Pleasure Extraordinaire 1 (PURSUIT)

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Pleasure Extraordinaire 1 (PURSUIT) Page 3

by Liv Bennett

  Michael stands and calls Julie to bring drinks for us. Shamelessly, I ask for a scotch. I’m signing a huge contract. I might as well celebrate it with some tasty liquor.

  My eyes scan the words floating on the paper, but none of them actually register in my brain. I don’t need alcohol, as the contract is making me feel drunk already.

  When Julie comes back with my drink, I give up on trying to understand the terms of the contract and glance up at Michael who is now standing beside the window by the table. “I’ll just sign it. I’m too agitated to understand a word, but it’s okay. I’d spend a year in jail for an income like that,” I blurt out a silly joke and hear Julie’s laughter.

  Michael dismisses her with a stern gaze. “We can modify the rules even after you sign them, but there’s one rule you have to adhere to, no matter what.”

  “Oh, which one is that?” I look down at the paper, working hard to concentrate on the words but, damn, it’s hard.

  “You can’t have a boyfriend, a male friend with benefits, one-night stands or anything that can put our pretend relationship in danger. Any other man you get involved with, even with an innocent kiss, is a reason to terminate the contract immediately, and you’ll have to pay back everything you earned to the last cent, including the car.”

  Even the inmates have a right to conjugal visits. One year without sex, not even a kiss? Just when I was dreaming about the feeling Michael’s tongue would leave in my mouth, on my skin… That means the upcoming year will be a reflection of my previous year. And I didn’t earn a penny from the abstinence last year. But, will I be able to keep my physical needs in check, particularly if I keep getting turned on each time Michael is around?

  I drop the papers onto the table and gather my hands on my lap. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Edric, will you please give us a minute?” Michael asks, and when Edric leaves, he pulls the chair on my other side and sits beside me. “May I ask what exactly it is that’s stopping you? Are you dating someone?”

  I shake my head and stare at his hands that are tapping gently on his knees. “I’m not dating anyone. I don’t actually see any problem for not dating for a year. That’s not the issue.”

  “Will you share with me what the issue is?”

  “If it will stay between us, and you won’t think anything bad about me.”

  “You can trust me on that.”

  I raise my regard, look directly into his eyes and see a fatherly concern in them. My heartbeats slow down, and my muscles relax in the warmth his presence radiates. “I’m a very physical person. I live for touches, kisses, and cuddling. I haven’t had any of that this past year, and I don’t think it’ll be easy if I pass another year without being intimate with a man.”

  His eyebrows arch up. His eyes widen, and his lips part with a smile. “I guess I’ve never had a woman so honest with me in my entire fifty-six-years of life.”

  He’s fifty-six? I would have guessed forty-something. Even that would be too old for my twenty-three short years of existence.

  Michael’s hand reaches over and covers mine. “I don’t want you to lack any physical satisfaction, especially not when I’m hiring you to have the man I love close to me.”

  “Really?” He has a male lover? Ouch! Then again, why am I even surprised?

  “I’m going to make an exception for you, for being honest with me.” He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and grabs a black business card out of it. Handing it to me, he says, “You still cannot have a boyfriend or date anyone. However, you can use the services this company provides.”

  I glance at the delicate card in my hand and run my fingers on the engraved letters in cursive red. “Pleasure Extraordinaire?”

  “It’s a high-class Lady’s Club where ladies can hire attractive men for sexual pleasure.”

  “Like a brothel?”

  “Yes, but only men work in that club to serve their female clientele. That’s the only place I can trust for confidentiality. They don’t accept everyone, and they run background checks on the applicants and make them sign NDA to protect the confidentiality of the other clients. Which is why I prefer them to the other similar business venues.”

  I smirk because he’s really considering the possibility of me going to a brothel for sex. I might not have had sex for a while, but I haven’t stooped so low. Yet. “I don’t know you, but I don’t think I’ll get pleasure from a man, knowing he’s doing it for money.”

  Laughter shakes his body, and he pats on my hand gently. “It’s not the kind of place you imagine. At least half of their employees are well-educated, wealthy men, who simply enjoy the idea of a woman paying them for a night of passion.”

  “Such men exist?”

  “Go see it for yourself. You’ll be surprised. I wish they accepted homosexuals, but it’s only for ladies. As for the contract, don’t rush yourself into it. Take as much time as you need and come back to me if you have questions.”

  “I’d like to have a day or two to think about it, but I’m afraid while I’m busy trying to decide, another girl will come and swipe the post away from my hands.”

  “I promise I’ll not consider another candidate until I get an answer from you.” He gets to his feet, and I stand beside him, clutching the contract and my purse.

  My physical needs aside, I’m going to have to find a way to explain my situation to Taylor, anyway. Or am I not allowed to talk about it to her either? “Michael, one more thing.”

  “Sure.” Michael slips his hands into the pockets of his black slacks and stares down at me with curious eyes.

  “How much of this can I share with my sister?”

  “Taylor Garnett? I’m afraid no part of it.”

  “She will be against the notion of me dating you, because you know, you’re one of the clients of her company. She’ll worry that if something goes wrong between us, the construction project you have with her company will be affected.”

  He takes a step back and gazes at something behind me, his hand cupping his chin. “That’s a good point, something I haven’t considered.”

  I try to picture how Adam, Taylor’s husband, will get all neurotic and paternal in an infantile way when he finds out I’m dating a man thirty plus years my senior. Worse if he learns the real reason behind it. I guess the easiest way to handle it is to keep Taylor and Adam in the dark regarding the contract, at least for the first months, until they get past the initial shock of me dating Michael.

  “I can assure you the arrangement between us will have no effect whatsoever on the construction project. However, if it will reassure you, I’ll add that to the contract, so you can be sure about my word,” Michael suggests, and I find myself nodding in agreement.

  “Sounds like the only way to go.” I grab my purse from the table and stuff it under my arm, while holding the contract in my hand. “I’ll let you know as soon as I decide.”

  “Have Edric set up an appointment for you over at the Pleasure Extraordinaire before you make a decision. His cellular number is on the contract as well as mine. Don’t hesitate to give either of us a call any time of the day.”

  “You’re being so helpful. I don’t know how I’ll have the nerve to decline you.” I give him a shy smile, hoping he won’t smile back and break another of my defenses. Why, God, why? Why do you create such a beautiful man and not allow us women to relish that level of beauty?

  3 - The Encounter

  Michael opens the door for me and gestures out with his hand. “I’m looking forward to your call.”

  As I walk past beside him, a brief touch of his hand on my shoulder sends small tremors through my body.

  “Have a good day, Michael,” I offer, stepping out and encounter the carbon of Michael’s brown eyes staring at me from across the room. My legs stop cold, and I gulp down a lump of shock as I analyze the rest of the face of the man staring at me with a curious expression. Michael’s pointy nose and shapely lips seem to have cloned themselves on this man. He mu
st be one of Michael’s sons. Zane or Chris.

  An awkwardly long moment passes before anyone speaks, while Michael’s clone and I stare at each other.

  “Zane, I’m glad you’re here, son. This is—” Michael’s words are cut off by the hand Zane raises sharply.

  “Miss Lindsay Doheny,” he says, approaching me with slow steps and grabs my hand gently. Rather than shaking it, he lifts it up for a kiss. His lips softly brush my knuckles, and I feel the moist tip of his tongue tingle my fingers, moistening them. My stomach flutters as if an entire colony of butterflies is flapping their wings at the same time inside me. I manage to give him a quick once-over, taking in as much as of his sturdy figure, the exquisite way his navy-blue suit hugs what I imagine an athlete’s body. “Iron Slap herself is in the same building as I, yet nobody cares to warn me about it.”

  Oh, Iron Slap. When will I ever lose that label? I guess never. I offer a shy smile, working hard, very hard, not to show the aphrodisiac effect of the touch of his soft hand on my overly sensitive skin.

  “You look much lovelier in real life.”

  I realize I’ve yet to make a comment; I need to say something or I’ll risk appearing dumb. “Thank you,” I whisper without breaking our eye-contact, nor pulling my hand out of his grip.

  If I could spend a night of passion with this man, I’d sign the contract with Michael right away. I’m sure as hell Zane will take me to places that’ll provide me with enough sexual satisfaction for a whole year. I might be praised for my honesty, but there’s no way I’m sharing that naughty thought with anyone.

  “Lindsay, this is my oldest son, Zane,” Michael finally says, and I feel forced to pull my hand away from the gorgeous man in front of me. But not my eyes. They’re still glued to his chocolate-brown irises. “Zane, Miss Doheny is already taken.”

  Zane flashes a one-sided, seductive smile that feels like it has a direct connection to my sex. I find myself taking a step back to save myself from his strong aura and glance up at Michael. He gives me a warm, calming smile, probably reading my overreaction to his son. Never in my life have I felt so uncomfortable around men, as I do right now with Michael and Zane.

  “What do you mean she’s already taken?” Zane echoes my thoughts. Oh, the contract. I don’t look at him but shiver, hopefully not visibly, at the warmth of his breath reaching my face.

  “I should probably go,” I say to Michael, and both men step back to give me space to walk through. “I’ll call you in a few days.” I wave at Michael and my eyes land for a second on Zane. That brief moment of seeing the fire in his eyes has me gasping. I pace toward the door to hide the embarrassing reactions my body is giving. Julie mentions something about a company car waiting for me outside to take me home and opens the door for me.

  I hurry down the corridor and punch the elevator key. It’ll be better for everyone involved if I leave the building as soon as possible. The elevator doors slide open with a ding, and I step in. Just when I spin on my heels to press the button for the lobby, my elbow bumps into someone behind me. That someone being Zane. Oh, my frigging shit.

  He winces in pain, pressing his hand on the spot where my elbow hit his ribcage. “You’re damn strong. Now I have first-hand proof that your video was real. If just your elbow causes so much pain…”

  I cover my cheeks in shock, feeling the heat of complete embarrassment flashing across my face. “Oh, my god. Zane… Ahh… Mr. Hawkins, I’m so sorry.”

  The elevator doors close and open again as Zane stands in between them.

  He steps in beside me, a hint of smile curving up his lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll survive.”

  “In my defense, I didn’t see you.”

  His smile broadens and he stands beside me so close that the sleeve of his jacket brushes against my arm. “You’re probably the only woman who’s told me that.”

  I frown, trying to process what he’s implying, then grin once the bulb in my mind flashes with realization. Oh, I clearly see you that way. “I’m really sorry. I should have paid attention. I was lost in my thoughts and moved without looking.”

  The elevator doors close at last, but no one dares push a button.

  “What kind of thoughts?” Zane asks. “Oh, yeah, I can guess what kind. It’s not easy to be my father’s pretend girlfriend.”

  He knows. But, why am I surprised that he’s aware of his father’s sexual preference. In any case, I shouldn’t speak any further about the contract if he’s unaware of the details of the arrangements Michael undertakes to hide his sexual liking.

  “He might seem easygoing at first, even friendly,” Zane starts. “But he’s a demanding man. He’ll want to get involved in every aspect of your life. You’ll not be able to go out for a simple lunch with friends without first having his permission. He’ll ask you to read what he wants you to read, watch what he wants you to watch and eat what he wants you to eat. He’ll follow your every step. You won’t have the freedom to breathe without his permission. Losing your independence isn’t worth the fame being with my father will bring you.”

  I search his face to catch a glimpse of what he’s actually trying to say. “I’m not doing it for fame. I’m famous already, remember? Iron Slap.” I start to lift my hand to emphasize my point, but he steps closer to me as if the distance between us wasn’t small enough and grabs my arm with a tight hold.

  “That’s right. Then what is it that you’re after, Miss Iron Slap? Wait a minute. Did he offer you money? He’s never offered money to his fake girlfriends. Only a few jewelries here and there and clothes to wear at the events he takes them to. But, money. Never.”

  I yank my arm away and finally press the button for the lobby, putting a safe distance between us. “I’m not really allowed to talk about the contract, although I haven’t signed it yet.”

  “How much?” he asks as if I haven’t just told him about my unwillingness to give him any more details. “Ten, twenty, fifty… Hundred?”

  I stare at the buttons, ignoring him, or at least trying to pretend as if I’m ignoring him. In reality though, I’m hyper-aware of his firm body, his deep voice, and his musky scent. What’s that sexy fragrance? If I inhale just a tad more deeply, I’ll drop down on my knees and finger myself to cool down the fire between my legs.

  “More than a hundred?” he continues with his self-talk, because I’m neither responding nor looking at his direction. “That’s insane. It’s not normal. He must have something else in mind to hire you, and I’m sure it’s not related to your fame. He doesn’t spend a penny without making sure he’ll get at least three times more. If he’s paying you the amount I have in mind, you can bet your ass he has no simple intentions, like covering up his homosexuality.”

  “Please, Mr. Hawkins. I’m in no position to discuss this with you.” The elevator stops, and I step out to escape him and his words.

  Michael wants to hire me because he needs a pretend girlfriend. Nothing more, nothing less. What else can I possibly have that a multi-millionaire tycoon would want? My encounter with him was perfectly by chance. No secret agenda, no dangerous plans. It’s not like I have access to governmental data or know his competition personally. A girl he can trust is all he needs.

  I don’t tell Zane any of my thoughts, because I’m afraid I’ll breech the contract without even having signed it. I just nod my head and wish him a great afternoon before the elevator doors close.

  Only when I leave the building, I feel how hot with anger my body has become. The cold hits me and makes my chin tremble. Holding on to my jacket, I hurry toward the car that’s waiting at the base of the stairs.

  Michael’s son might be too handsome to be true, but he’s also nosy, mischievous, and definitely disloyal for speaking so badly behind his own father’s back. I realize my hands are shaking with irritation as I give my address to the driver.

  4 - The Decision

  I purposefully stay away from Taylor and Adam to gain some time to think over the contract without having their
opinion influence me. I’ve been restless for two nights, going back and forth between the decisions of continuing with my hopeless job hunt to take the higher road and signing the contract to fatten my bank account.

  Can Michael have ulterior motives for hiring me?

  I still fail to see any advantage in any area that an ordinary girl like me can bring him, besides the one he’s openly and honestly hiring me for. If I was a rare beauty, I might have a slight suspicion about Michael planning to sell me to his clients, but I am not. My short height, ordinary face, dark-brown eyes and hair, and b-cup breasts hardly meet the requirements to be called cute, but not really beautiful. I’m just an insignificant drop in the ocean of single girls in L.A. What could I have that a wealthy and powerful man might want besides the obvious?

  As I always do, I turn to the internet for answers. After two days of staring at Michael’s Wikipedia page, I’ve practically memorized every word on it, and I must say it’s a long one.

  His accomplishments start with Hawkins Radio Corporation. He started working at a small radio station in San Diego at the age of sixteen, then bought it five years later when it was about to close down and turned it into the most popular radio station, despite the presence of TV, laying the foundations of today’s powerful Hawkins Media Group at the tender age of twenty.

  He didn’t study, didn’t even finish high school, but managed to turn a humble radio station into one of the biggest and most influential networks with twelve subsidiaries, making me feel embarrassed of my unemployed status despite the double majors I hold.

  Michael married his wife at the age of twenty five, had his first kids, Zane and Chloe, in the two consecutive years right after their marriage. It’s clear; Michael doesn’t waste time. His third child, Chris, was born five years after Chloe’s birth, which makes him twenty-five now.

  After losing his wife to cancer a decade ago, Michael hasn’t married again. I wonder at which point Michael realized his homosexual tendencies. Perhaps he knew it all along but went for the traditional life style with a wife and kids to boost his image as a successful businessman by being a beloved father and husband. Or, he was just a late bloomer.


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