The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride

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The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride Page 7

by Jenn Roseton

  Just as she was about to lean over and kiss him - a hot, passionate and hopefully demanding kiss - he muttered something and sighing heavily, rearranged her on her side, and wrapped his arms around her, his front to her back. Laura instinctively snuggled into him, feeling a hard bulge his pajama bottoms couldn’t hide. While she thrilled at the evidence that he seemed to desire her, at the same time she couldn’t help feeling a pang of disappointment that she hadn’t had a chance to show him how much she wanted him.

  Would she ever be brave enough to consummate the marriage? And would she ever discover why Alex married her?


  The next morning, Alex gently shook her awake. “Time to get up.”

  Laura squinted at the bright sunshine streaming in around the edges of the drapes. It had taken her a while to fall asleep last night, although her husband had held her in his arms all night long. Again.

  While Alex took a shower, she packed her suitcase, laying out the clothes she planned to wear today. When they returned to the city, would they continue to get to know each other, as they had slowly been doing here on the ranch, or would Alex become an enigmatic man of mystery once more?

  After a quick breakfast, they tidied the kitchen. Alex loaded the suitcases into the SUV and assisted Laura into the vehicle. “Got everything?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She was sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

  Laura looked regretfully out of the window as the miles flashed past. Alex drove expertly, but she couldn’t help wishing he was a mile an hour driver, so she could savor her last hour or so in Wyoming.

  She turned to look at him. “When can we come back?”

  His eyes met hers for an instant before returning to the road. “As soon as I get to the bottom of your business problems.”

  “Good.” His answer made her smile. Perhaps next time they were here, she would get to meet Garrett and Maddie.

  When they arrived at the airport, Alex parked, then ushered her over to the private plane. Noticing she looked back at the SUV, he explained, “I’ve already arranged for it to be picked up and taken back to the ranch.”

  Laura nodded, aware of how easy some things seemed to be when she was with him. She guessed that’s what happened when you traveled with a billionaire.

  Once aboard the plane, she settled back in the luxurious recliner. How was she supposed to travel on a commercial plane ever again? It was so nice having the plane to themselves. Perhaps she wouldn’t have to, she mused. But she didn’t want to become spoiled. As long as she remembered who she was, she should be okay.

  Laura didn’t know whether to be sad or glad when they touched down in San Diego. Sad, because her honeymoon was officially over, or glad that today would mark the next phase of her marriage to Alex.

  After they walked off the plane, Alex handled everything in his usual efficient manner. In fact, he seemed to be efficient at everything. Apart from consummating the marriage. A small giggle tried to erupt from her lips, but Laura tamped it down.

  “What’s so funny?” he inquired, ushering her into the waiting silver town car.

  “Nothing.” She bit her lip, hoping the small jab of pain would stop her from laughing. Somehow, she didn’t think her husband would find it amusing.

  His eyes darkened as he watched the small movement of her teeth. Blushing, Laura scrambled into the soft leather seats, her eyes widening when Alex slid in beside her, pulling her to him.

  She was conscious of his hard, muscled thigh brushing her soft one all the way to the penthouse. Instead of holding her hand, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. She rested her head against his chest, savoring the physical closeness.

  Although the private plane had been extremely comfortable, Alex had buried himself in newspapers the whole time, leaving her to her thoughts and the latest fashion magazines - which seemed comprised of more stick-thin models than she thought existed. She hadn’t seen any clothes that looked like they would remotely suit her, and she’d shuddered at the price tags. Perhaps she could put in a request for some magazines she would actually be interested in reading, next time they used the plane.

  The town car drew up to Alex’s elegant building. Tony, the driver, carried the suitcases to the elevator, and in the next moment, the elevator whisked her up to the penthouse, Alex standing beside her in the golden cage.

  Laura’s nerve endings sparked as she looked at her husband. Would tonight be the night they became intimate?

  Alex set the cases down when they reached the front door. She admired how he preferred to do things like that himself, instead of requesting Tony to carry the cases all the way to the front door of the penthouse. The door swung open and Alex swept her up in his arms.

  “Alex!” Laura clutched his shoulders for support.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. Trask.”

  She melted at the tenderness on his face. If she hadn’t already begun falling for him, she knew she would have started right now.

  “But you carried me over the threshold at the ranch,” she couldn’t help protesting, wondering why she couldn’t just enjoy his attentions.

  “That was our honeymoon. This is where we’ll be living.” He strode into the penthouse, carrying her easily.

  Laura relaxed against him. It felt so good to be in his strong arms. Perhaps she wouldn’t have to worry whenever he boosted her onto a horse or picked her up that she was too heavy for him.

  Gently setting her down, he looked into her eyes. “Welcome home, Mrs. Trask,” he repeated, tilting her chin up. He slanted his mouth over hers and her eyes fluttered closed. Bliss.

  Laura’s hands crept up to his shoulders as the kiss deepened. He molded her to him, his hands caressing her back as the minutes sped by.

  Finally, just when Laura wondered if she was brave enough to tug him toward the bedroom, he stepped back with a wrench, abruptly ending the kiss. “I’ll get the bags,” he said hoarsely, a flush of arousal staining his cheekbones.

  Watching him pick up the bags in the doorway, Laura wondered if she would ever make love with Alex.


  Half an hour later, she sat opposite Alex in the living room on a comfortable leather sofa in the conversation nook. He’d shown her how to use the coffee machine - it seemed even fancier than the one at the ranch - and now she sipped a very chocolaty mocha laced with cinnamon.

  “I’ll provide a driver for you,” he announced, sitting opposite her on a matching sofa.

  Laura wrinkled her nose. “That’s not necessary. I’ve got a car.”

  “Which looks like it mightn’t last much longer.” He frowned when she opened her mouth to protest. “I want you to be safe, especially if you have catering jobs at night. Tony can take you wherever you need to go.”

  “But Tony’s your driver. And my station wagon is very handy to pick up specialty items. Not all our suppliers deliver.”

  “I’m sure the town car will have enough room in the trunk for whatever you need to buy.” A glimmer of amusement touched his lips.

  Trying another tack, she said, “But if Tony’s driving me around, who’s going to look after you?”

  The words popped out of her mouth, and she wondered if her wifely instincts were kicking in. Did that automatically happen once you were married?

  “I’m old enough to look after myself,” he said matter-of-factly. “You’re taking Tony.”

  “Fine,” Laura grumbled, realizing it was useless to argue any further, and wondering if this was another example of what Alex was like in the boardroom.

  “And I’ve arranged for your own credit card.” He picked up an envelope lying on the walnut coffee table and held it out to her.

  Opening the envelope, she stifled a gasp when she looked at the black card. “But … I’ve got a credit card.” Visions of the finest gourmet chocolate in the world danced in front of her eyes. The super expensive brands, little known to the general public, that she couldn’t afford but had always wanted to try.
/>   “I want you to use this one from now on,” he said, his eyes on her.

  Laura gazed at the words Laura Trask emblazoned on the card. Warmth flickered in her heart. She was Alex’s wife.

  “Okay,” she agreed slowly. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind if she bought a couple of bars of gourmet chocolate per month.

  “And a monthly allowance will be deposited in your bank account.”

  “What?" Her eyes flew to his. First the driver, a virtually limitless credit card, and now… “It’s too much,” she protested. “King Royale is paying me a salary.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve seen the books, remember? Right now the business is barely covering your living expenses.”

  Laura saw the credit balance of her other card flash before her eyes, but didn’t want to make the situation worse by telling Alex that “barely” was an understatement.


  “Don’t argue,” he said brusquely. “You'll receive your allowance whether you use it or not.” He paused. “If ten thousand per month isn’t enough, just let me know.”

  Laura’s mouth dropped open. Ten thousands dollars - each month? No, that couldn’t be right. Perhaps he meant to say per year. After all, what would she do with all that money? Even if she used it to pay off her credit card, she‘d still have plenty left over from the first month's allowance. Besides, how could she be okay with using Alex’s money to pay off a credit card debt that she’d accrued before she’d met him?

  “Laura?” he prompted when she remained silent.

  “You can’t be serious,” she muttered.

  “If you don’t think it’s enough, just tell me.” Amusement flashed across his face.

  She took a fortifying sip of her mocha. “It’s too much, Alex. I wouldn’t know what to do with it!”

  “You don’t have to spend it all at once.” He grinned briefly. “It’ll be deposited in your account every month regardless.”

  Frowning, Laura wondered how Alex had gotten hold of her bank account details, then remembered when she signed the pre-nup she’d had to provide those particulars. She’d thought it was for legal purposes to do with the pre-nup, but now wondered if it was for the sole intent of depositing her allowance.

  Laura savored another mouthful of her mocha, deciding that Alex Trask was quite impossible at times. The silence stretched. “Thank you,” she finally said. “But I don’t need an allowance. The credit card is quite enough.”

  Feeling brave, she met his scrutiny. His eyebrow arched, but his tone was deceptively mild. “The allowance is non negotiable.” He rose, effectively putting an end to that discussion. “When’s your next catering job?’

  Laura rose as well, not wanting to give him the advantage of looming over her. “I’m not sure. We didn’t have anything booked when I … married you. I'll call Edna.”

  “I’ll start looking into the books.” He gestured to the hall. “All your belongings should be in the guestroom, but I want you to move everything you need into the master bedroom.”

  “But … I was going to pack everything up from my apartment when we got back here.” She frowned.

  “I thought this would save you some time.” Alex reached out and snagged her hand, drawing her to him.

  Laura looked up at him. He was right, it would save her time, but she’d been looking forward to spending a few hours alone in her old apartment, packing up everything and reflecting on what her new life with Alex might be like.

  Had her husband arranged this fait accompli because he was worried she might be having second thoughts about their marriage?

  “Thanks. But it would have been nice if you’d discussed it with me first.”

  Surprise flickered across his face, as if he were unused to being chided, no matter how politely. “Sorry,” he finally said. Kissing her forehead, he released her. “I’ll go and look at the King Royale books while you unpack.”

  Laura watched him stride towards the study, her heart fluttering at his commanding sexiness. She couldn’t help smiling to herself at the way she’d just challenged him. Somehow, she suspected she might have to stand up to him again in the near future.

  But he’d taken it well, she mused, digging her phone out of her purse. As long as he meant what he’d said.

  After calling Edna, she hovered in the doorway of the study. Alex looked up from the computer screen. “Edna says we’ve got a job in three days’ time.”

  “Great.” He smiled. “I should have gotten to the bottom of things by then.”

  So soon? Laura had puzzled over the business’s sinking bottom line for weeks now. Maybe that was why Alex was a billionaire and she wasn’t. Resolving to make him show her how he figured out the problems, Laura nodded. “I’ll go and unpack then.”

  “Good.” His eyes smoldered with banked heat, making her feel breathless.

  Laura hurried down the hall, wondering what would happen if Alex looked at her like that every day. He has so far, she reminded herself, kneeling on the plush carpet of the guest room and opening a box. They’d only been married for three and a half days, but she didn’t know how much longer she could sleep in the same bed as him, without consummating the marriage. It was the best feeling in the world to be wrapped in his arms, to snuggle against his back, to feel safe and secure in his embrace, but every night the sexual tension seemed to increase. What would happen tonight?


  Nothing. A big fat nothing happened. Laura pushed back the blanket the following morning and wriggled her bare toes on the soft carpet. Alex hadn’t come to bed last night.

  She pulled back the drapes and looked out at the sparkling ocean view. She had no reason to worry about last night - at all. Sighing, she looked down at her new lilac nightgown she'd bought at Elk View Corner using her old credit card. Would Alex ever see her in it?

  Feeling daring last night, she’d slipped on the gorgeous silk gown and nestled under the sheets, waiting for Alex. And waited. And waited. When he hadn’t entered the bedroom after an hour, she’d gone in search for him and found him closeted in the study, the soft light from the desk lamp illuminating his face, serious in concentration as he looked at the computer monitor.

  Guessing he was working on her business problems, she’d stolen back down the hall, reluctant to disturb him. Now, a small part of her wished she had. What would he have done if she’d walked into the study, and asked him to come to bed? Kiss her? Ravish her senseless? Or would he say, “Not tonight dear, I’m working.”?

  A quirk of a smile touched her lips. She couldn’t imagine him saying those exact words, but something along those lines must have stopped him from joining her in the marital bed.

  Unless it was her.

  Don’t be silly. He asked - commanded you, really, to move into the master bedroom with him. Why would he do that if he didn’t want to sleep with you - literally?

  Wondering where her husband had slept last night - if he’d slept at all, Laura took a quick shower, then surveyed the clothes in the closet, feeling brave doing so just wrapped in a large bath sheet, half hoping Alex would enter the bedroom. Disappointment flickered through her when she perused her wardrobe uninterrupted. Finally selecting a pair of Capris and flattering three-quarter sleeved cotton shirt in soft blue, Laura dressed in the bathroom, with the door firmly shut. She wasn’t confident enough to get dressed in the master bedroom with the door open - yet.

  Heading into the kitchen, Laura pasted a smile on her face when she saw her husband hunched over his breakfast. “Good morning.” She made sure her tone was extra bright and cheery, not wanting him to know that she’d felt a little hurt that he hadn’t come to bed last night. Even if he’d been working on her company’s problems, surely he could have managed a swift kiss goodnight?

  “Morning.” Her husband looked up from his bowl of cereal.

  No bacon and eggs? It had been nice to have Alex wait on her at the ranch, but she guessed the honeymoon was over.

  “Where do you keep the bowls?�
�� Laura opened a couple of cupboards. “Never mind, I’ve found them.”

  “Sorry.” Alex rose and joined her at the counter. He looked rumpled and bleary-eyed, with a scruffy five o’clock shadow. Still sexy. Her heartbeat quickened.

  “Did you get any sleep last night?” The words popped out of her mouth.

  “I’m fine.” He raked a hand through his hair, disheveling it even more. “I made good progress last night and I’ll work on it again today.” Satisfaction crossed his countenance.

  “Thanks.” Impulsively, she reached up and kissed him on the cheek, her eyes closing as she breathed in his scent. Although it looked like he’d been working all night, he still smelled wonderful. Like Alex.

  His arms closed around her and they remained like that for a couple of minutes. When his arms loosened, she stepped back. “Guess I better get some breakfast.”

  “I’ll get you some juice.”

  She smiled softly. Maybe the honeymoon wasn’t quite over. She took a sip from the glass of juice he placed in front of her. The tangy orange liquid with a hint of sweetness woke up her taste buds. “Mm.” She set down the glass and shook some cereal into a bowl.

  “Like some coffee?” He paused in front of the coffee machine.

  “That would be great.” Smiling in appreciation, she sat down at the table.

  “What are your plans today?” Alex carried over two coffee mugs.

  “I’ll go into King Royale and start planning the menu with Edna. She said she’d come in, even though it’s Sunday. We’re catering a fiftieth birthday party on Tuesday.”

  “Great.” Alex took a long swallow of coffee. “Tony will take you wherever you need to go.”

  Hastily chewing a spoonful of cereal, Laura protested, “Alex--”

  “You agreed to having a driver last night, Laura,” he reminded her.

  Looking at the resolute expression on his face, she realized it would be pointless to argue with him. “Fine,” she muttered, hoping that no one in the vicinity would actually see her get out of the town car at King Royale.


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