influence, power, effect
Return to text.
5031 wisdom, understanding
Return to text.
5032 hidden
Return to text.
5033 defamed
Return to text.
5034 left, allowed to
Return to text.
5035 purpose
Return to text.
5036 fed
Return to text.
5037 concealed
Return to text.
5038 way
Return to text.
5039 share
Return to text.
5040 is lacking
Return to text.
5041 follow
Return to text.
5042 consider
Return to text.
5043 knowledge-containing
Return to text.
5044 divining, prefiguring
Return to text.
5045 wrongdoing
Return to text.
5046 action
Return to text.
5047 perceived, was conscious of
Return to text.
5048 preface
Return to text.
5049 soft, coaxing
Return to text.
5050 at will = ready
Return to text.
5051 deprived of
Return to text.
5052 endowed, supplied, invested
Return to text.
5053 to admiration = marvelously
Return to text.
5054 to be as he has said they would be
Return to text.
5055 amplified, expanded
Return to text.
5056 to the extent that, if
Return to text.
5057 a share
Return to text.
5058 fortune, destiny
Return to text.
5059 cheerful, gay
Return to text.
5060 intoxication, derangement
Return to text.
5061 stunned, astonished
Return to text.
5062 prostrate
Return to text.
5063 went slack
Return to text.
5064 fell off, scattered
Return to text.
5065 doomed
Return to text.
5066 company
Return to text.
5067 abandoned, forsaken, desolate, lost
Return to text.
5068 never be
Return to text.
5069 condition, manner of existing
Return to text.
5070 strengthened, soothed
Return to text.
5071 criminal, infamous
Return to text.
5072 already tasted
Return to text.
5073 polluted
Return to text.
5074 accessible, general, free
Return to text.
5075 unsanctified
Return to text.
5076 resolved, determined
Return to text.
5077 equivalent, equal
Return to text.
5078 accompany, attend
Return to text.
5079 powerful, convincing, unavoidable
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5080 extremely great, surpassing excellence
Return to text.
5081 manifestation
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5082 but short = but since I am short (have less of)
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5083 achieve (such emulation)
Return to text.
5084 circumstance
Return to text.
5085 conspicuously [four syllables, first and third accented]
Return to text.
5086 were it = were it that
Return to text.
5087 as threatened
Return to text.
5088 follow
Return to text.
5089 undergo, endure, bear, experience
Return to text.
5090 deed, action
Return to text.
5091 destructive, fatal
Return to text.
5092 recently
Return to text.
5093 influenced, won over
Return to text.
5094 foolishly
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5095 darkened, threatened
Return to text.
5096 finishing
Return to text.
5097 primary, first
Return to text.
5098 repeat
Return to text.
5099 effect
Return to text.
5100 amorous play
Return to text.
5101 strict
Return to text.
5102 correct, delicate, graceful, polite
Return to text.
5103 which is of
Return to text.
5104 wisdom
Return to text.
5105 quality, character
Return to text.
5106 sense of taste
Return to text.
5107 sensible, wise, having sound judgment
Return t
o text.
5108 furnished, provided
Return to text.
5109 enjoyment of taste
Return to text.
5110 gift, kindness
Return to text.
5111 potent, powerful
Return to text.
5112 caress
Return to text.
5113 a hollow among hills
Return to text.
5114 diversion, sport, games
Return to text.
5115 amply, at length
Return to text.
5116 moist
Return to text.
5117 pressed down on
Return to text.
5118 deceitful
Return to text.
5119 genial
Return to text.
5120 unnatural
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5121 burdened, hampered, embarrassed, clogged
Return to text.
5122 turmoil, disturbance
Return to text.
5123 rightful, proper
Return to text.
5124 quality of conforming to moral or divine law
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5125 had gone from
Return to text.
5126 covered himself
Return to text.
5127 of the tribe of Dan
Return to text.
5128 Philistine [four syllables, first and third accented]
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5129 Samson’s traitorous wife [trisyllabic, first and third accented]
Return to text.
5130 defeated, overthrown, brought to nought
Return to text.
5131 afflicted
Return to text.
5132 customary
Return to text.
5133 lust
Return to text.
5134 evil store = an abundance of evil
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5135 worst, final
Return to text.
5136 hidden
Return to text.
5137 (1) shade, (2) the foliage that produces shade
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5138 God or Angels
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5139 peril, danger
Return to text.
5140 offensive
Return to text.
5141 most improperly
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5142 the banyan
Return to text.
5143 western India
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5144 southern India
Return to text.
5145 shield
Return to text.
5146 belted
Return to text.
5147 belt
Return to text.
5148 screened, shielded, protected
Return to text.
5149 understanding’s
Return to text.
5150 counsel, advice
Return to text.
5151 both of them (Adam and Eve)
Return to text.
5152 power, authority, rule
Return to text.
5153 disordered
Return to text.
5154 alienated
Return to text.
5155 tone
Return to text.
5156 interrupted
Return to text.
5157 begged earnestly, supplicated
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5158 robbed, stripped
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5159 own
Return to text.
5160 quickly
Return to text.
5161 easily persuaded
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5162 oppose, contradict
Return to text.
5163 clearly, distinctly, openly
Return to text.
5164 send away
Return to text.
5165 as unchangeable
Return to text.
5166 enjoyed
Return to text.
5167 confident
Return to text.
5168 thing, affair, events, circumstances
Return to text.
5169 test, endeavor, experiment
Return to text.
5170 regret, repent
Return to text.
5171 happen, occur
Return to text.
5172 [noun]
Return to text.
5173 follow
Return to text.
5174 [con test]
Return to text.
5175 confirm, pronounce
Return to text.
5176 infamous
Return to text.
5177 spiteful
Return to text.
5178 corrupted
Return to text.
5179 complete
Return to text.
5180 Adam and Eve
Return to text.
5181 always
Return to text.
5182 complexly, in multiple fashion
Return to text.
5183 corrupted, injured, broke, destroyed
Return to text.
5184 had happened/occurred
Return to text.
5185 responsible
Return to text.
5186 clear
Return to text.
5187 guiltless
Return to text.
5188 demonstrated
Return to text.
5189 responsibility, trust
Return to text.
5190 truest, purest
Return to text.
5191 predicted
Return to text.
5192 recently
Return to text.
5193 succeed
Return to text.
5194 had to be
Return to text.
5195 weight
Return to text.
5196 force
Return to text.
5197 his will’s
Return to text.
5198 remains
Return to text.
5199 except
Return to text.
5200 deadly
Return to text.
5201 be passed
Return to text.
5202 proclaimed
Return to text.
5203 lenity, mercy, indulgence
Return to text.
5204 release (from a debt)
Return to text.
5205 “Justice must not be scorned (treated with contempt) as the free gift of kindness (bounty) has been”
Return to text.
5206 one who rules by deputed power, appointed by a ruler to exercise certain powers
Return to text.
5207 joined
Return to text.
5208 planned, intended
Return to text.
5209 descend, fall
Return to text.
5210 I possess/hold
Return to text.
5211 alleviate, abate
Return to text.
5212 judgment, sentence
Return to text.
5213 conveyed, transferred
Return to text.
5214 explain, make clear, elucidate
Return to text.
5215 set free from doubt, convinced
Return to text.
5216 pacify
Return to text.
5217 escort, attending company
Return to text.
5218 be needed
Return to text.
5219 Satan
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5220 i.e., from the process of judgment, as applied to Adam and Eve
Return to text.
5221 proved guilty
Return to text.
5222 proof, demonstration
Return to text.
5223 i.e., the animal whose body was appropriated, wrongly and without consent, by
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5224 parallel, side by side
Return to text.
5225 attendant
Return to text.
5226 descent
Return to text.
5227 mediator
Return to text.
5228 received
Return to text.
5229 either
Return to text.
5230 visible
Return to text.
5231 disconcerted, abashed
Return to text.
5232 disturbed, unsettled, agitated
Return to text.
5233 visible
Return to text.
5234 abusive language
Return to text.
5235 instruction, order, mandate
Return to text.
5236 assailed
Return to text.
5237 narrow pathway
Return to text.
5238 suffer, bear
Return to text.
5239 miserable
Return to text.
5240 (1) unbearable, unendurable, (2) unjustifiable
Return to text.
5241 come upon
Return to text.
5242 [four syllables, first and third accented]
Return to text.
5243 [trisyllabic, second accented]
Return to text.
5244 merely, simply
Return to text.
5245 true
Return to text.
5246 worth, excellence, honor
Return to text.
5247 rule, direction
Return to text.
5248 unfit, improper
Return to text.
5249 office, role
Return to text.
5250 quickly
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5251 babbling, talkative
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5252 polluted from the end = corrupted away from the purpose
Return to text.
5253 faulty, corrupt
Return to text.
5254 finally
Return to text.
5255 judgment, sentence
Return to text.
5256 occult, obscure
Return to text.
5257 creatures
Return to text.
5258 crush, smash, break
Return to text.
5259 Christ’s
Return to text.
5260 captured
Return to text.
5261 display (of force)
Return to text.
5262 wrongfully appropriated
Return to text.
5263 Christ
Return to text.
5264 Christ
Return to text.
5265 the serpent’s
Return to text.
5266 his fatal bruise = the Crucifixion
Return to text.
5267 action of conceiving (becoming pregnant)
Return to text.
5268 unasked, uninvited, uncommanded
Return to text.
5269 proclaimed
Return to text.
5270 youthful coat = sloughed-off skin
Return to text.
5271 exchanged
Return to text.
5272 not much = not at all
Return to text.
5273 shameful, injurious
Return to text.
5274 satisfied [adjective]
Return to text.
5275 view from opposite sides
Return to text.
5276 extraordinary, enormous, excessive, hyperviolent/gross/wrong
Return to text.
5277 i.e., opening the way (and the gates) for Satan
The Annotated Milton: Complete English Poems Page 95