Sci-fi Nights: Alpha bad boys & wild girls of futuristic romance

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Sci-fi Nights: Alpha bad boys & wild girls of futuristic romance Page 57

by Calinda B

  “Thanks, but I got this,” he told her kindly and lifted her to her feet. “But tell the guards you did and go take a break. Okay?”

  She nodded, wide-eyed and disappeared through the concealed door at the back of the comfort room.

  Begrudgingly, Naz was impressed. The fluffers were mainly courtesans who’d applied for the party, but weren’t deemed suitable for the main display. Instead of the hourly rate Naz and Tannick were on, they were only paid for each time they performed. It was a hard way to make a living.

  That was nice of you.

  A flush covered her cheeks as she lifted the heavy mass of her hair to cover her embarrassment. She’d meant to tease him, but the simple act of kindness had turned her trick on her and made her feel a shit. Cleansing waves fizzled through her hair, the corkscrew curls making them work overtime. The slight fizzling tickled and made her lips quirk.

  My god, was that a compliment? Careful you don’t strain yourself, doll. He looked at her, his expression amused. Do I get a treat for being a good boy?

  Her lip curled and she was about to hurl back another comment as the cycle clicked off. A comment that died in her, though, when he wrapped a big hand around his cock and pumped slowly. Her foot paused halfway out of the booth as her eyes latched onto the rigid shaft.

  As cocks went, Tannick’s was nice. More than nice, it was fucking amazing. Long, but not overly so, thick around the girth, with heavy veins she just itched to run her tongue along. His hand pulled back to reveal the wide purple-skinned head. A drop of pre-cum oozed from the slit. Her mouth watered as the urge to stride across the small enclosure, drop to her knees and lick it off hit her. Lick tests. Very important in this sort of thing.

  Sure you don’t want some, doll? I can smell your need from here. All you gotta do is say the word.

  His mental voice was amused and superior. She gritted her teeth, not sure if she wanted to suck his cock or kick his ass more. Smug were-dog bastard.

  Gult wants us in the main room, she informed him coolly, stepping from the cubicle and letting the moisturiser dry on her skin. She always moisturised, it was one of the few feminine things she adhered to. That, and making sure her guns coordinated with her outfit. Not a problem since her entire wardrobe was black.

  She swept a glance over him as she passed, shoulders back so her tits looked their best. She knew he was obsessed with them, but after this, he wasn’t getting his hands on them. So, she wanted to make sure he had some good mental images to torment him. Serve the fucker right. She hoped his hand went numb from wanking.

  He looks a little tired. I do hope you can keep it up, mustn’t disappoint our audience.

  Her parting shot delivered, Naz swept past the screen with a little grin on her face. A grin that grew a little wider at the growl that followed her as she headed for the door the servant held open for her.


  He was going to throttle her. No, he was going to fuck her senseless, then he was going to throttle her. Struggling to keep his anger and lust in check, Tannick shook himself from head to toe, very much like the dog he was in his other form, as he re-established a grip on himself and followed her out of the comfort area and through the door.

  As soon as he stepped through, all his senses went on high alert. The first room was the play area, held for the privileged few to relax and zone out for a while. To get themselves in the mood for the kind of evening Gult’s parties were famous for. It was light, airy and filled with delights, be they visual, food-orientated or sensual.

  This room, though, was different. The main lights were dimmed, shadows collecting in the corners, whilst spotlights focused on the three alcoves on one side of the room. Two were already occupied. In the first, a young lady of negotiable affection seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself as she entertained… Tannick tried to count how many guys were clustered around the couch, but lost count of the arms and legs. There were a lot, that was for sure, but as long as she was having a good time his hackles didn’t rise in alarm. Certainly the scent of her arousal on the air said she enjoyed herself.

  He looked at the second alcove and stifled his wince as he looked away quickly. He was a broad-minded sort of dude, but guy-on-guy action? He didn’t go there. Not that he had an issue with anyone’s sexuality, but it just wasn’t his sort of thing.

  The third alcove was empty, the couch within vacant. The servant herded Naz toward it. Tannick suppressed his shrug and followed her, his erect cock leading the way. It was as though the damn thing knew where she was at all times, regardless of what he thought about the matter. Despite the ample amount of female flesh on display—rather too much display in the end alcove—all his prick was interested in was the blonde-haired, sharp-tongued shrew in front of him.

  “Yes, oh yes, I like.” A voice announced from the opposite side of the room as the two of them stepped into the alcove and under the lights, which picked up the shimmering glitter dust Naz had swept over her body earlier, highlighting the perfect curves and plains of her gorgeous figure.

  He half turned before he remembered to drop his gaze as ordered earlier. Gult didn’t like to be looked at by the staff, or the sex-workers, but that didn’t make a difference. Tann had seen enough surveillance footage and heard enough voice recordings to identify the self-styled pleasure “king”.

  Eyes on. We have Gult.

  He lifted his hands and ran them through his long hair, flexing every muscle in his body as he did so. Both he and Naz had been coached by a couple of courtesans earlier. How to move to display their bodies, when to show penetration and how not to; how to tease and tantalize their audience. It was very much an art form.

  Artistic or not, it didn’t stop Tann from feeling like a prize twat as he preened. As his arms were up, he snuck another glance toward Gult before shaking his hair out over his shoulders.

  Girl’s with him too.

  Gult clapped his hands, the delight in his voice a sick parody of childlike glee. “They’re perfect, just the thing to whet appetites before the auction.” He waved toward them. “Her, on her knees. I want to see her suck his cock.”

  Anticipation coursed through Tann at the words. His cock hardened even more, so hard his balls and teeth ached with the need to have her lips wrapped around him. Just the thought of being engulfed in the warm, wet heat of her mouth almost tipped him over the edge, there and then. What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d had blowjobs before, and while they were pleasant, he’d never had such an instinctive, visceral reaction to that very idea.

  Don’t get any funny ideas, Spot.

  Naz turned on command to look up at him, the blue of her eyes almost swallowed up by the darkness of her pupils as he gritted his teeth. He knew she found him attractive. Could smell it on her scent. So, why she insisted on this charade of aloofness, he had no idea.

  Any other woman would have admitted he was irresistible by now. They’d have gotten a room after the mission and shagged each other’s brains out. Or…even better, considering the situation they were in…he could have just bent her over the nearest available surface and taken them both to heaven in a hot, sweaty ride of pure pleasure.

  “Yes, just like that. You, hold her hair.”

  Gult clapped as Naz slid to her knees in front of him. Tannick reached out as ordered to scoop Naz’s blonde locks back from her face. “No, I want to see her face as she sucks your cock. She has such perfect lips.”

  Without thinking, he reached out with the other hand and snarled his fingers deep within the silken mass of hair.

  He’s a bastard. Thank you for trying.

  You’re welcome, he replied automatically. If he was honest, he hadn’t even considered trying to conceal her face in a repeat of their earlier deception. But hey, if it earned him brownie points with this woman, he wasn’t above lying like hell.

  Her fingers stole over his muscled thighs as she leaned forward. He sucked in a breath, his stomach hollowing, as her lips hovered over the broad purple head of his cock. A
ll thoughts of what they were doing, and why they were here, fled from his mind as though they’d never been there. All he could think about was those perfect, pink lips poised just over him.

  She licked her lips. His cock jerked in desperate invitation.

  He growled. A low warning sound, only half playing up to their alpha male/submissive female act, the rest was all real. If she didn’t…

  She leaned farther and swept her tongue over the head of his cock. Pleasure followed the warm rasp, heat flooding his groin and tightening around his balls like a leash. He groaned, fighting for control as his hand tightened in her hair. The temptation to hold her head still, and force her to accept his cock between those soft lips was almost overwhelming. He held it back, just, his large body all but trembling with the effort.

  She didn’t just engulf him, bobbing her head up to give the bare minimum for the charade as he’d expected. Instead, she took her time. Closing her eyes, she nibbled down his thick shaft and swept her tongue along the crease that separated his balls. A murmur of pleasure hummed in the back of her throat that had nothing to do with their cover. Not unless Gult had superhuman hearing.

  Unable to look away, spellbound, he watched as she worked her way back up his cock, the tiny nips and licks sending him halfway to heaven and back. Sweat beaded in the hollow of his spine with the effort of standing still and letting her do her thing.

  Almost at the tip, she paused for a second to look up at him. Her blue eyes were filled with mischief and something else…something dark and wanton that resonated with everything male within him. A small smile on her lips, she turned her attention back to her task. Her warm, wet tongue swirled around his cock, just under the head, in a spiral of heat and sensation. He swore and dragged a ragged breath into his lungs.

  You like living on the edge, don’t you? he managed over the telepathic link, trying to think of anything but her lips wrapped around him. Anticipation warred with control. She had to take him into her mouth, suck him soon, or Gult was going to get suspicious.

  Anticipation. Her mental voice was filled with amusement. Besides, this is payback for what you put me through earlier.

  She licked a drop of pre-cum, gathering it on her perfect, pink tongue before leaning forward to wrap her lips around his cock.

  Fucking hell! You little witch!

  Tann’s vision went white around the edges as she took him deeper. If he’d thought being nestled against her body earlier was an indication of heaven, then her sucking him off was something else entirely. Humming with pleasure, she scooted closer, her hands on his spread thighs as she worked his cock. Using just the right pressure up and down the shaft, she took him deep, then pulled back until he was almost out of her. He bit back a moan at the thought she might release him, unable to bear the thought of leaving that warm cavern of sensation.

  She did something worse. With his cockhead still in her mouth, she flicked the tip of her tongue rapidly over it, tickling the hypersensitive flesh until he thought he was going to come, there and then.

  His grip tightened in her hair, unable to stop the tiny forward thrust of his hips. A thrust she absorbed eagerly, sliding his cock deep into her throat with a sexy little sound he knew would haunt his dreams for years. He wrapped her blonde locks around his fist, his firm hold encouraging her as she worked him.

  Biting his lip, he dropped his head back and groaned. God, she was good at this. He couldn’t watch her doing it. The sight of her lips wrapped around his prick, and those coy little glances she kept shooting him, would even make a monk spill his load. He wasn’t a monk, nowhere near.

  Everything else fell away. Gult. The team waiting for the go-no go. The girl they were here to rescue. Normally he was a considerate lover, but there was something about Naz that made him want to hold her still and fuck her mouth until he came in a hot, salty torrent of pleasure. Or drag her to the ground, shove her satin-skinned thighs wide and screw her until she screamed his name.

  His blood roared in his ears as he concentrated on the seven times table and tried his damnedest not to come. Some women didn’t like a guy to come in their mouth, and he’d never thought to ask her whether it was something she liked or not. Somehow it didn’t seem right to ask, especially when he was already in her mouth.

  She pulled away suddenly, his cock leaving her lips with a small “pop”.

  “Huh? Wait…what?” he blurted aloud before he remembered they were undercover. She gave him a sharp look as she turned toward the couch, one that clearly stated that if they weren’t undercover, she’d slap him soundly upside the ear for such a lapse.

  Get your shit together, Tannick. He wants us to fuck. Same deal as before, angle us so he can’t se—

  She didn’t get to finish her sentence, Gult’s voice cutting her off.

  “No, not the couch. I’ve seen a bitch screwed six ways to Sunday on one already. I want something different. Ah, yes…bring out the frame. I want to see the dog fuck her hard and fast.”

  Tann paused as two servants pushed something out of the darkness at the back of the alcove. He’d been in enough places to recognise a bondage frame when he saw one. At his side, Naz went suddenly still.

  The frame was elegantly built, a modified X that would allow the “victim” to be restrained in various spread-eagle positions. It was also designed for access to over ninety-percent of the victim’s body. Which meant there was nowhere to hide.

  He was going to have to fuck her.

  Del. Things are getting hot in here. How’s our backup doing? Tann asked over the link as the servants locked the frame into place, his voice brisk and no-nonsense.

  Not in place. Security’s too tight. We need another couple of minutes.

  He slid her a sideways look, the expression in his eyes clear. Del and Rogue carried their weaponry; without them, and with Gult’s bodyguards looming like vultures behind him, they couldn’t hope to get the girl out.

  If you can’t do this, we’ll fight our way out.

  The offer was suicidal and they both knew it. She smiled, limiting the expression to a mere quirk of her lips.

  What’s the matter, pretty boy? Too much of a woman for you?

  Relief hit him, followed by a dark lust that sizzled through his veins. She wanted him, and that little expression cleared his conscience about what he was going to have to do. Slipping the leash on his inner beast, he growled and stalked her the few steps across the small alcove.

  Gasping in mock fear, she backed up until her ass hit the frame. Quick as a striking snake, he grabbed her wrists and hauled them above her head. The action rubbed her hardened nipples against his chest, the simple brush doing things to his cock that had to be illegal.

  “I’m gonna fuck you,” he promised in a low voice, no longer bothering with any pretence of how he felt. “Fast and hard, the dirtiest screw you’ve ever had. And you’re going to beg me for more.”


  His rough voice had always turned her on, but hearing it utter such crude words sent Naz’s arousal rocketing into the stratosphere. She’d never been attracted to the caring, sharing “new man” type that was so popular these days. No, she wanted a man who knew what he wanted and took it. She wanted a man she couldn’t walk all over, who fought her tooth and nail for control.

  She gasped, her breasts tingling as they rubbed against his hard chest. Outwardly, she played the part of the terrified little human about to get screwed by the big, bad were-dog, but her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Beg, huh? Sure you’re man enough? she taunted, stifling a grin as his eyes darkened and his nostrils flared. Catch a tiger by his tail…

  “Oh, I’m man enough for you,” he muttered as he reached down to lift and lock her leg into place on the frame. It was an adapted frame, allowing her to lie back with her arms and legs spread.

  She fought him for control of her ankle for a few seconds, but it didn’t take him long to capture the wayward limb and lock it into place. The second soon followed. She shivere
d as cool air played over her exposed cunt. Like this, she was fully open to view and to anything Tann wanted to do to her.

  Prove it.

  He held her gaze as he stepped closer. The erotic threat in his eyes sent a shiver of anticipation and need down her spine. She wriggled in her bonds as though trying to get away and threw him a hot look. She had no idea what he was going to do, but just the look on his face forced her body to clench tightly.

  He leaned close, so close the heat of his body beat at her skin and made her squirm. “Not. A. Problem.”

  In the next heartbeat, he swept his fingers across her exposed pussy and tweaked her clit. She hissed, her breath whistling over her teeth, but he wasn’t finished. Parting her lips, he thrust two broad fingers deep into her body.

  She moaned, a long, low sound of pleasure as her pussy tightened around his fingers. His jaw tightened, a muscle jumping in the corner as he pulled them out again, only to thrust back in.

  “Fuck me, you’re tight.” He kissed along her neck as he worked his fingers in and out of her, alternating a scissoring action with finger fucking her. “I’m going to shove my thick cock in here and stretch this tight little pussy. Would you like it, baby? You want to get fucked by an alpha dog?”

  She couldn’t frame a coherent response. Not when he curled his fingers back behind the hard ridge of her pelvis and hit her g-spot. She bit her lip, not realizing the whimpers and moans she heard were her own.

  He grinned, his teeth a flash of white, as he lifted his head to look at her. You’re loving this. That feel good? I bet it feels good. She wanted to tell him to quit freaking talking and just carry on, but the words wouldn’t come. He added his thumb over her clit, rubbing in tiny circles, making her think she was going to go up in flames there and then. Liquid heat flooded her cunt, bathing his fingers as heat coiled deep in her body.

  “Hmm,” he rumbled in approval, pulling his fingers from her and rubbing her own juices into her clit. He moved his hand and she pouted. Amusement flooded her mind from the telepathic link. Oh no, you don’t. You’re not coming yet.


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