Behind the Mask

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Behind the Mask Page 7

by J. L. Ostle

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but right now he is probably inside a very beautiful blonde.” I tuck my legs under me.

  “That sucks. Kind of hoped I made an impression today.”

  I can imagine her pouting right now.

  “I told you he is a player. He has an attention span of a two-year-old when it comes to women. But you aren’t alone. He brought one for Nate also.” I look up at the ceiling.

  “I hate that we crush on men we can’t have. We need to move on.”

  I laugh out loud. We have always said we are going to move on, but we never do.

  “You know that isn’t happening anytime soon. All I have to do is hear Nate sing and I turn into a puddle of goo and all Troy has to do is give you a smile and you are willing to kiss his feet.”

  I hear her groan. “You are right. We are pathetic. If I knew the money wasn’t good and that I wouldn’t miss you, I would quit and leave.”

  “If you ever leave me here you know I would go insane, right? You are the only one who keeps me in check.” It is the truth, once we are outside I am invisible, no one knows me. They don’t even know I’m the lead guitarist’s little sister. They know she has one but don’t remember it’s me.

  “I would never leave you, especially now that you are going to be the lead guitarist.” She shrieks.

  “Only for a few weeks,” I remind her again.

  “I know.” She laughs.

  “Tegan had words with me again and I broke down. She said she is the one who has been looking after me.”

  Naomi laughs. “Try the other way around.”

  “That’s what I said. I think she is afraid of me taking her spot, even though it’s temporary. I just don’t get why. She is getting it back.” I sigh when I hear a ting through the phone. “Naomi, hold on, I got an email.” I open it up and see I have money transferred into my account. “Naomi, money has entered my account. Can you hold on as I log into my account details?”

  “I’m hanging on,” she says and I log in and my eyes almost pop out when I see how much money is in. I have never seen so many zeros in my life.

  “Naomi, I have been paid over eighty thousand dollars.” I cover my mouth with my hand.

  “Holy shit, why? How?”

  I shake my head. Was it Tegan?

  “I think it was either Tegan or Nate. They found out that I wasn’t getting paid for the work that I do.” I pull my phone away just so I can see the amount again.

  “What, you haven’t been getting paid even though you basically do everything for them?”

  “I need to call you back. I need to go and check this out.”

  “You better call me back. If I had to put my money on it, I bet it was Nate.”

  We say our goodbyes and hang up. I sit there for a moment, trying to digest this. I am rich. I actually have money. Screaming out into the room, I stand up, deciding I want to thank Nate, but I want to make sure it’s him, so I better talk to Tegan. If she starts shouting at me again, I will slam the door in her face.

  I stand up, heading to Tegan’s room, and see her lying on her bed reading a magazine. I knock on the door, opening it further. “Hey, can we talk?”

  “Are you here to say you are going to quit?”

  I roll my eyes. “No—”

  “Then we have nothing more to say,” she interrupts me.

  “About the money—”

  “I will speak to Nate. You will get your money.” She stands up. “Is this why you want to be in the band? For the money?”

  I look at her like she’s crazy. “What? No. If I am only mentioning money now, after all these years, why would I start trying to get money from being in the band?”

  “I’ll talk to Nate. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m trying to de-stress myself as my life is crumbling around me.” She points to her broken hand, making me walk backward out of her room then slamming the door in my face.

  The drama queen.

  So, Nate must have given me the money. I should have known Tegan wouldn’t have. She probably has millions in her account and it would have done no harm to send a small gesture, but she didn’t.

  She probably didn’t think twice about it.

  I head to Nate’s room, wanting to thank him. I am practically skipping with a huge smile on my face. I am going to call Naomi and invite her on a shopping spree tomorrow. I think we deserve some new clothes. If I am going to be a part of the band, I need to start dressing like it.

  I raise my hand about to knock on Nate’s door when I see it’s open a little. I push it open and feel like I’m having deja vu with the bathroom incident, but this time I see Nate fucking a girl bent over his bed.

  Her moans echo around the room, her hair wrapped around his hand. I take a step back, ready to walk away when he faces me. I know I won’t be able to get away with this one. I know he hasn’t been drinking.

  I run, heading to my room and slamming the door.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  He’s going to think I’m a pervert.

  I run to my bed, groaning into my pillows before grabbing my phone and ringing Naomi. After a few rings, she answers. “Nate saw me watching him have sex,” I blurt out.

  “Wait, what? Thought you were going to find out how you got the money? How did it go from that to you watching Nate have sex? How come you get in situations of watching him get a release?” She laughs.

  “It’s not funny. I got away with the hand-job thing as he was drunk, but he is sober now. He faced me, saw me. I haven’t even been in the band for a day and already I’m watching the lead singer do a girl from behind.” I groan into my pillow again.

  “He might have found it a turn on, or he probably knows you didn’t mean to watch.”

  “How do you accidentally watch someone have sex? Maybe I should just quit. It might be easier.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare. Nate was screwing a girl. If he mentions it, you just say the truth. You were going to ask about the money, the door was open, and you were about to turn away, but it was too late. He saw you. It is just a big misunderstanding.” That is the truth.

  “Yeah, okay,” I say, sitting up.

  “See, this is why I’m glad you called me. I am the one full of wisdom.”

  I start laughing. “Yes, oh, wise one.” We both laugh. “Now dropping the me watching Nate thing, fancy going on a shopping spree tomorrow? My treat. Need some band clothes.” I have to pull the phone away from my ear as she shrieks.

  “I’m not going to say no to a shopping spree. I also think we should give you a makeover.”

  I scrunch up my face. “What’s wrong with the way I look?”

  “Nothing, you’re hot, but you have that good girl next door thing going on. We need to turn that look to a sex appeal type thing.”

  I bite my lip. “I bet you know what you want to do to me.”

  “If Rich heard that, he would take that the wrong way.”

  I chuckle.

  “Yes, I have a few ideas. Just trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay, I’m putting myself in your hands.”

  “Good, now get some beauty sleep. We are meeting nine a.m. sharp.”

  I groan and she blows me a few kisses before hanging up. I stand up, taking off my clothes when there is a knock on my door. Nate walks in before I have a chance to answer.

  He is only wearing a pair of dark gray boxers as I’m standing here with nothing but my white lace bra and panties. His eyes trail over my body, as my eyes do the same with him. I know I saw him having sex with the girl and saw him releasing himself, but I have never seen him facing me in all his glory.

  “I just came to see if you were okay.”

  I giggle a little thinking of the pun.

  “Why did you giggle?”

  The corners of his lips lift.

  “Sorry, my mind went to a dirty place. You said you just came, and as I accidentally saw you being friendly with that girl. I thought I bet you did.”

  He chuckles. I wrap my arms aro
und myself, trying to cover up a little.

  “I shouldn’t have just barged in.” He looks around my room. Has he ever been in my room? He walks to the far wall and sees a few photographs I stuck up from over the years. “I didn’t realize you had these.”

  “I take pictures every now and then, memories and that.” I walk closer to him. Looking at ones with all of us before the band got famous, in the photo I am looking adoringly at the younger Nate.

  “You look so cute.”

  I blush. His eyes are on my cheeks. He raises his hand and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I notice you blush quite a bit.”

  Only around you, I think to myself.

  “Yeah, it’s an annoying habit.”

  I look at the photo of my parents. I am on my dad’s shoulders even though I was twelve. Nate looks like he just laughed. I think we were all joking around. Even Tegan is smiling, her arms wrapped around Mom’s waist. Tegan changed after our parents passed. She just got meaner and bitchier when she became famous.

  “It’s crazy how much has changed,” he says, looking at each photo.

  “Yeah, you being the most wanted bachelor in the most famous rock band,” I tease.

  “Well, you are a part of the band now.”

  “Only for a few weeks,” I tell him.

  “Three, but at least you get to play. You have skills and it needs to be shared, and I’m honored you are going to be sharing it along with us.”

  “It’s me who is honored. I have watched you all play for years, wishing to be a part of it. I’m just happy that I get to now.”

  Nate smiles to me, stepping back.

  Even though we are both just in our underwear it’s basically forgotten.

  I watch him head to my desk and he lifts up my masquerade mask, his fingers stroking over the lace.

  “Fancy putting it on for me?” He smiles playfully. I giggle walking to him, putting it on, sorting out my hair.

  “Do I look okay?” I pretend to pose and he laughs.

  “You look amazing.” I look down, blushing and he chuckles, touching my cheeks again.

  “I think I’m liking your blush.” He stands in front of me, tidying up my hair. I watch him concentrate on what he’s doing, his eyes searching mine. “Your eyes really are beautiful. I feel like I’m looking at someone else I know,” he whispers.

  “Who?” I whisper back.

  “Just someone.” He cups my cheek, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Is he going to kiss me? Please kiss me, I beg him from my mind.

  “Nate.” We both turn to the door, seeing the blonde leaning against the doorframe, smiling to us both. “She joining us?”

  I step back, taken aback. Nate looks at her then back at me, then back at her.

  “No, she isn’t.” He walks to the blonde.

  “Thanks for the chat, sweet eyes.” He gives me a warm smile.

  I watch them leave. I slowly walk to my door, looking out, and before Nate and the girl round the corner, Nate looks back, his eyes on me for a moment before he’s gone. I head back in my room, closing the door.

  Pressing my hand to my chest, I head to my bed falling back, looking up at the ceiling.

  Nate, why do you have to keep messing with my head?

  I grab my pillow, hugging it as I fall into a deep sleep.

  The next day Naomi and I head into town, excited to spend my new fortune, but first Naomi says she booked us both some appointments. Heading to the most glamorous hairdressers in town, my mouth hangs open in awe.

  I have lost count how many times Naomi and I have walked past here saying whenever we get rich we will get our hair done. Naomi opens the door with a huge smile. I turn, quietly shrieking to her.

  “You got us both appointments under short notice?” I ask her.

  “You bet your ass I did.”

  We walk to the receptionist counter; this place is like royalty that I’m not shocked it needs a receptionist.

  “Hello, ladies, may I help you?” A hot chocolate skinned woman with black wavy hair smiles at us both.

  “Yes, we have appointments under Naomi Camble.” The receptionist looks at her computer.

  “Yes. Come with me.” She stands. We walk down a hallway until we see chairs sitting in front of mirrors. We both take a seat, smiling to one another. “Would you like a glass of champagne during your visit?”

  “Yes, thank you. Can we have the bottle, please?” Naomi asks nicely.

  “The bottle is over four hundred dollars,” the lady says, looking to us both, waiting for us both to decline.

  “That will be fine,” I quickly say. The lady looks a little surprised before nodding and leaving us alone.

  “No wonder rich people go to these expensive places. It’s like a power trip or something,” Naomi says, stroking the leather chair, then standing up, feeling the clear glass that is holding a few combs.

  “I am so happy I get to do this with you. I should have mentioned money sooner.” I laugh.

  “You should have. I’m just happy I’m your best friend. It has its perks.” She pretends to look at her nails. I hit her arm.

  “I bet it does. So, what am I getting done?” I ask.

  “I already said over the phone what we are getting, so you just have to wait until it’s all done.”

  I look at her a little uncertain. I stroke down my hair, feeling scared.

  “I love my hair—”

  “I know,” she interrupts me. “You know I wouldn’t do anything that would upset you. You are going to love it. Trust me.”

  I do trust her.

  I trust her with my life.

  “Okay.” I take in a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  “Yay.” Naomi claps her hands.

  “Here is your champagne, ladies.” The receptionist walks in with two glasses filled up and a bottle in an ice bucket. “Enjoy.” She smiles before leaving.

  Soon a man who looks to be in his forties with sleeked over brown hair comes up behind me, feeling my hair as a young, plump woman steps behind Naomi. They say a hello and then start getting to work. Once I see liquid being made, I know my hair is being colored.

  My hair is soon covered in tin foil as well as Naomi’s. We both take selfies as we wait for it to set, posing silly ones and trying to look sexy in others. Drinking the champagne makes it feel even more special.

  I feel like I’m being pampered.

  Once the color is washed out we turn back to the mirrors, but our backs are to them.

  Naomi did think of everything. I’m not going to see until it’s over.

  My hair gets cut and roller type things are placed in and soon a heat machine is placed above me.

  I look at Naomi, who gives me a thumbs-up, and I laugh. Each minute that passes, the more excited I get. I can’t wait to see the final touches. I close my eyes as my hair gets brushed, sprayed, everything you could think of. When I think we are done. I see two women on chairs rolling toward us.

  “Hey, ready for your makeup?”

  I look at Naomi, who winks at me. After thirty minutes, the girl says she’s done and she has the hugest smile on her face. She helps take the sheet that is protecting my clothes off me and I stand.

  I look at Naomi and she looks amazing. She has red and blue streaks running through her hair. She looks so badass with her makeup. When she looks at me she shrieks, causing everyone in the room to giggle. I close my eyes, facing the mirror, taking a few deep breaths. When I open them I feel like I’m looking at someone else.

  That can’t be me.

  My hair is dyed completely black, but it’s in glorious waves. My makeup is smoky eyeshadow, dark eyeliner, and mascara, making my green eyes pop.

  I look like a rock star.

  I lean forward touching my hair, admiring myself in the mirror.

  “Should we leave you and your reflection alone?” Naomi laughs.

  “Naomi…” I am lost for words. “Holy shit.”

omi laughs. “You look the part now.”

  I really do. “Naomi, you are the best.” I run to her, hugging her tightly. I try not to cry as I know it will ruin the hard work the girl did. “I love you so much.”

  “You better, but it’s me who loves you so much.” We both smile shyly at one another. “Right now, let’s go show the world our new kick-ass looks and buy some sexy clothes.”

  “Sounds good.” We thank everyone and once I pay we head outside and already people are staring, guys smiling or winking at us.

  I guess I better start getting used to this.

  With our new looks, all the shop ladies were more than willing to help us out. I guess when you have money they are willing to kiss your ass. A couple of hours later we have bags full of new clothes. At one place we ask to wear our new outfits on the way out.

  I went with leather pants that hug my ass with a black top that looks more like a bra with a black short denim jacket. When I saw this outfit with my hair and makeup done up in the mirror I looked amazing. I just had to wear it now.

  We are laughing when we walk into the house. The guys shout out to us from the kitchen. Heading that way, we are still laughing, but once we step into the kitchen, the guys go silent. Naomi and I look at each of them.

  Tegan looks like she’s ready to explode. Troy is looking at Naomi like he could eat her. Sam’s eyes are wide, but he is smiling at us both. When I look at Nate I swear I get flutters between my legs. He has never looked at me like this before. I see want and hunger in his eyes.

  More importantly, I see desire.

  I bite my lip and notice his knuckles go white as he holds on to the counter. His eyes go to my breasts and stomach, the material hardly covering me up.

  “Don’t we look hot?” Naomi says, dropping the bags on the floor and doing a little spin around. Troy’s eyes go to her ass.

  “You look so hot.” Troy walks around, pulling her to his side. “You look real good, girl.”

  Naomi smiles seductively at him.

  “You both look great. Kiddo, who knew all that was hidden under that good girl exterior.” Sam smiles.

  “I knew, that’s why I had to get it out.” Naomi smiles at me.

  “I don’t get why you guys are making such a big deal. They look okay but a little slutish,” Tegan says.


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