Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5)

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Pucked Under (Pucked #4.5) Page 6

by Helena Hunting

He kisses me when I come, swallowing his name.




  I lie on top of Lily for a few minutes after I come. Not because I can’t move, but because I don’t want to. I know I’m being needy and weird, but there’s a lot going on right now, and I’m feeling anxious. Also, if I move from this spot, there’s a good chance I’ll make a mess all over the comforter, and this isn’t my cottage or my bed. There are laundry facilities, but it’s not like it won’t be obvious what was going down if we have to wash the quilt an hour after arriving.

  After another minute or two of me being Lily’s human blanket, she says softly, “We should probably go down to the dock and be social for a few hours.”

  “Probably,” I agree.

  She pats my ass. “Let me up so I can put a bathing suit on.”

  I tuck an arm underneath her and roll us over, then shimmy until we’re at the edge of the bed.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Not making a mess on the comforter.”

  “Oh. Good call. We should get a plastic sheet for the rest of the weekend.”

  I spin us around until I can plant my feet on the ground. Then I stand, with Lily still attached to me, and walk us to the bathroom. My dick is still half-hard. I could totally go again, but I realize we’ve been up here for a while, and round two is always longer than round one. We’ve been missing long enough.

  When we’re in front of the vanity, I turn on the tap. I hold on to her ass, lift her off my cock, and position her over the sink.

  “We have way too much practice with this move,” Lily observes, her arms still wrapped around my neck.

  I bounce her around a bit before I set her down. “Yeah, but we don’t have to change sheets as often this way.”

  She kisses my chest, and I drop my head so I can get a real one. She gives me her cheek. “Oooh. You need to wash that beard.”

  I check out my reflection. “Jesus. You made a mess.”

  Lily tweaks my nipple. “Jerk!”

  “I love it when you condition my beard.”

  She makes a gagging sound. “You’re so classy.”

  I bite her finger. Then I bring it up to my nose and take a sniff. It’s the one she wouldn’t give me when she was playing with me—and herself.

  She tries to pull it out of my grasp. “What’re you doing?”

  I slide my free fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck and bring hers to her nose. “You should probably wash your hands.”

  She shoves my hand away. “Oh my God! You’re so gross!”

  I link my fingers with hers. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot that was?”

  “How hot what was?”

  I’m still holding on to her hair, so when I run my nose along her cheek, she can’t get away from me.

  “Finger-fucking yourself two inches above my face. The view was extraordinary.”

  “Oh. I thought you might like that.” Her voice is soft, breathy.

  “I liked it a lot.” I nip at her jaw. “You know what else I liked?”

  “What else did you like?” I can barely hear her now.

  We may not make it out of this room before dinner; it may be tomorrow morning. “Guess.”

  “I’m not good at guessing games.”

  “Come on, Lily. Or are you feeling all shy now?” I back up so I can see her face.

  Her cheeks are flushed. Her eyes dart away. After all the sex we have, in all the locations, nothing should embarrass her, but clearly this does, which is why I’m pushing for an answer. And also, it’s fucking hot. I want her to do it again, only next time I want to be in on the action.

  She lifts her eyes, and her cheeks grow even pinker. It’s barely a whisper when she asks, “Did you like it when I tasted myself?”

  “So fucking much. You have no idea.” I pull her forward and rub my now full-on hard-on against her.

  Lily’s eyes roll up. “I have a pretty decent idea. You know, in case you were worried, I have no interest in eating pussy; I’m totally a moody dick fan.”

  “Thanks for the reassurance. You know I was a little concerned, especially with how worked up you get when I kiss you after I’ve gone down.”


  “It’s okay, Lily Pad.”

  “Was I unclear when Violet tried that? That’s not a nickname you’re allowed to start using.”

  “You don’t like it? I think it’s cute.”

  “Cute? Now I really don’t like it.”

  “Fine. I was just trying it out, luscious. And getting off on your taste in my mouth is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s cool if you went through an experimental phase in college. I don’t even mind if you want to tell me about it.” I’m fucking with her, mostly because I’m one-thousand percent sure she didn’t have an experimental phase. Or if she did, it didn’t include dining from the girl buffet.

  She bites her lip and gives me a shy smile. “Well, there was this one time freshman year when I stayed overnight in the all-girls dorm…”


  She snorts. “Oh my God, your face right now.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “No. I’m not serious, but if you want me to make up a story, I’m happy to do that for you.”

  “I’m good with your pussy being the only one you taste, like, ever.”

  “Kinda like I’m good with being the only one who ever made you come from a blow job.”


  Yeah, we’re not leaving this room for a while.

  It’s another half hour before we exit the bathroom. When I’m done with Lily, she’s had two more orgasms, and she’s promised me a blow job later, after we spend some time at the dock.

  She picks up the foaming soap pump and squirts it on my half-limp dick, then looks at the label. “Oh, moody dick is going to smell like black cherry merlot. Fancy.”

  “You like red wine, right?” Some of the foam drips onto the floor.

  “I do. He’ll be a tasty treat later.” She hops off the vanity. “You want help with that.”

  “It’s probably better if I take care of this on my own. Why don’t you put one of your new bathing suits on for me?”

  She pauses to watch me lather up my cock. “You mean the one you bought me last week?”

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t buy you a new one.”

  “Liar.” She pinches my ass. “Just because you take the tags off and hide it in my drawer doesn’t mean I don’t notice it’s new.” She wraps her arms around me from behind and kisses between my shoulder blades. “But thank you for your devious generosity.”

  “It’s highly self-serving. I like imagining the ways I can remove those suits when we’re alone.”

  Lily chuckles and disappears into the bedroom while I finish cleaning my dick and go to work on rinsing her out of my beard. I’m finishing up when she walks back into the bathroom wearing her newest bikini. The one I “didn’t” buy for her.

  She twirls around. “What do you think?”

  I let out a low whistle. The top is one of those things with no straps, which she can pull off, and the bottoms look like a little skirt. It reminds me of one of her skating outfits, except with way less material. It’s white, and Lily has naturally tanned skin that darkens in the summer. Like now.

  She flicks the ruffle at her ass. “You did a good job.”

  “Maybe a little too good.”

  She beams; it’s the perfect reaction. Lily spent a long time with a boyfriend who didn’t appreciate how gorgeous her body is. She’s finally starting to own it, which is awesome. I want her to feel beautiful, because she is.

  I put on my swim shorts and grab our towels while Lily throws sunglasses, sunscreen, and a bunch of other crap in an oversized bag. We make a pit stop in the kitchen for snacks and drinks. I picked up wine coolers for Lily because she’s a lightweight when it comes to booze. She shouldn’t get sloppy drunk if I dole them out slowly. Though I’
m not sure how successful I’ll be—Violet and Charlene like to tie one on, and they often coerce Lily into doing the same. Maybe since Sunny’s not drinking they’ll tone it down.

  It’s after five, but the sun is still hitting the dock. We have a few hours before we lose the heat and the light. And we have all day tomorrow and Sunday to relax and enjoy the end of summer. Soon we’ll be back in training camp, so I want to enjoy what’s left of the off-season.

  Hockey season means being on the road half the time, and that’ll be an adjustment. It’s a good thing I have teammates in the same position, missing their women too. Sometimes I still worry that I’m too much like my dad, and I’m going to fuck up this good thing by doing something regrettable. His recent phone calls have reminded me of this possibility and ramped up my anxiety over the coming changes.

  I follow Lily outside, my eyes on her ass and that flouncy little skirt bottom. We’re definitely going to have sex while she’s wearing that. I’m already planning out the video since I’m stockpiling for away games. We need a mirror for this one. I shake my head and shut down those thoughts because a hard-on in swim shorts is difficult to hide. And this weekend can’t be just about sex.

  The guys are set up in a semicircle on the dock, facing the water and the sun. Sunny’s reclined in a lounger with her feet in Miller’s lap. He’s painting her toenails.

  The dogs are lying next to her. Wiener jumps and barks as we approach, then hides behind Sunny’s chair.

  “Looking to start a new career?” I ask Miller as I drop our towels on an empty chair.

  He finishes the toe he’s working on before he flips me the bird. “Keep your comments to yourself, Balls.”

  Lily sighs. “That is so sweet!”

  Sunny flips up her sunglasses and gives Miller a warm smile. “He’s so good to me.” She pats her basketball belly. “This makes doing my toes so awkward, and Miller does a nice job.”

  “Anything for you, sweets.”

  “Look who decided to take a boning break!” Violet calls.

  She and Charlene are relaxing in the lake on floating lounge chairs, secured to the dock with a tow rope.

  “Who says we were boning? Maybe we were having a nap,” I call back.

  “Based on all the moaning, I’d say that’s a load of balls.” She pulls one of her hip thrusts. It makes her chair rock in the water. She holds on to the armrests as her drink sloshes over the side.

  “Ha ha. You’re so funny.” Lily’s cheeks flush pink.

  “Um.” Sunny adjusts her wide-brimmed hat. “Actually, your windows were open, so…”

  “Oh, God.” Lily turns her face into my chest.

  “We turned on some music. It pretty much drowned everything out,” Alex reassures her.

  “I’m sorry.” She bites me. “This is your fault.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s good to know Ballistic is taking care of you.” Darren doesn’t crack a smile, so I can’t tell if he’s actually serious.

  Alex elbows him in the arm as he tips back his beer, so it dribbles down his chest.

  “What?” He wipes away the wet spot with a shirt and looks over at Charlene, who’s busy adjusting Violet’s bikini top so she doesn’t accidentally flash anyone. “You gotta take care of what’s yours if you want to keep it.”

  That’s a weird way to word it, even though I understand what he means.

  “When Sunny’s done with her pedicure, you two should come join us in the water!” Charlene says to the girls.

  I kiss Lily’s shoulder. “We should put some sunscreen on you before you do that.”

  “Good idea. I’ll do you if you do me.”

  “I thought we were gonna hang out down here for a while.”

  She tweaks my nipple, and I wrap an arm around her, pinning her arms to her side. She shrieks as I drop down into an empty chair.

  “For the love of broken beavers, do you two ever take a break? Seriously. Is your vagina lined with leather?” Violet asks.

  “Envious of my pussy powers?” Lily shoots back.

  “I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if one day your vagina fell right off. Dropped right out of your little skating skirt,” Violet replies.

  “Then it would be a pocket pussy!” Charlene interjects.

  “Can we reserve the pocket pussy conversations for later, when half the lake can’t hear you?” Alex nods in the direction of the neighboring dock, where a bunch of teenagers are hanging out.

  Violet grimaces, but stops with the pussy parlay.

  Lily works on her legs while I rub suntan lotion into her back. I also help get the back of her legs, adjusting the ass of her bikini so she’s not flashing cheek. She smacks my hand when I get too close to her pussy. “I’m being thorough.”

  “You’re being a perv.”

  “A thorough perv.”

  By the time Lily’s done my back, Miller has finished painting Sunny’s toes. Lily ties two more of the floating lounge chairs to the dock. Miller helps Sunny into her lounger, making sure she’s balanced before he sits back down.

  “Either of you hear from Lance today?” Alex asks.

  “He had something he had to take care. He was real vague about it,” Miller says.

  When Lance Romero, another one of our teammates, is vague about his plans, it usually doesn’t mean good things. “You think it’s Tash-related?” I ask.


  A while back when Alex and Violet threw a “little” party, Tash was invited. Lance said he was okay with it, but I have a feeling seeing her didn’t do him any favors. They were involved last season, which ended up being a huge clusterfuck. She was our team trainer and lost her job over it. Anyway, they disappeared together at the end of the night, and Lance wouldn’t answer calls the next day. We ended up stopping by his place to make sure he was okay. He wasn’t. It took a couple of days to clean up the mess, and him.

  Alex taps the arm of his chair. “I’ll get Vi to message him in a bit.”

  “Why Vi?” I ask.

  “He talks to her. She might be able to convince him to come up here for a couple of days instead of dealing with it alone.”

  “What do you mean he talks to her?”

  “Like, about personal stuff. I don’t know. I don’t get into it.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Lance is my friend, but he makes some questionable choices.

  Alex nods. “What he tells her in confidence isn’t my business. He’s a good guy. He was a big help to Violet after I had that concussion earlier this year. He’s loyal; I don’t think he’s had the easiest life.”

  Lance doesn’t talk about his family, other than to make the occasional passing comment about having to see them on holidays.

  “Family can fuck you up,” Darren says.

  Violet calls for another drink, and Alex suggests she take a break if she wants to make it past eight o’clock. When it’s clear he’s not moving, she decides to get it herself and paddles her chair over to the edge of the dock.

  “Any bets on Vi falling in?”

  Darren raises a finger. “I’ll put twenty on that.”

  “She’s not that drunk,” Alex grumbles.

  “Maybe not, but she’s that uncoordinated.” Miller roots around in the bag beside him and pulls out his phone. “I’mma record this, just in case I’m right.”

  “So you’re putting money on her making it to the dock without going under first?” I look at Alex, but he’s not paying attention to me. He’s focused on Violet.

  She’s clearly calculating how to get her ass from the floating chair to the edge of the dock.

  “Baby, why don’t you go around to the ladder?” Alex stands, like he’s about to help her.

  Instead she hoofs one leg up. She’s about halfway there when Miller shouts, “Hey! Isn’t that a dock spider?”

  Violet shrieks and starts flailing. Alex rushes to help her, but he doesn’t make it before her chair tips, and she goes under. She comes up splashing and screaming. �
�Get it off! Where is it? Those fuckers swim!”

  “Please tell me you’re getting this,” I say to Miller.

  “Oh yeah, it’s epic.”

  Instead of taking Alex’s offered hand, Violet grabs Charlene’s chair and tries to climb, tipping it over, too.

  Darren barks out a laugh as she comes bobbing to the surface.

  I shove my hand in the bag Lily brought down, searching for a phone. I come up empty-handed, which is unfortunate, because the look on Lily’s face is priceless.

  I’ll get Miller to send me the video so I can pull a few still shots.

  “Baby, there’s no spider. Miller was being a dick. C’mere.” Alex shoots the bird over his shoulder, then crouches down and grabs Violet under the arms, hoisting her out of the water. She wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She’s still freaking out, swatting at her back while Alex tries not to get hit in the face. “Calm down, Violet.”

  “Someone owes me twenty,” Darren says.

  Sunny points a disapproving finger at Miller. “No cookie for you tonight.”

  Miller’s smile drops, and he stops filming. “Come on, sweets; it was funny.”

  Violet pushes away from Alex when she finally realizes she’s not being attacked by a spider. “You asshole!” she yells, stomping toward Miller. “Did you take pictures of that? Gimme your phone, you yeti bastard! As if the ass-blinding earlier wasn’t bad enough!” She reaches for it, but Miller raises it over his head, laughing.

  Darren and Alex are communicating with hand gestures. He gets out of his chair and moves to stand behind Miller. Snatching the phone out of Miller’s hand, Darren tosses it to me. I almost fumble it, but manage to recover. He and Alex each seize an arm and drag Miller across the dock, heaving him over the side. The splash soaks Sunny and Lily, who had managed to remain fairly dry up to this point. Their shocked cries turn to outrage when Darren pushes Alex in. I return the favor by pushing Darren off the dock, and then cannonball right beside Lily.

  When I pop up beside her, she dunks my head back under. I retaliate by swimming beneath her chair and flipping her over. She comes up sputtering. She wraps herself around me and grabs hold of her overturned floaty chair so she doesn’t drag us underwater. She’s dense muscle and low body fat, so regardless of how little she weighs, she’s like human lead.


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