Torin (Savage Kings MC Book 3)

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Torin (Savage Kings MC Book 3) Page 3

by Lane Hart

  "You can have the flash drive, but I can't get that much money wired in three days. I need three business days at least and it's Thursday!"

  "Tuesday at noon. Work fast," I tell him.

  "Fuck you, Fury," he says before hanging up on me.

  So, I've got five days of hauling around his bitch in case he wants to talk to her again. And we'll have to constantly be watching our backs. It’ll be a pain in the ass, but in the end, the payday will be worth it for the MC.

  Next week at this time, Hector will find out how it feels to lose someone he loves, then I'll end that son of a bitch.

  And when that’s all finished, I’ll finally put a bullet in my own head to end the constant agony I’ve been in for months.

  Chapter Four


  "Um, Torin?" I ask into the silent, now dark room.

  I'm not surprised when there's no response. I mean, this is the man who carelessly chucked me across the van, almost shattering my freaking hip. At least he left the gag off of me after he talked to my father. I really wish he wouldn’t have called that evil man. All this time hiding, and now he knows where I was living. If my father follows up, he could even find….no, I can’t worry about that right now.

  "So, um, I need to go to the bathroom. Should I use the floor like a dog, or can I maybe use a toilet?" I ask. While I really do have to go, mostly I want to see the layout of the rest of the room, so I can try to plan my escape. Hopefully there’s a window in the bathroom…

  I hear a muttered curse, but then there's the sound of movement in the darkness. A moment later, I'm scooped up from where I hit the ground hours ago. He carries me over his shoulder the few feet to where the bathroom light flicks on, and my bladder nearly cheers in celebration.

  My bare feet are lowered to the cold, tile floor, but it’s hard to get my balance thanks to the awkwardness of standing with my ankles restrained so damn closely together. But I need to get my shit together in here because now it's time for Operation Seduce My Kidnapper.

  "So, I, ah, can't exactly pull my panties down with my hands behind my back," I tell the big, hovering man whose handsome face is pinched in annoyance. I probably could shimmy my thong down myself, but I want to get him to do it. The more he touches me, the better chance of making him want me again, right?

  "Goddamn it," Torin grumbles. His big hands come down on either side of my hips and then yank the string of my thong down without even trying to cop a feel.

  "Thanks," I say sweetly. "Now, can I have some privacy?" I ask.

  He makes a deep, growling sound of irritation before responding with actual words. "I'm gonna turn around for thirty fucking seconds. That's all you get.”

  "Great, I appreciate that," I say as I start to try and lower myself to the toilet. "Oh, but how am I going to, you know, wipe?"

  "Drip dry," he replies.

  "What? I can't! That causes bladder infections, and they hurt like a son of a bitch," I whine while clenching my thighs together to hold off the urge to relieve myself that’s getting stronger every second now that I’m standing.

  "Oh, my fucking God! Quit being a pain in the ass!" he complains.

  I want to tell him that if I'm such a hassle why doesn’t he just let me go. My father must have promised him some sort of ransom and restitution for killing his wife. I don't know how much; but if it's more than a thousand, I call bullshit. I’m probably not worth that much to my father. He cares about his drugs and his money more than he ever cared about me.

  Suddenly, I'm spun around, and my hands are being set free with Torin’s knife. Hell yes! Although, at the moment there's no way I can get past the man’s massive frame to escape out the small door. And I have no doubt that he still has that big gun on him too.

  "If you make one move to try and run, I’ll blow your head off, got it?" he asks, confirming my assumption.

  "Got it. I'd really like to keep my head," I agree right before he turns around so that I can sit down and finally relieve my full bladder.

  I've never gone to the bathroom in front of a man before, and it's oddly...intimate to be doing such a thing in front of a kidnapper. And extremely gross.

  Finished, I stand back up and pull my thong up my legs, before changing my mind and reversing course, lowering the scratchy lace material to the ground instead, along with the garter belt. "Okay, I'm done."

  "What the hell are you doing?" Torin asks in a rush when he turns around and I’m naked from the bottom of my corset down. He definitely takes a nice long look at the smooth, bare flesh between my legs.

  "I'd prefer to leave those off. Have you ever tried sleeping with a piece of string digging into your ass? Believe me, it's uncomfortable."

  "Why are you a fucking stripper?" I'm surprised when he asks such a random question out of the blue, as if he actually cares or something. “Do you like having a bunch of assholes looking at you and trying to feel you up?”

  Torin was one of those men for several nights in a row back in Emerald Isle.

  “It’s not my first job of choice, but it frees up my days while still paying the bills,” I explain to him. “And it’s nice to feel wanted.”

  Torin wanted me. He wanted me bad the night he got a private dance and more.

  Without further comment, he slices the plastic around my ankles to let me slip the annoying pieces of fabric off.

  Trying to flirt with him because having him want me rather than kill me is the better option, I reach down and pick up my abandoned panties, dangling them on the tip of one finger. "I seem to remember you begging me to take my panties off for you, so I guess you didn’t mind me being a stripper before," I say as seductively as possible.

  Jerking the panties out of my hand, Torin then spins me around by my shoulders and grabs my wrists, jerking them behind my back again. Shit. This time, instead of rope, he uses my thong to tie them together.

  "Wow. That's actually a much better use for them," I say to him honestly over my shoulder.

  I hear a thud. And then, when I glance behind me, I see his jeans are unexpectedly pooling around his feet.

  Oh, god. What the hell is he doing?

  When his black boxer briefs go down and his shoes are removed a second later, I start to panic. I told myself I could suck it up and do what needs to be done to screw these guys, but now...not so much. I may not get a choice in the men who watch me dance naked and try to touch me, but Torin is the only one I’ve ever actually been with. The first time hurt and I don’t care for a repeat while he’s on the verge of killing me…

  "Put these on," he says, picking up and offering his boxer briefs to me.

  "Ah, excuse me?"

  "Put them on. Now," he growls.

  I pick a foot up and he slips them on the first leg, then the other. He then pulls them up my legs until they're at my waist. Of course they're too big, so he bunches and folds the elastic waistband over a few times until they're tight enough to stay on. Unfortunately, he then pulls out a zip-tie to restrain my ankles back together again.

  "Thanks, I guess," I say, still in shock at the strange gesture.

  "If Cooper tries anything with you, you yell for me, okay?" he asks.

  Does that mean he thinks that Cooper will mess with me? He never stepped a toe out of line when he was my boss at Avalon. Would he actually do something like that? At least Torin says he won't let him, which I appreciate. I even breathe a little easier. Death I can handle, because then it's done and over. It's the other bad things that could happen that have me worried. Horrible things like I’ve heard my father does to torture people before he kills them.

  "Um, sure. Thanks, Torin.”

  "Yeah," he says with a sigh.

  “Do you think…could I please make a phone call?” I blurt out while he’s in somewhat of a good mood. Or as good a mood as he gets. I need to call Joanna and tell her to pack up our shit and leave town…

  “No,” he answers without even considering about it.

  “I don’t want to c
all my father. I just need to call my–”

  “What part of no don’t you understand?” he snarls at me “Oh, that’s right. It’s not a word you fucking recognize, is it?”

  “What…” I start to ask when he slaps his big palm over my mouth and lowers his face so that it’s right in front of mine.

  “Not another fucking word about the shit that happened between us, or I’ll gag you continuously for the next five goddamn days,” he growls.

  After I nod my agreement, he bands an arm around my waist and lifts me up none too gently. He doesn't set me back down again until I'm on the bed.

  Oddly, even after he yelled at me, I feel less scared than before after our talk. Getting as comfortable as I can with my arms behind my back and no shirt or covers, I'm actually able to curl up on my side and fall asleep.



  I’m so damn tired I can barely hold my eyes open or my head upright in the motel chair. Guess that means it's time to trade off with War. There's no fucking way I'm going to get any sleep while leaving Coop with Lexi. Not that I think he would ever take advantage of her. Quite the opposite. I'm more concerned that he’s too soft with Lexi because they worked together. This girl will no doubt try and seduce any or all of us to try to get away. Cooper doesn’t need to get any more attached to her. If he does, he'll fight me even harder when it's time to do what needs to be done. Not that he knows what I plan to do. I can't afford for Cooper or War to get in the way of my revenge or try to talk me out of it.

  I pull myself up from the chair and head through the adjoining doors to the other dark, quiet room. When I figure out which sleeping form is War, the wider and bigger one snoring like the grizzly bear that he is, I shake him awake.

  "Yo, War," I say. "Your turn to keep watch."

  He's had about six hours of sleep, so he should be good to go while I get some shut eye for a couple of hours.

  War stretches his arms over his head before finally sitting up. He rubs his hand over his black high and tight haircut and then his scruffy jaw before covering a yawn, taking his sweet ass time.

  "Don't cut her ties unless she has to go to the bathroom, then tie her right back up with some duct tape. Got it?" I say to him. “We’re out of plastic ties.”

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he mutters. "I'm hungry."

  "Wake Coop up in a few minutes and send him out," I tell him, and he grunts his agreement.

  Finally, War climbs out of bed, scratches his hairy stomach and pulls on his jeans.

  When he starts to walk through the adjoining doors, I think to call out, "Don't let Coop lay a fucking finger on her," in warning.

  Chapter Five


  When I hear movement in the hotel room, I crack my eyes open but remain completely still on the bed. It’s not Torin but one of the other guys, the bodybuilder looking one, heading over to the tiny kitchen where he fixes a pot of coffee. It smells warm and delicious. God, I would love some coffee or some water, anything for my dry mouth. I watch as the man pours the dark liquid into a disposable cup and then adds a few packets of sugar.

  As he wanders over to the extra bed, he blows on the steam before sitting down on the edge of the mattress right in front of me. That’s when his eyes finally meet mine.

  “Oh. You’re awake,” he says in surprise.

  “Yeah, not easy to sleep with your arms behind your back,” I remark. His eyes momentarily lower to my breasts that are about to pop out the top of my corset before coming back up to mine.

  “Sorry,” he says, and I’m not sure if he’s apologizing for looking at me or for my predicament.

  "Right,” I reply as I glance around the room that’s only lit by the bedside lamp. I need to move to give my shoulders and wrists a break. "Could I maybe use the restroom?" I ask, even though I don’t really need to go.

  "Yeah, sure," he says before getting to his feet.

  I swing my legs around to the side of the bed, but then tell him, “Walking isn't really feasible with my ankles tied together.”

  “Sorry,” he replies before he easily picks me up in a gentle fireman’s hold, unlike Torin’s, and totes me to the bathroom, flipping on the light after he sits my feet back down.

  He reaches for my wrists, and then I feel a tug on the string.

  “What the fuck?” he mutters from behind me.

  "Oh, ah, yeah, that’s my thong," I inform him. "Torin, ah, he used it to tie me back up after I went to the bathroom last night."

  "Why the hell did he do that?" he asks.

  "I don't know," I answer with a shrug.

  "And are you...are you wearing men’s boxers?" he asks.

  "Ah, yeah. Torin gave me his."

  "Torin gave you his boxers and used your thong to tie your hands?” he asks. “That's...odd."

  "I guess he doesn't want me flashing you guys," I reply.

  “Hmm,” he mutters.

  He must have a knife on him too because my hands are quickly freed.

  "I'll wait for you out here," he tells me.

  "Thanks," I reply, which is strange since they’ve kidnapped me against my will. At least he’s letting me use the bathroom without staying in here with me. Besides, the old saying is that you catch more bees with honey, so the least I can do is try to be nice to my captors.

  I quickly take care of business and flush the toilet. It’s not easy with my ankles restrained together, but I manage to waddle over to the faucet to wash my hands. When the water starts running, the guy says, "Are you thirsty? There's some hotel coffee. It’s actually pretty awful, though,” just before I can start pouring handfuls of the nasty sink water down my throat.

  "I'd just like to have some water if that would be okay?" I ask when I look over my shoulder at him with pleading eyes. That tends to work on most men, with the exception of my father.

  "Sure," he answers right away. I step out of the bathroom and watch as he grabs a plastic bottle of water from the mini-fridge and hands it to me.

  I screw off the lid and then guzzle the entire thing because I feel like I’m dying of thirst. Once it’s all gone, I hand the empty bottle back to him and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. That’s when my stomach decides to let out a growl that’s loud enough for the neighbors in other rooms to hear.

  Have I considered yelling for help? Of course I have. More than once. But then I decided that getting killed for trying would probably defeat the purpose even if it worked.

  "I'll, um, get Cooper to go get us some breakfast in a little while," he says, having obviously heard the rumbling.

  "Oh, good," I say on an exhale, glad that they’re not planning on starving me at least.

  “I already know Cooper, but what’s your name?” I ask, figuring it can’t hurt to get to know him on a first name basis.

  “War,” he replies.

  “I’m Lexi,” I say. “But I guess you already knew that?”

  “Yeah, I did,” War answers as we stand there staring at each other awkwardly. “Now I need to tie your hands back up.”

  “Right,” I mutter.

  “But I mean, I guess I should just leave them free until you eat, or we’ll be wasting tape,” he tells me with a small smile.

  “That is true,” I agree.

  “Just promise you won’t try anything,” War says. Leaning in, he lowers his voice and says, “Don’t do anything stupid that would give Torin a reason to hurt you.”

  “He’s already threatened to blow my head off,” I tell him. “And I know he wasn’t joking.”

  “No, he wasn’t,” War replies with a frown.

  Walking, or more like waddling slowly past him toward the bed, I sit down on it and maneuver so that my back is against the headboard, looking at the man still standing across from me. With the light pouring out of the bathroom, I finally get a good long look at War. He’s handsome, wandering around the room shirtless, showing off his massive chest and bulging muscles. Combine that with his closely shaved head and warm, dark eye
s and he's got sort of a nice guy for a bad boy vibe going for him. He speaks to me kindly and looks at me like he doesn’t approve of how Torin has treated me.

  Maybe he's the key to getting out of here alive. He's already been slack with Torin’s rules of keeping my hands tied. So, if I can get him to loosen the rules a little more, maybe he’ll turn his back on me long enough that I can get the hell out of here.

  “So Torin wants revenge for his wife and son?” I blurt out.

  “Revenge is a bit of an understatement,” War replies through clenched teeth.

  "Just to warn you, my father's not going to give him any money. He’ll probably even try to kill him at the meet up."

  War raises a dark eyebrow. "Hector will pay for his only daughter. And we’ll make sure he doesn’t pull any shit with us."

  "If you say so. But money is my dad's baby. I'm disposable. If I wasn't, don’t you think someone would've snatched me up and done this same thing to him before now? The Cartel has a lot of enemies."

  "I find that very hard to believe," War says with a grin.

  "It's true," I say, lifting my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. “He’s gonna try and kill you all at the meet up. You should talk Torin out of this…”

  “Try being the key word,” he grumbles before taking a seat on the other bed and crossing his arms over his chest.

  About that time, Cooper shuffles into the room from the adjoining door. He runs a hand through his ear length brown hair, and I notice he's also shirtless in jeans. When he looks up and sees me, our eyes meet and he comes to an abrupt stop in the middle of the room. His facial hair, a brown goatee and thin beard, with the long hair and light blue eyes are the trifecta that make him stunningly handsome. All the girls wanted him at Avalon, but as far as I know, he didn’t sleep with any of them. Most importantly, he doesn’t look dangerous or act like there’s a mean bone in his incredible body. Really, I can’t figure out what he’s doing in the MC.


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