Skylar’s Devotion

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Skylar’s Devotion Page 5

by Marisa Chenery

  After the last wave hit her, Skylar pulled his fingers out of her pussy. The sight of him bringing them to his mouth and licking her juices from each one caused an aftershock deep inside her core.

  “Next time,” he said in a voice rough with arousal, “I’m going to make you come with my mouth. You taste just as good as you smell.”

  Braelyn knew there would be a next time. And it wouldn’t be inside Skylar’s car. Shifting off his lap to the passenger seat, she righted her dress and did up the zipper. “Now I get to see what you have hidden inside those jeans of yours.”

  When Skylar would have reached to bring his seat up, she stopped him. “You stay just where you are.”

  Once he settled back down, she undid the button on his pants and slowly tugged down the zipper. Skylar’s cock sprang free when she parted the material. She took her bottom lip between her teeth. He was as large and thick as she’d thought he’d be. Her pussy clenched at the thought of how good it would be to have his cock buried deep inside her. And given the way he’d just made her come, there was no question about him not knowing how to use it.

  Gently, she trailed her fingers along his shaft from base to tip. It jerked, and a bead of pre-cum appeared. Braelyn collected the bit of moisture on a fingertip and rubbed it into the satiny skin. Skylar moaned.

  Normally she didn’t give blowjobs until she felt more comfortable around a man, but with Skylar, she wanted to feel his cock inside her mouth while she sucked on him. She needed to hear the sounds of pleasure he’d make while she brought him to completion.

  Taking hold of the bottom of his shaft, she lifted it off Skylar’s stomach. Leaning over him, she licked the same trail her fingers had taken. At the flared head, she circled it with her tongue, flicking the very tip across the slit. The sound of his harsh breathing filled her ears as she opened her mouth and sucked him inside.

  Skylar’s hips lifted off the seat as he matched her in and out movements. Continuing to suck, she glanced up at him. It had to be a trick of the dim light surrounding them, but she could have sworn his eyes were glowing mutedly before he closed them completely.

  His cock grew harder, and his groans of pleasure came more frequently. “Braelyn,” he panted. “I’m close, so close.” When she sucked harder and took him almost to the back of her throat, he said harshly, “Ah, fuck, I can’t hold back. Feels too good.”

  Skylar cried out—the sound almost sounding like a wolf’s howl—as his cock pulsed while he came. Braelyn took everything and didn’t stop pleasuring him until he had no more to give. Once it was over, to her surprise, Skylar stayed hard as if he’d never come.

  Releasing her hold on the base of his cock, she met his gaze. “You came, yet you’re still—”

  He cut her off by sitting up and taking her mouth in a kiss that had her toes curling. Once he pulled away, he said, “I’m fine. It was more than nice.”

  She watched him stuff his still hard cock back inside his jeans and zip it up. Braelyn gave him a dubious look. “Are you sure? It looks as if that will be painful if it doesn’t go down soon.”

  Skylar chuckled and cupped the back of her head while he kissed her again. “Stop worrying. Let’s call my not losing an erection a little talent of mine, all right? And when I take you to bed, I’ll show you just how long I can keep it.”

  Braelyn’s mouth went dry. If Skylar could stay hard, even after coming, sex would never be the same for her again. What woman wouldn’t want a man who could keep it up, and then make her come over and over again? She sure as hell wanted that experience.

  With one last brush of his lips across hers, Skylar released her. “It’s getting late, and I have to go to work soon. I want to see you tomorrow.”

  She settled back into her seat and put her seatbelt on. “I don’t have anything else planned. What time are you thinking about?”

  He put on his seatbelt and turned to her with a smile. “If I had my way, I’d be knocking on your door very early in the morning, but I doubt your parents will like that. How about around lunch time? We can go grab something to eat, then decide after that what to do next. So long as it doesn’t involve torturing me at a lingerie store, I’m open to anything.”

  Braelyn laughed. “I promise I’ll spare you that, but if you’re working all night, don’t you have to sleep most of the day?”

  “I get to sleep where I work.”

  As Skylar started the car and drove around the school, she asked, “What exactly do you do if you can work and sleep at the same time?”

  “I guess the best way to describe it is bodyguard. Actually, it’s kind of the family business.”

  The unsettling fan letter she’d received that day rose to the forefront of Braelyn’s mind. If Skylar was a bodyguard, and if the letters increased in number, it would be good to have a boyfriend in his line of work. It also had her seriously considering showing him the letter. She’d have to play it by ear.

  “Sounds like an interesting job. Have you been doing it for very long?”

  “Sometimes it feels like forever, but I’d never give it up. It’s something I vowed to do.”

  Vowed to do? That statement made it sound as if Skylar’s job were very serious indeed. “Once in a while I feel the same way about modeling, as if I’ve done it forever. I enjoy it, but I know I won’t be able to do it until I’m old and grey.”

  “I imagine the competition can get pretty stiff.”

  “It can, but now that I’ve made it, it isn’t as hard as when I was trying to break into the business.”

  They arrived at her parents’ house, and Skylar pulled over to the curb. Braelyn glanced toward the driveway and saw her dad’s older model Ford Taurus parked behind her BMW.

  Turning to Skylar, she said, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow around lunch time.” She took off her seatbelt and reached across to pull Skylar toward her. She then proceeded to kiss him until she was out of breath. Braelyn pulled away and smiled. “Something to make you dream about me tonight.”

  Skylar ran the back of his fingers caressingly across her cheek. “Don’t worry, I will, guaranteed.”

  Giving him one last look, Braelyn opened the car door and got out. She waited until Skylar drove away to wave before she walked to the house. A smile spread across her face as she thought about how the night had gone.

  Just before she reached the front door, she suddenly had the overwhelming feeling someone watched her. She stopped in the middle of the front lawn and turned in a circle, but didn’t see anyone. Thinking it could be one of the neighbors being nosy, Braelyn shrugged to herself and went inside.

  * * *

  He watched Braelyn walk toward the front door of her parents’ house. Hidden in the dark shadows, she hadn’t seen him. But from where he stood, he’d seen everything. The whore had been putting on quite a display in the fancy car of the asshole she’d gone out with. Seeing them kiss like they couldn’t get enough of each other had made him want to teach her how sluts like her should be treated.

  Once Braelyn disappeared inside, he slowly slipped away. Her time would come. She had to have gotten his letters. And now that she’d taken up with a man—more than likely already had spread her legs for him—it was time to act. The only good whore was a dead whore.

  Chapter Six

  After getting buzzed through the gated entrance to Roxie and Beowulf’s mansion, Skylar drove up the long drive. When he arrived at the house, he saw Kye waiting outside for him. He parked his car in front of the large garage and headed for his brother-in-arms.

  “Itching to leave?” he asked Kye.

  “The boredom is what’s killing me. And the inactivity. I’ll be glad when Roxie has her baby and we can relax a bit.”

  Skylar shook his head. Out of all of them, Kye was the one who hated having nothing to do. He always had to be doing something, be it sword practice or running errands. The man didn’t like to sit still. That being the case, Skylar couldn’t understand why Kye had insisted he watch over Roxie during th
e day. As a web designer, Roxie spent a lot of time sitting behind a computer working. Kye usually ended up falling asleep.

  “Dirk still inside?” Skylar asked.

  Dirk, who was into computers as much as Roxie, usually took on a lot of the shifts, mostly because he and Roxie got along so well. The two computer nerds did a lot of brainstorming, not that any of them dared called Roxie nerd to her face. Being the only werewolf who could shift into a half human/half wolf form, making her bigger than even he, she could pretty much whip their butts if she had a mind to.

  “Yeah. He’s with Roxie. They started talking all things computer and then went up to her office so she could show him some type of code, not that I understood anything of what they’d said. Beowulf is at Wulf’s Den and should be home in an hour or so.”

  Wulf’s Den was the nightclub Beowulf owned. He’d cut way back on the number of hours he spent at the club to be closer to Roxie. Carl, the onetime bouncer, had shifted into the position of managing the place when Beowulf wasn’t there. The very large werewolf had the distinction of being mated to Candice, Roxie’s best friend. Once mortal like her friend, Candice had finally allowed Roxie to turn her six months before.

  “Sounds as if everything is under control,” Skylar said.

  “I don’t expect you’ll run into any problems, so I’m out of here.” Kye gave him a wave and headed to where he’d parked his car.

  Skylar went inside the mansion and shut the door behind him in time to watch Roxie and Dirk walk down the stairs from the upper floor, deep in conversation. From the sound of it, they were still on the topic of computers and the internet. Dirk had been working on some kind of web design project for a few months, keeping the particulars to himself, though Skylar had a feeling Roxie knew all about it.

  “Don’t the two of you ever get sick of talking about computers?” he asked when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “Of course not,” Roxie replied. “Do you ever get sick of playing with your sword?”

  He rolled his eyes. “It’s not the same thing. Being a warrior is a part of who I am.”

  “Yes, it is. I can’t ever see myself not wanting to work with computers or the internet in some way.”

  “That’s because you’re an internet junkie.” Skylar nodded toward Dirk. “And it doesn’t help when you have someone just as addicted as you hanging around all the time.”

  Dirk shrugged. “What can I say? It keeps me out of trouble.”

  Roxie stepped closer to Skylar. “So? How did your date with your mate go? Are you still being a good boy and holding off claiming her?”

  “Yes, though I’m not sure how long that is going to last. It’s not exactly a walk in the park to resist what my mating urge is screaming at me to do. If I’m not careful, I’ll end up in the same condition as Leif just before he claimed Jaden.”

  Leif had fought to the bitter end before he finally took Jaden as his mate. On the last day, he basically had agitatedly paced the entire day up in his room, driving the rest of them nuts. Roan, Jager and he had been forced to put Leif in his car and send him on his way. With his mating urge riding him hard, Leif hadn’t been able to stop himself from going to Jaden.

  Roxie snorted. “That was just Leif being a dumbass. The man had delusions of grandeur thinking he could cheat fate by ignoring his mating urge, hoping it would go away.”

  “That might be true, but not claiming a mate as soon as she’s found makes a mess of us males,” Skylar said.

  “Then I suggest you don’t wait too long to explain what you are to Braelyn and give her a chance to decide whether or not she’ll accept you as her mate.”

  Needing to change the subject of Braelyn and what she meant to him, he said, “I’m going to get a beer. I have a feeling I’m going to be in store for a long, hard, sleepless night.”

  Skylar left Roxie and Dirk and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of beer. He twisted off the cap and took a long swallow. When Braelyn had said her last kiss goodbye had been to make sure he dreamed of her that night, it hadn’t been necessary. Well into the throes of the mating urge, she’d dominate his dreams if he managed to get any sleep. Having her shatter in his arms made him ache to complete the mating bond. And the release she’d given him wouldn’t help much to take the edge off, either. Until he made love to her, he pretty much wouldn’t be good for anything else. If it took more than a few days for him to explain everything to Braelyn and get her to accept him, he could easily see himself having to take himself out of the rotation of watching over Roxie. God forbid if anything happened to her because his mating urge wouldn’t let him think straight.

  * * *

  It was close to three in the morning before Skylar finally fell into bed. Being alone in the room he used when he stayed over at Roxie’s hadn’t helped him keep his thoughts from Braelyn. If she could have seen them, she’d think he was some kind of obsessed stalker.

  He rolled over onto his side and punched the pillow a few times to get it into the shape he wanted. Skylar closed his eyes and forced himself to relax. He tried to clear his mind. Slowly, by degrees, sleep reached up to claim him.

  The dream took him shortly thereafter. Skylar found himself sitting in a chair facing a long runway, like the kind models walked down during a fashion show. There were other chairs on either side of him, but he was the only one sitting in the audience.

  The lights dimmed, and music played in the background. He turned his attention to the entrance of the runway when a bright spotlight focused on it. From one side, Braelyn walked out. Flashes of light, like those from a camera, went off. Skylar looked around, but couldn’t see where the photographers were. When Braelyn headed down the runway, using the same walk she’d used when he’d watched her on TV, he gave up on his search and focused entirely on her.

  She wore one of the Victoria’s Secret bra and panty sets she’d worn in the show, as well as the wings on her back. Braelyn strutted down toward the end, not once looking his way. When she reached it, she put her hand on her hip and held a pose for a few seconds before she turned back the way she’d come.

  Skylar thought she’d keep going on her return trip since Braelyn hadn’t noticed him before, but that wasn’t the case. When she drew even with where he sat, she stopped and turned on the runway to face him. A set of stairs magically appeared, and she stepped down them. With a sultry look, she walked to him.

  His cock grew painfully hard when she stopped directly in front of his chair and reached up to the middle of her chest. She undid the front clasp of her bra and cupped her breasts, lifting them in offering. He took hold of her hips and guided Braelyn to sit on his lap, straddling his thighs. Burying his face between her breasts, he dragged in her scent, taking it deep into his lungs, before he took what she offered.

  Braelyn’s head fell back as he sucked a taut nipple into his mouth. She moaned and sank her fingers into his hair, holding him to her. He released her breast when she gently pushed him away. She cupped his face and bent her head to kiss him, nipping at his bottom lip before she sucked on his tongue. Not breaking contact with his lips, she dropped her hands to the waistband of his jeans, going even lower. She caressed him through them, wringing a growl of pleasure from him.

  In the next second, they were both naked. Skylar remained seated on the hard straight backed chair with Braelyn straddling his lap. Still wearing her high heels, her feet were able to reach the floor. Her gaze locked with his, and he saw his eyes mutedly glowing in the reflection of hers. Braelyn didn’t react in any way. Using her feet, she pushed herself slightly off his lap and positioned her pussy over his cock, which stuck out straight from his body. With her bottom lip between her teeth, she slowly lowered herself onto his shaft until she’d taken every bit of his length inside. When she started to ride him, Skylar held onto her hips and thrust up to meet each of her strokes. The feel of her body taking his was the best feeling in the world.

  Her pace becoming faster, Braelyn moaned
then said, “Skylar, wake up, damn you.”

  The incongruity of her words to the atmosphere of the erotic dream jerked Skylar awake. He opened his eyes to find Roxie standing over him, shaking his shoulder. It had been her voice he’d heard in the dream instead of Braelyn’s. “Rox? What’s the matter?”

  She straightened. “The problem is you.”

  “Me?” Since he slept naked, Skylar checked to make sure the sheet still covered him. It was also then he noticed the raging hard-on he had. He quickly sat up and put his hands in his lap to cover it.

  “Yes, you. Being a very pregnant woman who now finds it hard to get comfortable enough to sleep, the sound of you moaning in pleasure isn’t conductive to sleep. God, I heard you through the whole house. In this instance, I wish werewolf hearing wasn’t quite so sensitive.”

  Hearing that Roxie, and more than likely Beowulf and Dirk as well, had heard him moaning while he’d had dream sex with Braelyn, caused Skylar to do something he probably hadn’t done since he was an untried youth—he blushed. His face grew warm with the heat of it. He shook his head, letting his loose hair hang down a bit in an attempt to hide his reaction. He wasn’t an exhibitionist and didn’t like the idea of anyone overhearing what his mating urge caused him to go through.

  Roxie sighed and took his chin in her hand to force him to look up at her. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m just a bit on the touchy side when I can’t sleep. I know you don’t have any control over your dreams, especially now. If it makes you feel any better, I’m the only one who heard you. Both Beowulf and Dirk are out like lights. I checked.”

  Or they had just ignored him and gone back to sleep. Dirk in particular would have awakened. All of the Protectors could come fully awake at the slightest noise like all well-trained warriors.


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