Red and the Wolves: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (Dark Fantasy Book 2)

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Red and the Wolves: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (Dark Fantasy Book 2) Page 4

by Zoe Blake

  “Lean forward. I want your nipples to touch the ice.”

  Hesitantly, I leaned forward, only to swing back the moment my nipples touched the cold surface. A restraining hand on my back forced me down again. I moaned as the ice sent sharp frissons of pain across my breasts. My nipples tightening painfully.

  “Please, it hurts. The ice is too cold.”

  “Up on your toes. I want your ass above the water,” he ordered.

  Moving up on my toes would only force more contact with the ice. “Please don’t make me,” I begged.

  Helm grasped a fistful of my wet hair and yanked on it sharply. I cried out in fear as he said through his clenched jaw, “Do as I command.”

  I lifted my body up on my toes. The movement crushed my breasts and middle against the ice. My stomach clenched and twisted from the freezing contact.

  Releasing my hair, his hand moved down my back. I could feel his finger push between the cleft of my bottom. Remembering the intrusive feel of Grimm’s finger there, I whimpered. Unlike Grimm who’d only teased my forbidden hole to intimidate me, Helm pushed the tip of his finger inside.

  “Oh god! What are you doing?”

  He refused to answer.

  After swirling his finger along the rim, he pulled it free. I heaved a sigh of relief but it was short-lived.

  Grasping my bottom cheeks, he pulled them open. It was both painful and humiliating.

  “No! Stop!”

  I tried to twist my hips away but the cold scrape of the ice on my nipples and his firm grasp kept me in place. I felt something warm and large press against my forbidden hole. I tried to turn to look over my back but his growl had me swinging my head obediently forward again.

  “Can you feel where my cock is, Red?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered.

  “Where is it?”

  “It’s pushing against my…my bottom.”

  “Say ass.”


  “Say it’s pushing into my ass.”

  “Oh god,” I moaned in agony.

  “Say it.”

  “Your cock is pushing into my…my ass.”

  The awful pressure increased. I tried to clench my body tightly closed. He pushed harder. I could feel my body weakening. My hole began to stretch open. His cock started to slip inside.

  “No,” I moaned.

  There was a sharp biting pain as the pressure built then seemed to ease. I could feel him inside of me. I breathed heavily through the pain, thinking the worst must be over. I could feel his body shift behind me, then the pressure increased again. He was pushing his hips forward. I could feel his cock penetrating my body deeper. My inner passage stretched and strained to accommodate his bulk.

  “Stop!” I screamed. “It hurts! It hurts!”

  He gave a small thrust forward before leaning over my body. Grabbing my hair, he forced my head back. “Does it hurt? Good. I want it to hurt. I want you to feel pain. I want you to feel helpless.”

  Hurt. Pain. Helpless.

  Helm thrust his cock deeper inside me. Punctuating each word.

  Hurt. Pain. Helpless.

  “Why? I don’t understand. Why?” I cried.

  “Because that is how I felt when your village cursed me for all eternity,” he ground out before pounding inside of me.

  I was being torn apart. The piercing pain was agony. My stomach twisted as he forced himself deeper and deeper. I could feel him pumping his hips. Thrusting in and out. Forcing my body to accept his unnatural demands. He must have stretched me beyond what I could endure because I could feel the sting of the soap right at my entrance. The sting of an open wound. Still he continued to pound into me.

  My mouth was open as I keened and wailed. My cries of pain setting the birds to screeching in return.

  His hands released my bottom cheeks. One hand spanned my middle, sheltering me from the sharp edge of the ice. The other reached between my legs. He began to caress me in the rhythm of his thrusts into my bottom. My body began to respond. To use the pain for my own pleasure.

  Everything was twisted and turned around.

  The feel of the warm water on my legs contrasted with the harsh bite of the ice against my nipples. The pain in my bottom with the tingling pleasure between my legs. The sound of his harsh breathing intermingling with my cries and moans.

  “I’m going to fill your ass with my cum. You will be tainted with my scent from the inside out,” he ground out as he pinched the hooded nub between my legs.

  It was too much. Stars burst behind my eyelids. A deep, dark rushing sound roared in my ears as my body stretched taut then went limp with release. Leaning forward, I was grateful for the cool feel of the ice against my heated cheeks. My body rocked to and fro several more times before Helm gave a shout of pleasure. Grabbing my hips tightly, he thrust in to the hilt, his hot seed releasing deep in my bottom.

  After he pulled free, he lifted my limp body into his arms and kicked his feet from the stone ledge, sending us into the deeper, even warmer, waters. The floating sensation as our bodies bobbed up and down in the water only added to the strange lightheaded feeling which had invaded my thoughts and limbs. Through half-closed eyes, I looked down at my body. My breasts and stomach were an angry red from being pressed against the ice. The bare lips of my core seemed swollen while my bottom’s opening felt stretched and bruised.

  Tilting my head back, I searched Helm’s face. Sensing my regard, he turned his intense amber gaze on me. The tight set of his jaw had softened. His features gentled.

  “My brothers in this curse may be right. You, my little Red, may be something special after all.”


  Returning to the camp wrapped only in my red cloak, I was surprised when Canis handed me a simple skirt, blouse, stockings and slippers.

  At Helm’s questioning gaze, Canis said, “We ran into a few of the huntsmen while you were bathing Red. They dropped their usual offering of flour and leather goods. Beo noticed they had two sacks filled with women’s garb so he latched onto one of them. They fought him a bit, but once Beo started to growl, they decided it wasn’t worth angering the wolves and released it.”

  I strained to listen while attempting to appear uninterested. There were huntsmen in the woods. Huntsmen who knew of the wolves. Apparently these huntsmen saw these men in their wolf state and gave them goods and food as some sort of offering. Would they help me?

  Shivering, I went and sat on a log used as a stool before the fire. Though the heat from the flames licked my skin, I couldn’t remove the cold that ran through my veins. Thoughts of how the dark force must have entered my body haunted me. It was the only explanation for the way my body responded to the touch of these men. Demons had to be lurking inside of me, and maybe I was becoming an animal myself. Would I too become one of the wolves? Was that why I saw men, because I had already become a beast like them?

  I couldn’t get Grimm, Helm, and the sinful acts that had occurred out of my mind. I should detest both of them, and yet…I also couldn’t stop thinking of how the rest of their bodies had felt around me as we had slept last night. Their bodies all touched me, protecting me in their warmth. I had felt comforted even though I was merely their captive. Each man’s heavy breathing acted as a soft lullaby as I had the best sleep of my life.

  The men seemed to be preoccupied with doing duties around the camp. Helm chopped and stacked wood near the fire. Beo sharpened a dagger in long fluid strokes against a rock. Canis expertly created a spear out of wood, shaving the end to a sharp point. Grimm worked on butchering a deer that had been hunted down earlier. Each one of them glanced at me from time to time, their amber eyes capturing me in their stare each time. I couldn’t tell if they were looks of lustful hunger, or looks of concern for my well-being. They were men of few words, yet they all seemed to communicate in their own way.

  Rood approached me and placed a heavy fur on my shoulders. It smelled like them. Man. The scent overpowered my senses, and I closed my eyes and inhaled
. Something about their spicy, earthly essence gave me an odd feeling of comfort. The warmth blanketing me was from far more than just the heavy furs. It was like the fur that laid heavy on my back provided me with the battle armor needed to fight this inner storm raging inside of me.

  He then kneeled next to me and placed a piece of leather on my lap full of berries. “You need to eat,” he said. “The deer will be ready soon, but until it is, eat this.” He then inhaled deeply and a soft growl-like sound emerged from his lips. He quickly stood and walked off, leaving me alone once again.

  Staring down at the display of gathered forest delights, my stomach rumbled. I wanted to grab a handful of berries and shove them into my mouth before Rood changed his mind and kept the food for himself. But then I paused. Why was no one else eating the berries? Why just me?


  Was that their intention?

  I still didn’t know what their intention was and what they would do next. What had they done to the other sacrifices who never returned to the village? Would my fate be the same as theirs? And if so, what was that fate to be?

  To kill me by poison? Deadly forest berries?

  Or maybe it wasn’t the kind of poison that would kill, but simply would act to cast me in a deep sleep so they could have their way with me with no resistance. Though they didn’t seem to care if I resisted or not.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” Rood asked from the other side of the fire. The flames blazing in front of his frame gave off the impression that he was the devil himself. In leathers and fur with little coverage of his muscular frame, he could easily be mistaken as an ancient god, though I knew the animalistic nature that lurked behind the chiseled flesh.

  “I’m not hungry,” I lied.

  “Eat it anyway.”

  I shook my head; my mouth watering with how plump and inviting the berries appeared to be.

  “Eat,” he demanded as he stormed over to me. His insistence convinced me even more that the berries could indeed be poison.

  “No,” I somehow had the courage to say even though I saw thunderous clouds approaching before I could seek shelter from the storm.

  I had just enough time to look at the other men as they stared on in curiosity before Rood gripped the back of my neck and squeezed.

  “Do not mistake me as a weak man because I offered food,” he warned as he forced my head down to stare at the fruit.

  I placed my shaking fingertips to the berries and couldn’t drum up the courage to eat them. If I were to die, it would not be by my own hand. No. They would have to kill me and face eternal damnation for the brutality. And if the berries were to pacify me or make me sleep through their violations rather than to have them face their acts, I would not submit. They would have to taste my salty tears as they pressed their lips to mine. I would not make this easy for any of them.

  Rood’s grip on the nape of my neck slid to the base of my skull as he took hold of a handful of hair and tugged. With my head pulled back, Rood leaned down to my ear and said, “Are you going to eat the berries?”

  I swallowed hard, which was difficult since my head was tilted back and my neck stretched. “I said I’m not hungry,” I somehow said as my body shivered in anticipation of what would now come.

  I knew Rood wasn’t a weak man. He didn’t have to say so. I would never consider any of the five men around this campfire weak. They were creatures of the forest to be feared and appeased at all costs. Every single villager believed it to be so, and I was no different. But I couldn’t eat the berries. I just couldn’t.

  “Very well,” Rood said as he yanked my hair even harder as he stood to his full height once again. “If you won’t put the berries in your mouth, then we will put something else in instead.”

  Pulling me to standing with his fist rooted in my hair, he cast the fur he had just placed on my shoulders to the ground. The berries that had been on my lap had fallen to the dirt, and now I wished I had just simply eaten them. I had a feeling my foolish mistake would be one I wouldn’t soon forget.

  He tugged my head back again, exposing the front of my neck. Lowering his mouth to my throat, he licked a path all the way to my ear where he whispered, “Take off your clothes immediately unless you want me to tear them off of you. It would be a shame to destroy the outfit you haven’t even had for a day yet.”

  Remembering how Helm had effortlessly ripped my gown from my body at the spring, I quickly complied. I didn’t want to have to be naked before these men all the time, and if this outfit got ruined by Rood, the possibility of me having nothing to wear but maybe one of their heavy furs, had my shaking hands fumbling with the material to remove it on my own terms.

  “Hurry,” Rood growled as I whimpered when he yanked on my hair even harder.

  I desperately wished for one of the other men to step in and help calm Rood’s growing temper. What I wouldn’t do for one of them to have mercy on me right now. But I had also started to see that they all respected each other completely. Not one of them was about to contradict or go against another from their pack. They would watch, however, but never intervene. I had to admire the level of loyalty they had to each other even though I wished otherwise.

  When I stepped out of the last remaining item—my skirt—and stood completely nude in front of Rood with the fire roaring behind me, I held my breath as I waited for what would come. My sex was still so very tender from Grimm, my anus even worse from Helm, and my nipples still had a dull ache from the freezing touch of the ice. I wasn’t sure my body could take much more.

  “Down on your knees,” Rood directed.

  His hand was still fisted in my hair, but I didn’t need him to tug me down to follow his command. At this point, I was prepared to do whatever the man asked of me. I was not a foolish woman, and I had quickly begun to realize that resisting these men only made it worse.

  When my knees made contact with the thatched ground of the cave, Rood pulled my hair, and tilted my head back just enough so I had no choice but to look into his wolf-like eyes. They were like how all the others had been.




  “I was going to give you until tomorrow before claiming what was mine. I was going to give you some time to recover from what you have already endured. But you clearly do consider my kindness as a sign of weakness, and for that you will be punished.”

  “I don’t. I swear it,” I pleaded, though I knew deep down it would do no good.

  “Your actions overpower your words, lass.”

  “I don’t consider you weak at all. I was just afraid to eat the berries.”


  “Yes,” I squeaked.

  “Well, I am about to show you what you truly should be afraid of.”

  Finally, releasing my hair, Rood untied a piece of leather that circled his waist. It was wide and thick, and acted as his belt. The minute he did so, he looked over my shoulder at one of the men behind me. I knew they were all watching without even having to see for myself. I could feel their gazes searing into my skin.

  “Canis, do you mind assisting me in teaching our sacrifice what happens when she defies one of us?”

  I remained naked on my knees as I tried to breathe through the overpowering feeling of doom. Canis walked up to Rood, and Rood handed him the leather strap.

  “Use this on her as I fill her mouth with something far scarier than the simple berries I had offered in kindness.”

  Rood then adjusted his kilt out of the way and sat on the stump that I had once been sitting on. His thick cock stood ready for what I assumed would be my attention. He reminded me of a mighty king sitting on his throne as I, a mere servant, kneeled before him.

  “Come kneel between my legs,” he ordered.

  I crawled the short distance to get there and did as he asked. As I did so, Rood kicked off the remaining clothing that had covered his bottom half. He then positioned himself in a way that the fire was beside us. I didn’t say
anything, and I tried to avoid his eyes. My only hope now was to show the man complete obedience in hopes he changed his mind and didn’t feel he needed to teach me a lesson.

  “Let’s give you something else to feast upon rather than those berries,” he said as he scooted to the edge of the stump. “Come put my cock in your mouth.”

  I glanced at the scattered berries on the ground, and hopefully gathered them up as a sign of good faith. “Please,” I said. “I’ll eat the berries. I’m sorry.” Fear of what was to come removed any earlier hesitation I had in eating what very well could be poison. Poison sounded so much better than what I had a feeling would come soon.

  “Oh yes, lass. You will be eating those berries,” he said with a wicked grin as he took them from my dirty palm. “But now, you will have a much”—he looked down at his thick cock—“larger meal.”

  He reached out and took hold of my hair once again. The sting from the pull had me crying out, but that only made it easier for Rood to lower my face down upon his rod. My open mouth was instantly filled with his girth as he shoved my face all the way down upon his lap. I gagged as the tip of his shaft went down my throat, and I panicked as I thought he would surely choke me to death. I tried to back off, but his hand on my head held me down. I pressed my palms down on his thighs to try to gain any type of leverage I could. I would suffocate by the size of this man pressing against the back of my throat.

  “Shhh, my sacrifice. Shhh. Calm down. There is no reason to fight this.” He pulled out enough that I was able to catch the breath I worried I would never be able to obtain again. Rood didn’t pull out all the way, however, and then only pushed back in once again. He did this a couple of times until I ultimately realized I would not truly die from lack of air or choke on his cock, and the more I relaxed the back of my throat, the easier it became.

  “That’s it. Up and down. Suck my cock like a good little sacrifice. Provide the kind of offering I truly want,” he said as he loosened up on my hair once I began to do the act of bobbing my mouth up and down his length without the need of a hair pull to do it.


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