Ohber_Warriors of Milisaria

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Ohber_Warriors of Milisaria Page 11

by Celeste Raye

  Alexis took a moment to greet Nabvan, who was uninjured. She then hurried to catch up with the ill. Valeri was relieved to see Ohber. He appeared unharmed. The king disembarked last. He wore a bandage over his chest like a badge of honor. Queen Destiney rushed to him. He hugged her tightly and whispered, "Take me to Alexis. I need tending, but I will not appear weak in front of my people. It is not as bad as it seems. I will be fine in a short time." He walked proudly through the crowd, never allowing his pain to show. Ohber and Nabvan stayed at his back in case they were needed. The group left the crowds behind to begin their celebration.

  Chapter 15:

  The lab was a hive of activity when the queen entered with King Siefer. Alexis, the doctor, and her young helpers were cleaning infected wounds and sewing up gashes. Nabvan and Ohber had done their best to treat the wounds aboard the warship, but they had become infected despite the warriors’ care. Queen Destiney called out to Alexis for help. She sat the king on an empty bed and unwrapped the bandage herself. A festering cut was seeping blood just above his heart. Alexis asked Nabvan, "Would you hold him still? I must pull the wound open a little farther and pour in the antiseptic. It will burn, and he will fight. I don't wish him to cause more harm by moving as I scrub away the putrid flesh." She turned to the queen and said, "It isn't deep, just nasty. From the looks of the others, I would say the instruments used to deliver these cuts were unclean. They may even have been tainted with some vile infection on purpose. It would seem, the scientists have been busy since Ohber and Valeri left. This was not for research. It was punishment.”

  One of the warriors spoke up, "The guards came to take us for experiments, but we fought them. They were not allowed to kill us with their guns, so they picked up any available object to defend themselves. We were hit with rusty pipes and boards with large nails attached. A gas was sent into our prison. It rendered us unconscious. We awoke tied to gurneys. Our cuts were left untreated. Other wounds were made in the name of science, though we saw no actual testing."

  Valeri had to ask, "Did my father, Reginald Cavanaugh, do this to you?"

  The warrior replied, "No, he has not been seen since you took Ohber away. There has been no leader."

  Alexis poured the antiseptic onto the king's wound. He fought to rise, but Nabvan held him tightly against the bed. King Siefer's body tensed and his veins distended with the pain, yet he did not scream. He was setting an example for his knights. Alexis scrubbed at the dead flesh surrounding the cut. When she deemed it clean enough, the doctor came forward and stitched it closed. Queen Destiney applied a salve and covered it with a clean bandage. She soothed his sweaty brow with a cold cloth. He drifted to sleep holding her hand.

  The queen stared up at Ohber and asked, "How did my husband get wounded? Was there a battle after all?"

  Ohber replied, "It was not really a battle. The guards did not see us enter. Victor let us in through the same door we escaped out of. They were spread in pairs over several floors. We split into two groups and each took a floor. A small resistance was made, but two human males are no match for ten warriors. We established control of two levels at a time, locking the guards away. Nabvan's group went to the basement to free the captives there. I went with King Siefer to the experiment room. The scientists were all standing over the Voltuni female. They were about to cut her open. The king charged forward, and the one holding the scalpel swung out and sliced his chest."

  "In the basement, we broke open the prison doors,” Nabvan began. "The room was filled with sick and dirty aliens. It smelled so bad, we had to cover our faces. All the ones who could walk were led to the showers and washed down. No species seemed to fear us. They somehow understood we were there to help. I sent men to the floor you said held those on life support. Only the patients remained. Everyone else had fled."

  Ohber continued, "The FBI came in then. They allowed us to take our warriors. Akeila begged them to let all the Arkani leave with us as well. They saw no harm in allowing it. The scientists were taken away along with the guards. Medics came for the other aliens. The Voltuni female escaped. She stole a small ship and disappeared. Akeila and I were questioned by the FBI. We told them everything. Victor had already turned over the information he had discovered. I think they would like to recruit him. They were digging through every room of the building for evidence."

  "Did they find my father?" asked Valeri. She wasn't sure whether she wanted him to be arrested or just gone.

  Nabvan answered, "It is my understanding that they found him at an airport. He was boarding a private plane. They took him in for questioning, but he had evidence on board the plane that condemned him also. He had information on the government officials that funded his program. They will be arrested, also. I do not know what they did to him after we left."

  Valeri sadly shook her head. "They may be lenient on him if he gives testimony against the government. I don't quite know how I feel about it. He did terrible things to the aliens and should be punished. Yet, I know he was afraid to stop. They would have killed him. Then, I remember how greedy he had become. He was not the same person I grew up with. It is all so confusing."

  Alexis asked, "Why were all the wounds infected? Did you see anything that would explain it?"

  "The rooms were all dirty. When I was held there, they kept everything sanitized. That changed when Valeri and I escaped." He looked at Valeri and added, "The scientists no longer cared if the experiments did any good. They only wanted pieces of the aliens to give the government in return for money. Reginald had taken most of their shares. The instruments were not even washed between uses. Infections spread from one alien to another. I believe they were about to abandon the building very soon."

  "The warriors would not have survived if you hadn't treated them during the return flight. They owe their lives to your care,” Alexis stated.

  Ohber replied, "Nabvan and I must return to the ship. One warrior was lost to his illness on our way home. He is still aboard and deserves an honorable burial."

  A deep sadness fell over the room with Ohber's announcement. One warrior did not make it to see his home world. It was heartbreaking. Valeri quietly inquired, "Who was it?"

  Nabvan answered, "His name was Axel. He was trained at the same time as me. We found him on the life support floor. We kept him attached to the equipment, but the move was too much for his diseased body. He died without pain. We made sure of it. I will seek out his wife and parents and let them grieve. First, Ohber and I will clean his body and dress him as a warrior once more. We will not allow his family to see him dirty and unclad. He deserves much more."

  Valeri tugged at Ohber's arm. "Before you go, tell me about Akeila. Did he make it home?"

  For the first time since arriving, Ohber grinned. "He was the same as usual. He perplexed the FBI agents with his vague answers and still refused to give his age. We followed his orders for the best way to get to Arkani. He swore that there was a shortcut. We got lost twice. He sent you a gift." Ohber pulled a chain from his uniform pocket. An odd symbol dangled from it. "He wants you to have this. He hid it among his bedding. It is the symbol of peace on Arkani. He says thank you for treating him with dignity and kindness. You are forever his friend."

  "The old man was happy to be home. I am not as sure that the other Arkani were happy to see him. He began giving orders the moment we arrived." Nabvan began to laugh. "I think there was one female that he took a fancy to. She could have been his great- granddaughter, yet he flirted with her outrageously. She was not impressed."

  "It's a relief to know he made it. I will cherish the necklace. I thought he was adorable. The Arkani girl should have been flattered at his attention. He's a great catch for someone." Valeri meant every word. She truly loved the old Arkani.

  The Milisarian warriors slept through the homecoming celebration. King Siefer did as well. It was a restorative sleep, without fear or anger. Their wounds began to heal, along with their troubled minds.

  The celebration seemed endle
ss. Voices rang out in song throughout the night. Fires roared toward the sky, keeping them warm and cooking food. They drank and toasted to the captives as well as the rescuers. Inside the capitol building, families waited impatiently for their loved ones to awaken. Queen Destiney sat vigil beside the king. Scyon slept at his feet. Nabvan had the sad duty of bringing the deceased warriors body to his family. He would be given a warrior's send-off after the celebration ended.

  Valeri curled up on her bed, waiting and hoping for Ohber to join her. The celebration didn't interest her. Her heart and mind were too confused. She was happy for the rescued Milisarians and proud to be a part of it. Yet, she still felt guilty for it all happening in the first place. While so many had suffered and died, she had been partying with her friends and going to college. When she finally joined the program, she had allowed her father to draw her in with promises of miracles. She was ashamed of herself and her father. More confusing to her was the knowledge that she still loved him. How was it possible to love and hate someone at the same time? Where was Victor? Was he all alone now? Did he hate her for destroying his contented life? Did he miss her as much as she missed him? She desperately needed Ohber's comforting arms.

  Ohber tried to join the celebration after he helped Nabvan wash and dress the deceased knight. He added his voice to the songs and drank until he was dizzy. But, his mind kept returning to Valeri. He wanted to hold her, comfort her sorrow, and declare his love. He was afraid that it would not be enough to keep her on Milisaria. Besides, he had no idea what the future held for him. A big, beautiful house awaited him in the village. How would he spend his time there? Most knights were very old when they retired. He was still young. He missed fighting and training. He did not care for growing food or harvesting salt and moss. Ohber knew he could not remain a warrior. He was too weakened inside. His presence on the field of battle would endanger others. Yet, he could not just give up. There had to be something he could be useful for in the military.

  Alexis and Valeri discovered the king and queen eating a hearty meal on the blanket covered floor of the lab. King Siefer was well enough to battle Scyon with a wooden sword. The Milisarian Knights sat up in their beds and enjoyed the show while they ate. The moons shined in the great window, reminding them that they were free. It would be a good day.

  A funeral pyre was built for the fallen warrior, and he was placed gently on it. Children picked wildflowers from the hills and marshes and laid them beneath the wooden structure. The knights shined up their armor and braided their long hair. They surrounded the pyre, standing at attention. Villagers wore their best finery and left gifts for the warrior's loved ones. Benches were brought from the dining area and set before the pyre for the sick knights. They wished to be present for the final goodbye.

  King Siefer stood upon a raised platform and called for attention. He announced, "We are here to honor and say farewell to one of our fallen knights. He died, not in combat, but in a battle of a different nature. He fought well and lasted long. I know he dreamed of home and family as I would have in his place. He made it back here, though not as he had wished. His death came amidst a celebration in honor of those that did make it home alive. Their fight was no less valiant, and they are to be honored also. We owe their lives to the brave knight that escaped and came home for help. Ohber would like to speak to you. Heed his words, for he speaks in my stead."

  Ohber ascended the platform. Valeri could see his hands shaking. She knew he hated making speeches, so he must have deemed this one to be very important. His eyes roamed over the crowd until he found her. He spoke directly to her, and it calmed him. "I want to thank King Siefer for taking his knights to Earth and bringing back the captives. He managed it without harming our planet or theirs. The humans worked with us to uphold a peaceful resolution. I know that it is our nature to seek vengeance and war, but in this case, it would have been wrong to destroy an entire world for the wrongs of a few. An interplanetary war would be devastating to all. Do not look for vengeance or retaliation when you trade with Earth. Seek out the kind and caring ones like our queen and the scientist who heals us. Their loved ones are still on Earth and deserve peaceful lives, not war. King Siefer has brought the colonies together as one with Milisaria. Use that same generosity to forgive those on Earth. We will fight when we must. This is not the time." Ohber ran out of words and sighed in relief. He had made it through the speech without falling apart. He considered it a victory.

  It was time to light the pyre. King Siefer took a torch and carried it to the deceased knight's family. He used it to light their torches and backed away. Each one stepped forward to say goodbye and throw the torch onto the wood piled underneath. The flames caught on the flowers and grew tall. The villagers and knights joined voices in a song of praise and thanks for the warrior's deeds. Scyon presented a medal to the family and ran back to his mother to hide his face. Nexxa patted his head and said, "That was well done." The children of Milisaria were not spared from any ceremony. They did indeed grow up quickly.

  King Siefer was well enough to return to his chambers that night. The other warriors were given small rooms like Ohber's. The crisis had ended for now. There would always be battles and wars. Milisaria was, after all, a warrior planet.

  Chapter 16:

  Ohber's house was finished. It was time to build furnishings and move in. He was reluctant to do so. As a knight, he had never lived alone, had few possessions, and only needed a bed to rest between practice and war. He now needed tables, chairs, a bed, and the fancy things that made a house a real home.

  Nabvan brought the trainees to carry stone for the fireplace. They piled up wood that Ohber cut and made into benches for his dining table. King Siefer supplied a large bed from the capital. Valeri and Alexis gathered dishes, pots, and pans from the merchants. Young Milisarian women sewed curtains and bedding, presenting them to Ohber with giggles and sighs. He was a wealthy, retired warrior and that made him an excellent prospect for a husband. Nabvan teased him about it endlessly.

  The knights carried in the bed, and Valeri put on the finishing touches. Blue silk covered the bed and windows. Flowers picked by Nexxa adorned the simple cabinet that held his clothing. She placed fresh toweling in the bathroom and hung a mirror donated by the fallen warrior’s family.

  Nabvan and Ohber placed the table and benches in the dining area. A fire was set in the newly built stone fireplace. Villagers brought food of every imaginable kind and covered the new table with it. The empty house was crowded with well-wishers. But, all Ohber wanted was to be alone with Valeri. He could not keep his eyes off of her as she turned his house into a lovely, comfortable home. He felt that she belonged in it. Without her, it would be just another nice place to sleep.

  Nabvan began to notice Ohber's attention was focused on Valeri. He went through the crowds and quietly suggested it was time to leave. Everyone bid the new retiree good evening and slipped away. Nabvan was leading Alexis out the door when Ohber stopped him. He had one last request for his commander. "I do not know how to be idle. I realize it is no longer possible for me to fight. I would like permission to spend some time on the training field. Will you allow me to spar with the trainees as they are learning? I need to keep a sword in my hand and stay busy. I may not be in perfect health, but I am not old."

  "We would find it an honor to spar with you. The trainees need another warrior to fight with. They often spend too much time waiting for me. It is an excellent solution. Join us whenever possible." Nabvan bowed and left for the capital, leaving Ohber smiling in relief. He would not be forced to grow old before his time.

  Valeri gathered the extra food and put it away. She looked around to be sure everything was in order and readied herself to leave. Ohber blocked the entrance. He carefully lifted her possessions out of her arms and gently pulled her in for a kiss. "I have missed your lips. They are so warm and soft,” he began. "Do not leave me here alone. Stay tonight. We must talk about the future. It cannot wait any longer."

bsp; Valeri drew him to the fireplace and tugged him down to a thick rug. She asked, "Can it not wait for an hour or two? I want to spend a little time without questions, sadness, or worry. I just want to be with you."

  Ohber settled his large, ungainly body on the rug. He lifted Valeri onto his lap and held her in his arms. They watched the flames of the fire and relaxed, content to sit quietly together. Ohber rubbed her back and she looked up into his eyes. She stroked his rugged face and ran her fingers over his lips. Ohber opened his mouth and sucked on her fingers. A sizzle ran between their bodies, igniting an uncontrollable passion. Their lips met in a devouring kiss. Tongues danced in unison and Valeri strove to get closer. She turned in his arms and straddled his lap, plastering her chest against his.

  Ohber's lips wandered down her neck. He nibbled on the soft skin covering her pulse. She tossed back her hair to give him better access. Valeri reached between them and tore open his shirt. Her hands roved over his bare chest, exploring each powerful muscle. His six-pack got the most attention. He was no longer gray and thin. For all appearances sake, he was back to normal. Valeri gasped when his fingers plucked at her nipples through the cloth. She fell back onto the plush rug, and Ohber followed. He hovered over her prone body and kissed the curves of her breasts.

  Valeri was impatient. She slithered out of her clothes and tugged his head down to drink at her breasts. She writhed and moaned beneath him. His tongue continued down to circle her belly button and delve inside. Her hips rose, begging for attention. Ohber teased her by passing over her mound and kissing his way to her delicate feet. His hands massaged her thighs, coming close, but never touching her aching center. She pulled at his hair, causing laughter to bubble from his throat. She finally made a plea, "It hurts. Please, touch me. I need release."


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