Real Vampires Know Size Matters

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Real Vampires Know Size Matters Page 55

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 55


  “Fine. I’ll release her, and your mother and I will vanish at the same time. Good luck, Gloriana. ” He touched Mel and, true to his word, he and Mother disappeared.

  “How do you like Jeremiah now, Gloriana?” Mel was back in her usual bitingly sarcastic form.

  “You can have him. When I think of all the nights you two were together it makes me sick. Yes, it was cool that he came up onstage like that. I couldn’t have planned it better myself. It made for great theater. But, honestly? Why would I want your leftovers?” I shrugged and started toward the exit door where Rafe had been a silent observer. “Here’s my guy. Rafe, baby, can you take me somewhere not polluted by evil spirits and crazy women?”

  “Sure, Glo. ” Rafe pulled me close. “Mel, enjoyed the pep talk the other night. Gave me lots to think about. Big plans for the club here for instance. Glory and I may come to another one of your seminars. You give great advice. We left there totally inspired, didn’t we, baby?” He kissed my cheek.

  “I admit it. I want to own the world. ” I patted Rafe’s butt. “I hear the music’s still going. Let’s go inside and dance. ”

  “Fine. I’ll take your money. ” Mel turned to Jerry and waved her hands again. “Jeremiah, lover. Are you ready to go?” She stared into his eyes.

  “More than ready. ” He tossed the liquid in the vial into her face.

  “What have you done?” Mel’s screech would have been heard inside except Ray’s band was loud enough to hear through the closed door. She wiped away the liquid, which looked like egg yolk, from her eyes and face. “This burns! What the hell is it?”

  “A little something a doctor I know whipped up in his lab. It’s supposed to be a love potion. What have I done? I’ve shown you just how I feel about you. ” Jerry watched her closely as she pulled a black handkerchief from between her breasts. She’d worn what I’m sure the audience had thought was a costume but were probably her work clothes when she was talking to Loa. The floor-length black caftan plunged low in front and her headscarf had symbols in gold around the edge.

  “Leave the potions to the experts, Jeremiah. Clearly you were tricked. ” She looked him over, her lips curling. “How pathetic. What did I ever see in you? A bloodsucker. ” She shuddered.

  “You said you liked for me to drink your blood, Mel. ” Jerry smiled, showing every inch of his very long fangs.

  “No! I seem to remember . . . ” She put a shaky hand to her forehead. “By Loa’s light, what was I thinking? I don’t know why I wasted my time with you. You’ll not wear my mark another moment!” She swept her arms around in a circle, murmuring words that I certainly couldn’t understand. Then her whole body jerked as if she’d pulled something out of Jerry. I hoped that meant what I thought it did.

  “Are we done then?” Jerry crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re leaving me? Just like that?”

  “Oh, we’re done. Do not cross my path again. ” She snarled, while spirits came howling out of her fingertips to circle her in a frenzy before finally disappearing like they’d gone down a drain. She faced Rafe and me and, eerily, there was no sign of crazy Melisandra.

  “My next seminar is in Dallas, next weekend. I’m sure you signed up for my e-mail list. Perhaps I’ll see you there. ” She looked down at the two heaps of ashes. If she had any regrets for her two minions, she didn’t waste time sharing them. Instead, she swept down the alley, her head held high.

  We all stared after her, frozen in place, as if afraid that wasn’t the end of it. But she finally turned the corner and walked out of sight. Then I ran to Jerry.

  “It worked! You’re free. ” I held on to him then smiled at Rafe. “Thanks for helping. I didn’t think this would ever be over. ”

  He laughed. “Can you believe she plugged her business at the end? That woman is a trip. ” He leaned against the door. “And don’t you have friends in high places. Mars. Wow. ” He shook his head. “Glad it worked out. ” He disappeared inside.

  “She is a trip. And I’ll believe she’s gone when I get the e-mail that she’s in Dallas and ready to do her seminar. ” I sighed, still afraid to relax.

  Jerry kissed me, taking a good long time with it. “At least Ian’s potion worked as promised. ”

  “I was worried about it. And what about Mars? Could you hear everything when you were in that weird state Mel put you in?” I couldn’t let go of him.

  “Oh, yeah. Mars/Loa. Whatever you call him, he seems a true warrior. And very fond of you. Did something go on with him I should know about?” Jerry raised an eyebrow.

  “Are you kidding? You heard him make a date with my mother. Olympus is hinky with lots of inbreeding, but I think I’ll leave him to her. ” I shivered in the cold night air. I knew Jerry had to feel the chill in his next-to-nothing outfit. “Hey, you promised me a turn with this sex slave thing. You still willing?” I really wasn’t so sure I wanted to go there. I’d hated the way Mel had treated him and he still had the collar around his neck. Part of a chain dangled down his chest.

  “Glory, I’ve always been your sex slave. The clothes or lack of have nothing to do with it. ” He kissed my sudden smile. “You want to head to my place and pull my chain, let’s go. ”

  I ran my hands over his back then patted his butt. “One thing first. Let me see your right thigh. ”

  “You can see more than that at my place. ” He kept touching my velvet dress. “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked on that stage?”

  “Thanks. Really. Now hold still. I need to make sure Mel’s mark is gone. Humor me. ” I pulled back. “Okay?”

  “Fine. Whatever. I don’t remember any silly mark. But she could have done anything during my death sleep. And don’t think that wasn’t hell. Hitting the sheets at sunrise and not knowing what would happen while I slept. ” He looked grim.

  “God, Jerry, I’m sorry. ” I dropped to my knees and studied his thigh, going past the scar to the place where the mark had been. Then I spotted it. Oh no. The x was still there. The only thing that had changed was that the heart at the bottom was missing and it was cool, not hot, to the touch. What did it mean? Was he still in danger?

  “See anything there that interests you?” He was smiling because of where I had my fingertips.

  “Of course. But I’m not taking this further in a dirty alley. ” I stood and looked into his eyes. He seemed fine so I wasn’t going to share my concerns. The mark wasn’t in a place where he’d notice it, especially since we couldn’t see our reflection in mirrors.

  “Then let’s head to my place and my king-size bed. Unless you’re determined to go inside and speak to your adoring fans. ” He took my hand.

  “I can live without that. Let’s do it. ” I held on tight. “Shall we shift?”

  He grinned and we did just that. Love slave. I felt like one too. Jerry’s love slave. If there was more to worry about, I’d let it go till later. Tonight was for celebrating. And that’s what we’d do.


  The next night Ray asked me to meet him at N-V. I felt I owed him that much, since he’d let me have my moments in the spotlight. Jerry and I arrived about an hour after sunset, too early for much of a crowd. Rafe met us at the door.

  “They’re upstairs in the practice room. Go on up. ” He nodded toward the bar. “Miguel wants to talk to you too. I’d ignore that one. ”

  “Give me a minute. ” I turned to Jerry. “Do you mind? Miguel helped me last night. Gave me a pep talk when I needed it. ”

  Jerry studied the man sipping tequila at the bar. “Really? I can’t imagine what he could say or do that would be helpful. I’ll stay close. I can’t like the guy or his reputation. ”

  “Fine. I’ll just be a minute. ” I walked over to the bar. “Hey. ” I smiled at Miguel. “You know what you said last night? About my power? It helped me get through things. ”

  “And did you vanquish the evil woman?” He nodded toward Je
rry and then downed his drink. “I see your man has left his chains at home. ”

  “Yes, Mel’s gone and we’re all good. ” I sat down on the bar stool next to him and shook my head when he offered to buy me a drink. “No tequila. I know I can’t handle it. ”

  “No, you can’t. ” He put down his empty glass. “I have a question for you. Your mother. She is a goddess from Olympus. How did you find this out?”

  “She claimed me. One of the other goddesses saw our resemblance and alerted her. ” I frowned at him. “I haven’t had time to ask her about you yet. Sorry. ”

  “Don’t forget. It is important to me. ” He picked up his fresh drink and studied it. “I have wondered if I could be . . . ” He shook his head. “Mayans have many myths and legends. ” His grin was startling, the more attractive because I’d so rarely seen his smile. “Okay, so the world didn’t end. But we have many other prophecies that are more correct. ”

  “Okay. You told me before that you think maybe you have a god or goddess in your background too, because we share some of the same powers. Is that one of the prophecies you’re talking about? You descended from some Mayan god who’ll raise the tribe to new heights or something?”

  “Don’t mock, Glory. I’m serious. It’s not that simple. And you don’t need to know what I’m talking about. But I saw you go out to the alley with a man dressed as a warrior. A man who sat at your mother’s table full of toga-wearing women. Is he a god?”

  “That was Mars. ” I studied Miguel’s face. Could there be a slight resemblance? The coloring was different. Miguel definitely had the Indian black hair and eyes. But the shape of the nose and chin . . . It was possible. And Mars had said something to Mother about recognizing someone. How funny if he’d left some offspring in Mayan territory. Maybe that was another place where he was worshipped.

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