The Long Ride Home (Cowboys & Cowgirls)

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The Long Ride Home (Cowboys & Cowgirls) Page 1

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  The Long Ride Home

  Danielle Lee Zwissler


  The Long Ride Home

  Copyright © Danielle Lee Zwissler

  Firefly & Wisp Books

  1st Edition


  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Also Published on Smashwords

  Library of Congress Control Number available upon request:

  Western Romance

  Bonus Story Included:

  Once Upon a Bat: a Cinderella Story

  To Earl,


  To Logan,


  To Ariana,


  Other books by Danielle


  Her Last Chance

  The Art of Seduction

  The Cowboy’s Bride


  The Cowboy Takes a Slave

  A Barefoot Christmas

  The Long Ride Home

  Christmas is in the Air (Yuletide Bride)

  Let it Snow! (Meant to be Always, A Barefoot Christmas)

  A Home for the Holidays (The Christmas House)

  A Mommy for Christmas

  The Cookie Cutter Christmas

  Holiday Romance Collection-An Anthology


  Trio of Sin

  Written as Heather Lane:

  Dirty Little Secrets

  Merry Christmas Erotica

  Of Leather & Lace (V is for Voluptuous, Til Death do us Part, New Year Nookie

  New Year Nookie


  Math Times Two


  A thank you to my family for taking the side burner for a few hours while writing this book.

  To Holton and Elena, you two are a prime example why people shouldn’t give up on each other.

  The Long Ride Home

  Chapter 1

  “El, there’s someone down here asking for you, and he’s super hot!” her roommate, Cheryl, called from the bottom of the stairs. Elena walked the two feet to the window and noticed the cherry red camero in the drive.

  Holton Dade.

  Looking into her mirror above her dresser, Elena fingered through her wild red curls and tried to tame them. No use. A few minutes later, she stood at the bottom of the steps and smiled at Holton.

  “What on earth are you doing here, Holt?” she asked, using the familiar nickname she gave her older, yet hotter, childhood neighbor.

  Holton smiled and reached out to yank one errant curl. “Hey, brat,” he said, and then his face turned somber, almost as if he remembered why he was there in the first place.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Elena, there was an accident.”

  Elena’s heart hammered in her chest and she looked deep into Holton’s eyes. “What kind of accident?”

  “It was your dad. He fell, and they’ve taken him to Ricon General.”

  Eleana put her hand in front of her mouth and gasped. “What’s…what?”

  “He hit his head, and he doesn’t…well, he didn’t know who I was.”

  “He has amnesia?”

  “They…the doctors seem to think so, but…”

  “When did this happen?”

  “This morning. I tried calling all you, but I couldn’t get through.”

  “So you came all the way here? When did you leave?”

  It was a ten hour drive from Dallas to Sunnybrook.

  “I left ten hours ago. I just got into town.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Eleven hours ago.”

  Elena moved in and put her arms around Holton and squeezed tightly. Shocked by the sudden burst of affection, Holton took a moment before his arms went around her. And then he felt the tears as they ran from her eyes.

  “Hey now, everything is going to be okay. Let’s get you a bag packed and then we’ll head out of here.”

  “Okay. Just give me a few minutes, okay, Holt? I’ll be right back.” Elena went upstairs and took exactly five minutes to get a bag together. She was downstairs in six. When Holton saw her come down the steps, he smiled and then held his hand out, pulling her the rest of the way down and guiding her out the door to his car.

  Sixty minutes in to the drive, the silence was killing her. “We have to talk about something,” Elena said, turning to look at Holton. Holton gripped the steering wheel, his eyes looked tired.

  “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Well, I…tell me what you know about Dad. What was he doing, how did you know so fast…?”

  “Your dad was up on the ladder in the barn, repairing part of the loft when he slipped. I was at my place and saw Shadow without a rider. She somehow got over to my place.” Shadow was Elena’s father’s horse.

  Elena cringed and took a deep breath. “Do you think he’s going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know, Elena.”

  Elena’s eyes widened and she turned in her seat to look at Holton. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Holton’s hands gripped the steering wheel and Elena could see the white knuckled grip as he tightened his fingers around it. “I don’t think I’m the right person to tell you. I’m not a doctor, Elena.”

  Elena sobbed and leaned in to Holton. Holton could feel his breath catch in his chest. “We have a very long ride in front of us, El, let’s just…let’s talk about something else.”

  “You called me El,” she said and smiled softly. “You never call me that; now I know you’re trying too hard.”

  “I’ve always hated that nickname. You know that.”

  “Yeah.” Elena smirked. “Why is that?”

  Holton cleared his throat. “You have a beautiful given name. Why mess it up with shortening it.”

  Elena smiled. “Thank you, Holton.”

  “No problem, brat.”

  “And we’re back,” Elena laughed. Holton looked at her curiously then turned his attention back to the road.

  “I’m way too old for you, Elena,” Holton whispered.

  Taken back from the way he said that, Elena nearly stopped breathing. “I…what?”

  “You’re just a kid, Elena.”

  “I am hardly a kid, Holton!” she huffed. “You act like you’re so old and mature.”

  Holton laughed. I’m twenty eight, brat.”

  “Oh, you know! I could just…I could…never mind.”

  Holton laughed even harder. “I’m twenty one, Holt, hardly in my teens. And I just happen to remember a few conversations that we’ve had over the years, not to mention the kiss.”

  “Still wet behind the ears, brat. And that was the one time. I’m not interested in training virgins.”

  “Are you kidding me right now, Holt?”

  “It’s in the way you look at me, Elena. I’m flattered, don’t get me wrong, but you’re years too young.”

  Elena’s face couldn’t get any redder. “I never said I wanted you to screw me, Holton!”

  Holton flinched. “Such language, Elena, no you didn’t say it verbally, but you’ve told me in other ways.”

  “You’re insane. You should really get yourself checked. Maybe Coleman services can help you. Coleman was a mental hospital near Ricon General.

  “Besides, I’m with
Beth Ann.”

  Elena rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Oh, and Beth Ann is so much older.”

  “Beth Ann has experience. She’s…”

  “A slut.”

  “Elena! I will not have you talk that way about her.”

  “Oh, sorry I slated your ‘experienced’ girlfriend. You know what; I don’t even want to talk about this. I never said I was interested in you in the first place. As usual you deduced the wrong conclusion.”

  “Yeah, okay. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that you have feelings for me, Elena. You’ve done so many times before. I just can’t return them. Like I said, you are way too young.”

  “I remember you telling me not so long ago to wait until I was 18,” Elena replied. She looked over at Holton and he gritted his teeth.

  “Yeah, I remember. Nothing like you constantly bringing that up.

  “It hardly matters anyway, Holton.”

  “Why is that now?” he asked, irritated.

  “Because, I am dating Brian Hadley, Holton. I have been since the beginning of the year, so you in your advanced age shouldn’t get in a tizzy over worrying about me falling in love with you.”

  Holton’s eyes darkened and they were almost in slits. “Who is this Brian?”

  Elena smiled. Brian was her best friend’s brother. “He’s twenty five, a grad student and absolutely yummy,” Elena said dreamily. She smiled and took a long, slow breath and sighed. Let him choke on that!

  “Twenty five! He’s only after one thing, Elena. You have to break up with him.”

  “Let’s hope he’s after it. I’m ready to give it away to the next person that asks!”

  Holton slammed his foot on the brakes and they both jolted forward. The seatbelt that was once comfortable tightened on Elena’s chest and she bounced back into the seat. “Elena!”

  “What?” Elena asked, nearly laughing at his ridiculous reaction. He was probably worried that he would have to beat someone up for her or something. He acted like an idiot older brother.

  “You wouldn’t do that would you?”

  Elena rolled her eyes and huffed. “It’s none of your business, Holton. You worry about yourself, and I’ll worry about my virginity.”

  “I can’t believe I came all the way here to get you,” he mumbled.

  “I can’t believe you did either. Why did you?”

  “Well I…”

  “Come on, Holton, why? Why would you come all the way to Sunnybrook just to get me when you could have easily sent for me or got me a plane ticket? What’s in it for you?”

  Holton didn’t want to admit that he didn’t think it through, that he was worried why she wasn’t answering her phone, that he wanted to see her and be the one to tell her about her father—no one else.

  “I did it for your dad.”

  “Sure you did,” Elena said then turned toward the window and became silent for the next four hours.


  “I am starving,” Holton said as he pulled off an exit; Elena just kept on ignoring him. There was a little diner off the ramp with its neon lights blazing, “Sammy’s Diner”.

  “This looks good, huh, Elena?” Holton said as he pulled into one of the only empty spaces in the lot. The place was booming. Loud country music blared from speakers inside and echoed throughout the parking lot, where F250s and cowboys hung out.

  Elena didn’t say a word she just sat there immobile.

  “Come on, Elena, you can’t still be mad at me.”

  Elena looked over at Holton and then back out the passenger side window with a huff. He got out and walked around to her side to let her out. But before he made it, she flung open her door, nearly hitting him.


  “Oops, sorry,” Elena said. “I didn’t see you there.”

  Holton shook his head and continued walking toward the front doors of the diner. “After you,” he said as he opened the door to let her pass. She walked in, and he tried to ignore the extra swing she seemed to be putting in her hips.

  Chapter 2

  “Can I get you something to eat, Sugar?” came the waitress’s voice to Holton. Holton smiled and the woman nearly swooned. Elena rolled her eyes and looked down at the menu, trying to figure out what it was she wanted.

  “Yes, Ma’am, I’ll get the prime rib and mashed potatoes.”

  “Salad with that, Honey?” Elena asked, startling the waitress. She put her hand up on his and leaned forward, “You’re going to need that.” She looked at the waitress and winked, “Put a few extra eggs in there for protein.”

  Holton’s eyes widened and the waitress backed away from him, getting the hint that he was taken. Elena looked at her and, with a straight face, ordered extra eggs on her salad as well and the Chicken Parmesan. “Oh, and could we get a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and two glasses? Thank you so much.”

  “No, problem, Ma’am, Sir,” the woman said and then left the table.

  “What the hell was that about?” Holton asked, clearly miffed.

  “I am hungry, and if you would quit flirting with anything with two legs we can get out of here and get to my dad faster. Besides, you are way too old for her. She has to be my age!” Elena said as she put her hand up to her chest, trying to look aghast.

  “You are such a…”

  “A what, Honey?” Elena asked, putting her hand up to his face and caressing it sweetly. She smiled into his eyes and she could see the little vein in his neck pulsate.


  “I love you, too, Baby,” Elena said, then pulled out her cell phone, laughing inside at the look on Holton’s face.


  “So, how about some road trivia or something?” Elena asked as they pulled back onto the highway. Dinner was an interesting affair. She knew she got a rise out of Holton with the whole I love you stuff, and it was totally worth the looks on his face.

  “What, are we friends now?”

  “Something like that,” Elena said, smirking at his reaction. His face turned red and he shook his head.

  “Stop it! I can’t have you flirting with me the entire way home, Elena!”

  “Flirting? Really, Holton…you are old if you thought that was flirting.”

  “Quit it with the age remarks!”

  “Oh, did baby get his back all on edge?” Elena asked with a sexy pout on her face.

  “Let’s get something straight, I’m only on edge because you are driving me nuts, and I’m not old!”

  “You were the one that said you were too old for me.”

  “Just because I’m not interested…”

  Elena never thought about that. He wasn’t interested, and he just told her he was too old to let her down easily. “We—”

  “Look,” Holton said, frustrated, “we’ve known each other for so long. We’re neighbors for crying out loud!”

  “I get it, Holton! Geesh, just let it go.”

  Elena’s face was red. She was embarrassed and Holton felt horrible.

  “No, it’s just…well…it would be too awkward.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Okay then,” Holton remarked, feeling a little put off by her attitude. “What kind of trivia did you want to play?”

  Elena could have kissed him for the change in subject. “How about movie trivia?”

  “Okay, sounds good.” Holton tapped on the steering wheel for a few minutes and then looked over with a grin on his face. Elena’s heart jumped in her chest. “Okay, Angelina Jolie to Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

  Elena took a deep breath and then started thinking about what movies they were in together. She and Holton had played this game once before when they were a lot younger—their families often vacationed together.

  “Need some help?” Holton teased.

  “No I don’t, thank you very much.” Elena smiled and laughed. “Okay, Angelina Jolie is in Mr. and Mrs. Smith with her husband, Brad Pitt…”

  “They’re not married,” Holton said, smiling.

p; “Who are you People Magazine? Yes, they are, I just saw it on the front cover of some tabloid.”

  “Believe everything you read, Princess?”

  “I hope not, or I’d believe that you were engaged to Beth Ann, and we all know what a mistake that would be.”

  “Back to this whole thing, are we?” Holton fumed.

  Ignoring him, Elena continued, “And Brad Pitt is in Ocean’s Eleven with Matt Damon, who is in Good Will Hunting with Robin Williams, Robin Williams is in …”

  “You know, you are something, right? Talking about Beth Ann when you haven’t said anything about that yahoo that you’re dating!”

  Elena had to think about what he was talking about. Dating? She looked at him curiously and then he spewed out, “Brian Hadley.”

  “Brian is wonderful.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve gathered. What’s so great about him?”

  “Well, he’s in school with me; we get to see each other all of the time. He dresses very well.”

  “What’s wrong with the way I dress?” Holton asked. His voice was raised and he looked like he was about ready to throw a fit. Elena could barely hold back her laughter.

  “Nothing if you’re into that poor cowboy kind of thing.”

  “Poor cowboy!”

  “Well, you never wear new Levis and I almost never see you in black…definitely only the typical type of Holton clothes. It’s like you have stock in plaid.”

  “So that’s what you…”

  “It’s okay, it’s just not Brian,” Elena gushed. “He always matches and wears the latest things.”

  “That’s important to you?” Holton asked, put off by her sudden change. “This is how you turn up when you go to college?”

  “It’s not that it’s important to me, but it’s nice to be out with Brian. Everyone can clearly see that he cares about his appearance that’s all.” Elena stopped then continued on with the movie trivia, only to be cut off again.

  “That’s just great, Elena. Just great.”

  “It is, isn’t it? We should double date, you, me, Beth Ann, and Brian.”

  Elena knew she was pushing it, but it was fun to see his reaction. Holton gripped the steering wheel tight and answered with a grunt. Just then, she received a text.


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