Against the Wall

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Against the Wall Page 2

by Debra Webb

  “Takes all kinds of people in this world,” he said. “I can see how her reaction probably didn’t make you happy, but I doubt it made you decide your dad had been murdered.”

  Jana hadn’t expected sympathy or coddling, but she hadn’t anticipated feeling so... challenged. If she had substantial leads she wouldn’t require his help. Why would Theo recommend an agency’s whose representative was so... so off-putting?

  Dylan had heard enough already. This was a simple case of wishful thinking. Jana Clayton was a devastated daughter unable to let go of the sterling image of her perfect daddy. She didn’t want to believe he had killed himself, didn’t want to accept the hard reality that people from all walks of life kept sharp, unpleasant secrets.

  He had reviewed everything in the file, which included all articles the media had printed since Senator Clayton’s body had been found. A single gunshot to the head wasn’t the prettiest way to go, but it was effective. And it was, more often than not, exactly what it appeared to be: suicide.

  In the café he’d seen the fresh grief shadowing her moss-green eyes. Despite an expert hand with cosmetics, the puffy, dark circles from too many tears and not enough sleep were impossible to miss. In another situation, Dylan thought she’d be quite a looker—if she let down all that rich, chestnut colored hair she had yanked back into that tight bun. Well, he actually knew she was damned gorgeous under different circumstances. The background file included her history of winning beauty pageants along with academic accolades during her high school and college days.

  On top of that, she was distracted, more concerned with the people walking by than with giving him the straight story. She was all torn up and not thinking logically. He’d braced, to some degree, for her emotional state. Her dad’s life, death, and memorials had all been a public affair. With the official investigation and the autopsy, Senator Clayton had only been buried two days ago. Hell, she had a right to be upset. As much as he got that part, the whole scene made Dylan’s skin itch as if he’d rolled around in poison ivy. He wanted to snap his fingers, get right in her face, and just blurt out the hard truth. People did inexplicable things every day of the week. They performed thoughtless, unforgivable acts with no regard for the fallout.

  Sad but true. The only way to go on was to just go on. He’d learned it firsthand, hadn’t he? In a perfect world, he would still be upholding the law in Montana instead of rattling around the Texas-Louisiana region taking on unique private security assignments like Jana Clayton.

  Bottom line, whatever her daddy had done, however emotional and unfocused she was, Jana was smart, too. Before he called it a day and saved her from throwing away her money, he wanted to hear the thing she was holding back. If it was what he suspected, she already had her answers. She simply didn’t want to accept them.

  His job was to assess the situation and to take action. To do that, her unconditional cooperation was essential.

  “He left a letter, didn’t he?” Dylan suggested as they walked aimlessly up the block.

  She glanced at him but looked away just as quickly. He could hang around and count it easy money. He was overdue for a laid-back assignment. Austin was a fun town and doing time with Jana wouldn’t be a hardship. But first, she had to tell him everything. Holding back would only create the potential for trouble for both of them.

  When her silence went on, he stopped at the next corner, letting other people pass by. “You asked for assistance, remember?” Technically, a friend had made the request on her behalf.

  She gave a tiny nod as she reached into that deep well of a purse. “I made a copy.” She produced a folded sheet of paper.

  He raised his eyebrows at the lengthy handwritten letter that covered most of both sides of the page. “Why make a copy?”

  Her shoulders hitched and she turned her head toward the opposite side of the street. “I want to keep the original... safe.”

  He quickly read the handwritten letter.


  I’ve loved you from the moment you took your first breath, before that, though I was too young to realize it was possible at the time. Your miraculous arrival only solidified my commitment to be an honorable man, to provide for your every need, and more importantly, to be a father worthy of your love and devotion. The day you joined my staff was one of the proudest of my life. Your insight, intelligence, and perseverance will see you through and propel your career in whichever direction you choose.

  You have your mother’s eyes along with her conviction and dedication to a worthy purpose. As you’re well aware, she was—and remains—my inspiration, the solid foundation of my personal and political decisions. If a decision would make her shake her head at me, I would rethink it and find another way.

  You’re also well aware that politics can get ugly, even for your old dad. In the coming weeks, a little mud might fly my way. You can’t believe it. In fact, you must not believe it. Whatever happens, whatever wild claims are made, however the public reacts, I want you to hold your head high and to know that I remain steadfast, worthy of your faith and admiration as both my daughter and as a valued part of my political team.

  If you find cause to doubt me, don’t doubt your mother’s ever-present and ongoing influence over me. I know I’ve been preoccupied and distant in recent months, but that was to protect you from a flood of trouble I may not be able to stop. Perhaps one day we’ll look back and see this ordeal as having made us stronger.

  Just in case I’m unable to explain, I’m sending this letter. I beg you to keep it to yourself. You mustn’t trust anyone else, only yourself and your flawless intuition. Be safe, be smart, and above all continue to be the amazing woman I admire.

  Love you,


  Dylan read the letter a second time, folded it, and tucked it into his back pocket for further evaluation. “You’re sure he wrote this?”


  She had obviously read the letter from a different perspective. To Dylan, the words painted a clear picture. Obviously her dad was worried about something or someone, but his concerns didn’t mean he hadn’t opted to make an untimely exit for reasons he hadn’t disclosed. “He didn’t want you trusting anyone. How will you trust me?” Before she could answer, Dylan added, “If you’re still interested in my service, trust is an important part of our relationship, Ms. Clayton.”

  Her full lips thinned to a flat line. Frustration? Second thoughts? Dylan couldn’t wait to hear her response.

  “When I received the letter, I knew I’d been right in my conclusion about his death. It seemed prudent to find an objective third party to confirm or to disprove that conclusion. Your agency came highly recommended. I’m trusting your integrity as well as that of your agency, Mr. Parker.”

  Fancy way to say she was scared and not sure what the hell she felt or should do. “Do you ever relax, Ms. Clayton?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You should. Relax, I mean,” he clarified, shifting closer as they started walking again. “You’re wound tight. It’s understandable considering the circumstances, but if you take a step back, stop operating on emotion, you might see—”

  “That’s enough.” She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head. “My personal life isn’t up for evaluation or debate.”

  Whoa. He’d hit a hot button there. “No, it isn’t.” He liked the way her soft green eyes flashed with temper. It showed him some conviction beneath all that sorrow. “I’d apologize for being blunt, but it goes with the job. You said you want to find the truth about your dad. Could it be you’re ignoring the obvious answer?”

  She stopped between a dress shop and a shoe store and planted her hands on her hips. “That is not a suicide letter. It’s a warning, not a farewell. If my dad had ever considered taking his own life, it would’ve been years ago when we lost my mother.” She paused, gulping air. “He wouldn’t have done this to me then and he certainly didn’t do it two weeks ago.”

  The details of her
mother’s death over fifteen years ago had been in the file, along with other notable details and public records about the Clayton family. As an outsider looking in, it would be easy to agree with her assessment. Senator Clayton had been in politics long enough to sink hip-deep in scandal, but somehow he’d stayed above the worst of the muck and mudslinging. Other than her mother’s death, the family had all the earmarks of the perfect life: power, money, and, more importantly, respect—at least until very recently.

  “Yes, I’m grieving,” she continued, “but I haven’t lost touch with reality. No one knew my dad better than I did. The evidence points to suicide because someone wants it to.” She crossed her arms and then uncrossed them as if she couldn’t decide what to do next.

  “You’ve got the clout to push the police to look at the situation more closely.” Any steps she’d taken to that end were undocumented. He was guessing she hadn’t pushed the issue.

  “I need an objective assessment before I start pushing anyone.” She stepped back, scowling at him before she hid her eyes with the sunglasses again.

  “Just in case you’re wrong,” he tossed back at her.

  Her posture stiffened. “I am not wrong. I merely want an objective assessment. And... I think someone might be following me.”

  His instincts went on alert. “You didn’t feel it was important to mention that someone was following you before now.”

  “I... I can’t be sure. It might just be a reporter looking for the inside story.”

  Scanning the crowd and the street, he made up his mind then and there. Whether her dad killed himself or not, there was something off here. “Whatever else you believe, I’m here to protect you, Ms. Clayton, until you fire me or I’m ordered otherwise.”

  She shook her head. “Protection isn’t what I requested.”

  He gave her a smile, hoping to ease the tension. The lady looked ready to snap. “Two-for-one deal, that’s how we do it.”

  She folded her arms again. “I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, Mr. Parker, but are you qualified in an investigative capacity?”

  He nodded, opted not to take her question personally. “I expect my resume would surprise you.”

  “Everything else has,” she muttered. She reminded herself that if Theo trusted this agency, she could too. “So, assuming we move forward with this arrangement, how will it work?”

  He swallowed his amusement, adjusting his hat against the glint of the sun. The lady could just as easily be strutting down a runway as strolling along this sidewalk with him. But she wasn’t about to allow anyone to mistake her for just another pretty face. “You have a choice,” he began, in answer to her question. “I can act more like a protective detail—”

  “A bodyguard?”

  “That’s right. Or we can come up with a better reason why I’m suddenly with you twenty-four-seven.”

  She shrugged. “A bodyguard raises questions I don’t want to answer.”

  “Makes you look paranoid, like maybe mental issues run in the family. There were reports in the media of your mother’s depression before she died.”

  “She battled cancer for two years,” Jana fired back at him. “Who wouldn’t be depressed?”

  “Now they’re saying the senator was suffering with the same malady.”

  “I find your suggestion insulting.”

  “It is,” he agreed. “You’ve spent enough time in the spotlight to know how harsh the media can be. We have to see this the way they do.”

  “Are you this insensitive with all of your clients?”

  “I’m not your best friend or your therapist, Ms. Clayton. I protect and investigate,” he replied, pleased to have heard more curiosity than irritation in her question this time. He’d take both over the other messy, runaway emotions.

  “Jana,” she corrected firmly. “If we’re to make this believable without giving away who you really are, we need a cover story, I suppose.”

  “That’s right.” He waited while she deliberated on her options.

  “It’s been a long time since our university days, but I’m glad you’re here to lend me a shoulder to cry on, Dylan. Thank you. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have preparing Dad’s papers for the university’s library than you.”

  He tried not to wince at her choice of cover stories. These days his shoulders were only for carrying his workload and physical contact happened on his terms or not at all. While he never allowed things to get personal with a client, he knew there was a time and place to play a role. For her sake and for the people who seemed to track her every move, he had to give her points for creativity.

  “Anything you need, Jana,” he replied. On a professional level, he amended silently. He hoped like hell protecting her didn’t mean he had to listen to tearful trips down memory lane. “I’ll do all in my power to make the senator proud. Where to first?”

  “Let’s start with his office at the capitol.” She adjusted the strap of her purse. “There had to be some secret project he was working on that set this nightmare in motion. Something, as he said in his letter, he wanted to protect me from. I have to find it.”

  “Where did you park?” Dylan asked, knowing the answer.

  “Over on Sixth.”

  He caught the little hitch in her breath as they turned onto Sixth and away from the view of the capitol building. He’d arrived for their meeting early to get a feel for the area and to watch the coffee shop for her arrival. She’d parked on Sixth and walked the few blocks to the designated location. He’d seen her blot at the tears too many times to count. Just his luck to catch this case. Jana Clayton seemed like a nice enough person, but coping with emotions wasn’t part of his skill set. He’d turned those off after his ex-wife stuck half a dozen daggers in his back. Some men used alcohol to drown their heartache. Others used their damaged feelings as a reason to be jerks. Dylan decided it was just easier to stop feeling at all. Made life a lot simpler. He didn’t like dealing with all the emotional stuff.

  The deep, throaty roar of an engine caught his attention. Instinctively, he stepped in front of Jana as the dark blur of a motorcycle sped around the corner. Sunlight bounced off black helmets with tinted visors and black riding attire. The driver leaned forward as the passenger raised an automatic weapon.

  “Gun!” Dylan pushed Jana to the ground, sheltering her body with his, while he watched the inevitable unfold.

  Bright muzzle flashes and the gleam of chrome accents on the bike broke up the black mass attacking them. Screams of panicked civilians echoed around them, punctuating the sounds of the engine, gunfire, and breaking glass. The motorcycle weaved in and out of traffic and then disappeared down North Congress, gone long before the first emergency call could be made.

  Dylan helped Jana to her feet. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m... I’m fine.” She dusted off her palms and hefted her purse back to her shoulder. “What about you?” Her voice wobbled the tiniest bit.

  “I’m good.” He looked her over again before urging her away from the scene. The only damage appeared to be her broken sunglasses and dirt from the sidewalk on her knees and palms. “We should get to your car.”

  “We have to help,” Jana argued. “The police will want our statements.”

  He shook his head, catching her arm. “It’s not safe to hang around in the open like this.”

  She stopped short and stared him down. “People may be hurt.”

  “It’s your life I’m here to protect.”

  “I’m not leaving. We stay and do what we can.”

  Dylan bit back an oath. He should be grateful she wasn’t in shock or crying. “What about getting to the senator’s office?”

  “That can wait.” She was already moving down the street, wading into the chaos.

  His only choice was to follow her. This time. Staying as close as her shadow, he watched, reluctantly impressed as she checked on one person after another, soothing those with minor injuries. He did the same, careful to keep a clo
se eye on his client.

  As hard as it was to believe, no one had been seriously injured. By the time the authorities and emergency medical teams arrived, Dylan had studied the path of the bullets. The main cluster seemed to be right where he and Jana had been standing.

  This case had just gone from a daughter’s denial to a potential murder investigation. Jana had been right to believe someone was following her. He took a few pictures of the chewed up wall that fronted a small bookstore with his cell and sent them to his tech and research assistant Claudia. His experience in law enforcement had him wanting to pick up a shell casing, but that would take him too far from his client.

  It was possible the goal hadn’t been to kill her, but to create a serious diversion and possibly to kidnap her. Snapping pictures of people milling around, he stood with Jana as they gave their statements to the police. The moment they were cleared to go, he guided her toward her car.

  “The police aren’t going to find anything,” he said, waiting for her to fish her car key from her purse.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “That was a professional hit.”

  Her eyes went wide, and then she shook her head. “That’s ridiculous. It had to be a random crime. Austin is for the most part a wonderful city, but we have issues with drugs and gangs the same as any large metropolitan area.”

  He shrugged off her doubt. She didn’t know better. “We need to get off the street.” His instincts were humming, urging him to take her somewhere less exposed.

  She fisted her hand over her car key, but not before he saw the way it shook. “I’ll meet you at the capitol parking garage.”

  Not what he had in mind. In his professional opinion, she needed some privacy and a little time to regroup before they discussed what the hell just happened. Denial was a powerful force and the lady was definitely in denial. “I should take you home.”

  “Absolutely not.” She glowered at him. “I refuse to let a random act of violence dictate my schedule. My dad wouldn’t...” Her renewed fury died as swiftly as it had appeared.


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