Cale (Walk of Shame #3)

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Cale (Walk of Shame #3) Page 9

by Victoria Ashley

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  FUCK ME. . . . MY EYES MEET Riley’s and I can see her being emotionally pulled in different directions, about to lose her composure. This is not good. Not good for me at all.

  Knowing that he’s here to win Riley back makes me fucking sick. Now that I know what he looks like, it’s easier to picture him putting his hands all over her and I don’t like it. Not one bit. In fact . . . it makes me hate him.

  “Tyler . . .” Riley places her hand over her mouth in shock, looking him up and down as if she doesn’t know whether to slap him or run to him. “What are you doing here?”

  Tyler swallows and looks around the room. Riley is standing close enough to me that I’m sure there’s reason for him to question our intentions. “I miss you.” He looks at me as he says the next part. “I need to talk to you, Riley. Can we talk in private?”

  Everything in me is screaming for her to say no, but I know Riley. I know her more than anything, so I already know her answer before she says it.

  “Uh . . . yeah.” She looks around the room and stops when her eyes land on me. “I’m sorry. I need a few minutes.”

  I place my hand on her hip and give it a small squeeze, before nodding my head and turning away. I can’t stand to watch her walk away with him. I can’t fucking do it.

  “Well fuck,” Slade says after they walk away. “Just keep your cool, man.”

  I grip the pool table until my knuckles turn white. “I’m cool, man.” I feel Aspen’s hand on my shoulder. “I’m good, Aspen. I’m good.”

  It feels like a lifetime has passed since she’s been alone with him talking. I know for a fact that me being here is making it harder for her. I hate that feeling. I hate feeling like I’m the other guy.

  After about twenty minutes, I can’t take it anymore. I feel like I’m about to burst into that room and rip his fucking head off. I keep imagining different scenarios, replaying over and over in my head, and that’s when I realize that I need to get out of here before I do something I’ll regret later.

  “I need to leave,” I grind out. Pushing away from the pool table, I turn around and give Slade and Aspen one last look. “I’m about to lose it.”

  Slade grips my shoulder, but I shake it off and rush out of the room before he can try to stop me. Slowing down for a quick minute, I smile when I reach the living room where Riley’s parents are watching a movie. “Thank you so much for dinner.”

  Kay stands up and kisses my cheek. “Promise me you’ll come back soon.” I get ready to pull away, but she squeezes my arm, stopping me. “Promise me, Cale,” she says firmly. “You know Riley more than anyone. You remember that.”

  Nodding my head, I pull away and give my respects to her father before hurrying out the door and to my truck. As soon as I close the door behind me, I slam my fist into the dashboard until it’s covered in blood. Why the hell does this feeling kill me so much? Why do I want to kill this man?

  “Fuck me,” I growl.

  I may give her a day to get her head on straight, but there’s no way in hell I’m giving up and letting him have her back. Riley is mine. She has been from the very first day we met.

  It’s time that I show her that . . .

  WE’VE BEEN STANDING HERE FOR almost twenty minutes, yet Tyler hasn’t said a word. He always does this when he’s upset and trying to think of the best way to start the conversation.

  “Tyler, just talk.” I take a seat on the foot of my bed and look up at him. “What are you doing here? We broke up. Remember?”

  He runs his hands over his face before looking at me. “I know, Riley, but damn. I’ve missed you so much.” Looking me in the eyes, he walks over to stand in front of me and reaches out for my hands. “I’ve been going crazy without you. You haven’t answered any of my calls and it’s been killing me. Killing me, Riley.”

  I swallow back the guilt and pain that his words bring and try to keep in mind that he’s the one that decided to break it off at the last minute. He’s the one that said it would be better to just be friends.

  “I’m sorry, Tyler, but I needed time. I can’t allow myself to just sit around and mope over you. I have friends and family here that want to spend time with me and I needed to keep a clear head for that.”

  “I see that,” he says stiffly. “Looks like you’ve been enjoying your friend out there quite a bit.”

  Looking away, I run my hands through my hair and swallow. I never meant to be intimate with someone, and especially so quickly after the breakup, but Cale is an exception. He deserves my time and attention more than anyone I know.

  “Look, Tyler. Cale has been my friend for over ten years. I never meant for things to turn into something more, but . . .”

  Tyler bends down and places his thumb to my lips, shutting me up. “I don’t care about that. What I care about is making you mine again.” He points down at the floor. “I’m here. I have enough bags packed to stay for a week. If we can make it work then I will fly back home and pack up all of my shit if I can’t get you to come back home with me.” He leans in to kiss my lips, but I turn my head. “Riley, I still love you. I’ve given you two years of my life.”

  His words cause my chest to ache. He’s right. Two years means something. Maybe just throwing it away is a shitty thing to do. I’m so damn confused right now and all I want to do is scream.

  “Do you still love me, Riley?” He grabs my chin to make me look at him when I don’t respond. “Answer me, Riley. You can’t tell me that you don’t have any love left for me after just a short time of being apart. Tell me the truth.”

  I hesitate before answering him, because I don’t want to give him too much hope, especially when I’m this confused. “Tyler . . .”

  “Just give me a yes or no. I don’t want an explanation of buts or maybes. Just a simple yes or no.”

  “Of course I do, but–.”

  “That’s all I want to hear, and that should be good enough to at least try while I’m here.” Standing up, he pulls me to my feet. “Tell me that I’ve got a chance, Riley. Please.”

  I feel my heart beating out of my chest as I think about Cale and what he must be thinking right now. I don’t want to think about me without Cale, but Tyler flew all the way here from Mexico. That has to mean something too. I don’t want to be a shitty person to the people that care about me.

  I can’t do this right now. I can’t think straight. My breathing picks up and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe. “I need time. I need to get out of here.” I begin backing out of the room. “I’m sorry, Tyler.”

  Turning around, I rush out of the room and down the stairs, gripping the railing a little too tight. My chest feels extremely tight as I make my through the house.

  My parents both look up at me as I rush to the game room. My heart stops when I poke my head inside to see only Slade and Aspen.

  “He’s gone,” Slade says stiffly.

  My throat burns when I hear those two words. “He left?” I whisper, mainly to myself. I stand there frozen for a moment, before rushing outside. Cale’s truck is gone and my heart feels completely shattered.

  What the hell do I do?

  I want to scream, but instead I walk. I just keep walking, needing to get away from everyone and everything. This is so messed up right now and I have no idea what I’m going to do to fix this. My heart aches for Cale, but my head is telling me that I need to at least give Tyler a chance after coming all this way. I hate this so much.

  In the end . . . someone always gets hurt. I just hate that I have to be the one to do it.

  IT’S BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE I’ve talked to Riley and I’m on the verge of losing my shit. She called me a few times the night that I left her parents’ house, but I forced myself not to answer it. I want her back, but I want to give her time to get her head on straight first.

  The thought that she’s possibly been spending time with Tyler has been killing me, but a real man will hurt for the woman he fucking loves.

  He’s had two days now to prove his fucking point. Now it’s my turn, and you better believe that I’m going to give her all that I have. The thought of another man pleasing her will never cross her mind. All she will be able to see is the two of us together.

  I snap out of my thoughts when Hemy comes into the room shirtless, looking for me. “The show is about to start, man. You ready or what,” he asks while throwing on a fresh shirt. “Get your shit together.”

  I let out a frustrated breath and slam back my beer. “Yeah, man. Let’s do this shit. Where are Stone and Kash?”

  “They’re coming out of the other room.” Hemy pulls his long hair into a man bun as Earned It by The Weeknd starts playing from the speaker. “Fuck yeah.”

  He pushes the door open and dances his way out first, before I follow behind him a few seconds later, followed by Stone, and then Kash from their rooms.

  All at the same time, we find a girl in the crowd and pull her chair to the center, before straddling her chair and grinding our hips.

  I made sure to pick someone that I’ve never met so that I won’t give off the wrong idea. It just so happens to be a cute brunette that reminds me of Riley with her big, beautiful eyes.

  It distracts me for a moment, but I manage to not skip a beat, moving right into the next move. Tilting her chair back until her back is almost to the floor, I walk over her until my cock is in her face, before I grind my hips as if fucking her mouth nice and slow.

  I feel the girl’s hands grip onto my ass and squeeze, but I don’t let it distract me. I can’t. I need to stay in the moment as much as I can.

  Maneuvering my way off of her face, I put her chair back into sitting position and make my way up to the stage, meeting the guys in the middle.

  We all drop down to the ground, gripping our jeans in the front and pulling as if undressing ourselves, while thrusting in a slow, torturous rhythm. Every girl in the room starts screaming and whistling, wishing that they could be the ones below us. The simple fact that we could have any girl in this room used to get me hard, but not tonight, not even a slight chub.

  Instead, it gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, reminding me that the one and only girl I want might be with another man right now. The thought causes me to work my hips hard and aggressively, while biting down on my lip to ease my anger.

  Keeping balance with one hand, I reach behind me, pulling the back of my jeans down until my full ass is on display. Then, I replace my other hand and grind the stage, giving all of the screaming women a full view of what my ass looks like while fucking.

  I can feel the sweat drip down my body with each movement, but that only makes it seem more like fucking, giving the women the image that they come here for.

  Standing up, we all reach for our shirts and slowly rip them off, before rubbing them over our cocks and throwing them out into the crowd. A bunch of hands fly up, fighting to get to them first. I almost die when I see Riley walk to the front of the crowd, holding my shirt in her hands.

  Her eyes meet mine and pull me in, making it hard for me to concentrate on the rest of the dance. All I can think about is the fact that she’s here . . . at Walk Of Shame.

  Running my hands down my body, I look her in the eyes, biting my bottom lip as I shove my hand down the front of my jeans and thrust the air. Watching the way she looks at me has me running my hand over my slightly hard cock, imagining it was hers instead.

  I can see the lust in her eyes, making it very clear that she’s been thinking about me over the last couple of days. That pleases me. That means she most likely hasn’t been sexual with that prick.

  The end of the song is coming, so in rhythm we all turn away from the stage and drop our jeans, cupping our packages with both hands, before turning back around and kicking our jeans off the stage.

  The women go crazy, practically fighting each other to climb onto the stage. I look out into the crowd, searching for Riley as we make our way off the stage, but she’s lost in the pile of screaming bodies.

  Hands grab at us, groping and slapping our asses until we dodge into the back room. I go from seeing the woman of my damn dreams to being closed off in a room with three naked assholes.

  Opening my locker, I reach for a pair of fresh jeans and a shirt and quickly get dressed, while the other guys start bickering about who did the best.

  “Where the hell are you rushing off to,” Hemy asks, while pulling up a pair of jeans.

  “Riley’s here,” I say stiffly. “I’m going to find her.”

  Lynx walks in with a handful of cash, but I brush past him, not giving a shit about getting paid. I just want to get to my girl before she leaves.

  As soon as I walk back out into the club, a few girls walk over and start rubbing their hands on me, saying sexual things, but I don’t listen to a thing they’re saying. Instead, I push their hands away and look over their heads for Riley.

  I spot Riley across the room, slamming back a shot by the bar. Setting her empty glass down, she tosses money in front of her before heading toward the door, dodging out as if she couldn’t escape soon enough.

  Rushing through the crowd, I run to the door and shove it open, trying to catch Riley before she can drive off. By the time I make it outside, she’s already shutting the door to her car.

  Running my hands through my hair, I let out a frustrated breath and walk over to knock on her window.

  She looks up from the steering wheel, surprised to see me standing outside.

  Looking me in the eyes, she rolls down her window and releases a breath. “Cale . . . what are you doing?”

  Reaching through the window, I rub my thumb over her bottom lip. “Trying to catch you.” I breathe. “Where are you going?”

  She looks away for a second, before turning back to face me. “I don’t know. I just . . . I just need to get away, Cale. I’m so lost right now. I can’t stop thinking about you and what goes on here. It’s driving me fucking crazy, but I also have Tyler trying to prove to me that two years isn’t worth throwing away. I can’t breathe, dammit.”

  I wrap both of my hands into the back of her hair and lean inside the window. “Here,” I whisper. “Let me help you with that.” Wetting my lips, I press them against hers, showing her just how much I have missed her.

  I feel her breath escape her as she wraps one of her arms around my neck and breaks our kiss. “Cale . . .” she says while fighting to catch her breath. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  Smiling, I open her car door and reach for her hand. “Come with me, Rile.” She gets ready to say something, but I cut her off. “Please don’t say no to me.”

  She looks at me for a second, before pulling her key out of the ignition and letting me help her to her feet. “You know that always works on me,” she says defeated. “Not fair, jerk.”

  I grin, knowing that she’s right. “I know. Now let’s go.”

  About ten minutes later, we pull up in my driveway, parking in front of the garage, and she follows me outside to stand by my side of the truck. She’s staring at me as if trying to figure me out.

  If she wants to know what it is that I want or that I’m thinking, then I’ll tell her. I’m not afraid to.

  “I want to fuck you, Rile.” Stepping up to her, I grip her ass in my hands and run my lips up her neck. “I want to be deep inside you right now, making you scream my name and forget about that asshole. Is that what you want to hear? I’ll always tell you what’s on my mind if you just ask me.”

  Leaning her head back, she lets out a soft moan. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Cale. I’m already confused enough as it is.”

  Gripping her thighs, I pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. “Then let me make it less confusing.” I brush my lips under her ear and whisper, “Let me show you what I have to offer you. This can be yours. I can be yours. Every. Fucking. Day.”

  As soon as her body trembles in my arms, I know that I have her, at least for the moment, and I’m going to consume her in
a way that no other man will even come close to.

  Riley will see the things my body can do that no one else can . . .

  I PROBABLY SHOULDN’T BE HERE right now, but I couldn’t fight it. My chest has been aching since the moment I realized that Cale walked out of the door the other night.

  I went to Walk Of Shame just to watch him from the crowd, just to get a small glimpse of him, but seeing him up there on stage and knowing that every girl in the room was most likely thinking about him fucking them was messing with my mental state even more. I couldn’t make myself leave. I had to stay until the end.

  I was just supposed to leave after that. I was supposed to drive home and be alone in my thoughts, but instead I’m here . . . with Cale. No matter what was going on in the past, just like now, I’ve always ended up with Cale instead of being alone. He’s always been capable of drawing me to him and making me spend my time with him. The problem is, he’s even better at it now.

  Gripping him as tightly as I can, I feel a moan escape me as his soft lips brush right under my ear. There’s no denying how much I want him right now, and I know he can feel it too.

  “Has Tyler been inside you, Rile?” Gripping my ass, he presses me against the side of his truck, causing me to moan out.

  Of course not, I want to scream out. We haven’t even hung out yet, although I did promise him at least one dinner. I plan to talk to Cale about it before I leave tonight. I just hope that he will understand why I have to do it . . .

  I shake my head. “No, but we need to talk . . .”

  “Not right now,” Cale says sternly. “We have all night. Right now . . . I need you.”

  I DON’T HESITATE BEFORE SETTING her down with her back pressed against my truck. Her dress rides up in the front, exposing her pink panties, and all I can think about is ripping them off with my teeth. This woman makes me want go fucking wild.

  She watches me with lust in her eyes as I pull my t-shirt off and toss it over the truck, good and ready to have her hands all over me. I wasn’t lying when I said I want her right now. I. Want. Her. Right. Now. I grip the bottom of her dress and wrap it in my hand, pulling her to me. I can’t hold back anymore and I’m hoping she can handle it. “Fuck, Riley,” I breathe against her neck. “I want to take you right here. I want to fuck you everywhere.”


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