Torin (Savage Kings MC Book 3)

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Torin (Savage Kings MC Book 3) Page 17

by Lane Hart

  “Oh my god!” I scream when his warm, wet, flicking tongue comes to a stop on my clit. There’s suddenly too much sensation for my head to keep up with between his frantic mouth, fingers penetrating me and his thumb — well, his thumb is the most concerning — prodding at my tight, puckered hole. My fingers claw at the ground, needing something to hold on to, but the sand keeps slipping right through them.

  The muscles in my thighs tighten as hot, molten pressure builds up inside of my lower belly. It’s almost too much for me to take. It feels good, but it also…hurts.

  “Please,” I beg Torin, but for what, I’m not sure. He takes mercy on me and backs his tongue off of my clit, moving it instead to my ass while his fingers continue to pump in and out of my pussy.

  If I could form words, I would ask him yet again what the hell he’s doing. But the act of speaking has left me. Torin’s obviously lost his mind.

  Once my tight opening is good and lubed up by his mouth, he pushes a finger inside me, then two, then holy shit, three, making me squirm before his free hand spreads my thighs so that the torture of his tongue once again begins on my clit.

  That volcanic pressure in my gut grows rapidly again, making me think my body is about to be torn apart. Begging sobs for relief are all that I’m currently capable of.

  Between my cries of pleasure, I hear Torin’s zipper come down; and then his heavy body is draped over mine.

  “Tell me to stop, Lexi,” he growls into my ear, the first words out of his mouth since he called me a bitch. It’s hard for me to even absorb them when I’m so focused on trying to hold myself up with his weight on me and his hard cock positioned to take me in a forbidden place. “Because if you don't, I'm gonna fuck you, and it won't be nice or easy."

  When I don't respond, the head of his cock presses more urgently into my backside, seeking entry.

  “Last chance,” he says. And in one shove forward, he's in, taking the last piece of my virginity and making me cry out with the initial sting.

  "Oh fuck!" Torin groans when he withdraws and slams into me again. That time wasn't as bad; and by the third thrust, it doesn't hurt at all. "Fuck yes. Oh fuck!" he shouts again before he slaps a hand over my mouth, saying, "Shut up before someone hears us."

  I moan against his palm, much quieter than he's being.

  "God, that's good," he mutters, and his free hands grabs my hips and lift my ass in the air when I start to sink into the sand. Moving the hand from my mouth away, he reaches around and squeezes my breast, then rubs down, sliding lower until his fingertips reach my pussy. He pushes at least two fingers inside me, filling me up until I’m certain that I'm going to explode. "This…this is what I want right fucking here,” Torin tells me between panting breaths and punishing pumps of his hips. “You gonna give me this tight pussy again, Lexi, or do you want me to take it?"

  "Take it," I gasp. "Please take it."

  "As soon as I have a condom...I'm gonna fuck you...until you can't walk."

  "Ohhh!" I moan when my stomach muscles and thighs begin to tighten. "Yes," I groan. "Please," I beg for relief.

  "Come for me, Lexi."

  "I-I can't," I tell him, realizing that building sensation is my body chasing an orgasm. But I’ve never had one before, so I’m afraid to let go, afraid of what happens next.

  "Oh, yes you can, and you will. Fuck!" Torin exclaims, and he goes still as I feel his warm release coating the inside of me. I assume that once he's done this, whatever this is between us will be over. But then he pulls his cock out and flips me to my back. I don’t see his face before it disappears between my legs, his tongue frantically licking my pussy again. I throw my head back as I cry out to the stars in the night sky. It's too good, too much. When Torin shoves his fingers inside me, I scream his name as convulsions rack my entire body. My back arches as starbursts erupt behind my closed eyes.

  Little by little, pieces of my limbs begin to relax until I’m certain I’m melting away into the sand dunes.

  Before I can speak, to thank the man who just gave me the most intense pleasure I’ve ever known, his dancing tongue winds me right back up again.

  I lose count at around five. My first orgasm, immediately followed by four more, is as high as I can count before I get pulled under into the darkness.



  I killed her with orgasms.

  That’s my first thought when Lexi’s cries cut off and her small body goes completely limp, including her thighs that had been squeezing my ears off.

  Sitting back on my knees, I use the collar of my t-shirt to wipe the taste of her from my mouth as I stare down at her dark form lying haphazardly in the sand. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking tonight. While I had intended to throw her in the SUV and drive her home, it became clear from the fight she put up that she wasn’t going to go willingly. So what did I do? I threw her down and tortured her, then I fucked her. I knew when she was getting close to an orgasm and I pulled back each time, wanting to make her hurt, to feel a drop of the pain I feel. But after she let me take her and she was still left unsatisfied, I had to give in and make up for being a jealous asshole.

  Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

  Once I zip up my sated cock in my jeans, I slip off my cut to pull my t-shirt over my head. Then, I lean down over Lexi to ease the material over her head. I carefully lift one of her arms to slide it into the sleeve, dressing her like she dresses Liam. Lexi takes care of him, but she doesn’t have anyone but me to take care of her.

  Once my shirt is on her, covering up most of her nakedness, I ease her panties back up her legs. After I put my cut back on, I lift Lexi in my arms to carry her sandy body to the SUV. When I put her in the passenger side, I pull the lever to lean her seat back so she can lie down, but still clasp the belt over her to snap it in place.

  On the short drive back to the house, I keep stealing glances of her to make sure she is, in fact, still breathing. I think the combination of weeks of exhaustion and multiple orgasms were just too much for her to take in one night.

  Chase’s truck is in the driveway when I pull up, reminding me that he and Sasha are babysitting. How the hell am I supposed to explain why I’m carrying Lexi inside? All I can do is try to get Lexi into bed before they can ask too many questions.

  The main door is locked, which I’m glad to see, but it also means it’s a pain in the ass to try and dig my keys out of my pocket with Lexi in my arms. I cave and knock lightly on the door instead. Chase is the one who opens it up. His eyes lower to Lexi, and then his brow raises when he looks up at me in question.

  “Long story,” I say.

  “What did you do to her?” he snaps. Before I can answer, he reaches for her wrist and checks for a pulse.

  “She’s alive,” I huff before I brush past him. “Jesus, fuck,” I grumble unable to believe he thinks so little of me.

  “What did you do, Torin?” Chase asks again when he follows behind me. “Did you seriously lay her out? She’s a chick. Your son’s mother!”

  “What happened?” Sasha asks when she jumps up from the sofa to join the parade.

  “I didn’t hurt her,” I mutter as I keep walking down the hall and to the guest bedroom Lexi’s been sleeping in. Biting and slapping her ass doesn’t really count since those were both minor aches. Now, taking her ass virginity, assuming I was the first man to enter her, probably stung a little.

  “Bullshit,” Chase grumbles. “If that’s true, then wake her up so she can tell me that herself. We’re not leaving until she speaks.”

  What kind of man does my brother think I am if he’s so quick to conclude that I hurt a woman? I try to forget all the ways I thought of hurting Lexi just a few months ago. I guess a lot has changed in just a short time.

  After I lay her down on the bed and make sure my t-shirt covers her thighs, I turn on the bedside lamp and then sit on the edge of the bed to brush her dark hair from her face.

  “Lexi,” I say to try and rouse her.
“Lexi, can you wake up and tell Chase that you’re fine?” When that doesn’t work, I say, “Lexi, Liam’s crying.”

  Like those were the magic words, her eyelids flutter before they finally open. She looks around the bedroom for a second and then to Chase and me. When she starts to push herself up, I ease her shoulders back to the mattress. “Liam’s fine. Tell them you are too,” I say.

  Rolling to her side to face us, she asks, “Did you and I…on the beach?” causing my face to heat up.

  “Yeah,” I tell her, avoiding Chase’s knowing gaze. I pull the sheets out from underneath Lexi’s body to cover her up and say, “Go back to sleep.”

  She tucks her hands under her face before her eyes drift closed again. Then she says, “I’m still working at Avalon.”

  “No, you’re not,” I tell her.

  “Yes, I am,” she argues with a smile before she drifts off to sleep.

  I stand up and turn off the light before leaving the room. In the hallway, I pull the door shut before I turn to Chase and Sasha. “Happy now?” I ask.

  “She’s working at Avalon?” Chase asks at the same time Sasha says, “So what did you and her do on the beach?”

  “Not anymore, and that’s none of your business,” I answer them both. “Now, I appreciate you watching Liam tonight; but if she asks you to babysit again, you better check with me so that I know where the hell she’s running off to.”

  “Sounds like we’ll be babysitting again tomorrow night until she finds a nanny,” Sasha replies with a grin.

  “No,” I snap. “No babysitting and no nanny.”

  “Oh, well, then I guess she’ll just take Liam to Avalon and let the other strippers watch him when she’s on stage,” she says with a grin.

  Pointing a finger toward the door, I tell them, “Get out of my house.”

  “You still haven’t told us what happened on the beach,” Chase points out.

  “And I’m never going to,” I answer. “Now go.”

  “That’s okay, baby,” Sasha tells Chase when she grabs the front of his open cut and starts pulling him toward the door. “I bet Lexi will tell me tomorrow when she wakes up from her sex stupor.”

  “That’s not…she’s not talking about it, and we sure as fuck are not talking about it!” I bark at her. “Now go home!”

  When did people stop listening to me and following my orders? I swear that ever since I sewed the president patch back on my cut, I only get half the respect I did before Kennedy died. It’s like everyone has taken up her attitude toward me, and now they all do whatever the fuck they want.

  About that time, I hear Liam’s cries from his nursery. “Great,” I tell them. “Look what you did,” I grumble, knowing it’s my fault for raising my voice but still blaming them for not taking the hint and getting out of here.

  “We’ll let you handle that,” Chase says. “See ya.”

  “Goodnight,” Sasha calls out cheerfully before I escort them to the door and lock it once they’re gone.

  I head to the kitchen and make Liam’s bottle before I go get him out of his crib and change him. Once he’s nice and dry, I sit down in the rocking chair and put the nipple in his mouth.

  “Sorry I woke you up,” I tell him as his dark eyes stare up at me. “It was your Uncle Chase and Aunt Sasha’s fault. They didn’t understand that it was none of their business what daddy and mommy do on the beach. Honestly, I don’t even know what we did,” I mutter. “Well, okay, I know what we did, but I don’t know why. Your mommy just infuriates me so much sometimes. What was she thinking when she took a job taking her clothes off without telling me? It’s not like she needs the money,” I ramble. “I’d give you and her anything you need. You get that, right? So why doesn’t she?” I ask my son before he closes his eyes and falls back to sleep. He doesn’t even make it through half the bottle, telling me he woke up because he heard me bitching and not because he was hungry.

  I promise him I won’t wake him up like that again before I tuck him back into bed and then crash on the sofa. It’s not comfortable and it’s certainly not big enough for me, but I can’t sleep in the master bedroom or in Lexi’s bed, so it’s the best I can do for now. At least it’s better than sleeping outside in the sand.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I wake up from the best, deep sleep I’ve had in a long time, maybe even since before Liam was born. As I stretch out, I notice the soreness, not between my legs but in another area.

  “Oh, god,” I murmur to myself as I pull the covers over my head when the details of the night before come rushing back – arguing with Torin when he hauled me from the club, then fighting him in the parking lot before he took me down to the beach and…did things to my body that I’ve never even imagined.

  But now that it’s morning, I have no idea what last night means for us. I remember Torin mentioning how much he wanted to fuck me once he had a condom, but was that the lust talking, or did he actually mean it? Are things gonna be awkward between us now?

  Well, there’s only one way to find out.

  After I check on Liam and find him sleeping, I take a quick shower and pile my wet hair on top of my head before I go and seek out the man who gave me my first dose of pure pleasure, leaving me uncertain, but wanting more. And the bigger question is does Torin want more?

  I find Torin sitting on the deck that’s similar to his parents with the same spectacular view of what looks like the never-ending ocean.

  “Morning,” I say when I step through the open doorway.

  “Morning,” Torin repeats, while barely sparing me a glance. Instead, he gets to his feet and hurries past me. “I need a shower,” he says as he retreats.

  Great. It’s even worse than I expected. Now he won’t even look at me or talk to me. Thankfully, Liam wakes up a few minutes later, so I keep myself busy with him to avoid thoughts of the night before.

  I even breathe a little easier when Torin comes through the living room, not even stopping long enough to say, “I’m going to the clubhouse. Lock up behind me,” before he disappears out the door.

  “Great. Just great,” I mutter to Liam. “Why can’t your daddy just talk to me like a normal person? Is having a conversation too much to ask? It must be.”

  Fortunately, Sasha comes over a few hours later so I have at least someone to talk to who can reply with words.

  “You got lucky last night, didn’t you?” she asks first thing when I answer the door.

  “Ah,” I stammer, trying to find a response. “How did you know?”

  “I was here when Torin literally carried you home in his arms like a damsel who fainted after having her world rocked by a big, bad biker.”

  “Um, okay,” I reply.

  “Okay, let’s back up for now and come back to that later,” she says when she goes over and hops up on a stool at the kitchen counter. “It looked like he found out where you were working.”

  “Yes, he did, and he actually dragged me kicking and screaming from the club!” I huff indignantly when I climb on the stool next to her.

  “Why are you working there?” Sasha asks.

  “I told you, I don’t have any other skills.”

  “Yes, but I’m sure Torin would pay for whatever you and Liam need…”

  “No,” I say with an adamant shake of my head. “I don’t want his money. I don’t even want to live in his house. This is just temporary until I can afford a place of our own. I can’t be…controlled by money again.”

  “What do you mean again?” Sasha asks.

  “I was my father’s prisoner until I started dancing,” I explain. “When I finally saved enough to move, I was able to get away from him. I don’t want to be stuck anywhere I don’t want to be again just because I don’t have any cash to my name.”

  “Torin isn’t your father, though,” she says. “He wouldn’t make you stay here…”

  “He kidnapped me from the strip club in Vegas,” I remind her.

  “Oh, right,” Sa
sha replies with a cringe. “Sorry.”

  “I know that things were different between us then, and now we’re…hooking up or whatever it was last night. But I’m not ready to hand over my heart, and I’m guessing that Torin isn’t either after what happened with Kennedy. We’re both broken, and I’m not sure if there will ever be more between us than a shared son.”

  “Do you want more with him? Be honest with yourself,” Sasha says.

  I think about her question seriously, trying to imagine what life would be like with Torin. He’s funny, when he’s not in one of his moods, and incredibly good-looking. If what I’ve experienced so far is any indication, the sex will always be mind-blowing. The way he treats Liam makes my heart melt; and as I dwell on how good they are together, I find that my decision has already been made.

  “If Torin wanted more, then I would absolutely be on board with him.”



  “Lexi’s decided she’s gonna work at Avalon,” I complain to War as soon as he steps foot in the chapel.

  “Um, is that breaking news?” he asks. “Because she was a stripper back in Vegas and then here before she left…”

  “I know that!” I yell at him. “But I didn’t think she would go back to stripping when she’s living with me. She didn’t even tell me! Maddox did last night while she was on stage!”

  When War continues to stand there with his hands on his hips without saying anything, I shout, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You’re jealous,” he states.

  “Of course I’m jealous! Would you want your baby mama showing her tits on stage?” I ask him.

  “Well, since I’m not with my baby mama anymore, I wouldn’t really care if she danced topless as long as she didn’t do it in front of Ren. Is Lexi doing it in front of Liam?”

  “No,” I grumble.

  “Then you don’t really get a say in how she wants to earn money,” he remarks.


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