Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 4

by Michelle Love

  Luca shook his head. ‘I did consider contacting her but she left the state. I can have someone find her if you’d like?’

  Emory considered this but shook her head. ‘No, if she needs to be away, let her be. For now. Maybe in one of those interviews they have lined up for me, I can say something that will help her.’

  Luca stroked her long dark hair back over her shoulder. ‘You still going to do that interview?’

  She nodded. ‘Someone needs to get the truth out there. After the bullshit, I’ve read about it…did you know some conspiracy nuts are already calling it a false flag? Yeah. Buddies, that knife sure felt like a false flag. Seeing my friends’ brains all over the walls was really some CGI we had done for some giggles. Assholes.’

  She was getting upset now, and Luca pulled her into his arms. ‘I’ll come with you, stand behind the camera, so you don’t feel too alone. Is that okay?’

  She kissed him on the mouth. ‘Sorry for getting upset.’

  Luca laughed softly. ‘You don’t need to apologize for anything; you hear me?’

  She grinned. ‘Yes, boss.’

  He laughed and pushed her back down on the bed. ‘Now, as I am your boss, I have something I need you to do.’

  She played along as he covered her body with his. ‘Anything, sir.’

  He nuzzled her ear. ‘Spread those beautiful legs wide, girl.’ And laughing, she did, wrapping them around his waist and screaming with delight as he plunged his huge, throbbing cock into her again and again.

  We definitely had a bubble; Emory thought, a week later, and this isn’t it. She was sitting in front of an interviewer who was ignoring her, hot, hot studio lights glaring down at her, and what seemed like hundreds of strangers milling about the studio, getting ready to shoot the interview. She wished that she hadn’t refused Luca’s offer of being there with her; she had told him she hadn’t wanted to expose their relationship before all the nonsense was over and done with and, more importantly, before he’d told Bree.

  This last week had been the happiest of Emory’s existence, and now, as she reflected back on her life over the past few years, ready to talk about it to this stranger to other strangers, she wondered how she could ever have thought she had a life before Luca. After the interview, she had a meeting at her lawyer’s office to sign divorce papers. She didn’t know how he’d done it, but somehow, Luca had persuaded Ray to give her the divorce quietly and quickly. Emory didn’t want to think how much money it had taken for Luca to secure Ray’s cooperation; she didn’t know how she would ever repay him. Not only that but afterward, Luca was flying her in his private jet to his privately-owned island in the Caribbean.

  The interview began, and the interviewer was suddenly all friendliness and smiles. She took Emory through the events at the school, asking questions about the people who died rather than dwelling on David Azano but Emory did get her wish to speak about David’s widow, Zea.

  ‘We don’t know, and we may never know, what set David off, but I do want to say to his widow, Zea, that we are here for you. I am here for you, whatever you need.’

  The interviewer, Diane, a severe-looking woman in her early sixties nodded. ‘You are very forgiving, Emory.’

  ‘Zea Azano didn’t do anything that needs to be forgiven,’ Emory said gently, ‘She is as much a victim of this as anyone. I would ask the press, people on social media to be respectful of her and her family.’

  ‘So, what’s next for you, Emory?’

  Emory took a deep breath in. ‘When the school reopens, and it will reopen, I hope I will be allowed to take up my position again.’

  Diane looked skeptical. ‘Really?’

  Emory didn’t understand her question and said so. Diane chuckled. ‘Emory, have you read any of your press? You’re a superstar. Young, beautiful heroine saves the life of billionaire’s daughter? Hollywood is calling, Emory.’

  Emory rocked back. The mention of Bree and Luca made her wary. ‘Diane, I’m not an actress nor a media personality. I’m a teacher, period. I’m not interested in doing anything else, I never have been.’ She was wary of Diane using the mention of the Saffrans to segue way into questions about her private life, despite that being off limits being one of the conditions Emory had agreed to be interviewed under. But Diane moved onto to her future career hopes and then embarrassed Emory but in a delightful way as she played a montage of clips from her pupils and colleagues paying tribute to her. The one that got to her the most was Lee Shawn’s parents who thanked her for being with their son in his last minutes. Emory wiped away a tear as the interviewer closed out the segment. When the floor manager called out, Diane was a great deal friendlier than she had been before the interview, shaking Emory’s hand warmly.

  Luca was waiting in a blacked-out sedan outside as she slid in beside him and he leaned over to kiss him.

  ‘How did it go?’

  ‘It went,’ she grinned, hungry for his kisses. He chuckled and stroked her face.

  ‘Well, you look happy, so I guess I’ll have to wait until it’s aired to find out.’

  He started the car, and Emory put her hand on his thigh. ‘They didn’t talk about us, so I guess the cat’s still in the bag.

  Luca smiled over at her. ‘Now, I’ll take you to get the divorce you so desperately want. A good day.’

  Emory laughed. ‘I’ll be even happier after it’s over and I’ll never have to see Ray again. I don’t trust this new, conciliatory side of him. It’s not in his nature.’ She squeezed his leg. ‘Maybe it would better if you parked the car around the corner and I’ll walk in. If he sees us together, then he might change his mind. Or call the press.’

  Luca sighed. ‘You’re probably right. And afterward, Miss…what’s your maiden name?’

  Emory grinned. ‘Flannery.’

  Luca’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Emory Flannery? You’re serious?’



  She laughed. ‘It’s Dutta. My dad was from the Punjab.’

  Luca nodded, smiling. ‘I did wonder. Seems we both have Asian blood. My grandmother was from Japan.’

  ‘What an exotic pair. The weird thing is, I liked Grace for a surname, just not the husband that went with it.’

  They both laughed. ‘Yeah, it suits you, not him.’

  ‘His real name is Raymond Douchebag.’

  ‘That’s more like it.’

  They joked about until Luca pulled the car up on the street adjacent to her lawyer’s office. ‘Keep your phone on,’ he said, and Emory rolled her eyes.

  ‘I’ll be fine.’

  It was over in seconds. She signed the papers saying all she wanted was to return to her maiden name and that she didn’t want any of Ray’s money or property, only half of their shared possessions. She could feel Ray watching her the whole time and her skin prickled with irritation and dread. This wasn’t over, she knew that for sure – Ray was planning something, she just didn’t know what. He left the office before her without saying one word to her.

  Emory sighed and thanked her lawyer. She was divorced. Thank god. She grabbed her purse and shook her lawyer’s hand. At the elevator, she let out a long breath. Now, for some serious hedonism, she said to herself, sun, sea, and lot of sex with the man of her dreams.

  When the elevator arrived she stepped onto it. It was empty, but as the door started to slide shut, Ray forced it open and stepped into it, a nasty grin on his face. Emory felt a jolt of adrenaline, and her chest clenched with dread. She tried to push past Ray, but he put his hand on her chest and shoved her backward – hard. Emory opened her mouth to call for help, but he clamped his hand over her mouth.

  ‘I wouldn’t struggle, Emory, it’ll just make this harder.’

  But she ignored him, twisting away from him then as he reached for her, she brought her knee up and rammed it into his groin.

  ‘You fucking bitch!’

  As she leaped for the controls, he grabbed her ankle and tugged her down, throwing his weight
on top of her. She clawed and bit as his hands fixed around her throat and he started to choke her.

  Emory could feel the darkness coming, but she fought with everything she had, finally ramming her thumbs into his eyes. As he roared and rocked back, she screamed as loudly as her raw throat would let her and rolled out of his way as he fell blindly to the floor. She hit the alarm button on the panel just as the lift doors started to open and she fell out…into Luca’s arms.

  Luca had grown impatient, hating the fact that Grace was in there with Emory. When he called her cell, and she didn’t answer, he decided to go wait in reception. He’d just gotten there when everyone in the reception heard the scream. Luca darted for the elevator as the doors opened and an almost hysterical Emory fell into his arms. Shocked, he pulled her to him, tightening his grip as he saw Ray Grace wiping his mouth and smirking at him.

  ‘I knew it. I knew you were fucking her. Let’s see what happens now, big shot.’ And he was gone. Luca wanted to go after him and tear the man limb from limb, but he was loathed to leave Emory alone. ‘Call the police,’ he said to the white-faced receptionist, who nodded but Emory shook her head.

  ‘No, please, I just want to forget it and go. If we call the police, they won’t let us leave tonight and God, Luca, I need to get away.’

  The receptionist hesitated, and Luca shook his head at her. ‘It’s okay, thanks.’

  He took Emory back to the car and drove toward the airport, his hand covering hers. He looked over. She seemed to have collected herself, but her beautiful face was red and puffy from crying. ‘Are you okay, baby?’

  She smiled at him. ‘I am now. Look, Luca, I should have known he’d try something. His track record, the fact he seemed ‘okay’ with the divorce. It was dumb of me. Can we forget it and just go and enjoy our vacation?’

  Luca touched the back of his fingers to her cheek. ‘You bet, sweetheart.’

  Back in the city, Ray Grace hurriedly packed a bag. He had no doubt that Luca Saffran would seek revenge for what he had done to Emory. Damn it; he’d been so close, so very close to her throat being crushed under his hands. All he thought about since she’d served him with those divorce papers was making sure she wouldn’t leave him.

  Now he would have to go into hiding and formulate a new plan. Now he knew she was fucking Luca Saffran; he was even more determined.

  Emory would not see another birthday…


  An Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Part #2: Zea

  By Michelle Love

  Zea pounded the toasted spices in the mortar until she was sweating. Cardamom, fennel, coriander seeds with black pepper and allspice; she tossed the mixture with the onions and garlic she’d sweated off already.

  ‘Oh dear God, that smells so good,’ Teresa, one of the diner’s wait staff, came and inhaled the mixture. Zea grinned at her.

  ‘You never had a curry before?’

  Teresa shook her head. ‘I was brought up on meat and potatoes. It took until the new century for my mom to think salt and pepper weren’t a dirty bomb.’

  Zea chuckled. In the month since she’d worked here, she’d been able to persuade the owner, Amos, a kindly man in his seventies to let her add some more exotic dishes to the diner’s menu– and to her great surprise and delight, the clientele had lapped it up. Her food was eclectic, drawn from all over the world but always flavorful and mouth-watering.

  Teresa went back out to her customers, and Zea once again lost herself in her cooking. It had been her salvation after David’s death.

  She could remember clearly the day it happened. She’d run her catering business from home and was preparing a three-course taster menu for a client in her large kitchen. The television had been on but with the sound muted and it was only chance that she’d glanced up at the moment when they’d shown Auburn College. Her heart skipped as she saw SWAT trying to storm the building. Her phone rang as she grabbed the remote and unmuted the sound.

  …an active shooter is still in the school and as we speak…wait…folks, a large group of students has just escaped from the school and run towards the edge of the grounds where we are…wow, the scenes here are intense as terrified parents, and their kids are reunited…excuse me, excuse, I won’t keep you a moment, sir…are you okay, did everybody get out?

  The reporter had grabbed a teenage boy who looked shell-shocked and utterly destroyed. Zea’s heart started banging against her ribs as she looked into the teen’s wild eyes.

  …he just started shooting, and screaming at us and telling us he was sick of all our bullshit and that he would kill every student and teacher in the place because they were all after him and…The reporter interrupted him….who?....who is it?....

  Zea knew. She would never understand why she knew, but her eyes followed the shape of the boy’s lips as they formed the name of her husband. David. David Azano…sweet, kind David Azano…the love of her life…

  She hadn’t realized that she was screaming until her neighbor broke down her door and came to help her.

  Zea shivered now and tried to put it to the back of her mind. Don’t dwell. She’d left Auburn a few nights later under police protection and had come down to Portland where she knew no-one and no-one knew her. The police helped arrange for her to revert quickly to her maiden name; she refused a totally new identity. I haven’t done anything wrong. But every day she was scared someone would recognize her, that the whispering would begin. She must have known something. But she hadn’t. David had gone to work that morning before she got up and the only thing different was that she hadn’t seen him the night before; he was at school late, and she had been catering and lost track of time before falling into bed. The last thing he’d said to her was that he loved her. So corny, but it was true. A quick kiss goodbye and a ‘Love ya, sweetie.’ And I love you still, she thought now, I miss you every day. That no-one could give her answers was driving her mad. There were plenty of questions. Any out of character behavior? Why would he do this? How did you not notice the gun was missing?

  Easy, she thought now, the gun they kept for security was in the safe in David’s study and it hadn’t been taken out since they day they got it. Neither one of them was comfortable with it.

  The night before the shooting, when she’d gone to bed exhausted, she woken in the night, heard him banging around downstairs but hadn’t thought anything of it. When they told her they thought he might have been having some drug-induced psychopathy, she had nearly laughed. David, my kind-hearted salt of the earth David on drugs? No way.

  Zea finished the curry and left it to simmer on the stove. Teresa poked her head around the kitchen door. ‘They can all smell that out here and are like a pack of salivating dogs. I’ve got seven orders for it already.’

  Zea nodded. ‘Five minutes. Do you need a hand out there?’

  ‘You’re a sweetheart.’

  Zea followed Teresa back out to the diner’s main restaurant. Most of the booths were full of regulars but in the corner sat one man she didn’t recognize. Vintage t-shirt, jeans, and a shock of dark hair. Tattoos snaked down one arm. Zea realized she was staring. ‘Who’s that? I don’t recognize him.’

  Teresa glanced over. ‘Lord, it’s Flynt Newlan. Haven’t seen him in town for years.’ She frowned at Zea. ‘Trouble.’

  Zea rolled her eyes. ‘Aren’t they all?’

  She went back to check on the curry and seeing it was ready, helped Teresa serve it to the regulars. Soon she was flushing with compliments. ‘Just enjoy it,’ she waved her hand, laughing away her embarrassment.


  Zea stopped as she passed by Flynt Newlan’s booth and he called to her. ‘Yes?’

  ‘What is that? Smells good.’

  She studied him as she told him about the dish. He was maybe a couple of years older than her, hard-bodied, his eyes blue and piercing, hypnotic. A scruffy beard was growing in, his dark hair a mess of waves. Yeah, Zea thought, you’re beautiful but Teresa’s right. Tr

  ‘Would you like to have a taste?’ She said then regretted it immediately as he grinned widely, the double meaning in his smile clear. Zea cursed the fact that a pulse beat excitedly between her legs. Flynt Newlan nodded slowly, and his eyes traveled over her body in a way that should make her feel sleazy but somehow just electrified every nerve ending in her body.

  ‘Like you wouldn’t believe,’ he said slowly, and Zea swallowed hard. She turned on her heel and stalked back to the kitchen, and when Teresa came back, she sent her out with Flynt’s order. The last thing she needed was some cocky pretty-boy in her life.

  It was midnight before she finished cleaning the kitchen, having sent the others home early. She loved being here alone, the peace and methodical cleaning process soothed her mind. In the small apartment she went back to, the memories would crowd in, and she would end up crying herself into an uneasy sleep.

  She locked the diner’s back door and turned to walk down the small alley to the well-lit main street. Tonight, though, she turned and nearly screamed. Flynt Newlan was leaning against the opposite building, grinning at her.

  Zea stared back, trying to regulate her breathing. Neither of them said a word. Then Flynt pushed himself away from the wall and strode casually over to her. He was so tall she had to look up into his face…and then his lips were on hers.


  But her arms snaked around his neck as his tongue sought hers and a rush of desire flooded through her. His hands were on her waist, then her breasts. Zea gasped as he slid his hands under her skirt and hitched it up.

  This isn’t right…

  But as she heard him unzip his jeans, she couldn’t help but reach for his cock, finding it already rock-hard and huge for her. His fingers were pulling at her panties, and as he lifted her up, she guided him into her. God, he was enormous and as they began to move together, her gaze locked onto his steel blue stare,


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