Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material

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Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material Page 110

by Kindle Alexander

  “You feel so good against me,” Kreed said as they rubbed against each other. The friction wasn’t enough to get either one of them off, but the feeling was just sweet enough to have two grown men rutting against each other like horny teenagers. With their mouths fused together and hands exploring, he swore he’d died and gone to heaven.

  He felt Kreed reach across the bed and heard the cap open on the bottle of lube. Sin pulled back from the kiss and sat back on his heels. The storm outside, wind howling and rain pelting against the bedroom window, was no match for the one brewing in Sin’s eyes.

  “Give me your hand.”

  Aaron lifted his hand as instructed, and Kreed squirted the liquid on both his fingers before lowering himself to his original position.

  “I want your fingers in me.” Sin winked then flicked Aaron’s nipple ring with his tongue before sucking his nipple into his mouth. Kreed placed wet kisses on his chest and up his neck. The spicy scent of Kreed filled his nostrils; he inhaled deeply, breathing in the powerful aroma of sex and arousal.

  He gripped Sin’s ass and spread his cheeks, drawing his fingers back and forth over the tight pucker before pushing in. Kreed’s cock jerked against his. It didn’t take long before he worked a second then third finger into his lover. Sexy sounds fell from his deputy’s lips as Kreed pushed his ass against his hand.

  “Need you in me.” Kreed sat up, not wasting any time before he rolled the condom on Aaron then positioned himself. Lust clouded his vision as he watched Kreed reach behind him, rough fingers closed around his dick as Kreed held him in place.

  A strangled sound escaped his lips when Kreed sank down oh so slowly, inch by fucking inch, on his dick until he sat fully on top of him. Heat swamped him and stole his breath. Aaron was as deep in his lover as he could be. The knowledge fueled him, urged him to lift his hips and press up into all that tight constricting warmth and try for a little deeper. It took everything in him not to move, to remain still and let Kreed set their pace.

  The deputy marshal’s hands splayed on his chest as he began to move up and down on his cock. Aaron slid his hands up Kreed’s sides, lightly tracing the scar above his hip bone before caressing the beautiful art inked on his ribs.

  “Beautiful. Ah…fuck.” Aaron groaned. His deputy’s hot chute tightened and fluttered as Kreed fucked himself on Aaron. The sensual movement of his body caused Aaron’s breath to catch in his throat. He reached for Sin’s hips, something to keep him grounded. Firm flesh pressed back against his fingers as Aaron gripped onto Kreed’s hips so tightly there would probably be marks in the morning.

  “So good, Sin, so tight. You feel like fucking heaven.” Kreed’s hips sped up, circling and grinding as he pushed those powerful thighs up and down. Aaron arched his back, driving up into Kreed, wanting to turn the man inside out, needing to be deeper, closer. He held Kreed’s gaze as their bodies rocked together as one.

  God, he savored the look in Kreed’s eyes, the one that let him know exactly how much Kreed loved him. After being alone for so long, he’d never dreamed he would be able to build something so special. And never would he have imagined himself with a deputy US marshal. How had he fallen so deeply so quickly?

  “You are it for me. Mine,” Aaron whispered, his heart overflowing with the truth of every word. Kreed leaned forward, their mouths meeting in a hungry kiss. Nips and long, slow, sexy licks invaded his senses, their tongues dancing as Kreed rode him hard. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh combined with the intoxicating smell of arousal caressed his balls. He tore his mouth away from the kiss and nuzzled his face in Kreed’s neck, inhaling the rich, spicy scent of his lover’s heated skin.

  “You own me. All of me.” Kreed sat up, his gaze fixed on Aaron’s, the sincerity in those words touching his soul.

  Every downward snap of his lover’s hips drove him deeper into Kreed. He dug his heels into the mattress and thrust up, changing his angle, intent on making Kreed come. The passion showing in Kreed’s eyes seized him, wrapped around him. His orgasm flirted with the telltale tingle in his spine. He was so close. He clasped Kreed’s erection in his fist and started to stroke him from root to tip. Fast then slow, his rhythm shattered.

  “Always you…Aaron.” Kreed threw his body back, grinding his ass onto Aaron’s cock as he shouted his release. Their eyes locked as ribbons of thick, hot cream painted his chest and stomach. The look on Sin’s face and the hard contractions around his dick fed Aaron’s release. The air sizzled around them, and the feeling of their connection in the room sucked the air from his lungs and blanketed his entire being, the pleasure too overwhelming to fight.

  “Yesss…forever, Sin.” Aaron’s heavy balls erupted as Kreed’s contracting ass milked the weight from them. He shuddered under the pleasure coursing through him; his dick jerked, filling the condom with his seed. Kreed sagged against him, his ragged breath hot against Aaron’s neck as Kreed curled his fingers in his hair. No words were spoken, because none were needed in this moment. They were right where they needed to be, in each other’s arms. Their breathing finally calmed as their bodies cooled.

  Aaron lightly drew the pads of his fingertips up and down Sin’s back, basking in the feel of his lover’s body molding against him. The way Kreed made love to him, giving himself over, had removed any remaining doubt, any uncertainty, and all barriers between them disintegrated.

  “I love you,” Kreed said and pressed a kiss against his sweat-slicked skin. Trust and hope stirred in the air around them. A calm knowing settled deep in Aaron’s soul. Kreed had branded him, claimed his heart.

  “I love you too.” He meant those words. The emotion had snuck up on him, unwanted and dangerous, but he wouldn’t deny the truth…not to himself and, with his actions, he would show Kreed exactly how true they were.

  Kreed rolled them to their sides. His flaccid cock slipped from Sin’s hot body. He didn’t bother to grab the condom; they were already covered in his lover’s drying come. Besides, he was so blissed out at the moment that he didn’t want to move. All he wanted to do was listen to the soothing sounds of the tropical rain against the window, the comforting cadence of Kreed’s breathing, and fall asleep wrapped lovingly in Sin’s arms.

  Kreed lay sprawled across the guest bed in the spare room, zoning out a little as Aaron went through the motions of backing out of the organization he’d helped found. Every once in a while Aaron would say something, catch him up on how the group took the news.

  The best Kreed could tell, Aaron had nailed it spot-on. There seemed to be almost a relief from the other side of the computer screen, and they both acknowledged not seeing eye to eye on many issues over the last year. To move the organization along, one side was going to have to give. His partner even had someone in mind to take Aaron’s spot, which was a big relief to Kreed.

  What he hadn’t said out loud—and what churned inside his gut—was the possibility of Protector outing Aaron in retaliation for leaving. He’d been involved in several arrests like that—very stab-you-in-the-back kinds of deals. Those groups never understood that once that started, the whole group eventually imploded. Yet, somehow Aaron’s organization seemed different. Now he and Aaron just needed time and distance on their side. Kreed had enough connections and was owed enough favors that, if they could make it a few years away from Protector, he could shield Aaron from a criminal case.

  The shit he knew about the government as well as key people in power… No one wanted that information out. They’d keep Aaron safe.

  “He had to be planning to oust me. He was too prepared and accepting,” Aaron said, looking over his shoulder toward Kreed. He took his earbuds out and dropped them on the desk. Aaron’s feet were still stretched out in front of him, anchored on the desk as he leaned back as far as his chair would let him.

  “You’ve been offline a lot lately,” Kreed tried to reason, lifting up on his elbows.

  “Yeah, I guess. We could tell things weren’t right between us anymore.”

“Are you okay with this?”

  “Yeah, you know, I met Dylan Reeves and Tristan Wilder at the Rooster Teeth Expo. They had a booth there for their Secret app. I’d met Tristan before, but this time he tried to recruit me, and I didn’t just shoot it down like I normally would. The writing was on the wall for me too. It feels a little…” Aaron turned away, staring off into space. Kreed watched a range of emotions cross his face. “I guess it feels like my child grew up. We never thought we’d get as big as we did. It was better when it was smaller, easier to manage. We wanted to make the world a better place. I know it all sounds dumb.”

  “Not dumb at all. I was like that too.” Kreed sat up and scooted to the side of the bed, close to where Aaron lounged in his chair. “I did some pretty bad shit to prove myself. Once I left, it took me a long time to get over everything I’d done.” He got lost in thought and shook his head. If he let himself go down that path today, it’d take hours to get his brain working right again. It was too much emotional overload. Kreed stood, grabbed Aaron’s hand, and pulled the kid’s chair forward until he couldn’t do anything but get up. “Let’s go cook dinner. We have all that shrimp that needs to be eaten.”

  “It’s late.”

  “And? We’re on vacation. A little midnight shrimp boil, some beer, a little more ass. I can’t see that as a bad thing. Besides, I need you to show me how you do that little trick with your tongue. I like that,” Kreed said, entwining his fingers with Aaron’s and tugging him along.

  “I’ll teach you the tongue thing if you stop squeezing the shit out of the base of my dick. That’s just unfair,” Aaron grumbled, a little indignant. Kreed was pulling him down the hall now.

  “I’m holding you off, making you last longer,” Kreed shrugged smugly. “You should be thanking me.”

  “Really? I think you’re just evil and get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of torturing me. Besides, I’m not an old man. I can still have multiple orgasms,” Aaron countered, stopping Kreed in his tracks. Aaron just chuckled as he took the lead down the hall, pulling Kreed toward the kitchen.

  “I’ll show you old man,” Kreed grumbled.

  “Show me after dinner. I’m hungry.” Aaron snorted. Kreed jerked at his arm, causing Aaron to stumble back against him. He quickly encircled a laughing Aaron in his arms.

  He leaned in, nipping at Aaron’s ear. “You’ve made me happy. Sure, there’s shit left to deal with, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been truly happy.”

  Aaron’s fingers tangled into Kreed’s hair, keeping him there. “Keep talking like that and I’ll let you help me dye my hair before you get me drunk and do me on the beach again.”

  “Promises, promises.” Kreed reluctantly moved out from Aaron’s hold, opening the cabinets and looking for the boiling pot and spices. The sooner he fed Aaron, the sooner he could test that theory.

  Chapter 34

  This was the last full day of their vacation paradise, ending two of the best weeks of his life, and Kreed wasn’t in a mindset to do much more than what they were doing. Kreed had his lounger buried in the sand. He’d finally opted for the Speedo, letting the warm sun bathe his skin. Aaron was beside him, keeping time, turning over every so often. Kreed had missed the last couple of turns, braving the tan line Aaron was convinced he’d get because of the sunglasses he wore.

  “It’s time,” Aaron mumbled, turning over.

  “Yeah.” Kreed stayed just like he was. They’d been on an emotional rollercoaster since they’d met. Now that things were somewhat settled, the adrenaline was finally wearing off and fatigue was coming on strong. He would enjoy their remaining downtime and had no plans to do more than relax until they boarded their flight tomorrow night.

  “You live in Louisiana?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah, I guess. My shit’s there, at least,” Kreed replied.

  “That’s quite a ways from me,” Aaron mumbled. Kreed lifted one eyelid, glancing over to Aaron.

  “All you have to do is say you want to move in. Camp Beauregard’s a vacay destination. Always full, but I can manage room for you.”

  “Ha!” Aaron barked out a laugh. “When we get to that point, we need to move to someplace a little more happening. I bet Camp Beauregard isn’t much past dial-up.”

  “Is that a Louisiana-might-not-be-progressive-enough joke? Don’t worry. I’ll keep you busy. You won’t have time to miss the new millennium that much.”

  “You’re funny. You should turn over.”

  Mitch’s shrill ringtone interrupted the moment. It took a couple of pats under his lounger, but Kreed finally found his phone in the sand, lifted it, and swiped his thumb across the screen by the fourth ring.

  “Yo, princess, how’s it hanging?”

  “You busy?” Mitch asked.

  “Yep,” Kreed replied and winked at Aaron.

  “Good. Makes it better that I interrupted you. Listen, I just left Masters’s office. They regretted to inform me that I was now on desk duty. Some field office in Utah had an opening, and they were moving me into administration, so I quit. I wanted you to know before anyone else.”

  “What?” Kreed sat up in shock. He’d figured Mitch had called about the case and hadn’t really been listening closely, but Mitch captured his full attention with those words. “Start over.”

  “I quit. I wanted you to hear it from me. I’ve got about a million vacation hours, so I’m on leave right now. Once they’re used, I won’t be employed by the Marshals Service any longer.”

  “And you’re good with that?” Kreed’s brow narrowed as he asked the question. As long as he’d known Mitch, being a deputy marshal was all he’d ever wanted to do.

  “Nah, I guess not. But I don’t wanna be tied to a desk, and Utah’s not good for Cody. He’d have to leave his family, his job, and his dream of becoming a ranger, or he’d stay behind for all that and I wouldn’t be living with him. So, yeah.”

  “What’s your plan?” Kreed asked.

  “I haven’t gotten that far,” Mitch replied.

  For the first time in this call, that cocky tone Knox always used faltered. His partner’s voice cracked. Clearly Mitch wasn’t good with any of this. Oh, man.

  Kreed stayed silent for several long seconds before he spoke again. “I got an idea.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “Stay in Dallas. We’ll head back now.” Kreed moved off his lounger and stood.

  “I don’t want you to…”

  “Shut up. I’ll text you the details. Find a place we can talk privately and pick us up at the airport,” he instructed Mitch, not giving him any room to argue.

  “All right, I guess.”

  “Bring Turner,” Kreed said and hung up the phone.

  “What’s going on?” Aaron asked, turning over fully to focus on Kreed.

  Damn, he hadn’t considered this would end their vacation. His sexy boyfriend spread out on the lounger, looking up at him like he’d lost his mind. Well, hell, maybe he should have given the plan more thought. He moved closer to Aaron, sat on the side of his lounger, then leaned down to kiss Aaron’s lips.

  “We have to go back today. Knox quit.” Those last two words sat heavily in Kreed’s heart.

  “What?” Surprise registered on Aaron’s face as he jerked up into a sitting position.

  “I know. They wanted to move him to a desk in Utah.”

  “Really?” Aaron shook his head.

  “But I’ve been playing with an idea for a while now. I need to go back so we can talk. Maybe we can come back here in a few months. I can make this up to you,” Kreed offered, wiping some sand off Aaron’s leg.

  “Not necessary. Mitch needs you. I get it.” Aaron started to rise, but Kreed stopped him.

  “You’re a good boyfriend.” Kreed leaned in for a kiss, and Aaron gave him a quick peck, making the move almost non-existent. Kreed lifted his hands and held Aaron’s head in place as he kissed that smartass mouth. But Aaron broke off before he got too far along.

��I am. Don’t forget it. Let’s get going. I need to pack my equipment. I can just send it back to my house now.” Aaron was off the lounger, picking up their towels and sunscreen from the sand.

  “Now it makes sense why you bring that everywhere,” Kreed said, trailing behind the kid as he took off for the house. He watched that perfect little ass bounce with each step he took.

  “And you’re supposed to have all that gut instinct. Thought you would have put that together way before now.” Aaron shot him a sexy little grin over his shoulder. Kreed jogged those few steps separating them then reached out to circle Aaron in his arms and draw him back against his chest.

  “I really enjoy watching you walk.”

  “No. One thing will lead to another, and we’ll be in the bedroom—not on the plane.” Aaron pushed away, but Kreed reached out and grabbed his hand. Since Aaron was being open about things, Kreed ventured into another topic he’d wondered about.

  “You didn’t meet Mitch by accident, did you?” he asked, tugging open the sliding back door.

  “No,” Aaron tried to move forward, but Kreed stopped again.

  “That’s why you helped him in this case. You used him, but found out he’s a good guy.” Kreed could tell by the look on Aaron’s face that he’d hit the nail on the head.

  “It’s not one of my prouder moments. I liked him more than I realized I would. I was young. I didn’t know there were really good-hearted people in the world. It wasn’t how I was raised. I owed Mitch.” Aaron stayed right there in the doorway, all his focus on Kreed. Every time he ventured into the unknown with Aaron, there was worry reflected back from that handsome face.

  “He gave you credibility with the bureau,” Kreed half asked, half stated, the whole picture becoming crystal clear.

  Aaron was silent again, staring at him, and all he could do was stare back as the rest of the pieces fell into place like a giant jigsaw puzzle revealing a picture.

  “Really?” He had to admit the kid was fucking brilliant.


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