Devin: A Romantic Suspense (V Mafia Series Book 2)

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Devin: A Romantic Suspense (V Mafia Series Book 2) Page 14

by Karice Bolton

  I shook my head, and the elevator stopped, the doors opening to the party. This wasn’t the moment to get into it. Devin led me off the carriage into an elegantly catered affair. The best word that came to mind was dazzling.

  Everything was dazzling. People circulated around the room, holding drinks, and chatting away in cocktail gowns and suits as if this was a typical Friday night.

  A model of the building about as tall as me sat in the corner, where several people were pointing and discussing specific units. Music floated through the air, and I felt a million miles away. I looked out the windows and saw just as many people utilizing the outdoor space, so at least my idea worked.

  “There’s a silent auction later,” Devin said, pointing at a glass counter where several pieces of jewelry and other items were on display.

  “I don’t think I’ll be partaking.” I laughed. “But I guess it doesn’t hurt to look.”

  “Never hurts to look.” Devin’s hand still held mine, and he pulled me in closer, bringing his mouth just behind my ear. “You look gorgeous, Avery.”

  His words sent a thrill through me. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Devin’s mouth curled slightly and Blake gave a quick wave as he walked hand in hand with Ava to the bar. It was impossible to miss the sideways glances and not so discreet looks in the direction of the Volkovs.

  No matter where they went, they dominated their surroundings, so it was no surprise so many were interested in these men.

  “Did you know we offered tuition assistance for our employees?” Devin asked, turning to look at me.

  I looked at him, startled, and shook my head.

  “Tuition, fees, and books are paid a hundred percent if it pertains directly to your job. Sixty percent if it doesn’t,” he explained.

  Even though I was immersed in this pretend life, it didn’t stop my heart from skipping a beat.

  “I didn’t know that,” I said quietly. “But I don’t exactly think I need a Master’s in Sociology to work the reception desk.”

  “You haven’t been there long enough to see you do.” He laughed and glanced toward the bar. “Would you like a drink?”

  Maybe two.

  “I’d love a glass of champagne.”

  “Coming up.” He let go of my hand and turned around to make his way to the bar. Of course, several people stopped him on the way to congratulate him and talk to him.

  “Avery, you look lovely.” An unfamiliar voice came from behind, and I spun around to see Ava and Mrs. Volkov.

  “Thank you. I didn’t quite realize the dress—”

  “Nonsense to worry about,” his mom interrupted. “You could have come wrapped in a sheet and you’d steal the show, but your dress is very nice.”

  My cheeks flushed and Ava’s smile deepened.

  I knew where I stood in life. I wanted to protect and serve. I wanted to help those who couldn’t help themselves, but as I fell deeper into the Volkovs’ tangled world, I realized the lines were far blurrier than I initially understood. These weren’t the typical thugs I was used to arresting. This family was far more well-connected than I ever imagined. From the view I had now, they had as many legitimate businesses as illegitimate. Even though my orders seemed to change daily, I knew I needed to get in deeper. There was no turning back. I had no one to turn to anyway.

  “My sons always have wonderful taste.” She folded her hands in front of her and took a deep breath. “Has Devin spoken with you about other opportunities at Wolf Industries?”

  “I think he’s been letting me get acquainted with everything in the role I have now.” I saw Devin wandering over with a drink in each hand. “I wouldn’t feel right about moving to another position so quickly while poor Greta wants to reduce her hours.”

  Devin’s mom chuckled and shook her head. “She’s been saying that for years. I should know. She’s one of my best friends.”

  “Well, thank you. I’ll keep that in mind if a position ever surfaces.”

  “The project we’re taking on for this building could certainly use your expertise.” She looked at Ava before bringing her gaze back to mine. “My sons would like to believe they know all, but I know better.”

  Ava chuckled, and I fought the urge to like them both.

  “Would you be interested in spearheading the project we’re starting here? I think now would be the perfect time for you to get you involved since Greta is still in the office most days. That would give you time to work on gathering the resources and setting up guidelines. . .” her voice trailed off as Devin made his way over, handing me a glass of champagne.

  “Oh, no. What are two scheming now?” Devin’s gaze went back and forth between his mother and Ava.

  “Just be glad Mia is busy showing off the building to her brother.” Ava smiled.

  Devin rocked back on his heels, took a sip of his drink, and slid his free hand into his pocket. I dropped my gaze to the floor, realizing I was spending far too much time admiring him. It was one thing to know I might wind up sleeping with him, but it was quite another to let myself indulge in the wonder of it all.

  “I was just mentioning to Avery that she might like to put her degree to use,” his mother informed him. “There are many things to get up and running here.”

  He turned to face me. “Is that something you’d like to do?”

  “It would certainly be an incredible opportunity.” I glanced at his mom, who was smiling. “But I wouldn’t want to take anything away from the job I was hired for.”

  “Don’t worry about that in the slightest. I’m not even sure Greta wants to leave anyway,” Devin said, drawing a deep breath. “I’ve noticed she’s even come in on her off days.”

  “Speaking of Greta, I’d love to have you join her some weekend when she comes for dinner. There’s plenty of room at the property.”

  I saw Devin’s mouth drop open and I hid a smile.

  “I’d love to. Thank you.”

  “Perfect.” His mom waved at someone in the distance, and she quickly excused herself with Ava following closely behind.

  “I thought the reason Greta kept showing up on her off days was because she didn’t trust me.” I chuckled, taking a sip of champagne.

  “No, she’s my mom’s best spy and she loves what she does. Greta just doesn’t want to miss out.” Devin winked and took a sip of the clear liquid bubbling in his glass.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked. “I don’t want to leave anyone in a lurch.”

  “Really. . . Think of this as job security because I highly doubt Greta is going anywhere long-term.”

  “Then, to job security.” I lifted my glass to his, pushing away the pang of regret. I never imagined living in a world where irony slid alongside each choice I made, directing me to where I often thought I’d be had I not become a police officer.

  “Are you okay?” he asked softly, taking a step closer. “There’s been so much slung at you in the last few hours and—”

  “I’m doing okay. Just a lot to take in.” I drew in a deep breath and smiled, nodding as I took another sip of champagne.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man watching us, and my blood froze.

  It was the same man who’d attempted to speak with me, the one Devin beat up.

  Even in the shadows, I could see darkness along the bridge of his nose down to his cheek. He looked like hell, and I didn’t understand how he got on the invite list. Ellis had promised I’d only be working with him, so I couldn’t fathom why this man was here. It put me at risk, but maybe that was his hope.

  I continued to scan the crowd, attempting to look as if I hadn’t stumbled upon the man in the sea of people when Devin spoke.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you sure you’re doing okay?”

  “I think I might like some fresh air,” I whispered, motioning to the outside. “Too much champagne.”

  “Absolutely.” He slid his hand down my back, and I attempted to ignore what
his touch did to me as we moved through the crowd.

  Far exceeding the vision I’d relayed to Tess, the outdoor space had been transformed to an extension of inside. Tables and outdoor sectionals had created several gathering places. A combination of fresh flowers and outdoor lights produced a sense of intimacy even though the area was large and the space swam with people.

  “The event planner does amazing work,” I said, feeling the cool air skim over me. “Tess is very talented.”

  “Thanks to your direction.” Devin slid his hand along my back to my waist. “Is the fresh air helping?”

  “It will.” I smiled, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. “But you don’t want to let down your guests. This is your night. You have a lot to celebrate.”

  “I’m not concerned about it.” His fingers dug into my hip as he pulled me into him. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  I looked into his eyes. “I’m fine. I just drank too much, too quickly. I know better with champagne.”

  “As long as you’re okay enough to travel?” he asked, his eyes darkening.

  “Travel to where?” I asked, surprised, wondering if he meant tonight.

  “A quick trip to Miami. Drake is flying down this week, and I’ll be flying down the next.” He glanced over my shoulder before bringing his eyes back to mine. “I need an assistant and Greta is unavailable.”

  “Is that the only reason you’re asking me?”

  “I’ll let you decide.” A glint of desire lodged behind his expression, and my heart stumbled as he rested both hands on my hips, studying me.

  “I’d love to accompany you to Miami.” I twisted my lips into a reflective pout. “But I’m still not sure it’s a good idea to mix business with pleasure.”

  Devin didn’t say anything for a few beats, and my mind drifted to the conversation I’d overheard when Jaxson was on the phone. He’d mentioned Miami.

  “Then it’s good we’ll have two rooms.”

  “Yes, it is.” I smiled, resting my hands on his chest. “Very good indeed.”

  He dipped his head slightly, and I wondered if he was going to kiss me.

  I hoped he was going to kiss me.

  He swept his finger along my chin, and I shuddered and felt another surge of longing drift through me, but I needed to stay alert, especially with a rogue agent wandering around. It was only a matter of time before one of the Volkovs spotted him, and then I had no idea what would happen to him or to me.

  “Will you be attending a conference in Miami, or will there be meetings?” I inquired.

  “No meetings. No conference.” He shook his head. “Just a quick trip to check on one of our holdings.”

  I found it interesting he didn’t elaborate, but I kept my gaze steady on his.

  “Sounds easy enough.”

  A prick of unease crawled up my spine.

  I was being watched. I could feel the man’s gaze on me, which meant he must have moved outside where Devin could easily spot him.

  “Should be,” he agreed.

  I nodded slowly and heard Jaxson calling for Devin.

  “Looks like you’re missed,” I whispered, straightening out Devin’s lapel. My fingers ran along the smoothness of the suit fabric.

  “It can wait. Whatever it is.” He smiled. “You are my priority.”

  “Well, your receptionist is fine. I promise.” I playfully pushed against his chest, but he didn’t move an inch.

  “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met, Avery Hill.” His eyes narrowed on me. “I can’t predict any move you make.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “Not in the least bit.”

  “I could say the same,” I told him.

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, for starters, I thought you were about to kiss me.”

  “Is that something you want?”

  A rush of danger flooded through me and I smiled.

  “At times.”

  “I’ll try to remember that.”

  “Go do your brotherly duties and run this business the way it was intended.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  I nodded and watched him walk over to his brother, who was patiently holding the door open. I knew I should go inside after them, but I needed a second to regroup. My head was spinning with nothing but false promises and fabricated realities I didn’t want to collide. I didn’t know whom to trust, and the idea of going to Florida with Devin Volkov was both frightening and intriguing.

  I let out a sharp, pained gasp as someone squeezed my elbow. I turned around quickly and shook my elbow free.

  “Enjoying yourself?” The man’s voice was husky like the night I first encountered him, but there was something different reeling through his gaze.

  I didn’t respond and took a step back, but he pulled me behind one of the large houseplants frying under a heat lamp.

  “Does it bother you when a fellow agent gets beat up by the guy you’re sleeping with?” His green eyes narrowed to slits.

  “I’m not sleeping with him, and I’m not a fellow agent.” My eyes stayed steady on his.

  “You’re in over your head, Lara.”

  A chill brushed over my skin hearing my real name. The Volkovs had cameras everywhere.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ve got me confused with someone. My name is Avery, and I suggest you leave me alone.”

  “Or what?”

  “You’ll be sorry.” My heart was racing as he shoved me against the safety glass securing the patio.

  He shoved himself against me, pushing his forearm into my chest and flashing a sardonic smile as he dug his elbow into my ribs.

  “Maybe I’d like a little taste of what Devin has had and then I’ll go away.” Using his free hand, he glided his index finger along my jaw. His mouth was only inches away from mine, and I could smell a faint hint of alcohol. “I know I could have fun with you.”

  “Wish I could say the same.” My world was spinning into a spiral of muddled misconceptions. I could trust no one.

  I fought against the urge to knee him in the groin. I couldn’t risk another mistake.

  “Don’t get smart with me.” A cold piece of metal skimmed my thigh.

  “What is it you really want?” I asked calmly, praying my voice wouldn’t betray me.

  “I want my career back,” he hissed.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know anything about you, who you are, or why anything was taken away.”

  “Don’t lie to me. You were in on it. The whole thing was a setup to get me booted.” His eyes looked crazed and another pulse of fear darted through me. My mind flashed to Jenn. Could he have murdered her?

  “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, but what you’re doing right now could cost you more than your career.” I drew a deep breath. “These men are dangerous.” I closed my eyes, praying I couldn’t be heard on the video cameras. “They’re loyal and fiercely protective of their own.”

  “Their own?” He slid his arm up my chest, lodging his damp flesh against my neck as the cold metal dug into my thigh near my femoral artery. This man was skilled at taking life and he wanted me to know it.

  One slice and I’d be on the ground instantly, but I also knew his vulnerabilities. I could take him down before he had a real chance, except that I couldn’t. I’d already broken one man’s nose. I didn’t need to disrupt tonight’s events. It would bring too much attention to me. Both Davis and Ellis would probably pull me off the assignment and kick me off the force. Not to mention, the Volkovs had been forgiving the first time, but I couldn’t be certain they would be the second, especially when they saw who it was. It would make them take notice and they’d start to dig.

  “If I were you, and you really want your job back, I’d walk away and never come back,” I whispered. “You blow this and—”

  I heard footsteps behind the man, but I couldn’t see who was coming over.

  “Let her go,” Jaxson’s voice was low and filled with a promise. “
Step back and let me see your hands or you won’t be leaving this event the same way you came in.”

  I glanced around the area, realizing no one had any idea what was going on. The Volkovs were discreet in every way.

  The guy shut his eyes and took a step back slowly raising his hands. The knife clinked to the ground, and I quickly picked it up, my pulse racing. Blake, Devin, and Drake surrounded both men.

  “That’s the same guy who went after Avery on Friday,” Devin whispered as Jaxson twisted the man’s arms behind his back. Pain darted through the agent’s eyes as Jaxson twisted his arms in directions they were never meant to go. The man gritted his teeth as four of Volkovs’ men took over.

  My hands began trembling, and I knew now was the only moment I had to save my life.

  “He came to me begging for his job back.” I shook my head, my eyes connecting with Devin’s. “He thinks I work for the same people he does or something. I couldn’t even understand him.” My voice cracked as Devin’s eyes filled with regret. “He wanted to. . .”

  “She’s lying,” the man hissed as the Volkovs’ security led him to a stairwell exit I never noticed before.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered as Devin came over. “I didn’t want to cause a commotion. My gut was to knee him in the groin and—”

  “Always trust your gut.” He brought me into him, cradling my head against his chest.

  “I’m just so sorry,” I whispered, feeling relief spread through me. I was safe for now. They wouldn’t believe this man, but I couldn’t count on luck much longer.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have taken care of him the first time.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  The horror in Avery’s eyes crushed me. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why this man was terrorizing her. Her body trembled in my arms, and I fought the anger boiling inside.

  I’d brought this on her.

  My family had brought this on her.

  She was a waitress-turned-receptionist and was now in the sights of some crazy man because of us. I held her tightly as my brothers began scheming behind us.


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