The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History

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by J. Smith

  Frankfurt 31–32, 69, 84, 171. See also Startbahn West

  Frankfurter Rundschau 86–87, 183, 342; interview with Helmut Pohl (1991) 333–344

  Frankfurt School 16, 20, 214

  Freie Demokratische Partei. See FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei)

  Freie Deutsche Jugend (FDJ) 179, 340

  Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional. See Sandinistas

  Frey, Stefan 286, 388

  FRG Relatives Committee 27, 103, 380; eighth collective hunger strike (1981) 153, 176, 384

  Friderichs, Hans 312n,

  Friedland (doctor) 158

  Friedrich-Ebert-Stifung 308

  Friedrich, Ralf Baptist 128, 134, 349, 383. See also RAF dropouts

  Friends of the 2nd of June Movement 132

  Fritzsch, Ronald 349; captured (1975) 58; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978-1979) 64, 377; Regarding the Alleged Dissolution of the 2nd of June Movement (1980) 132, 140–149; social revolutionary politics 64n,

  Frühschoppen 300

  FSLN (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional). See Sandinistas

  Fuerzas Populares de Liberación (FPL) 305n,

  Gairy, Eric 123

  Garski, Dietrich 164

  Garski scandal 164–165

  Garstka, Hans-Jürgen 106

  Gaughan, Michael 176

  Gebhard, Gabriele 188, 201

  Geißler, Heiner 314n,

  generations 75, 164; APO 17n, 83–92, 126; conflict 216, 220; post-APO 75–76, 94, 125–126, 151, 164, 167–168, 202, 213, 288–289, 320; and RAF 28n, 191, 220, 253, 296

  Geneva Convention; and RAF prisoners 33–34, 102, 112, 115, 192, 261n, 373, 376, 380, 384; application opposed by NATO 177

  Genscher, Hans-Dietrich 199, 349. See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1983)

  Gérard, Jean Paul 131, 350, 382

  German Association for Foreign Policy 306

  German Autumn 38–45, 84, 131n, 373–375; broader repression 44–45, 52, 82, 255, 270, 277; discussed by 2nd of June Movement 73, 137–138, 144; discussed by RAF and prisoners 43–44, 150, 152, 212–213, 215–216, 232–233, 236–237, 246–248, 297–303, 311–312; effect on FRG left 43–45, 84–87, 92n, 212–213, 233n, 269n; effect on prison conditions 93, 95, 112, 114. See also Contact Ban; effect on support scene 94, 100–101, 128, 211–213, 233, 252; effect on the RAF 43–45, 127–128, 211–213, 217–218, 330, 335

  German Democratic Republic (East Germany). See also Stasi; dissolution 333, 340–341, 343n; and West German guerilla 46–47, 68–69, 134–136, 183–184, 227, 333–340, 377, 383; and revolution in West 336–337

  German Olympic Committee 306n,

  Geus, Friedrich (Judge) 64, 377

  GIGN (Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) xxi, 130

  GIM (Groupe Internationale Marxisten) xxii

  Giordano, Egon 189

  Giordano, Paula 189

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valery 311

  Göbel, Wolfgang 373

  Goder, Angelika 350; captured (1978) 67, 377; anti-imperialist politics 64n; in prison 68, 103–104, 380

  Goemans, Johannes 55, 350, 378

  Görlach (doctor) 158

  Grams, Wolfgang 54–55, 350

  Grand Coalition 16

  Grashof, Manfred 261, 350, 368

  Gratt, Thomas 60, –61 i, 350, 375

  Green Party 88, 272, 349, 360, 363–365, 387; conservative influence 223, 272, 281, 295n; and radical left 226, 272, 277n; mentioned by 2nd of June Movement 147

  Grenada 123, 304, 306, 387

  Grey Wolves 175

  Groenewold, Kurt 205, 350; trial (1978) 101, 376–377

  Grosser, Karl 187, i, 202, 350

  Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) xxi, 130

  Groupe Internationale Marxisten xxii

  Gruppe 47 365

  Grußaktion an die politischen Gefangenen (Greetings Action to the Political Prisoners, 1983) 279–281, 387

  GSG-9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9) xxii, 52, 228, 308, 350; and Celle Hole (1977) 163; in Mogadishu 40, 45

  Guattari, Felix 85

  Guevara, Che 144, 234, 305, 307

  Haag, Siegfried 105, 350

  Haag, Sybille 100, 155, 350

  Haddad, Waddi 72, 228, 351, 376

  Hafenstraße squats 209, 385

  Haig, Alexander 173, 351, 383; attempted assassination (1979) 106–107; visit to West Berlin (1981) 179, 181–182, 385

  Hamburg 97, 128, 152, 171, 189, 209, 270, 278, 348

  Hamburger Aktion Zentrum 348

  Hamburg Friedenskoordination 189

  Hamburg Info-Büro 278

  Hammerschmidt, Katharina 24, 351, 369, 371

  Hansen, Hans-Wilhelm 55, 351, 378

  Happe, Manuela 286, 351, 388

  Harb, Nabil 40, 351

  Härlin, Benny 277, 351

  Hassan, Abu. See Salameh, Ali Hassan

  Hausner, Siegfried 28, 193, 351, 371

  Heißler, Rolf 106, i, 351; freed in Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 57n, 371; killings at Dutch border (1978) 55; captured (1979) 105–106, 380; trial (1982) 386; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; criticism of 1983 amnesty campaign 269n; mentioned by RAF prisoners 119

  Helbing, Monika 128, 134, 352, 383. See also RAF dropouts

  Heldmann, Hans-Heinz 136n,

  Herlitz, Heinz 157

  Herold, Horst 28–29, 33, 352, 368. See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt); mentioned by RAF 302; takes early retirement 257, 384

  Hofmann, Sieglinde 352; captured and released (1978, Yugoslavia) 51, 53, 329, 377–378; captured and extradited (1980) 129–131, 382; trial (1981- 1982) 188, 250–251, 385–386; hunger strike (1982) 188; and allegations by Susanne Albrecht 341n; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332

  Hogefeld, Birgit 101, 178, 352

  Holland; and RAF 39, 49, 55, 374, 378; and RAF prisoners 94, 375–376, 378; antiguerilla operations 39, 163

  Hoplitschek, Ernst 87

  Hoppe, Werner 96, i, 352; captured (1971) 35n, 368; release demanded by Entebbe skyjackers (1976) 372; in Stammheim (1977) 35–36; health crisis and 1979 release 95–98, 378–379

  Hornstein, Inga 151, 381

  housing 164. See also squats

  How Do I Make a Molotov Cocktail? (Wie baue ich einen Molotow-Cocktail, film) 356

  hunger strikes. See RAF prisoners; See Northern Ireland: hunger strikes (1980, 1981)

  Hutt, Heidi 388

  hyperbole 80n, 225

  IKSG. See International Commission for the Protection of Prisoners and Against Isolation Torture (IKSG)

  immigrant workers 164, 174

  Info-BUG 44, 86

  informants (in the movement) and infiltrators 99, 129, 136, 189, 283

  informants (post-arrest) and crown witnesses 184, 231, 251–253, 336, 371–372, 385. See also Boock, Peter- Jürgen; See also Dellwo, Hans-Joachim; See also Speitel, Volker; See also Müller, Gerhard

  Info System 101

  INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) xxii, 174, 195, 384. See also IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party)

  INPOL computer database xxii, 325. See also computers

  Institute for Strategic Studies 375

  International Commission for the Protection of Prisoners and Against Isolation Torture (IKSG) xxii, 152, 192; founded 103, 380

  International Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Europe (IVK) xxii, 27, 94, 103; founded 370; rendered defunct 101, 380

  Internationale Untersuchungskommission zum Tod von Ulrike Meinhof. See International Investigatory Commission into the Death of Ulrike Meinhof

  International Federation of Women 154

  International Investigatory Commission into the Death of Ulrike Meinhof 32, 103, 372, 379, 380

  International Revolutionary Group. See Revolutionary Cells: international wing

  International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women 89

  IRA (Irish Republican Army) 107, 293; prisoners 174, 195–196, 384

  Iran 71. See also Shah of Iran (Pahla
vi); Islamic Revolution (1979) 122–123, 379; mentioned by guerilla 138, 199

  Iraq 123, 146; and West German guerilla 49, 59, 69

  Ireland. See Northern Ireland

  Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) xxii, 174, 195, 384. See also IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party)

  Irish Republican Army. See IRA (Irish Republican Army)

  IRSP (Irish Republican Socialist Party) xxii, 176. See also Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)

  isolation torture xvi–xvii, 24–25. See also Contact Ban; applied to political prisoners 29n, 35, 67, 93, 95, 106, 112n, 114–115, 151, 162, 188, 253n, 269n, 368, 379; as “Auschwitz” reborn 277n; condemned by Amnesty International 102–103, 154, 323, 379; condemned by Russell Tribunal 323, 326, 379; health effects 93, 95, 102, 379; in France 130, 382; in Holland 94; in United States xvi; small group isolation 102, 192–195

  Israel 122. See also Mossad; and Palestine 260, 269; invasion of Lebanon (1982) 227, 362, 386; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 115, 269, 308, 312; target of guerillas 71, 228, 259, 353. See also Entebbe/Air France skyjacking (1976)

  Italy 8n, 10n, 126, 164. See also Red Brigades; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 26, 115, 193, 200, 307–308, 313; partisan struggle in WW2 2–3,; prison conditions 26, 130, 270, 313n; repression 178, 308, 313n; solidarity actions 31

  IVK (International Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Europe) xxii, 27, 94, 103; founded 370; rendered defunct 101, 380

  Jaeckel, Günther 334

  jailhouse conversions; via harsh conditions 253; via relaxed conditions 263, 271, 313n,

  Jakobsmeier, Ingrid 352; dpa occupation (1978) 97n; visit to GDR (1984) 334; captured (1984) 286, 388

  Johnson, Paul 177, 383

  Jong, Dirk “Dionysius” de 55, 348, 378

  Jordan (1970 trip) 22, 259, 334, 367

  Julian Lahaut Commando 107

  Jünschke, Klaus 352; captured (1972) 24, 369; takes distance from RAF (1977) 261; campaign for amnesty (1982) 269–270

  Jusos xxvi, 262, 365; and peace movement 223, 281

  Kamp-Münnichow, Karin 129–131, 352, 382

  Kampuchea. See Cambodia

  Karry, Heinz Herbert 166, 352

  Keplinger, Othmar 60, –61 i, 352, 375

  K-groups 21n, 78, 87–89, 101, 214. See also KPD/AO (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Aufbauorganisation); See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [Maoist]; See also KPD/ ML (Kommunistische Partei Deutschland/ Marxisten-Leninisten)

  Khaddafi, Muammar 258, 353, 378

  Kiefernstraße squats 209, 385

  Kissinger, Henry 303, 312

  Klar, Christian 228, i, 353; squatting (1970s) 210; Buback assassination (1977) 34, i; almost captured (1978) 54, 378; Zurich bank robbery (1979) 109–111, 381; attack on Kroesen (1981) 186. See also RAF: attempted assassination of U.S. General Frederick Kroesen (1981); captured (1982) 228–229, 387; trial (1984) 286, 292; trial statement (1984) 297–303, 388; and allegations by former guerillas 184, 341n; and GDR 337–338; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; on psychological warfare 28n, 229n, 297, 300; on RAF’s impact 21

  Klein, Hans-Joachim 71–72, 266, –267 i, 353

  Kletzhändler, Edith 109, 353, 381

  Klöckner, Michael 277, 353

  Klöpper, Gerald 353; captured (1975) 58; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978- 1979) 64, 377; distances himself from guerilla 64n, 88n,

  Klump, Andrea 101n, 353

  Knastgruppe Bochum (Bochum Prison Group) 217

  Knoll, Michael 55, 96–97, 354, 378

  Knopse, Klaus (Judge) 286

  Kohl, Helmut 254, 354, 387. See also CDU-CSU-FDP Coalition (1983- 1998); mentioned by RAF and prisoners 114, 199, 247, 288–289, 312

  Kommune 1 354, 363

  Kommune 2 358

  Kommunistische Bund 78, 101

  Kommunistische Bund Westdeutschland 78

  Kontaktsperre. See Contact Ban

  Koopmans, Ruud 79, 227n,

  Kornek, Otto 59

  KPD/AO (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Aufbauorganisation) xxiii, 262, 370

  KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [Maoist] xxii, 81, 87–88

  KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet] xxii, 189, 348, 356. See also DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei)

  KPD/ML (Kommunistische Partei Deutschland/Marxisten-Leninisten) xxii–xxiii, xxv, 27i, 162

  Krabbe, Hanna 28, 354, 371

  Kranenberg, Arie 374

  Krause, Petra 371

  Kreisky, Bruno 59, 258, 308, 354

  Krobs, Inge 387

  Kröcher-Tiedemann, Gabriele 61n, 354; freed in Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 57, 371; and OPEC raid (1975) 71; captured (1977) 61, 376; anti-imperialist politics 64n; prison conditions in Switzerland 154

  Kroesen, Frederick 182–184, 354, 385. See also RAF: attempted assassination of U.S. General Frederick Kroesen (1981)

  Krumm, Karl-Heinz 342

  Kuby, Christine 354; captured (1978) 49–50, 329, 376; trial (1979) 380; hunger strike (1980) 151, 381; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332

  Kuhlmann, Brigitte 372. See also Entebbe/ Air France skyjacking (1976)

  Kühn, Heinz 300

  Kuhn, Horst (Judge) 35, 155

  Kunzelmann, Dieter 88, 226–227, 354; on prison conditions 253

  Kupperman, Robert 313

  Kurds 175

  Kurras, Karl-Heinz 17, 64, 366, 377

  Kuwait 123

  Labour Party (UK) 174

  Lafontaine, Oskar 167

  Lapeyre, Michel 131, 354, 382

  Latin American guerilla 143, 300, 302, 305. See also FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional); See also Sandinistas; See also Tupamaros (Uruguay)

  lawyers, attacks on 29–30, 101, 105, 376–377, 383. See also Müller, Arndt; See also Croissant, Klaus; See also Newerla, Armin; condemned by Russell Tribunal 322–323, 326, 379

  Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (FARL) 376

  Lebanon 227, 258, 386; and West German guerillas 23, 353, 362, 386; mentioned by Mohnhaupt 305–306

  Lenk, Sabine 167

  Lex Baader-Meinhof 29–30, 370

  Libya 8n, 71, 353, 359; lack of support for RAF 258, 260, 378

  Liewald, Waltraud 50–51, 354

  Liste aktiver unorganisierter Studenten 167

  LKA (Landeskriminalamt) xxiii, 29n, 52, 280n, 343

  Lochte, Christian 107n, 189, 270, i–271, 354

  “long march through the institutions” 167. See also generations: APO

  Lorderer, Eugen 70

  Lorenz, Peter 355. See also 2nd of June Movement: Lorenz kidnapping (1975)

  Lotze, Werner 134, 348, 355, 383. See also RAF dropouts; work on Russell Tribunal (1978) 101n; joins RAF (1978) 128; avoids capture (1978) 55, 378; cooperated with investigators 365

  Loudil, Klaus Dieter 163, 355

  Ludwig, Karl-Heinz 162, 355

  Lummer, Heinrich 283, 355; antiterrorist grandstanding 254; crackdown on squats 166, 207–208

  Luze, George 70

  Maaske, Dag 101n, 229

  MAD (Military Counter-Intelligence Service) xxiii, 325

  Magg, Karola 129–131, 355, 382

  Mahler, Horst 261, i, 355; expelled from RAF (1974) 367, 370; refuses to be freed in Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 57n, 371; dialog with Gerhart Baum (1979) 261–262, 382

  Maier-Witt, Silke 54, 134, 355, 383. See also RAF dropouts; joins RAF (1977) 128; stories about planned attacks 56

  Maihofer, Werner 61n, 256, 355, 377; mentioned by RAF 314

  Mali 364

  Mao tse Tung 140, 144

  Marighella, Carlos 11, 45, 302

  Matthes, Susanne 387

  Mauss, Werner 136n, 163

  May 15 group 376

  Mayer, Roland 355; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332

  May Paper 232–248, 385; appreciated by prisoners 220–221; authorship 220; criticized by anti-imperialists 216–219; criticized by Autonomen 215; criticized by Karl-Heinz Dellwo 215–216; mentioned by RAF 289; on �
�77 offensive 212–213, 232–233, 236–237, 246–248; on “aboveground RAF” 239; on cooperation with other guerilla groups 237; outline of Anti-Imperialist Front 211–214, 235, 238–243; on East-West conflict 235, 244; on European integration 236–237, 246; on the Federal Republic of Germany 236–237, 242, 246–247; on guerilla struggle in FRG 234–235. See also herein outline of Anti-Imperialist Front; on imperialism’s current situation 235–236, 240–241, 244; on liberation 244–245; on metropole and Third World 234, 243–244; on metropolitan focus 236, 241–245; on neocolonialism 243, 247; on prisoners’ importance 246; on radical left 240; on radical subjectivity 233–235, 237; on transforming the political situation into a military situation 241, 248

  Mayr, Hans 70

  Meinhof, Ulrike 19, 356. library breakout (1970) 19, 367; Statement to the Red Aid Teach-In (1972) 368; captured (1972) 24, 369; release demanded by Black September (1972) 259; interviewed by Spiegel (1975) 370; Stammheim trial (1976) 30, 250, 365; death in Stammheim (1976) 30–32, 372, 379; effect of death 31–32, 34, 38, 41; on isolation torture 25; mentioned by RAF 193, 373

  Meins, Holger 356; captured (1972) 24, 369; death during hunger strike (1974) 26, 370; effect of death 26, –27 i, 71, 267, 370; on force-feeding 36; mentioned by RAF 193; ringleader thesis 250

  MEK (Mobiles Einsatzkommando) 228

  Meyer, Barbara 353

  Meyer, Horst 353

  Meyer, Till 47, 57i, 356; jailbreak and recapture (1978) 65–67, 66i, 377; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978-1979) 64, 377; anti-imperialist politics 64n, 66; participation in RAF prisoners hunger strikes 94

  MfS (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit). See Stasi

  militant women’s movement 92, i, 168, 170, –172 i, 387. See also Women Against Imperialist War; See also feminist movement; and eighth hunger strike (1981) 154, 384; and RAF 170–172, 213; and Revolutionary Cells 170; and squats 209

  military bases, U.S. 368. See also RAF: attack on U.S. Air Force in Ramstein (1981)

  Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla. See Marighella, Carlos

  Minister of the Interior. See Maihofer, Werner; See Baum, Gerhart; See Zimmermann, Friedrich

  Mitterand government amnesty 131n,

  Mobiles Einsatzkommando 228

  Model Germany 76–77i. See also RAF ideas on: social democracy

  Mogadishu/Lufthansa skyjacking (1977) 39–40, 47, 374. See also German Autumn; 2JM opinions of 66, 73, 144; criticized 48, i, 144, 247–248; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 193, 233, 247–248. See also RAF ideas on: the ‘77 offensive


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