Zion_A Doctor Shifter Romance

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Zion_A Doctor Shifter Romance Page 5

by Terra Wolf

  “Penny has some suspicious marks on her wrists. They’ve raised some concern, and CPS has been called.”

  There was a pregnant pause in the air, and I worried this woman and Zion could hear my heart pounding.

  “But…She’s just a kid. She could have gotten them scars from anywhere, right?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me. What’s your relationship with your daughter like, ma’am?”

  “It’s fine!”

  “She tends to seem a little nervous around you. And the last time I saw her, she implied to my nurse that there were people—as in more than one—hurting her.”

  Another long pause. I had expected Ms. McDowell to start arguing at any second, but instead, there was a loud and long sniff. When she spoke again, her voice was heavily choked with tears.

  “It’s not my fault. She just…she’s hard to handle sometimes. When that side of her comes out…”

  Zion interrupted. “Her animal side? She’s a shifter isn’t she?”

  “Well, yes. Though we don’t like to talk about it much.”.

  I could envision him rolling his eyes.

  “So you punish her for being who she is, with abuse.”

  “It’s not abuse. Not from me…”

  “Who lives in your household?”

  “My boyfriend and his cousin. They…they just get a little impatient at times. But they help out with the bills and stuff.” She descended into sobs that went on for a full minute before she resumed. “I told Penny not to say anything! I told her I would sort it all out in a little while!”

  “Well, I’m actually glad to hear you say that,” Zion said. “It means that you want what’s best for Penny. All parts of her. So she’s going to be taken out of harm’s way until her safety can be guaranteed.”

  “Dr. Bradford?” an additional voice appeared.


  “Child Protective Services are here.”

  “Okay. Please get Nurse Watson and have her return with the patient.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Again, one of those weird moments when time moves simultaneously too fast and too slow occurred.

  I heard the nurse and the intern return with Penny. I heard the voices of other men, trying to politely tell Penny that she would be coming with them for a little while instead of going to her mother. I heard Penny begin to cry, and her mother began to yell in protest.

  And when I couldn’t take it anymore, I stood up and pulled back the curtain, right in time to see a crying Penny being taken away.

  I looked toward Zion, seeing his crushed expression. His eyes met with mine for a moment and then he slowly shook his head.

  I didn’t know what that meant.

  But I was sure as hell going to find out.



  I didn’t really need more coffee, but I just needed something to do. I often found the process of making coffee more comforting than drinking it. And after what had just happened with Penny, I desperately needed something to soothe my nerves. My bear continued to prowl beneath the surface, unhinged by the events.

  The sound of the girl’s crying was something I knew I would never forget as long as I lived. I knew it was for the best that CPS stepped in; the alternative of leaving her in an unsafe environment was completely out of the question. Nevertheless, this kind of thing always killed me. Hell, I could too easily imagine what a child felt like in these circumstances; being taken away by complete strangers typically felt more frightening than staying in an unstable environment.

  The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. That saying could ring all too true.

  Distracted, I accidentally burned my hand on the hot coffee mug. Fuck. Agitated, I swore far louder than I meant to right as the door to the on-call room opened. I closed my eyes for a second, hoping that it was no one but Morris. But when I reopened them, I saw that it was Alexis.

  With a heavy sigh, I reached for a couple packages of sweetener.

  I needed a distraction, but I was pretty sure I didn’t need it to be her.

  I immediately thought back to the feel of her skin and practically felt my cock harden on the spot. She had started out as just a pretty distraction, but now, she was already so much more. It scared me how strong of a connection I felt with her even though I’d only known her for just a short time, which was all the more reason I had to concentrate on keeping my distance from this point forward.

  I couldn’t get attached. I was a mess, I needed to get my bear sorted out, before I went completely bonkers.

  I could feel her staring at me, and I was well aware that she realized I’d been ignoring her the whole day. I just couldn’t face her though—at least not without replaying the previous day in my head.

  I attempted to open several packets of sweetener all at once, but with too much force. They spilled all over the counter and I swore again.

  “Rough day?” Alexis asked, standing beside me with her own coffee mug.

  “You think?” I said, reaching for more sweetener. I opened them carefully this time and poured them into my cup. I searched the table for the coffee creamer, seeing that they were beside Alexis. “Hand me a pack of creamer, will you?”

  She silently reached for a packet of cream and held it out to me. I took it from her hand, my fingertips brushing against her palm and reminding me once again how soft and delicious her skin was—stop thinking. Focus on the coffee.

  I clenched my jaw and turned away from her, carefully opening the creamer and pouring it into my coffee as well. Grabbing a plastic spoon, I began to stir, watching the black liquid lighten to rich brown.

  I set the spoon down and picked up my cup, realizing I suddenly didn’t know what to do or where to go. Alexis was still staring at me, and I so desperately wanted to meet her gaze. But I was afraid of the feelings those bright blue eyes would inspire in me. I was already feeling so down—so broken—that I knew it would be all too easy to seek comfort in her.

  I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache forming.

  Alexis cleared her throat, the sound startlingly loud in the silence of the room. “Excuse me, Zion.”

  Finally, I looked up at her. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail, which intensified her stunning beauty. Her face was makeup-free, but still flawless thanks to her smooth and unblemished skin. And despite the obvious tension in the way she held her mouth, her lips still looked so soft and kissable.

  I wanted her.

  Every bit of that delicious skin.

  She blinked at me, and I realized she had asked me to move over; she wanted to make herself some coffee, but I was blocking the counter.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said, stepping aside.

  Alexis poured hot water into her cup, and I realized she was actually making tea rather than coffee. I turned away and headed to the bench-seat in the corner of the room.

  I took a long, slow sip of the coffee while absentmindedly listening to the sounds of Alexis preparing her tea. In the forefront of my mind though, was Penny. Just the mere thought of her brought a sting to my eyes. I blinked rapidly, threatening the moisture in my eyes to go away just as I had been for hours on end. I wouldn’t dare let those tears fall; I’d shed more than a lifetime’s worth of tears in my childhood already. All I could do was hope I hadn’t condemned Penny to a similar fate.

  My parents died when I was in my twenties, but when I was a kid things had been hard. My dad was constantly working, building up our empire. And my mom struggled having shifter kids, even though she was one herself. Three bear cubs is a lot for anyone, but especially someone raising them practically alone.

  “I thought I was shaken up, but not nearly as much as you.”

  I jumped at the sound of Alexis’s voice, as well as her nearness. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even realized she had joined me on the bench. She sat beside me, her legs crossed and holding a steaming hot cup of tea to her chest.

  Earlier that day, I
had purposely ignored her and easily noted her irritation despite her efforts to hide it. But now, her expression toward me was soft and gentle. She took a sip of her tea and then stared at her lap. “So, what’s going on?”



  “I wish I was back on the night shift, that’s all. It’s easier. ”

  Alexis nodded and took another sip of her tea. “Working the night shift prevents you from encountering more cases like Penny’s.”

  I gripped my coffee mug tightly, not caring how it burned my hands.

  “Why are you so affected?” Alexis asked.

  “What do you mean?” I said, feigning ignorance.

  “By what happened to Penny,” she said. I could hear the silent ‘duh’ she left out. “I saw the way you looked after she was taken away from her mom.”

  I took a sip of my coffee. “I just...have a feeling of what it’s like. Sort of.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexis tilting her head. “Do you know someone who was taken away? I mean, in your personal life?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I guess you can say that.”

  “Who was it?”

  Swimming in memories from the past, I was brought back to the present when Alexis touched my knee. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m all right. Don’t worry about it,” I said, grimacing as my parents’ voices echoed through my brain.

  “Who was taken away, Zion?”

  I cleared my throat. “My parents—they uhm…”

  “Your parents were in the system?”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s not like that. They’re dead.”

  Alexis stared at me with wide eyes.



  I knew Zion was giving me the edited version of his story, because the expression on his face clearly insinuated that the hardships he’d endured as a child were more than he could bear discussing.

  He sat there, staring off into oblivion with his dark eyes misty with the tears he fought hard to hold back; it was simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful to behold. Seeing such a large, muscular, and dignified man in such a vulnerable moment—it was like I could see a glimpse of the child he had once been. A part of me wanted to sweep that child into my arms and make sure no one ever hurt him again.

  And then there was the man—the accomplished, tough-as-nails doctor. With him, I was feeling the urge to kiss away any bad memory he possibly possessed.

  I carefully set down my cup of tea so that I could rub Zion’s back. He tensed slightly at my touch before relaxing into it. I continued rubbing my hands over the taut muscles so easily felt through his shirt. The gesture was only meant to comfort him, but it was also igniting the desire I felt for him…The desire I desperately needed to push aside because we were in the workplace and needed to keep things purely professional.

  Zion set his own coffee down and sighed. To my surprise, he then leaned against me and placed his hand on my knee.

  The scent of his cologne growing more intoxicating by the second, I found myself placing my head on his shoulder, breathing him in. “We just have to hope for the best. The only for certain thing is that if Child Protective Services hadn’t been called, Penny would have stayed in a situation where she was sure to get hurt. At least now, we’re giving her a chance to be safe.”

  Zion nodded. “Yeah, I know that.”

  He turned his head toward me, and it became apparent how dangerously close we were. All I could see were his lips…

  Like a magnet, I was drawn in. The kiss was innocent at first—just a quick peck meant to console. But then it grew into something deeper. His lips cascaded onto mine and his arm encircled my waist. I wrapped an arm around his neck and let my other hand run through his silky hair.

  We were quickly getting lost into each other…

  Until the door of the on-call room swung open.

  We leapt apart, with me accidentally knocking over my tea in the process. Shit.

  Dr. Morris Cohen stepped inside, whistling a tune to himself. “Oh—there you are, Ms. Lewis! Dr. Newman was looking for you. Zion, my man! How’s it going?”

  “Hey Morris,” Zion said, wiping his lips and then scratching behind his ear.

  I hastily searched around for some paper-towels to wipe up my spilled tea.

  “Go ahead, Alexis. I got it,” Zion said.

  I nodded, my heart racing as I retreated from the room.

  What was it about him that kept me coming back for more?

  I was breaking hospital policy, no fraternizing with your superiors, but I didn’t care.

  He was so damn enticing. And I couldn’t get enough.



  Because I so badly wanted the day to end, it naturally slugged by with excruciating slowness. I needed to be free from the hospital’s walls, free from thoughts of Penny, and free from the childhood memories I so desperately wished to leave behind.

  Not to mention, I needed to be free from the feelings Alexis kept bringing to the surface. Damn, that girl. She got me to talk about my past, while I sat there and considered slipping a hand underneath her scrubs.

  As I rounded the corner to leave the hospital, I came to a screeching halt at the sight of Alexis talking with Nurse Watson and the intern. It sometimes seemed like the simple thought of Alexis could make her appear, as if my subconscious somehow had a way of wheeling her in. Unfortunately, now just wasn’t the time to face her again, especially since I knew Penny was undoubtedly the topic of the conversation she was partaking in. What else would Alexis have to talk to Nurse Watson and her intern about?

  I clenched my jaw and slowly started to move backwards, hoping my presence would remain undetected. But of course luck wasn’t on my side. Sensing me, Alexis looked up right before I’d managed to take myself out of view. Shit. Our eyes locked for a moment before I turned my back and hurried off in the opposite direction, deciding to use an alternate exit. It would take me longer to get to my car, but I didn’t care.

  “Hey there, Dr. Bradford.”

  I looked toward my left and mustered a smile at Lorraine, a nurse who I knew was friends with Alexis. “Good night, Lorraine. See you later,” I said.

  “Wait, Bradford—I think Alexis wanted to see you before you left.”

  I’m sure she did, I thought, and fought to keep my expression neutral. “I’m kind of in a hurry. If you see her, tell her I’ll catch her later,” I said, and then picked up my pace because I knew that speaking of Alexis would make her appear again. Some God damned magic or something.

  I burst out of the hospital doors, welcoming the cool evening air. I hadn’t realized how much those walls had been stifling me until that point. My bear nearly clawed to the surface right there, desperate to break free. Despite the coolness of the air, there was a slight mugginess to it too, and the darkening clouds hovering overhead foretold of rain. I listened to the sounds of my shoes hitting the pavement, along with the gentle hum of distant traffic and the varying styles of music coming from the occasional cars that passed by me. The noises managed to momentarily cloud my mind until I finally reached my car and hopped in. With a sigh, I cranked the engine and turned on the own radio, blasting it at full volume. It was no use though; my thoughts could no longer be silenced.

  I tore out of the parking lot and watched the hospital building grow smaller in my rearview mirror. The smaller the building appeared though, the larger Alexis’s face grew in my mind.

  Although I hadn’t disclosed much to her, I had still told her more than I could remember telling anyone in recent memory. Hell, not even just recent memory—I’d told her more than I had ever told anyone, period.

  My past held too much power over me, and I never wanted anyone to have any access whatsoever to that power.

  Yet, I had given Alexis Lewis a piece of it. I could practically count on my fingers how many days I’d known her, and now she knew one of my biggest secrets.

I marveled at why this woman had such an effect on me. Whatever it was, it went beyond her pretty face. I’d seen plenty of beauty in my day, but had never been so close to falling to pieces over other women like I felt when around Alexis. That woman made me feel like a mystery, even to myself.

  As I neared my home, I contemplated whether to stop by a fast-food joint for dinner, but quickly changed my mind, figuring that I would rather cook instead. Preparing a meal would help fill the hours before I crashed in bed, and help occupy my thoughts as well.

  So as I parked and entered my bachelor’s pad, heading straight for the kitchen after taking a shower. After rummaging in the refrigerator for what supplies I had readily available, I pulled out some tomato sauce, chicken breast, and parmesan cheese, and then raided my cabinets for pasta, herbs, and spices. Chicken parmesan had always been my go-to meal since I started cooking for myself. It was something that wasn’t too difficult, but impressive nonetheless.

  Once it was done, I pulled out a wine glass and almost immediately replaced it, settling for a couple beers instead, despite knowing I would regret it in the morning because I had a mandatory staff meeting to attend.

  My phone suddenly rang and Luke’s name appeared on the screen.

  “Hey bro, what’s going on?” I asked after answering the call.

  “Hey man, Uncle Murray told me you have something to share, but wouldn’t tell me what. I figured if he was keeping it to himself , it must be good. So what’s the secret?”

  Luke was a really laid back guy and got along with just about everyone he met. Having grown up the middle brother, he was used to sharing the attention, but was even more used to being filled in on all the happenings between Aiden and myself.

  I didn’t feel like getting into what Uncle Murray was actually talking about, especially because it wasn’t any of his concern. At least not yet.

  “CPS were brought in today. A shifter girl was being abused by her mother’s boyfriend and his cousin. Absolutely repulsive. I could barely control myself from the moment I saw the marks. Luckily, Nurse Lewis was there and handled everything a hell of a lot better than I would have.”


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