Rocks: My Life in and Out of Aerosmith

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Rocks: My Life in and Out of Aerosmith Page 46

by Joe Perry

  relationship between drugs and, 47

  sex and, 16

  as source for making a living, 46, 47

  See also specific musician, group, album, song, or type of music

  Music from Another Dimension, 359–61

  Mustaine, Dave, 277

  “My Girl,” 255

  NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Agency): Aerosmith tour of, 300

  nature, 3, 71, 182, 245

  See also water; woods

  Navy Yard (Charlestown, Massachusetts): Aerosmith at, 77

  Nelly (rapper), 324

  Neve recording board issue, 277–78

  New Orleans: Aerosmith in, 250–51, 321–22

  New York Academy of Music, 89

  New York City

  Aerosmith showcasing in, 102–8

  Aerosmith’s early gigs in, 89–90

  and hiring of Leber-Krebs, 102–3

  Sutton Place apartments of Tyler and Perry in, 297

  Tyler and Perry’s trip to, 71–72

  See also specific topic

  New York Dolls, 102, 103, 125, 135–37, 138, 171

  New York Yankees, 347

  Newton, Massachusetts

  Elyssa-Perry home (Villa Elyssa) in, 159–60, 171, 173, 178, 180–81, 220

  Perry’s car accident in, 176–77

  Night in the Ruts, 188–90, 195, 198, 199

  Nine Lives album

  as first Sony album, 282, 284, 285, 286–87, 288–89, 292, 297, 298–99, 301

  Sony rejection of, 289, 292

  tour for, 299, 301, 302

  Nipmuc Regional High School (Hopkinton, Massachusetts): Aerosmith first gig at, 76–77

  “No More, No More,” 148

  “Nobody’s Fault,” 165

  nonconformity, Perry’s, 12–13, 17, 28–35, 39, 40, 44, 54

  See also long hair, Perry’s

  nose art, fighter plane, 319

  Nugent, Ted, 151–52, 187, 196, 203

  “Number One,” 324

  nunnery, Cenacle

  Aerosmith recording at, 171, 172–73, 174–75

  See also Draw the Line

  Nylon, Judy, 84, 99

  O, Yeah! CD collection, 320–21

  “Oasis in the Night,” 361

  O’Brien, Brendan, 272, 345

  “Oh Yeah,” 360

  Ohio: Aerosmith’s tours in, 123–24, 138–39

  On the Road (Kerouac), 28, 211

  Once a Rocker, Always a Rocker, 214

  open tuning: Perry’s experiments with, 148

  opening band, Aerosmith as, 124–25, 135, 152

  Orpheum Theater (Boston): Aerosmith at, 135, 226

  “The Other Side,” 256

  O’Toole, John, 91–92, 93, 94, 95, 101–2, 119–20, 122, 123

  “Out Go the Lights,” 361

  outlaw life: rock-and-roll connection to, 15

  Page, Jimmy, 34, 35, 45, 57, 258–59, 277, 299, 313, 343, 344

  “Paint It Black,” 32

  Palladium (New York City): Joe Perry Project at, 202

  “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag,” 28

  “Paperback Writer,” 32

  Paradise (Boston club), 180, 198

  Parenteau, Mark, 210, 234

  Paul, Les, 332, 346

  Paul, Steve, 89–90, 327

  PBS Studios, 278

  Pentagon: Perry and Whitford families tour of, 319

  performance anxiety, 134

  Permanent Vacation album/video, 250, 251, 255, 257, 268, 271

  Perry, Adrian (son), 205, 209, 210, 211, 212, 218–19, 244, 246, 282, 315, 317, 366

  Perry, Anne (sister), 4, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 43, 266, 366

  Perry, Billie Montgomery

  and Aaron’s care, 246

  Adrian and, 282

  Aerosmith members relationship with, 219–20

  Alexander and, 216–17, 218

  at band meetings, 342

  “Black Velvet Pants” video and, 215, 216, 217, 218

  Boneyard activities and, 270, 271

  childhood/youth of, 216, 218

  codependency issue and, 263, 287, 291–92

  Collins and, 220, 261, 265–66, 273, 274, 282, 283–84, 291–92, 295, 297

  divorce of, 221

  drugs and, 240

  and “Dude (Looks Like a Lady)” video, 250

  at first Aerosmith party, 227

  in Florida, 269

  on Gibson guitar, 319–20

  Glenda’s attack on, 217–18

  at Gore party, 336

  Hagen and, 345

  Have Guitar, Will Travel and, 345

  as inspiration for “Heart’s Done Time,” 249

  Joe Perry album and, 332

  Joe Perry Project and, 215, 216, 217

  in Latin America, 277

  in Los Angeles, 272

  music interests of, 216, 219–20

  and 9/11, 315, 316

  “Oasis in the Night” and, 361

  “Oh Yeah” and, 360

  personality of, 215, 230

  pregnancies of, 242, 243, 265, 266

  professional background of, 217

  psychiatric evaluation of, 287–88

  in “Pump” video, 256

  and rehab for Aerosmith members, 265–66

  and Roman’s birth, 267

  and Run-DMC video, 242

  and Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars, 338

  Sunapee vacation and, 296

  in therapy, 283

  and This Thing of Ours movie, 323

  on tours with Joe, 220, 246, 253, 257, 277, 278–79, 339

  Tyler and, 226–27, 290, 310, 324

  and Tyler-Brady (Erin) relationship, 342

  and Tyler-Perry relationship, 351

  Tyler (Theresa) and, 231

  and Tyler’s throat surgery, 332

  in Vancouver, 247

  in Vermont, 366

  voodoo and, 322

  and White House Correspondents Association dinner, 287

  at Woodstock, 279

  See also Perry, Billie Montgomery—Joe and; Perry (Joe) family

  Perry, Billie Montgomery—Joe and

  courtship and wedding of, 215–20, 239–40, 339

  and financial affairs, 221, 227

  first meeting between, 215–16

  and Joe in rehab, 243, 357–58

  and Joe’s Christmas visit with Elyssa and Adrian, 218–19

  and Joe’s drugs/alcohol abuse, 225–26, 334–35, 336

  and Joe’s fiftieth birthday, 311

  and Joe’s knee injury, 325

  and Joe’s return to Aerosmith, 229–30, 231

  and Joe’s tattoos, 322

  relationship between, 221, 225–26, 239, 243, 244, 249, 259, 263, 267, 274, 282, 283–84, 285, 287–88, 290, 291–92, 297, 310, 319–20, 334–36

  Perry, Elyssa. See Jerret, Elyssa

  Perry, (grandfather), 4, 5, 8, 9–10, 19

  Perry, Joe

  as addicted to excitement, 190–91

  ADHD of, 6–7, 44

  aloneness of, 156

  anonymity of, 4

  appearance of, 84

  arrogance of, 204

  and Billie’s courtship and wedding, 215–20, 239–40, 339

  birth of, 4

  birthdays of, 166, 258, 266, 311–12, 315

  blue moods of, 46, 55, 57–58

  as burned out, 171

  childhood/youth of, 3–10, 11–26

  conflicted psyche of, 178

  depression of, 201

  dreams of, 3–4, 14, 22, 34, 46, 53–54, 55

  and Elyssa’s separation/divorce, 208, 209

  Elyssa’s wedding to, 154–57

  EMT incident of, 177

  family background of, 4–6

  health problems/injuries of, 179–80, 187, 325, 333, 336, 338, 341, 357

  invincibility of, 179, 186

  invulnerability of, 177

  jealousy of, 164

  lifestyle of, 159

  personality of, 7–8,
12, 39, 58, 73, 83–84, 204

  schooling of, 6–7, 14, 20, 21, 27–31, 39, 54

  self-image of, 64, 84

  self-reliance of, 10

  as singer, 164, 200, 299, 331, 332, 359, 360, 361

  in Songwriters Hall of Fame, 362

  spiritual loneliness of, 43

  threats against, 202

  unforgetable moment for, 134

  See also specific person or topic

  Perry (Joe) family

  bus of, 316–18, 321, 322, 331

  at Disney World, 270

  in Florida, 269, 270, 282, 285, 288, 291, 316

  and Joe’s views about fatherhood, 205, 239

  Pentagon tour for, 319

  Sun Studios tour by, 322–23

  Tyler family outings with, 270, 280, 324–25, 331, 337–38

  Whitford family outings with, 321–22

  See also specific member

  Perry, Mary (mother)

  appearance of, 4

  and Beatles music, 17

  and Billie-Joe wedding, 239

  car of, 45

  child-raising views of, 5

  Elyssa and, 159

  and Elyssa-Joe wedding, 157

  family background of, 5

  and Joe in rehab, 266

  and Joe’s childhood/youth, 4, 9, 13, 14–15, 16, 42–43

  and Joe’s early interest in music, 13, 14–15, 16, 24–25

  and Joe’s factory job, 44

  and Joe’s financial affairs, 56, 87–88

  and Joe’s first guitars, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25

  and Joe’s interest in girls, 24

  and Joe’s move to Boston, 55–56

  and Joe’s nonconformity, 13, 14

  Joe’s relationship with, 18, 40, 54, 55–56, 87–88, 159

  and Joe’s schooling, 27, 28, 29–30, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42–43, 45, 54

  and Joe’s spiritual loneliness, 43

  and Joe’s work ethic, 46

  and Joe’s youthful appearance, 12

  and move to Hopedale, 5

  personality and character of, 4, 6

  professional life of, 4

  and Sunapee summers, 8, 19

  and Tony-Joe relationship, 158

  and Tony’s cancer/death, 83, 106, 154, 158

  Tony’s relationship with, 5, 107

  on tour with Joe, 339

  in Vermont, 366

  Perry, Roman (son), 267, 268, 300, 315, 317, 335, 366

  Perry, Tony (father)

  and Beatles music, 17

  cancer of, 7, 83–84, 106–7, 128, 149, 154, 157, 346

  childhood of, 4

  death/funeral of, 158, 159

  Elyssa and, 157, 159

  and Elyssa-Joe relationship, 156, 157

  family background of, 4–5

  father’s death and, 10

  guns of, 180

  harmonica playing of, 11

  and Joe’s appearance, 35

  and Joe’s childhood/youth, 4, 13, 14–15, 16

  Joe’s concern about death of, 19

  and Joe’s early interest in music, 13, 14–15, 16, 24–25

  and Joe’s factory job, 44

  and Joe’s financial affairs, 56, 88, 128, 204

  and Joe’s first album, 128

  and Joe’s first guitars, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20

  Joe’s gift of Aerosmith gold record for, 157

  Joe’s memories of, 5–6, 158–59

  and Joe’s move to Boston, 56, 83

  and Joe’s nonconformity, 13, 14

  Joe’s relationship with, 18, 20, 39, 40, 54, 55, 87–88, 128, 154, 157–58

  as Joe’s role model, 22

  and Joe’s schooling, 27, 28, 29–30, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42–43, 45, 54

  and Joe’s spiritual loneliness, 43

  Joe’s visits with, 154, 157–58

  and Joe’s work ethic, 46

  Mary’s relationship with, 5, 107

  and Mayall music, 22–23

  nonconformity of, 5–6

  personality and character of, 6, 10

  professional background of, 4

  and Sunapee summers, 8, 19

  Perry, Tony (son), 243, 244, 245, 247, 253, 257, 321, 335, 366

  Perry-Hirsch, Aaron (stepson), 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 225, 226, 229, 240, 244, 246, 315, 317, 318

  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Aerosmith in, 179–80, 187–88

  photography: as Perry’s hobby, 30–31, 43

  pilot, Perry as, 246, 258, 259

  Plastic Glass, 33

  “Please Don’t Go,” 331

  Porch Ghouls, 323, 330

  Prankstermobile, 87–88

  Presley, Elvis, 12–14, 20, 134, 174, 178–79, 216, 311

  psychiatric evaluations: of Aerosmith members and wives, 283–84

  Pump album/tour, 254–58, 268

  Queen, 169, 299

  R. Crumb comics, 74

  “Rag Doll,” 28, 249, 250–51, 255

  rap music, 240–41, 246

  “Rats in the Cellar,” 165

  “Rattlesnake Shake,” 45, 76

  “Ready on the Firing Line,” 199

  Record Plant (New York City)

  Aerosmith recordings at, 131–33, 146–48, 150, 163, 165, 174, 176, 177, 185, 204

  Lennon-Perry meeting at, 202

  recording studios, 116, 132

  See also specific studio

  Reed, Jimmy, 21

  rehab/twelve-step meetings

  Aerosmith members in, 262–66, 292–94

  Collins and, 251, 261–66, 285

  and Conflict and Resolution Week, 292–95

  Joe in, 243–44, 335, 357–58

  Kramer in, 286–87, 289

  at Sierra Tucson care center, 261–62

  at Steps, 286–87, 292–94

  Tyler in, 244, 261–62, 285, 290, 293, 352


  at Boston Garden, 107, 113

  and Carne-Joe relationship, 111, 112

  at Charles Playhouse, 98–99

  at Drummer’s Image, 130

  at Fenway Theatre, 91–92

  in Framingham, 109, 110

  at Hanover warehouse, 328

  for Joe Perry Project, 198

  Perry’s views about, 69–70

  and rebirth of Aerosmith, 234

  Tabano and, 80–81

  at Wherehouse, 160, 198

  religion, 5, 17–18

  See also Catholicism

  REO Speedwagon, 135

  Revere, Massachusetts: Aerosmith gig at, 118–19

  Richards, Keith, 108, 310, 363

  Ritz Carlton Hotel (Boston): Elyssa-Joe wedding at, 155, 156–57

  “Road Runner,” 330

  Robitussin, 28–29


  blues and, 47

  entertainment element of, 51

  and hard-core rock as essence of Aerosmith, 247

  image of, 85

  Perry’s views about, 33

  relationship of clothes and, 84–85

  See also rock and roll; specific musician or band

  rock and roll

  cultural revolution and, 64

  in England/London, 23, 57

  as global business, 168

  image of, 17, 64

  as old school, 343

  outlaw life and, 15

  Perry’s drive to play, 35, 51, 346

  Perry’s early interest in, 13, 14, 15, 346

  and Perry’s learning to play guitar, 18–19

  Perry’s views about, 64

  strength of, 364

  See also specific musician or band

  Rock in a Hard Place, 203

  Rock for the Rising Sun (DVD documentary), 364

  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 138, 277, 321, 329, 343

  “Rock and Roll, Hoochie Koo,” 90

  Rock and Roll (Lennon album), 331

  Rock Stars of Science project, 346–47

  “Rockin’ Train,” 199

  Rocks album/tour, 163–65, 166–67, 173, 177, 252, 349
r />   Rocksimus Maximus tour, 326–27

  Rodgers, Paul, 197, 351

  Rolling Stone magazine, 118, 138, 167, 253, 337

  The Rolling Stones

  Aerosmith compared with, 125, 167

  and Aerosmith as cover band, 76

  Atlantic Records and, 105

  and Block Island band, 50

  at Boston Garden, 107–8

  Connelly’s views about, 94

  Decca deal with, 326

  first album of, 21

  influence on Aerosmith of, 125

  Meters as opening band for, 147

  New York Dolls as new, 102

  Perry’s enthusiasm for, 21

  Perry’s-teacher’s discussions about, 41

  and Sgt. Pepper movie, 184

  songs on Anchorage jukebox by, 32

  and Strangeurs band, 36

  tours of, 23

  Roman Records, 323, 350

  Root of All Evil tour, 333

  Rose, Axl, 252, 253

  Rose, Steve, 25–26

  “Round and Round,” 337

  “Route 66,” 76

  Rubin, Rick, 238, 240–41, 242, 243

  Run-DMC, 241–42, 246, 251, 313, 321

  Sally (Perry’s Block Island girlfriend), 49–51

  “Same Old Song and Dance,” 130, 200

  San, Nobu, 364

  Santo, Paul, 346

  Sartori, Maxanne, 80, 116, 133

  Saturday Night Live (TV show), 299

  Scarborough Fair (Revere, Massachusetts club), 118–19

  Schaefer Music Festival (Central Park, New York City), 139

  “School Days,” 18

  science: Perry’s interest in, 346–47

  Scott, David “Pudge,” 32–33, 51, 52, 55, 57, 65

  “Seasons of Wither,” 132

  Seattle, Washington: Aerosmith in, 276

  security, for Aerosmith, 88–89, 316–17

  September 11, 2001, 315–16


  Anguilla vacation of, 280

  on Block Island, 49, 50, 51

  and blues, 23

  in the car, 45

  Carne-Perry relationship and, 114

  and Catholicism, 18, 20, 45

  cultural revolution and, 34–35

  and early Aerosmith gigs, 77–78

  hard rock and, 23

  “Love in an Elevator” and, 256

  and Midler’s comment about Perry, 112

  music and, 16

  and Perry at Vermont Academy, 30

  Perry’s interest in, 20, 211

  Perry’s views about, 188, 211

  and Perry’s virginity, 22, 30, 45

  and tours, 122

  Tyler and, 74, 261–62, 273, 285

  See also girls/women; specific person

  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (movie), 184–86

  Sha Na Na, 127

  Shaffer, Paul, 277

  “Shame, Shame, Shame,” 330

  Shaw, Tommy, 271

  “She Loves You,” 16

  Sheraton Hotel (Manchester, New Hampshire): Aerosmith at, 104

  Shirley, Kevin “Caveman,” 297, 298

  “Shooting Star,” 199–200

  Shrewsbury (Massachusetts) high school: Aerosmith at, 133–34


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