Book Read Free

Living With the Bad Boy

Page 12

by Sharlay

  “Ok, I’m starting. Faucet,” she replied.




  “Nemo,” she said as we both burst out laughing.

  “You’re such a kid. Erm, Animated-”

  “Hang on, I can hear something. Hello?” I heard Courtney say as I pressed my ear into the phone, so that I could hear clearly.

  “Look, Grandma, there’s a ladies butt, stuck in that window,” a child’s voice sang, causing me to burst out laughing.

  “Oh dear, Charlie, stay away from there, it’s a thief,” the old lady’s voice replied in a panicked tone.

  “No, no I’m not a thief, please I need help,” Courtney shouted.

  “Liar, that’s what all you delinquents say and then we help you, and you attack us-”

  “No, I’m not a delinquent, this is my friends house-”

  “Even worse, trying to steal from a friend, you should be ashamed of yourself! I’m calling the cops!” The old lady shouted as I began to panic.

  “Stop her!” I screamed down the phone.

  “I’m trying. Look, Miss I really am telling the truth, I’m just trying to help my friend-”

  “Come on Charlie, we’re going inside,” the old lady said.

  “Where did she go?” I asked in a panicked voice.

  “Oh, hang on I’ll just ask my butt. Hey butt, can you use your imaginary eyes, and tell me which way Granzilla went?” Courtney yelled in frustration.

  “Don’t take this out on me, this is Caleb’s fault-”

  “No, Addy this is your fault. I told you to stop with the pranks and look where it has gotten us now. You handcuffed to a bed, me with my butt stuck in the window, and a criminal record just waiting to meet us,” she growled down the phone.

  As I sat there thinking about everything that she just said, I tried my hardest not to laugh but it was impossible.

  “This is not funny, Addy! Do you not understand how embarrassing it is going to be, if a hot cop comes around and is greeted by my fat butt?”

  “See, how can I not laugh when you say things like that?” I asked as I finally heard the sound of her laughter.

  “Well, let’s just hope that your dad doesn’t get called because it won’t be so funny then,” she replied. She was right, it really wouldn’t.

  * * *

  Unfortunately, while we were waiting for the cops to finally arrive, my phone died. We had been waiting a while though, let’s just be glad that this wasn’t a real emergency because I would be dead by now, if it was left to the cops to save me!

  It wasn’t until I heard the sound of voices fill the house that my stomach dropped. Suddenly, the idea of staying trapped to my bed all day didn’t seem so bad. When my door finally swung open, I felt the color literally drain from my cheeks.

  “Hey dad, hey officers,” I said as I waved, innocently, as I took in the shocked faces of everyone who stood before me. Courtney was stood at the back, trying her hardest not to laugh which was not helping at all.

  “Why the hell are you handcuffed to a bed?” My dad asked, angrily as he stepped further into my room.

  “It’s a long story,” I muttered.

  “It had better be a damn good one,” he growled as he kept his eyes on me, making me more nervous than ever.

  “Right, we’re going to have to wait a couple of minutes until the fire department get here, so that we can saw her arm off the bed,” the tall, dark haired police officer stated.

  “Saw my arm off?” I asked in shock, causing Courtney to burst out laughing.

  “This is not funny young lady, I hope that you girls are aware of how much police time that you have taken up, not to mention frightening an old lady,” the officer said as he turned to face a scared looking Courtney.

  “Yes sir,” she mumbled as she tried to avoid eye contact with him.

  “I assure you that they will know exactly what they’ve done by the time that I am through with them,” my dad said, making me release the breath that I didn’t even know that I was holding.

  “Hello?” A voice shouted from downstairs.

  “Up here, guys,” one of the officers shouted down before two fire fighters appeared in my room.

  “So, how did you get yourself in this mess?” The short fire fighter with brown hair asked. He had a slight smile on his face as he asked, and he looked a lot friendlier than the other men in uniform.

  “Long story,” I mumbled as my eyes caught my dad’s angry glare.

  * * *

  After thirty minutes of sawing away at my metal bed frame, my arm was finally free. To me, this was all very dramatic, I’m sure that somebody could have just picked the lock and saved me all of this embarrassment. Something tells me that my dad made them do that on purpose, just to teach me a lesson.

  As my dad went downstairs to let out the men, Courtney walked up to me with a shocked look on her face.

  “What?” I asked, nervously.

  “Ok, don’t go crazy, but look,” she said as she turned me around, to face the mirror.

  As I scanned my reflection, I had no idea what she was talking about.

  “A little higher,” she said as I gave her a puzzled look.

  As I scanned my face, I still had no idea what she was trying to show me, until my eyes reached my hair. As I scanned the band that was holding my hair in place, I could have screamed. There tied around it was a set of two keys that fit the handcuffs. I dragged it out of my hair in anger as I turned to face Courtney.

  “He is good,” was all that she said as she stared at me with her eyes open, wide. As I went to reply, my dad walked in, causing us both to spin around and face him.

  “Courtney, can you please wait downstairs, while I talk to Addy. I will drop you to school while she gets ready,” he said as he kept his eyes on me.

  “Yes, sir,” she mumbled as she scuttled out of the room as fast as she could. You always knew when we were in trouble because she stopped calling him Alan.

  I sat down on my bed, nervously as I waited for him to talk. As I took in the expression on my dad’s face as he walked back towards me, I looked away. I wanted to just tell him that it was all Caleb’s fault, and how he should kick him out but something stopped me. It reminded me of the time that I left him outside, all night and he still covered for me. I guess that made me feel like I owed him, somehow.

  “Addy, what on earth is going on with you lately?” My dad asked in a sad voice as he sat down next to me.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” I replied as I tried to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.

  “You know that if there is something that you need to talk about then you can come to me, right?”

  “Yes, Dad, I know.”

  “I’m not going to pressure you into telling me how you got into that predicament earlier but I will say this; you’re my daughter, and I love you. I trust that I’ve brought you up properly and that you are being sensible in the choices that you make, ok?”

  “I am. Look, I know what all that probably looked like earlier but things aren’t always as they seem. You brought me up well, Dad, and I’m sensible enough not to make stupid choices,” I replied as I smiled at him.

  “Good but you’re still grounded, for a week,” he said as he looked at me.

  “I know,” I said as I chuckled to myself.

  “And no more drama, ok?”

  “Yes. Oh, Dad, I kind of missed my English test tod-”

  “It’s ok, I called your school, they said that you, and Courtney can re-sit it next week, since it was an emergency,” he said as he raised his eyebrows at me.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

  “No problem, Pumpkin, now, I need to get madam downstairs to school and get back to work, and you’ve already missed half of the day, so get moving.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said as I gathered my things together and headed into the bathroom to get ready.

  “Bye, Dad, love you,” I said as
I turned and smiled at him.

  “Bye, Pumpkin.” My dad was right, I did need to make the right choices, and stay out of trouble but not until I got my revenge. If Caleb thought that he had won then he had no idea what I was about to unleash on him, but he had better be prepared, I thought as I walked into the bathroom with a fresh plan in my head.


  Stuck Like Glue

  By the time that I had finally arrived at school, it was already lunch time. I would have arrived sooner, only I had to take a slight detour to the store. You see, getting ready after my dad had gone back to work, gave me enough time to think up my revenge plan for Caleb. I couldn’t have arrived at a better time than this. Everyone was in the cafeteria, and it was the perfect arena for my plan to unfold.

  “Hey, you’re here at last,” Courtney said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards our table.

  “Wait, I need to get something to eat-”

  “No, need, I have already got you something,” she said as she pointed to the red tray on the table.

  “Erm, why is half of my slice of pizza missing?” I asked as I raised my eyebrows at her.

  “I was waiting forever for you to come, you know that waiting makes me hungry,” she replied as I rolled my eyes at her and sat down.

  “What took you so long?” She asked as I placed my bag down on the floor. I began eating the untouched slice of pizza on my tray while Courtney continued to pick at the other slice.

  “I was putting my plan into action-”

  I was cut off as the sound of Courtney choking caused me to stop talking. I patted her back a few times before handing her the bottle of water that was sat on my tray.

  “Are you ok?” I asked as she finally started to catch her breath.

  “Yes but what do you mean plan? Did you learn nothing from your experience earlier?” She asked as she looked at me as though I were crazy.

  “Yes, I learnt that I’ve been a little too easy on Caleb,” I said as I smiled to myself.

  “When will you learn,” she said as she continued to cough and rub her throat.

  “Hey,” Rick said as he and Keeley stopped in front of the table. He went to take the seat next to me but I immediately stopped him.

  “Sorry but I’m saving this seat for somebody else,” I said as he looked at me with a sad expression. I knew that he felt hurt but that was not my concern right now, if my plan went as I hoped it would then everything would make sense to him later.

  “So, where were you two this morning?” Keeley asked as she tucked into her bowl of salad, causing me to try and suppress my laughter, as Courtney mouthed the word ‘Vambamboosals’ when Keeley wasn’t looking.

  “Oh, it’s a long story,” I replied as I slipped my hand into my bag and pulled out the bottle that I had purchased from the store, on the way here.

  “What’s that?” Courtney whispered as she watched me, suspiciously.

  “This, is phase one of my plan,” I said with a huge smile on my face. I gently emptied some of the contents of the bottle onto the free chair next to me. I replaced the lid, and slid it back into my bag with a smile on my face. The shocked look on Courtney’s face, as she realized what I was doing, only made this plan even more exciting for me. Now, I knew that if I knew Caleb, the way that I thought I did then he would want to brag about the fact that he left me handcuffed to a bed this morning. If I was correct then I knew that I would be expecting him in five, four, three, two-

  “Hey, Princess.” Ahh music to my ears; show time....

  “What do you want?” I asked, trying to lace my voice in as much venom as I could, considering I wanted to laugh as the image of my plan falling into place, went through my mind.

  “Now, now is that anyway to speak to the guy who sleeps right next door to you?”

  I saw the excitement in Keeley’s face as she heard that last bit, causing me to roll my eyes.

  “Caleb, just go away,” I said as I waited for the next phase of my plan to take place. It wasn’t until I turned around, to look at Caleb with ‘sad eyes’ that I realized that he had two friends with him. I knew these guys, they were in my grade but they were the ‘bad boys’ of the school.

  “I don’t think that I want to go away, I think that I might just want to sit right here and eat lunch with my favorite girl,” he said as he pointed at the chair that was about to make all of my dreams come true. If only Caleb knew that I was smiling, on the inside.

  “You’re not sitting here, Caleb,” I pretended to protest, knowing that he would go into automatic challenge mode.

  “Is that you giving me an order?”

  “I promise that you’ll regret it if you sit there-”

  “I don’t think I will,” he said as he plopped right down in the seat next to me. As much as I wanted to smile right now, I knew that my plan needed me to save the smile, for a few more minutes.

  “Guys, do you mind, I need to talk to Caleb,” I said as I turned to everyone who was watching our little exchange, in silence.

  It was quite amusing, watching all of their expressions as they began to get up and walk away. Rick looked sad, like he had just lost a battle, Keeley had her eyes on Caleb as though she wanted to devour him, slowly, the two ‘bad boys’ that Caleb came with, waited for his signal to say that they could go, and then there was my all time favorite reaction, the one where Courtney mouthed the words ‘you are good’, causing my mouth to slightly twitch at the corners before turning back around to face an amused looking Caleb. It was time to earn my Oscar.


  “Wait, just hear me out before you say anything,” I said as I gave Caleb a pained look. His face softened for a second before being replaced by his usual cocky expression.

  “Go ahead,” he replied as he continued to smirk at me.

  “I think that it’s time that I am honest with you,” I said as I shifted my chair closer to his.

  “Ok,” he said as I watched the confusion take over his face. I could tell that he had no idea what was going on, and that was when I realized that I was fully in control of the entire situation.

  “The truth is that I don’t hate you. I’m mad because, because you did that stupid prank to me, when I liked you,” I said as I watched his eyes increase in size.


  “I liked you, I like you Caleb. I don’t want to play games and do anymore stupid pranks because the truth is that I want you-”

  “You want-”

  “Sssh,” I said as I interrupted him, by gently placing my index finger on his lips. I slowly let my hand slide down and rest on his chest, as I continued my Oscar award winning speech. I watched as his Adam’s apple began to rise and fall as he took in the look in my eyes.

  “The truth is that I didn’t want you in my house because it meant that I’d have to try and resist you. And I didn’t want to be like all the other girls that you’ve been with but I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to resist you anymore,” I said as I moved my face closer to his so that my mouth was right next to his ear. “I don’t want to play games anymore Caleb, do you understand?” I asked as I trailed my hand up and down his chest, very slowly.

  “Mmm hmm,” he replied in a husky voice. I was so glad that he couldn’t see my face because all I wanted to do was burst out laughing. That, however, would have ruined the final part of my plan, and I was going for a full blown humiliation.

  “Good because I know that you want me as well, and I think that we should probably go somewhere a little less...crowded,” I said as I gently moved back so that I could see his expression.

  He slowly nodded his head as I shifted back into my seat.

  “Come on then,” I said as I kept my eyes fixed on his.

  “Wait,” he said in a low and husky voice that actually made a chill travel down my spine. This was all a plan but I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t been slightly affected by it. “You see Princess, the thing that I like about you, is that sexy and creative mind that you h
ave. You’re so many steps ahead of all the other girls that I have ever been with, but you still don’t seem to get that you will never be that many steps ahead of me,” he said as he gestured towards the table that we were sat at, making me turn my head. That was when I felt a breath escape from my mouth, without my permission as I stared at the bottle of glue that I had bought from the store earlier, sat on the table. It was at that exact moment that I realized that all the time that I had been whispering in Caleb’s ear his arm was touching my waist. He played me! As I took in this heartbreaking piece of information, I very slowly tried to lift myself up from the chair, only to discover that I was stuck.

  “You jerk!” I growled as I took in the amused expression on his face.

  “It takes one to know one, baby. I guess we both won’t be going anywhere for a while, right?” He said as he chuckled to himself.

  I want to know the name of the idiot that said that revenge was sweet because he missed out the word bitter!

  * * *

  “Oh look who it, it’s Judas!” I growled as Courtney slipped into the passenger’s seat of my car.

  “Oh come on, you can’t seriously be blaming me for this,” she said as she tried to hold back her laughter.

  “Of course, I’m blaming you! A heads up would have been nice,” I screamed as I looked down at the grey sweatpants that had replaced my jeans.

  “Look, you guys were like in this whole different world. It was so...intense. You had everybody frozen and watching you, and even as I watched Caleb pouring the glue on your seat, it’s like the words just refused to come out-”

  “Refused to come out? That is freaking pathetic and don’t even mention the J word,” I said as I scowled at Courtney. She put her hands up in the air and remained silent. “The point is, you’re my best friend and you let him humiliate me, again, in front of the entire cafeteria!”

  “I didn’t let him, it just happened so fast. At least you were both glued to the chair, it would have been a lot worse if it was just you,” she said as she gave me her puppy dog face.


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