The Witching Hour (The Grim Reaper Saga (Urban Fantasy Romance))

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The Witching Hour (The Grim Reaper Saga (Urban Fantasy Romance)) Page 19

by Marie Hall

  Smirking, he shook his head. To think she’d gone through a séance just to find out where he lived. She fascinated him, everything about her. Eve was fire and passion, a woman with a dark past who’d come so far.

  Her soft, even breathing warred with the mechanical rhythm of the grandfather clock in the hallway. The hands of time were ticking away and all he could do was helplessly stand by and watch it move on.

  Sometime later, he wasn’t sure how much she rolled over. Her moans growing louder and louder. Hearing those mewls, seeing her body undulate and move, he had no doubt what she was dreaming about. His lips quirked, his cock twitched.

  To touch her, to taste her, he’d give almost anything to have her now.

  As if sensing his gaze, her eyes fluttered open. “Cian,” her voice was so soft, tremulous.


  “Do you feel it?”

  He wasn’t sure what she meant. He looked out the window. “Feel what?”

  “The fire. Do you feel it?”

  His heart stuttered. He licked his lips. His testes ached so bad he could barely remember a time they didn’t anymore.

  She dragged her foot along the length of his calf, her touch sizzled. It burned, made him crave. Want. His breathing grew sharp and heavy.

  “I feel it,” he muttered, feeling secure in the shadows to utter the truth. Sensing the dark would take his words, hold them sacred, keep them safe.

  Her eyes were liquid pools. Golden drops of brilliance. “I want you so bad. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone else.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. She had no idea, no clue how much those words made him tremble. Like his world had tipped on its side. He’d known how much she loved Michael, how much a part of her still did. That she could say that to him…

  “Eve.” Her name on his lips was a promise, a whisper of something he could not put into words.

  She crawled on him, her breasts smushed into his chest. Goddess he wanted this so bad, to rip the clothes from her body, bury himself in her warm haven and forget.

  “I need you, Cian. I have from the moment we met. I need you to touch me, to ease the fire in my blood.” She kissed his neck, her scent wrapped him up, made him dizzy and he groaned. His fingers dug into her firm backside, kneading, petting.

  He couldn’t believe he was about to say this. She was everything he wanted, she was throwing herself at him and goddess if it wasn’t tempting but… “Eve, you’re half asleep--”

  Her tongue flicked at his neck. A moan rumbled from his chest, from the deepest pit of his soul. “Eve…”

  “I’m not asleep. I’m awake. Alive. For the first time in a long time. Kiss me, Cian.”

  “Lass.” But that was all he could say, there were so many reasons why they shouldn’t do this. Why they couldn’t. But her pants, her moans, drowned out all reason. He’d show her she wasn’t the only one feeling the fire. With his tongue, his body.

  Cian growled, and rolled them over, pinning her beneath him. She wiggled, squirmed, and he ground his erection between her thighs. “Is that what you want?”

  She threw her head back, her lips parted in a tiny ‘o’. “Yes, goddess yes.”

  He was pure instinct now. She was a feast laid out for him, begging him to taste, to suckle. Cian crawled down her body.

  “No, Cian… please.”

  No sex. He couldn’t cross that line, but there were other ways to gain pleasure. For them both.

  His hands were rough as he ripped her sleep pants down the sides. She gasped and then smiled when he yanked on her thong.

  “Ohhhh,” she moaned.

  He grunted, any other time he would have taken his time. Whipped her up slowly, hot kisses trailing a path down her neck, her breasts, teasing her navel and then maybe laving the sensitive skin between her thighs, but he was hungry. Crazy for the sight of her. The taste of her flesh in his mouth.

  He ripped the flimsy thong off and then sat on his knees, stunned to silence for a moment. She was shaved. There wasn’t a hair to hide the peachy perfection of her dewy slit. She spread her legs and stuck her finger in her mouth. She was unashamed of her nudity, her eyes glinted with lust and something nameless, foreign. She stared at him as he stared at her. “Eve,” her name ripped from his throat like a benediction.

  “I’m all yours, Cian.” Then, slowly and with practiced ease, she took the finger she’d been sucking on and traced it up her slit. “All yours.”

  He was an animal. Cian took her finger, sucked on it hard, tasting her sweet essence. Letting it settle on his tongue like nectar. But one taste wasn’t enough. “I’m sorry, lass,” he crooned, “canna be gentle. So sorry.”

  He shoved her legs down hard on the mattress and settled between her thighs, taking her swollen nub into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

  Her nails were tiny claws scraping at his scalp and she lifted off the bed, her thighs trapping his head as she rubbed herself on his face. “Don’t want gentle,” she panted, “want you.”

  Then there were no more words as he sucked, tasted and devoured. Running his tongue down the long wet length of her. She was a wild crazy thing, her groans growing in pitch and intensity.

  Cian couldn’t stop from touching himself. He pulled back just enough to take himself in hand and rubbed hard, his vision grew blurry.

  “I’m coming, Cian,” she keened, her knees trembled, and then she was spasming on him, giving him everything she had and Cian roared as his seed blasted from his body with a force of that left him reeling and seeing spots.

  They lay there stunned, breathless. Her hands were gentle, rubbing his hair. “Come here.”

  Exhausted, he crawled back up her body. She hugged him, her small arms wrapped tight around his body. His lips found hers and she kissed him back. But it wasn’t possession, or lust, this kiss held something both were too afraid to whisper, but felt to the depths of their soul.

  He rolled over with a sigh and she snuggled into his chest. Then her breathing grew heavy and he knew she’d fallen back asleep. He smiled and joined her.

  She was beautiful waking up, a lazy dance of limbs stretching out and back arcing up. Eve reminded him of a petal opening to face the sunlight after a long sleep.

  Her lashes fluttered a second before finally opening. She blinked a few times and then turned to look at him, sleep still in her eyes.

  “Good morning. Or should I say good night?”

  He knew the moment she remembered what they’d shared last night, her cheeks filled with pink. Her lips twisted and she glanced to her right. She bit her bottom lip and though he’d tasted her once, he knew in that moment if she wanted to, he’d be more than happy to oblige. He would never get enough of Eve.

  “Last night was ah…” She licked her lips, still unable to look at him.

  “Me too.” He grabbed her hand and placed it against his chest.

  She finally looked at him, within her eyes he read that same foreignness he’d read last night. That gentle flutter of something both infinite and profound. He trembled and she shook her head.

  “So umm… how long were we out?”

  He turned to look out the window, navy blue and violet streaks raced across the endless expanse of sky. “Pretty long.”

  “Huh?” She glanced at the bedroom clock and then gasped, sitting up and clutching the sheet to her chest. “I slept for almost ten hours? I gotta go. I gotta...” she jumped to her feet and ran toward the door, “the meeting! Oh my goddess.”

  She was a vision, bare breasts bouncing with her hurried steps. Full swell of her backside flexing with each stride. His blood hummed.

  “Hey. Hey.” He caught up to her and grabbed her elbow. “Calm down. You should probably wait to put on something a little warmer. And what meeting?”

  “What?” She glanced down, eyes going wide, finally noticing she was nude. She blushed again and if she didn’t seem to be in such a panic to leave, he’d be pulling her back to the bed for the sequel. “Where are--”

nbsp; He jerked his thumb behind his shoulder. “Hanging over the chair. You looked a little uncomfortable last night so I--”

  “But I thought you tore my clothes.” The blush was still firmly settled in her cheeks. She bit her bottom lip and he couldn’t stop himself from touching the spot with his finger.

  Hunger replaced the panic in her gaze. “More time. Goddess, what I wouldn’t give for more time,” she moaned.

  It was obvious that she needed to go, with a sigh, he stepped back. “I tore some shorts and a shirt I put you in. The thong’s gone.”

  She raised a brow. “Changed me in my sleep, you dirty boy. But that’s okay. Commando-R-Us, that’s me.” She winked and he growled.

  “More time,” he said.

  “More time,” she agreed with a nod.

  Eve walked to the chair, grabbed her clothes and slipped them back on. The jeans and turtleneck once again hugged her curves.

  Very luscious curves at that. His eyes traveled the length of her body, a slow heated perusal, no longer having to imagine what that body looked like beneath. Her desire coiled inside him and he grinned, staring at her face. Blood pooled between his thighs, engorging him, making him instantly hard and ready.

  She narrowed her eyes, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. “What I wouldn’t give to know and do what’s going through that mind of yours.”

  “Might frighten you.”

  “Hmm. If that’s a challenge I think I’m up to the task.”

  He inclined his head, an answering grin on her face. “So what’s this meeting?”

  “Just a gathering held each month where each species has a delegate speak on their behalf and give the happenings of what’s going on in their territories. A must attend for business owners. It keeps us up to date and it’s good place to mingle, make trades. That sorta thing. I’ve never missed one.” She smoothed out the flyaway curls gathered around her face and grinned. “Anyway, Cian, thanks for letting me crash and that other stuff.”

  She was so cute when she got shy. How a woman could be so wanton and sexy in bed and then shy about it afterwards confused him, but also made his blood boil. She’d never be boring.

  “It’s never a problem.”

  She rocked back on her heels, shoving her hands down her back pocket. “It’s getting pretty late. I really need to go.”

  He ground his jaw and took a step forward. Though he really didn’t want to do what he was about to suggest, neither was he willing to let her just walk away.

  “Take me to the gathering with you.”

  She shook her head, her eyes narrowing into slits. “Seriously? You want to go there with me? It’s just a boring meeting.”

  “I don’t want you to go alone. It’s dangerous at this time of night.”

  Eve reached out and patted his cheek with a soft smile. “That’s really nice of you. But I’m a big girl and I can tell you don’t really want to go.” She touched her ruby stone necklace. “I’ve got this. I’ll be fine.”

  He turned his head, planting a kiss on her palm.

  She sucked in a breath, golden eyes growing soft. Sexual tension arced through the air like electricity. The rich scent of patchouli filtered under his nose, he inhaled and nodded.

  “I just want to be with you.”

  Currents of warmth flowed through him.

  “You sure?” she whispered.

  He nodded.

  “Okay then.” She walked toward the bed and picked up her fallen boots, sitting on the edge she pulled them on. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare toothbrush lying around here would you?”

  He pointed to the bathroom. “Under the sink, there’s a couple.”

  She smiled and walked toward the bathroom. Rushing water warred with the sound of a scrubbing brush. The strong scent of mint filled the room.

  Why couldn’t he shake the feeling that this was a terrible idea? His gut was a nervous mass of knots. Eve was losing time. Not only that, but he still hadn’t come up with an answer to their dilemma. Now they were headed to a gathering full of the undead and supernatural. Trouble. Nothing but trouble.


  Eve ran through the streets of San Francisco. Cian right on her heels. And they weren’t the only ones. Others were coming out the woodwork, slinking away from shadow and flying as fast as the wind could carry them toward Presidio.

  It might have been faster to take a cab, but there was a strict rule: no normals allowed within ten yards of the monthly meets. Ever. More for their safety than anything else.

  Panting and sweating profusely, they finally arrived at the historical military keep--now transformed park reserve--with little time to spare. She’d always tried to leave for the gatherings with at least an hour to spare, not today.

  Freaking sexy vamp.

  She’d cut it way too close and now looked like a drowned rat. She wondered what Cian thought, just thinking about him made her remember what she’d done last night. What he’d done.

  Her stomach flopped and she couldn’t stop the grin from stealing across her lips. Goddess but the man could…

  He chuckled and she knew she’d been projecting again. She rolled her eyes, casting him a dirty look. “We’re here.” She pointed to the cream colored, four story abandoned complex covered in chipped paint, cut nicks and grooves in the stuccoed wall. It looked in shoddy disrepair, but it was actually very solid, able to withstand many years’ worth of earthquakes.

  “So I see.”

  Cian pulled her to his side as a group of vampires walked inside. “Stay close to me, Eve.”

  She laughed at his protective gesture. “I’m fine. These monthly gatherings began long before my birth: there’s never been any bloodshed. It’s perfectly safe.”

  His jaw set and he eyed a group of stalking pumas. Sexy Cian was gone, brooding Cian taking his place. “I’d feel better knowing you were close.”

  Smirking, she nodded.

  Men. Well okay, so maybe he was still kinda sexy in a broody Bruce Wayne kind of way.

  “Eve, holy hell. Get your butt in here.”

  She turned and spied Tamryn gesturing frantically for her to hurry inside. Grabbing his hand she walked in. The cavernous room more than big enough to hold the variety of creatures gathered.

  Large tiers of candles lit the otherwise darkened room. There were no decorations. Just chairs, a few benches and the head table up front, in which sat the delegates of each race.

  Iah, of the moon clan, spoke for the vampires. Severe and austere, he was nonetheless pleasing to the eye. Hawk beaked nose, chiseled cheekbones and dark eyes the color of polished ebony. Rich Egyptian skin glistened purest copper.

  Next to him sat the Were liaison, Lootah of the Kohana pack. Regal and proud, he gazed at the group. The burnt red of his face a fine map work of wrinkles and scars. He was an ancient. Old wolf. And well versed in the matters of his kin. It was good to see him up there. He brought to the talks a wisdom of age very few could match.

  Last, but certainly not least, Edlyn of the briar thorn coven, frail of body but strong of spirit. Salt and pepper hair caught up in a braid, tendrils curling around her tired face. Deep into her eightieth year she’d seen more than many mortals in her time and was the perfect delegate to speak for the witches.

  “C’mon… hurry before this starts.” Tamryn pushed past several rows of bodies, leading them toward a bench in the back corner of the room.

  Eve squeezed through the narrow openings, following her sister and throwing Cian a grateful glance. Now that he was here, she was thankful.

  She’d never been able to share this part of her life with Michael and being here with Cian felt right. He truly understood what it was to be different. They shared a bond she never had with her husband.

  Chatter rose to cacophonous levels, drowning out the noise of any one individual conversation. It was all just buzz to her. Mostly the species stuck to their own, forming tight bands of vampires, wolves, hawks, panthers and so on. But a few, like herself and Ci
an intermingled.

  Mingan and Celeste were deep in talk when they finally made it to the bench and dropped down beside them.

  “So we made it.” Eve glanced at Mingan. “Good to see you.”

  He nodded, a distracted frown on his face. “Yes, you too, Eve.” He patted Celeste’s sleeve in a farewell gesture then marched off.

  She frowned, casting a quick glance at Cian. His face was a mirror reflection of her own. “Oddly dismissive. What was that all about?”

  Celeste shook her head, a worried gleam in her moss green eyes. “Rumor’s been flying about a murder.”

  “Murder? What murder?” First she’d heard of this.

  “Vampire. Found this morning staked to a cross. Body burned beyond recognition.”

  Shocked, she blinked. “When?”

  Lootah stood, spreading his arms wide and quieting the crowd with a glance. “The meeting will come to order.”

  It was like a light switch turned off. A crowd of hundreds instantly fell silent. The delegates spoke for the groups for one reason. You respected them enough to listen.

  This wasn’t an easy thing to command in a room full of predators.

  Brown eyes full of knowledge and century’s worth of sorrow landed on Eve’s face for the briefest of moments. In the eyes she read truth. The rumor of murder was rumor no more.

  “I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that Indigo of the clan thrive, was found dead this morning.”

  Instantly buzz exploded through the room.

  “Indigo,” she hissed and looked at Cian.

  He frowned. “The vamp in the alleyway two nights back?”

  Her eyes grew wide and she nodded.

  “Not that I ever cared for that hot head much, but ohmygoddess,” Celeste shook her head. “The turd’s gonna hit the fan now.”

  “Quiet!” Iah shot to his feet, quelling them all to silence. “Thank you, Lootah, but I think I can take it from here.”

  Lootah nodded and sat.

  “Indigo was killed in the most despicable of ways. Strapped to a cross and roasted to cinder by the sun. How could this have happened and no one notice?”


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