Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material

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Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material Page 2

by Kindle Alexander

  Would fucking Jace tonight fall into the top sex of his life? Hell fucking yeah! Jace was number one perfect sex right there. Colt always wanted his first man-on-man sexual encounter to be with Jace Montgomery. The current problem? Now that he’d had Jace once, he wanted more. Wasn’t that an interesting turn of events? Nah, not really. Deep down Jace had always been one of the most important people in Colt’s life.

  Funny how he’d never said more than a few passing words to the guy.

  Colt pushed open the car door to hear the music of the townhome complex blaring. Spring break had the entire place in full party mode, even as the night had barely begun. None of his neighbors planned to be sober for one minute of their vacation time. It was a quest, and they would most certainly excel in their mission.

  The loud music that greeted Colt as he exited the car pulled him from the silence of his thoughts. This was a new experience; he always kept the radio loud as he drove because silence meant thinking, and thinking always had a way of bringing Jace into his thoughts. Jace Montgomery was the secret he held closest to his heart for four long years. The depth of those emotions scared him a little bit. Yet somehow, after tonight, he wasn’t afraid of those thoughts any longer. Damn, that felt rockin’ good.

  “Hey, Colt! Come join us,” Gabby, his neighbor, called down from her second floor balcony right next door to his place. Her townhome looked full, packed from the inside out. Colt and his buddies planned to hit Sixth Street tonight, but if his friends saw Gabby already dancing in her bra and panties, they might not ever make it out. That didn’t seem too bad either. He’d rather spend all evening thinking about the sexy Jace Montgomery anyway.

  “I’ll catch you later. I gotta make a phone call,” Colt yelled, waving her off.

  He headed straight for his place, mildly disappointed when he saw his living room full of people too. Colt navigated through the masses of his friends, winding his way around the living room, and headed straight back to his bedroom. As expected, it was occupied, too.

  “Dude, seriously, it’s what the spare’s for,” Colt said, standing at the foot of his bed staring down at Tim, his best friend. Tim gave him a glassy red-eyed stare and the female under him looked about in the same condition. Lucky for Colt, Tim had only gotten as far as getting her top off.

  “Come join us. I have a friend,” Double-D said, lifting up on her elbows, exposing herself completely to him. From this position, he could guess her breasts were real. Funny how that was his only thought.

  “Not tonight. Tim, I need my room, buddy.” Tim ignored Colt, and turned back to Double-D, continuing his exploration. Colt reached over to pull him off the bed. His buddy squawked, but had no choice except to stand. That was when Colt realized he’d gotten the whole scene a little wrong. Tim’s shorts fell straight to the floor.

  “Dude! Seriously, we’ve talked about this! The spare bedroom!” Colt winced at seeing Tim hard and ready, sticking straight out from under his T-shirt.

  “It’s occupied,” Tim said, tossing his hands in the air in a shrug. The move had Tim going off balance, and he struggled to stay on his feet with his shorts gathered around his ankles. Colt ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Based on the clock beside his bed, he was at least fifteen minutes from leaving the gym and he wanted to call Jace before he made it home.

  “Get the fuck out,” Colt said as he began shoving Tim from the room. Double-D was next. She proved to be a little tricky to handle because she was all over him. It took a second to dislodge her and get the door shut and locked behind her.

  “Playing hard to get turns me on,” she yelled through the door as Colt headed toward his restroom to make his call in as much privacy as he could get.

  Colt hoped the closed bathroom door would drown out the party going on in the other room. Colt didn’t want Jace to think of him as a party guy. He rolled his eyes at the ludicrous thought. Jace already had to know he was totally a party guy. On a sigh, he dialed, praying Jace would answer.

  Chapter 2

  “Damn, you have one fine ass!” Jace did little more than bring his phone to his ear before a voice boomed out the flattering words. He looked down at caller ID, confused when the name Hottie appeared. He didn’t recognize the name or number on the screen when he answered.

  “Colt?” Jace asked, a smile forming instantly on his lips as he said the name. Could this night seriously get any better? He just had his locker room porn fantasy fulfilled by his all-time perfect dream guy, and now the object of his desire called him. No, it couldn’t get any better than this.

  “I guess I should know who else might be calling. Are you seeing anyone that I should know about?” Colt growled the last part, his deep, sexy voice lowering. Jace couldn’t help feeling incredibly pleased Colt would even pretend to care. There was a moment of silence before Jace bit his lip and tried for a cheeky response.

  “I’m just seeing every Tom McCorkle, Dick Needham, and Harry Lewis I can.” They were ironically all a part of the defensive line Colt played with for the last four years.

  “You better not be!” Colt said, laughing. Score! He got the response he was shooting for with that little teaser. And did he seriously hear a hint of jealousy in Colt’s voice?

  “I’m not seeing anyone. What about you? I thought you were going out with Magda McCarthy?” Jace asked. The janitorial staff came banging through the locker room, pushing their large carts, jolting Jace, and he remembered where he stood. He grabbed his gear, shoved his shower kit into the locker, and tossed his duffel bag over his shoulder before heading out so no one could hear him having this conversation.

  “Nah, not for a long time now. We just hang out together sometimes,” Colt said. Jace actually stopped walking and stood a few feet from the gym’s doors as that little bombshell settled. Colt and Magda weren’t a couple? That bit of information would shock most of the school. Colt and Magda were seen everywhere together. Magda was the reigning Miss Texas to Colt’s all-American football hero status. Jace had no idea how to respond. So he didn’t and opted for a change of subject.

  “My ass hurts,” Jace blurted out, looking for anything to say to hide the confusion about Magda and Colt still clouding his mind.

  “I hope in a good way.” Colt growled. Those few short words had Jace’s stomach aflutter. Was he seriously having butterflies over just the tone of Colt’s voice?

  Better yet, did Colt just really say that to him?

  “How did you get my number? Not that I don’t want you to have it, because I do. It’s just I was wondering, that’s all,” Jace managed, all of the sudden completely tongue-tied. The need to get out from under all this frantic emotion churning inside him apparently had him rambling.

  “When you went back in the showers, I programmed my number in your phone. I got your number. I also looked through your locker. Don’t be mad. I wasn’t going to. I was just gonna make sure we cleaned it up well enough, but you’re a tidy guy. I know we messed it up, so I put it back in order for you.” Did Colt just ramble? Wait! An even bigger question, in what world did Colton Michaels notice that Jace Montgomery was an obsessive compulsive freak about his personal organization?

  Jace propelled himself forward and shoved open the heavy gymnasium doors. It was dark outside, late in the evening, and the campus was in the beginning stages of spring break. Most of the students had already high-tailed it out of there as soon as their last class ended. Jace walked alone on a well-lit path to his on-campus apartment. He’d taken this path at least a thousand times before. Never had he noticed the branches of the large oak trees swaying gently in the night breeze or the welcoming scent of spring blossoms and fresh cut grass filling the air. He breathed in deeply, not thinking about why he noticed them now, instead letting these things, along with Colt’s voice, calm his frantic thoughts.

  “Did I just say too much?” Colt asked in Jace’s silence. His voice dropped an octave lower again, becoming huskier.

  “No… not really.” His cock began t
o stir again, damn he had it bad. He placed the phone on his shoulder and reached down to adjust himself because evidently his dick had taken notice of the change in Colt’s voice, too. Which was interesting in itself because he’d just had two earth shattering orgasms less than an hour ago.

  “But you’re surprised I’ve been lusting after you this whole time?” Colt asked.

  “Yeah, that was pretty shocking. It’s kind of unbelievable actually,” Jace admitted. He began slowly taking the steps up to his fourth floor apartment. He shared the small quad with four other male cheerleaders. They were all still on campus, senior cheerleaders were required to stay through the weekend for open gym to help any of the new hopefuls in the upcoming cheerleading tryouts.

  The silence between them lingered for so long Jace looked down to see if the phone was still connected. After another long moment, he said the first thing that came to mind, “That’s why your call came up Hottie, instead of a name. I was so confused.” Colt still didn’t speak. As Jace got to the top floor, he finally asked, “You still there?”

  “Yeah, I am.” Colt had that same sexy low voice thing going on. “I was just thinking. I’m relieved I finally got up enough balls and made a move. I wasn’t lying; I’ve been watching you since we were freshmen. I couldn’t ever get up the nerve to talk to you. I knew if I didn’t do it tonight, we’d graduate, and I’d lose my chance.”

  “I don’t even know how to respond to that,” Jace said. He stopped again at the top of his stairwell, staring out into the night. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. Those words meant something. They had to! Jace desperately wanted them to mean something because they were about the sweetest words ever spoken.

  “Hold up, I’m not finished. Let me get it all out. I wasn’t sure you were even gay in the beginning. Then a few years ago, I was on the lawn with some of the guys, and I saw you kissing that redhead from the LGBT group. I would see you at the games, and he would be there too, waving and blowing those fucking kisses. That shit drove me crazy. I couldn’t concentrate. I was making so many mistakes, calling the wrong plays, because I couldn’t get my head straight about you. God, my dad was so pissed off at me for fucking things up. I finally had to let you go, force you out of my head. But I still watched you with him. I couldn’t help it. I admit I was jealous. I hated seeing him in the stands every fucking game. Then I think it was Homecoming when he stopped coming. But I still never said anything. Today when I saw you head into the locker room, I had to take my chance,” Colt confessed. His voice sounded different somehow. Not the booming confident one he’d grown to associate with Colt and definitely not the husky, deeply sexy voice from their locker room escapade earlier.

  “That’s a lie. No way, you seriously watched me that closely? I… Wow. Okay, yeah. That redhead’s name is Bradley, and I caught him with Roger, my co-captain and roommate. I broke up with him. I still can’t believe you watched me! Wow!” Jace stopped in mid-motion of reaching to unlock the front door to his apartment. The noise inside his apartment made him take a step back; he didn’t want to drown out their conversation.

  “It’s not a lie. It’s the God’s honest truth. I told you I’d been watching you while we were making love tonight. I don’t lie, Jace,” Colt stated matter-of-factly. Jace could hear the honesty in his voice and focused on words like ‘making love’. Had they made love?

  “I didn’t believe you, and you took off so fast afterward,” Jace said, leaning back against the brick wall.

  “I took off fast because I’d already risked so much. For both of us, nobody knows about me…” Colt only slightly paused before he changed the subject. “Now let’s go back to talking about your fine ass hurting, shall we?”

  “I definitely wasn’t complaining. You pounded me good. You know I’m gonna feel you for a while,” Jace answered back, teasing Colt, trying to keep his voice down. He was alone outside, but for some reason this felt so forbidden he didn’t want anyone to hear him and ruin this moment.

  “Let’s talk about you. So what, are you like bi-sexual?” Well that was a little abrupt! Jace dropped his head back against the brick wall. I’m such a moron. “I’m sorry, Colt, that came out wrong. You don’t have to answer that. It’s not any of my business.”

  “Nah, it’s a fair question. And I know I confessed a lot just a second ago, but I’m not really ready to say it yet. I mean, I totally would talk about it with you, if I talked about it at all. I just don’t think I can. Not yet,” Colt answered back.

  “Okay, no rush, I won’t push you. I get that’s a big step.” So, it wasn’t a bi-sexual thing. Clearly, Colt was hiding and needed to take those steps to come out on his own.

  “Thanks, Jace. Listen, I was thinking. It’s spring break. My agent has the hook-up on a place in Hawaii. I’m getting it for like five days starting Wednesday. It’s why I’m still here on campus. You should come down there with me,” Colt said, and like many times during this conversation, Jace stood there frozen in place. Had he just heard that right? He stared out at the night completely confused. Vacation with Colt? In Hawaii? Seriously?

  “Are you there?” Colt asked.

  “Yeah,” Jace responded, unsure how to answer. His heart beat violently in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to go, but he didn’t have that kind of money for a plane ticket. What did a plane ticket to Hawaii cost anyway? Certainly more than a couple hundred bucks, right? That was all he had to his name, and his heart sank.

  “Does that yeah answer both of my questions, or just one? Did you already have plans?” Colt asked with uncertainty in his voice.

  “I was just going home. No big plans. You know, or maybe you don’t, I’m here on scholarship. I don’t really have the money…” Jace started, but Colt cut him off.

  “I got two airline tickets, and the place is covered. We’ll just need food and lube.” Colt laughed, but Jace remained quiet, wondering why Colt asked him and not one of his friends. Hell, maybe someone else bailed on him and Jace was an easy second because he was clearly a very willing body or bottom, depending on the need. But did Jace even really care about being a second thought? Nah, he didn’t. He would be stupid if he passed up his chance to spend a few days in Hawaii, lounging on the beach, sipping Mai Tais and soaking up the tropical sun with the ‘hottie’ on the phone.

  “I was just joking. I’ll cover the cost of food, and we don’t have to…” Colt started but Jace interrupted him.

  “No, I get it. It was funny,” Jace answered. Was he seriously going to say yes? Really?

  “But not funny enough to laugh?” Colt asked, the humor was back in his voice and Jace realized he was taking too long to answer Colt’s question.

  “No, it’s not that, I just… This just… You shocked me today and now you’re doing it again.” There, he said it. No more skirting around the biggest point of this entire conversation.

  “Is that a bad thing?” Colt asked.

  “No, not for me. Would we go all alone? I mean just the two of us?” Jace asked, hopeful.

  “Yes, no one else. Just the two of us. So you’ll go with me?” Colt’s voice lifted, he sounded honestly excited. “Come on, Jace, let’s get away. I loved tonight; I want more time with you, alone. I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve watched you since before I ever started this school. It’s been a long time coming for me. Please. Say yes.”

  “See, you keep shocking me,” Jace said. The visual image of Colt’s muscular body and dark good looks playing in the ocean and letting all that water run down his naked flesh… Damn, Jace was freaking hard again!

  “I know, just say yes. Fuck it, fuck everything. Just say yes,” Colt begged.

  “Yes!” he said, surprised the word flew out of his mouth so quickly.

  “Great! Do you text?” Colt asked excitedly. Jace could hear some background noise on Colt’s end. The call was muffled as Colt said something and came back. “Jace, do you text?”

  “Somewhat,” Jace said. Texting was the new thing on campus, but Jace sec
retly hoped that form of communication never caught on, because it was such a pain in the ass, punching all those numbers just to get the right letter to flash on the screen.

  “Good. I’ll text you all the info. Dates, flight times, and the address. We might not be traveling together. I’d already booked my flight when I decided to go alone.” Colt’s voice trailed off.

  “It’s okay,” Jace assured him.

  “Damn! I gotta go. Some of the guys on the team are here. David and Tim are on my ass, so I need to go,” Colt apologized, his frustration clear from the tone of his voice.

  “No problem. I’ll talk to you later,” Jace said, turning on his heel toward his front door.

  “Yeah. And, Jace, thank you,” Colt whispered.

  “Thank you for what?” Jace stopped at the front door, his hand on the knob.

  “Just thank you. Bye.” Colt disconnected the phone.

  Jace pushed open the door to his apartment. His roommates were clearly getting the party started, all dressed up and ready for the night. A row of shot glasses were lined up along the kitchen bar. There were three guys and about twenty shots ready to go. They were downing them, leaving every fourth one for Jace.

  “Hey! Where have you been? We were gonna leave you a note!” Gregory said, after getting his second shot down. Every person in this apartment was at college on scholarship. The lack of money had them getting tipsy before they ever left the house. Drinks were too expensive at the bar.

  “Y’all go on without me. I’ll catch up later,” Jace said, bypassing the group.

  “You had sex!” Jonathon called out.

  “You did. Lucky boy!” Gregory seconded. Jace ignored them, not even turning back, because no way could he share and they might wear him down until he told something.


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