Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 9

by J. L. Ryan

  As they reached the top stairs of the building, a man reached over and touched Shelby on her leg making her jump. Michael immediately jumped.

  “Don’t touch her!” he moved between Shelby and the man.

  “Michael it's fine. He is harmless.” Secretly, she was touched that he jumped to her rescue.

  Opening the door, they went inside. Michael was again impressed by the simple charm of her place. He sat down on the sofa and was greeted by a flying ball of fur. “Oh my, what is this?” He scruffed the dog on the back of the head and it bounced off.

  “You once told me you had a dog but I hardly think that little thing qualifies, Watson.” He smiled up at her.

  Shelby had moved to the other end of the couch. “He is something, that’s for sure.” She giggled as they watched him get into a fight with a dog toy.

  “You should just move into the house with us, Shelby.” Hearing these words, Shelby caught her breath. She even noticed he had used her first name.

  “Why would I do that? I’m perfectly fine here.” What she didn’t say was that she couldn’t handle watching him with the various women he dated. She cared too much about Grandmother Nancy to ruin her relationship by being too close to him.”

  At that moment there was an obvious gunshot. Michael jumped up, and in his demanding voice she had grown to love he simply stated, “Get some things, Watson you’re going with me.”

  The ride to the house was uneventful. Shelby knew he was mad, but to be honest, she wasn’t sure why. He parked his car in front of the house and they went inside together. "You can have the room down here. I'll sleep upstairs and you know your way around. I’m getting a drink, I certainly need it.”

  She could use one herself, she thought as she went into the spare room downstairs. Changing into pajamas, letting her hair down, and tucking Dobbs into the bed, Shelby decided to go into the den where Michael was and get that drink. If, for any other reason but to calm her nerves. Knowing they were here alone was setting her on edge.

  He was sitting in the leather-bound chair by the fireplace. He already had a drink, or was it two? Nothing could prepare him for her entrance. It felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. She was in all pink and her hair was flowing down her back. This casual image of her was one he had played out in his mind during one of their conversations on the phone. He had thought about it …and now here it was.

  He watched her walk over to the bar, pour a drink for herself, and tip it back. Impressive he thought. He stood up and moved closer to her. He could see all the shades of auburn in her hair when he was up close like this, she smelled like honeysuckle.

  “You’re moving in here, Watson.” He said it with a finality that only made her angry.

  “You can’t tell me what to do, Michael. I work for you, but you don’t own me.” She was flushed with anger as he turned towards her.

  “You could be killed, Watson. That place is dangerous, men groping you in the halls and gunshot…real actual gunshot, Watson.” He ran his hand though his hair.

  “My grandmother would kill me if anything happened to you and I didn’t try and stop it.” She couldn’t help but feel some disappointment at the words. She had hoped he would say something about how he cared.

  “I’m not moving in Michael. Let it go.” She put her glass down and turned to leave. He grabbed her left arm and spun her around. It could have been the alcohol or the stress of the day, but something made him lose himself in that moment.

  He gripped her wrist tighter than he meant to and put his right hand into the waves of her hair, pulling her towards him. The kiss had meant to be angry. He needed her to listen to reason but what started out hard, became softer, deeper, and more meaningful. Slowly, he dropped her other wrist and cupped her face in his hands, nipping at her lips and taking in the smell of her skin. When the kiss broke, he looked up at her.

  “Watson, you’re driving me crazy.” He dropped his hands back down and watched the emotions play out on her face. Rocked to her core, Shelby could only stand and wait. Wait for the fluttering to subside, wait for her heart to stop racing, and wait for him to stop looking at her so intently. Not knowing what to say, she turned and walked stiffly back into her room. He followed her.

  “Talk to me Watson. Why are you running from me? I know you feel this craziness just like I do.”

  “Yes I do Michael and that’s why I won’t live here.” She turned to look at him. “I am a mess inside and I need you to go and leave me be so I can think straight.” She saw the pained look on his face but heard him leave the room.

  Shelby laid in bed thinking about that kiss. His kiss only intensified the connection they had. It wasn’t all her. That was comforting, but what wasn’t, was that she couldn’t stop the fluttering she felt deep down. The way he moved towards her and the way he kissed deeply and without thought.

  Laying here was obviously not going to figure it all out. She decided to go get a drink of water. They came from such different worlds. He always had someone worldly, gorgeous, and thin on his arm, some debutante. She had even met a few of them when he was there and she had been working.

  The one thing they all had in common was that they were beautiful. Always regal and classy, she always found something to do to keep away from them. After they would leave, Grandmother Nancy always had some snide comment about each one that made Shelby giggle.

  “He will never find the right one unless he shops from a different field," she would say. Smiling now, Shelby opened the refrigerator door and started sifting through things until she found exactly what she wanted. Cake, it was the best cake around and had been left over from a party Grandmother Nancy had earlier that week. She stood there eating quietly, not hearing him until he spoke.

  “You have quite the "strictly business" thing going on here, Watson.”

  She slammed the door shut on impulse, having been caught red handed.

  “Yeah, I try.” She smiled slightly. He walked over to her and with one finger, wiped the chocolate off her bottom lip.

  Feeling the heat begin to creep up again, Shelby took a step back.

  “We need to talk Watson, and now.” He walked until she had backed up to the bar. He moved his face closer to hers.

  “I think it’s obvious that I want you. I don’t know how else to put it.” The bluntness of the statement made Shelby gasp.

  “The only way I’m going to stop trying is if you tell me you don’t feel the same way.” She was pinned between him and the bar and he was watching her face.

  “Michael let me go,” she tried to squirm but it was no use. She was stuck.

  “Just tell me you don’t want me to touch you and I'll leave you alone Watson. Just say it.”

  Knowing full well she felt the same way he did she, Shelby did the only thing she thought was right. She looked up at him and ran her finger down the right side of his face.

  “I can’t tell you any of that, Michael because I want the same thing.” Before she could finish the words, he crushed his mouth to hers. He put his hands in her hair tilting her head back more. She kissed him back more fervently, having let go now. He lifted her up off the floor and put her on the bar top. Running his hands along her legs, all the while teasing and nipping her bottom lip.

  “We should stop Michael.” It was more of a pant than a statement.

  “You're right, Watson, we should, but I can’t. Not anymore.” Pulling her to him, he lifted and carried her into the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind him. Sitting her down, she stood motionless, watching him take his shirt off and move towards her. She was frozen to the spot she stood on, not knowing what to do next.

  He walked to her and started slowly unbuttoning the front of her pajamas. Each button exposed new skin that he had to kiss. He loved the way she smelled of sunshine and honeysuckle. He looked up at her.

  Needing no words, she walked backwards towards the bed, pulling him with her as they went. Sliding back onto the comforter, he followed, pressing t
he length of him against her body. He looked down and knew in that moment, he was lost. Her hair spilled across the pillow, her lips were parted slightly from being thoroughly kissed, and her eyes were shining up at him. He could tell she was scared and excited. He ran his finger along her bottom lip.

  “I need to hear you say it, Shelby. I need us to be real in this moment and together.”

  He gazed at her. “I can stop if you want, but you need to tell me now before I can’t anymore.” His honestly made her want him even more. She slowly pulled her shirt off and tossed it to the floor.

  “I want you Michael, I always have.” Needing no further encouragement, Michael stood and took off the rest of his clothes looking down. He stood back for a moment, letting himself take in her naked form. She was perfect.

  Once, he thought her too big, but looking at her now, he adored every curve she was given. Almost scared to touch her, she made the move first.

  “I’m getting a little self-conscious Michael. What’s wrong with me?” She started to cover up again.

  “No don’t “...he grabbed her hand. “You're beautiful, Watson, absolutely beautiful.” He laid down on the bed again, taking a moment to calm his racing heart. He was acting like a teenage school boy, wondering why in the world was so nervous.

  This was different. He knew it and probably always had, but he needed her to feel loved, wanted, and cherished.

  The night progressed, and the two made love into the early hours of dawn. Before falling asleep, the last thing she heard was him saying her name and draping one arm across her body. Sometime during the night, Shelby got cold, having been woken up by something, only to find herself naked as the day she was born. She tried to keep from moving, but right before she almost fell asleep, she felt Michael's arm grasp her stomach and pull her into him. He kissed her ear and they drifted back to sleep for a few more hours.

  Never a late sleeper, Michael woke up to greet the day with a smile on his face. Shelby was amazing. She was not just beautiful to him, she a heart to match. She gave as much as she received, and never held back. This was something Michael couldn’t help but admire. He looked at her lying among the sheets as he headed upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. He just didn’t have the heart to wake her up.

  Shelby woke up to the smells of coffee and the clink of pans. She rolled over to snuggle in more and her eyes flew open as she remembered…everything. Oh wow she had never been so careless in her life. She scrambled to jump in the shower before he found her. Before she was soaped up she heard him come into the bathroom.

  “Watson, I see you’re joining me today finally.” He chuckled.

  “Michael really, I am in the shower, I’ll be right out.” She could only smile as she heard him hum a tune as he left.

  What would she do now? It had happened and there was no going back, but she could stop it now. Now that they had gotten it out of their system, she could put Michael Jameson out of her mind altogether.

  She entered the kitchen, dressed for the day and ready to go to the hospital. Michael was cheery and leaned towards her as if to get a kiss. She managed to avoid it discretely.

  Frowning, Michael went back to cooking. Something was wrong. Breakfast passed with no mishaps and they set off for the hospital.

  Grandmother was overjoyed to see them. They each took a side and listened to her tell them about how awful the night had been and the bed situation. She moved on to complain about the food and how happy she would be at home. She could tell something was amiss between the couple, but it would sort itself out.

  Michael was having a hard time understanding what Shelby was thinking. The night had been something people only dream about and yet when he got close to her, she ran. Something wasn’t right, but he would find out soon enough.

  The doctors came in and discussed the grandmother's situation. They equated it to a chemical reaction to something she ate, at which grandmother smiled. They passed the morning laughing with her, planning the next event. At lunch, the doctors ordered them out, saying she needed her rest, so the couple decided to go to a nearby restaurant for something to eat.

  It was a beautiful café, overlooking a pond and situated amongst lush landscaping. They dined on wine and oysters, which were new to Shelby. Michael was about to broach the subject plaguing him, when a woman came up to the table.

  “Michael darling, where have you been?” The woman was like something from the cover of a magazine. She had on long flowing pants and a silk shirt complete with a huge brimmed hat.

  “Baby, I have missed you so much. How nice of you to bring the maid to lunch.” She smiled over at Shelby, who immediately excused herself and went outside.

  Angry Michael pushed the woman back away from him. “I told you to leave me alone. Why are you here? Stop calling me and stop following me.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he stormed out onto the street and to his car. Shelby was standing by the passenger side and he opened the door, then went to his side and got in.

  “I’m sorry, Watson that was ...the number...” at her confused look he added “remember when you would call and I thought it was her?”

  “Aha, that is her.” Shelby still felt awful about the exchange and self-conscious as well. The maid, really?

  When they arrived at the house, Shelby went to her room. Thinking she would have some time to think, she was surprised when Michael stormed in behind her.

  “What the hell Shelby, after last night I thought,”

  “ thought we would just act like nothing happened? You think I would go away? Well I’m not. I love Grandmother Nancy and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “What are you talking about Shelby? I don’t want you to go anywhere. I want you here. With me.” He said it with such finality, Shelby could do no more than look up at him.


  “I love you, Shelby. I have since the day we met and you came here. But when I was at your place and heard that gunshot it was all I could do to not kidnap you myself and tie you up here so I could keep you safe.”

  “But I’m not like you Michael. She called me "the maid" for goodness sake.” She looked down for a moment.

  “Shelby do you really think I care one moment about what people think?” I want you and I choose you.”

  Tears were flowing freely now as Shelby looked up at him.

  “Well,” He asked impatiently.

  “Well what? “ She was confused.

  “Damn it Shelby, you're killing me. Do you or do you not feel anything for me?”

  Laughing, she ran into his arms and kissed him. “Michael I have loved you from the moment you opened that door.”

  He let out an audible sigh. Happy and content, he pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply.

  Hand in hand they headed back to the hospital. Grandmother had taken a nap and was refreshed as she looked out the windows to the parking lot. Seeing Michael, she smiled. He really was a good boy. But what made her happiest was seeing him hand in hand with Shelby.

  Perhaps her plan had worked after all, and if she played it just right, she could somehow start planning a Fall wedding at the house. She may be getting old, but this was enough to keep her busy for at least a good many years to come.

  The Billionaire's Wish

  Braden Davenport was on cloud nine. Even now, as he pulled off his helmet, he felt great. He was on a streak and this was going to be his best season yet. He brushed his hand through his jet black hair and smiled at the people around him. It was nice having fans. They were the only constant in his life, always there to cheer him on. The problem was, they didn’t really know him.

  That’s not to say that it isn’t great doing what you love for a living. He was able to buy his first house at the age of 23, and at 29, he owned three. He liked to have a nice place to stay whenever he was in his favorite places. Racing was a dangerous sport, but it was in his blood, a part of him. Being here in Austin for the MotoGP race had been a fluke, but a happy one.
He was a last minute add in and he was happy he said yes.

  He would always rather be racing than home alone or out with some nameless girl that didn’t know him very well. For now, he was home in Texas, at least for the next two months. It was the place where this all began and he was happy to be there. He loved the dry air and the open grounds in the hill country, and the city life in Austin. His next race was in Vegas and he was happy for the break. The win today would put enough money in the bank that he could live off forever, but it was never enough. Having lived such a hard life growing up, he liked the better, secure, lifestyle he had now.

  He basically lived his life in an orphanage. He never knew his father, who left his mother soon after he was born. His mother was heartbroken and soon became an addict. He still remembered what it was like finding her there when he was 7. She made the wrong person mad, and they gave her some bad stuff. He found her unresponsive, lying on the living room floor. They didn’t have a phone, but fortunately he was able to run to a neighbor and they called the police for him. He still carried around the guilt because he couldn’t save her. He eventually left the orphanage and made a few friends. He had a difficult time trusting people, getting close to anyone.

  He got his first job at the thrift store in town. He learned the hard way that life was about making the right choices or you end up with nothing. Over time, he managed to secure a room, and that’s when he met Gerald and Abbie Smith. Older, they were frequent shoppers where he worked, and they always amused him. At 80, Gerald was a big bear of a man. Abbie was a tiny little thing at 77. Abbie would tell Braden he looked too thin, and Gerald would pull him aside and talk cars with him, something he always loved. After a year or so, they invited him to dinner. At 19, he still seemed like a kid to Abbie. She was always fussing over him and making sure he actually ate when he came over.

  Gerald was the person who taught Braden to race. He owned many bikes, he was a collector of sorts, and the moment Braden rode one, his life changed. He maneuvered them like a pro. After some help from Gerald’s contacts, he quickly became successful and was able to secure himself a lucrative future in racing. When Braden was 21, Gerald passed away, and Abbie followed a year later. He moved in to help her after Gerald's passing, and held her hand when she died.


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