Living With the Bad Boy

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Living With the Bad Boy Page 15

by Sharlay

  “Nope,” he replied as he continued to shove half a slice of pizza in his mouth. See, this is why I called him the house pet.

  The truth was that even though Caleb was back to his usual cocky self, I was happy. It was better than seeing him look so sad.

  “I thought that you had a date?” I asked, curiously.

  “I canceled.”


  “Did I commit a crime? What’s with all the questions?”

  “I can’t ask a question?”

  “You can ask what you want, Princess. Whether or not I’ll answer, is another case,” he replied, sarcastically.

  “Whatever,” I mumbled before grabbing the controller off the coffee table, and searching for something decent to watch.

  “Ah, ah, ah, we’re playing a game,” Caleb said as he grabbed the controller out of my hand and switched the TV off.

  “Excuse me? Why would I want to play a game with you?” I replied, sarcastically.

  “Because you might actually have fun, for once in your boring lif-”

  “I do have fun-”

  “When’s the last time that you had fun, like really had fun?” He challenged me. I’ve had fun. I’ve always had fun, so I had no idea what he was trying to impl-

  “When?” He repeated.

  “I don’t need to explain anything to you. What’s the stupid game?” I growled as a smirk appeared on his face.

  “Truth or dare-”



  “No, I’m just not playing,” I said as I took a bite out of another slice of pizza.

  “It’s ok to be scared-”

  “I’m not scar-”

  “Seriously, don’t worry about it-”

  “I’m not scared!”

  “Yes you are-”

  “No I’m not-”




  “Fine! I’ll play your stupid game!” I screamed before I even realized what I had agreed to.

  “That didn’t take long,” he said with a smile on his face.

  “I have some rules though,” I said as I looked at him with a serious expression on my face.

  “Shoot away.”

  “Firstly, there will be no dares that involve kissing, touching or coming near me at all-”

  “Chill out Princess, you’re hot but I’m not desperate, if I want you, I don’t need a game to get you, believe me,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  “Get over yourself, Minty.”

  “Still with the ‘Minty’?” he said as he chuckled to himself.

  “Still with the ‘Princess’?”

  “Ok, I have a couple of rules myself. You must do all dares and truths, if you don’t then you have to do a dare that is exempt from all of your rules,” he said with a huge grin on his face.

  “Whatever,” I grunted.

  “ Right, I’m starting, truth or dare?”

  “Why do you have to start?”

  “Because it was my idea, now, truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” I said before picking up another slice of pizza.

  “Have you ever been in love?” He asked as he ate his last slice of pizza. Well, I never expected him to ask that.



  “Yeah, why are you so surprised?”

  “All girls have been in love, at least once,” he replied.

  “Well, not this one. The type of guy that I’d fall in love with either doesn’t exist or is dead.”

  “Wow, you are an angry person-”

  “Shut up. Right, truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” he said without hesitation. I sat still for a moment, trying to figure out what I actually wanted to know about Caleb.

  “Ok, have you ever been in a relationship?”


  “Figures,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

  “Truth or dare?”


  “We all know that you’re going to say truth, so hurry up,” he said, sarcastically.

  “By you saying we, it just proves my theory that you act like more than one person, and that you’re crazy. Secondly, your little trick to get me to say dare, isn’t going to work, so, truth please,” I said with a proud smile on my face.

  “If you were stranded on an island and could only eat one last thing, what would it be?”

  “Crepes, filled with strawberries and chocolate,” I said without hesitation. Just thinking about it was making me want some.

  “Ok, truth or dare?”


  Right, it’s time to put our little Caleb on the spot.

  “How many girls have you been with? If you can remember, of course,” I said with a slight smirk on my face.

  “Aren’t you just hilarious? One,” he replied, causing me to choke on the piece of pizza in my mouth.

  “One?” I managed to gasp as I stared at him in disbelief.

  “Yes, one.”

  “You’re lying,” I replied as I stared him deep in the eyes.

  “I have no need to lie to you, you’re not a potential girlfriend, so I don’t need to lie,” he said in a serious tone.

  “Fine,” I said as I sat there in shock. He’s only ever been with one girl? That really did surprise me. It also made me want to know who she was.

  “Now that we’ve got past your moment of shock, can we get on with the game?” He asked, sarcastically.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Truth or da-”

  “Dare,” I said with a smirk on my face. I knew that he didn’t expect it from me, and I like to do unexpected things.

  “Ok, follow me,” he said as he stood up from the couch, and headed towards the front door.

  “What about my pizza, and where are we going?” I asked in a confused tone.

  “The pizza can wait, and if you hurry up, you’ll find out,” he said as he rolled his eyes at me.

  “Fine,” I mumbled as I followed him outside.

  “Ok, see that door there?” He said as he pointed at Mr Bilsley’s house.

  “Yes,” I asked, suspiciously.

  “I want you to knock it, and then run and hide-”

  “Seriously? How old are we-”

  “If you don’t want to do it then we can always find you a new dare,” He said as he winked at me.

  “Carry on,” I said after a moment of hesitation.

  “Ok, so knock his door and then you can only hide somewhere outside-”

  “Wait, I can’t just run back in here?”

  “Nope,” he said as he leaned against the door frame, smiling.

  “What if he catches me?”

  “Don’t get caught,” he whispered, as though it was the easiest thing in the world. He had no idea what Mr Bilsley was like, that man was always suspicious of everyone, and he was known for chasing people. I took a deep breath before getting ready to take a risk that could potentially get me grounded, for another week.

  “Ready?” Caleb whispered from behind me.

  “No, I want my key first,” I said as I raised my eyebrows at him.


  “I don’t trust you, you’ll probably leave me out here all night,” I said as I looked at his smiling face.

  “As entertaining as that sounds, it’s already been done, and I want to finish this game. I promise that I won’t lock you out,” he said as he fluttered his eyelashes at me.

  “You better not,” I muttered before walking towards my dare.

  “I’ll be watching,” he said before winking, and then closing the front door behind him.

  As I walked towards Mr Bilsley’s house, I kept asking myself, what on earth I was doing. If he caught me, then I was in big trouble but there was still a small part of me that wanted to see what would happen. I looked around my street, making sure that there was no one in sight before I moved closer to Mr Bilsley’s door. His house had an eerie feel to it, it was actual
ly quite creepy. All the drapes were closed, and there wasn’t a single light on. As I crept, quietly up to the steps of his house, I took a deep breath before lifting my hand up. Before I could try and convince myself not to do it, I banged his door as hard as I could and then turned around and ran. I have no idea why but I couldn’t stop laughing as I ran. It was like a sudden wave of excitement just came over me, and I felt like a kid. That feeling was short lived though because as soon as I heard Mr Bilsley’s voice, I instantly began to panic.

  “Who’s there?” I heard him shouting from behind me, as I tried to get to the side of his house as quickly as I could. When I finally got round, I stopped, since I couldn’t go any further. I placed my hands on my knees while I tried to control my breathing, as quietly as I could. I could feel the inside of my chest burning up and my throat becoming dry, I really needed to start going to the gym. I thought that I’d be safe here, while Mr Bilsley did a visual check and then went back inside; I was wrong. Instead, I heard footsteps walking down his path and my eyes actually doubled in size.

  “Think you can scare me? Well, let’s see how scared you are when you meet my bat!” He screamed as I heard his footsteps getting nearer to me. I started to panic even more. There was only two ways that this could end: me in hospital with broken bones, or me in hospital with broken bones, and grounded. I didn’t enjoy the thought of either outcome. I could have tried to jump over the fence, into his back yard but as you can probably tell, I am not sporty, and neither did I enjoy the idea of being trapped in his back yard. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew that I shouldn’t have played Caleb’s stupid little game. Everything to do with him is ba-

  “Hey, old guy, over here!” I heard Caleb shout as my eyes snapped open. I had no idea why he did that but I was thankful.

  “You think you’re funny kid?” Mr Bilsley asked as I heard his footsteps head in the opposite direction, causing me to let out the breath that I’d been holding.

  “Well, I have been known to tell a joke or two-”

  “How funny do you find this?” I heard Mr Bilsley scream as the sound of the bat swinging through the air met my ears.

  “You have to catch me first,” I heard Caleb reply. I could even hear the slight smirk in his voice; clearly he enjoyed danger.

  “If I was hiding somewhere, then this would be the perfect time to RUN home!” I heard Caleb shout as I became even more confused. “Like now!” He shouted again. That’s when it hit me, he was talking to me. Without even thinking, I quickly emerged from my hiding place and began to sprint across the street, to my house. I glanced back at the scene behind me and found Mr Bilsley chasing after Caleb with his bat. It was clear that he wasn’t going to catch him, and the fact that he thought that he had a chance, made a small chuckle escape my lips. As I got closer to my front door, I said a little thank you prayer. I quickly slipped inside, closed the door behind me and then threw myself down on the couch as I tried to catch my breath.

  After about five minutes of trying to catch my breath, the door finally swung open, and I was faced with an out of breath Caleb. We both just stared at each other for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter.

  “You...have...some...crazy...neighbors,” he said between pants as we both continued to laugh.

  “I can’t believe that he actually chased you.”

  “I know, he was like the terminator, I thought that he would get tired ages ago but he just kept coming back for more,” he said as he threw himself down next to me.

  “Why did you come out anyway?” I asked as I turned my body towards him.

  “Well, you’re the only moron that would hide in a dead end, and when I saw him coming with a bat, I thought that you might need some help,” he said as we continued to laugh.

  “Yeah, thanks for that, and I am never doing that again,” I replied.

  “You’ve got to admit that you had fun though?” He asked as he stared at me.

  “Ok, it was kind of fun in an ‘I could have ended up with broken bones’ kind of a way,” I replied.

  We stared at each other for a few more seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter, again.

  “You are crazy, Caleb,” I finally got out, once I had calmed down.

  “I think you like it,” he replied as he smiled at me. It wasn’t his usual cocky smile but it was a real smile which made me feel a little strange.

  “Anyway,” I said as I cleared my throat, “I think that it is my turn, right?”


  “Ok, truth or dare?” I asked as I made a little more space between us, by moving over a little.

  “Ok, I’m going to go for a dare this time,” he replied with a smirk on his face.

  “Oh, aren’t we brave,” I said in a baby voice as I picked up another slice of my – cold – pizza. “Ok, how many girls are you dating, right now?” I asked.

  “I said dare not truth-”

  “Yes, but I have to ask this, in order to do my dare, just answer the question,” I demanded as I took another bite out of my pizza. I was pretty happy since I was finally eating the big slices that Caleb had given me earlier.


  “Err, you disgust me,” I said as I rolled my eyes.


  “Yeah right, in your dreams, Minty. Right, I want you to text all five of those girls, apologising for seeing them all at the same time-”

  “What? They don’t know that I’ve been seeing them all at the same time-”

  “Exactly,” I said with an evil smirk on my face as I began to enjoy my last slice of pizza.

  “You’re seriously going to make me do this?” He asked in a defeated voice.

  “Yes, you shouldn’t be dating more than one girl anyway, how would you like? Actually, don’t answer that just get on with the dare, unless you’re scared of course,” I said as I smirked at him.

  “Me, scared? Don’t be ridiculous,” he replied as he picked up his cell.

  “I want to see what you’re typing, and if you really send it,” I said as I moved right next to him, so that I could peer over his shoulder.

  “I don’t want pizza crumbs in my hair,” he exclaimed as he looked up at me and scowled.

  “Of course not,” I said as I shook my slice of pizza over his head, causing a few crumbs to settle in his hair. I smiled to myself, knowing that he didn’t see me do it.

  “Right, here goes nothing,” he said as he opened up a new message and began typing.

  When he was finished, I peered over his shoulder, to see what he had typed.

  “Let me see,” I said as I shoved the last piece of pizza in my mouth, and took his cell from him. I slid down next to him and began reading the message on the screen.

  Yo babe, sorry but I’ve been seeing others girls. You’re hot, so don’t take it personally. C

  “Are you serious?” I asked as I looked at him in disbelief.

  “What?” He asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

  “Did you actually read what you were typing?”


  “You are not sending this,” I said, pointing to the screen.

  “What’s wrong with it?” He asked, seriously.

  “You’re such an idiot. This is what you’re going to send,” I said as I began typing a new message.

  Hey, you’re a really great girl and I feel that I owe it to you to be honest. I am a jerk, a big fat lying jerk and not only have I been dating you but I’ve been dating other girls as well. This is no reflection on you, it’s just a direct result of my immaturity and my lack of human understanding. You deserve better and I wish you all the best in life. Caleb xxx



  “I am not saying that, it doesn’t even sound like me,” he said as he dragged the phone out of my hand.

  “Well, it’s not like you to confess either,” I said as I raised my eyebrows at him. “My dare, my rules, now send it,” I said as I gave him a threatening

  “Fine,” he said as he began scrolling through the names in his phone.

  “Seriously?” I asked, when I read the five names that he was sending the message too.

  “What?” He asked in a confused tone.

  “Legs, Butt, Lips, Eyes and The Talker?” I asked as I read the names off the list.

  “It helps me to remember who’s who,” he said with a slight smirk on his face.

  “I thank God that you don’t have my number,” I mumbled as I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Who said that I don’t?” He said with a mischievous smile on his face before I heard the sound of my phone ringing.

  When I looked at the screen of my phone, I was greeted by a picture of Caleb, blowing me a kiss and the word sexy on my screen.

  “How did you do that?” I growled as I stared at him in disbelief.

  “When I took your phone from the movie theaters,” he said in a proud voice.

  “You are a jerk-”

  “A sexy jerk,” he interrupted.

  “Whatever, what did you save my number as?” I asked as curiosity got the better of me.

  “Isn’t it obvious? Princess,” he said as though it was the simplest thing in the world. “Right, it’s my turn, truth or dare?” He asked as he turned to face me.

  “Dare,” I replied as a funny feeling went through my stomach. I tried to ignore it and focus on what he was saying.

  “Ok, since you ruined all of my ‘dates’, you’re going to help me to get them back,” he stated with a smile on his face.

  “How?” I asked as I began to rub my stomach.

  “You’re going to pretend to be my girlfriend, starting tomorrow-”

  “Excuse me?” I asked in shock as a huge rumbling sound came from my stomach, causing both of us to look at my belly.

  “Well, you ruined my dates by making me be all honest. If those girls think that I’ve changed and have turned all nice, then I need them to think that I have a girlfriend. Every guy knows that you become more desirable to a girl, when you have a girlfriend, it’s like an automatic competition for them-”

  “Oh, there is no competition, they can have you-”


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