To Love a King [The Reformation 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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To Love a King [The Reformation 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 12

by Samantha Lucas

  Chapter Twelve

  Nikolai aligned his body perfectly with Naveenah’s. She fit so well beside him. Her head came just level with his shoulder, and her ass aligned perfectly with his cock. He slipped his hand along her side, pulling her body closer to his as he reached her hip. It had been a truly pleasurable day, and he was pleased with his idea to bring her out to the meadow. The sun reflected off her golden hair, and the cool breeze seemed just enough to keep her nipples erect. He remembered with satisfaction having one in his mouth just an hour before.

  The pressure of her backside against his crotch was sweet temptation. If he were truthful, everything about Naveenah was tempting, but what frightened him was how tempted he was to tell her all his secrets.

  “Like this?” She looked up at him, clearly searching for direction.

  She was a good student. He’d been surprised how quickly she’d taken to his tutelage. Every position he taught her she mastered quickly. He positioned her elbow slightly lower.

  “No. More like this.”

  Her body was fast becoming a drug to him. Even now it took everything he had not to strip her down and fuck her, but he was attempting to resist…although in the moment, he couldn’t remember why.

  She pulled her hand back and hesitated.

  “Never hesitate, sienta. Your arrow will not fly true if you do.”

  She nodded and tried again, this time releasing the arrow into the air. It flew across the meadow to lodge in their target, not a direct center, but a damn good shot all the same.

  “Very good!”

  She squealed and jumped in the air, breaking the contact of their bodies and leaving him hard and aching without her.

  “Let’s do it again!”

  He laughed and took the bow from her. “In a little while. Let’s eat first, and talk.”

  When her nose wrinkled in disappointment he found her nearly impossible to resist, but fortunately she agreed. He took her to the very center of the meadow, until they were knee deep in the yellow wild flowers Antares was so fond of. He had splayed their blanket along the ground previously, and as they sat, they became nearly invisible, hidden in the sweet-smelling flowers.

  He set before her simple fare of pheasant, fruit, and a bread made from corn that he knew she would never have tasted before. He felt guilty, knowing how Antares struggled with farming when he knew where there was a pocket of families who were doing quite well at it. He could never tell his brother about them, though, for fear that it would almost certainly mean the deaths of those very families.

  “You’re awfully serious, Nikolai. What’s the matter?”

  He sat beside her and portioned out his own meal. “Nothing, really. I was just thinking about Antares’s farming problem.”

  “You’re a good brother the way you help him.”

  She smiled and popped several of the berries into her mouth. Her kind words condemned him. He was not a good brother, but then, he was in a very undesirable position with no real answers either way.

  “Naveenah…” He had wanted to bring this subject up with her for so long now but was still uncertain of how best to broach it. Sometimes it seemed as if he had spent a lifetime with her, not merely a few short months. “On Earth, did you have any special rituals, beliefs, people with powers that were unexplainable?”

  She stopped eating and looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. Not a good start in his opinion, but what was done was done and he would force himself to finish what he started. He needed her to know, wanted to share his secrets with her. It meant more to him with each day they spent together, so there was no time left for holding back.

  “Um, not that I knew. That’s an awfully odd question, though. Where did it come from?”

  He scrambled for an answer, anything but the truth.

  “I guess I’m just wondering about the customs of your world, as any man would when he found a female so attractive as I find you.”

  She looked at him as if he was the biggest liar in the universe. Who knew? Maybe he was. He’d lived a lifetime of lies, an exceedingly long lifetime, and the secrets were wearing on him. Hiding who and what he was from nearly everybody, and particularly the people who meant the most to him, was becoming very close to impossible.

  He placed three sweet berries on his tongue, approving of the burst of flavor he got as he pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, squeezing out their sugary drenched essence. He stretched out on his side, watching Naveenah, taking enjoyment from the pleasure she seemed to be getting from the food.

  “So you have no religion? No spiritual leaders?”

  She moved, tucking her legs close beside her, and tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear. “There are some people who practice religion. It’s very controlled by the government, though. I don’t really get it, but some people say it gives them comfort. I had read a book once where there was a spiritual base for all life, a creator. I liked that. I think that gives me comfort, like there is a reason for all that exists and it’s not so empty and meaningless.”

  Nikolai lay back on one elbow, looking up at the cloudless sky. He plucked a long blade of grass from beside him and began to play with it between his fingers.

  “I think that’s the only part Antares has really wrong. He has a lot of ideas, but no real reasons for them other than that he believes it’s right. I think to truly win the hearts and minds of all the people on Vaturia, he’s going to need to be more open-minded.”

  She rolled over on her stomach and stretched out beside him.

  “Open-minded about what?”

  He brushed back her hair, tucking it behind her ear again, wanting to tell her everything. However, not knowing exactly how close she was becoming with his brother made him nervous. They had been spending an insufferable amount of time together of late, and it was really starting to piss him off as it limited his own access to Naveenah more than he wanted.

  “I think if you study any culture throughout the galaxy, you’ll find the most successful ones had a core religion or spirituality, maybe a long held legend with keepers charged with making each generation believe in it.”

  She seemed to think about what he was saying at least, and that made him feel very good.

  “I don’t know. Earth’s history with religion was rather painful. Too many people trying to please too many deities, each group hating the other for their differences. Since I’ve been here, I’ve experienced that kind of senseless hatred more often than I wish, people just deciding I’m a horrible person because I look different, because of the color of my hair or that I don’t stand tall enough.”

  She looked away, but she was not quick enough to hide the sadness in her eyes from him. He hated she was experiencing such things, but knew he could not stop it. Vaturians were complex beings with a lot of emotion and capacity for hatred and cruelty. He also knew all the pain of being persecuted for simply being himself. It was not something he would wish on anyone, but he particularly wished he could save Naveenah from it. “But don’t you think there is some way to make peace with your differences, or does it always have to mean walls between people?” Nikolai awaited her thoughts anxiously.

  She rolled to her back and sighed deeply. “I hadn’t really given it much thought. As a very little girl, my mother used to make me say prayers, but then one day I asked her who we were praying to, and she had no answer. That always haunted me.”

  He drew a breath, about to explode with want of telling her, but held back and continued testing the waters.

  “I’ve lived much of my life off Vaturia. I’ve seen many things I think would scare many people. I’ve seen horrible things done in the name of love, and I’ve seen unspeakable kindness done by one person to their enemy in the same name. I find myself wondering how love can hate so violently and nearly in the same breath devote itself so purely.”

  “I think love is a universal puzzle, and I don’t think anyone can really understand it with all its nuances.”

  He need
ed to shake off the serious mood he’d gotten into. He pushed away all thoughts of telling her and smiled down at her instead, capturing her chin between his fingers.

  “What about fucking? Is it the same as love?”

  She blushed prettily and closed her eyes. He wondered if she was picturing them together because he certainly was.

  She sat up, raised her hair above her head, and looked at him over her shoulder. “Untie me.”

  Any last hold he had on his rampant lust was lost with that comment, but he didn’t want to ravage her this time. He stared into her eyes and slowly unlaced her gown. She stood and let it drop to her feet. His breath caught when he realized she had no undergown on. Standing naked letting the sun bathe her glorious body was a sight he thought he’d take with him to his grave.

  He unlaced his pants, freeing himself. His cock stood hard and ready, but she smiled and shook her head at him. She let her hands play on her own body, caressing her breasts, lightly flicking her nipples.

  “Good God, female, I’m going to come and you haven’t even touched me yet.”

  She smiled, clearly pleased with the effect she had on him. Grabbing his cock, he began to stroke himself, giving her a taste of her own medicine. He felt a very similar satisfaction when he saw her breath catch.


  She shivered as she spoke it. He loved that she was commanding him now, and he gladly did as he was told, flinging his shirt, pants, and boots off with wild abandon. He lay on his back, looking up at her, still stroking his cock as liquid began dripping from the tip.

  “What are you going to do now, sienta?”

  She looked as if she were deciding right then. He wondered how she would want it this time, loving that their sexual appetites were so well matched. He’d traveled across the galaxy and no female had ever been as good a fit for him as she was. She sat across him, resting her ass on his thighs, purposefully not sheathing herself but giving him a very nice view. Her feet at either side of his hips and her knees bent, she began to slide her finger inside herself, slowly. He watched, grabbed her hips, and angled her so he could see her cunt better as she fucked herself.

  She played with the little nub that brought her so much pleasure, and soon she seemed lost to it again. He reached up and took care of her nipples, massaging her breasts and applying the exact amount of pressure to the nipple he knew she liked. He was so intimately conscious of her body now. He knew her sounds, knew what she liked, and how she liked it. Even without the connection, he could read her and always knew how to bring her the most excruciating pleasure. As her moans became louder, he considered how much longer he could take this primarily voyeuristic approach with her.

  “I need to fuck you, sienta. Soon,” he ground out, barely holding on.

  “Mmm, yes, soon.” Her head dropped back. He knew her eyes were closed and she was focused on the sensations she was bringing to her body. “I love it when you fuck me, Nikolai.”

  “Good God.”

  He clenched his jaw and continued to work his cock, but if she didn’t slide his length inside her soon, he’d lose all control…as usual. She brought her head up and pinned him with her lust-drenched gaze.

  “I want you to fuck me up my ass.” Her breath became short, little pants. “Now, Nikolai. Now. I need you now!”

  He didn’t waste a second. He grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over, giving him access to the area she requested. He stroked his cock, getting as much semen glossed over it as he could so he could slide into her smoothly. He lined his cock with her small hole and slid inside her slowly, carefully. Her guttural groan was a clear sign she was coming already, but he knew she’d come at least twice more before he was done with her.

  He reached around her, supporting her as she grew weak, and pushed in deeper. Once he was sheathed and her first orgasm had crested, he grabbed her hair in his fist and pulled her back to him so he could kiss her mouth. She was ravenous again already. He released her and straightened on his knees, pulling her into a position that would bring them the most pleasure.

  “It’s too much.”

  “No it’s not. I know you can take it, sienta.”

  She moaned, heating his blood. He watched as his cock slid inside her, disappearing to the base, then slid back out. He knew he had to take it slowly at first, and he would, but he was nearly blind from the desire raging out of control in his soul.

  “Ohhh, more, Nikolai. More.”

  Her breathing changed. He watched her reach beneath herself, going again for her pleasure source. He joined her, reaching beneath her, sliding two of his fingers deep inside her.

  “Oh God, yes! Like that!”

  He rode her hard but carefully, not wanting to hurt her in any way. The tight hole grabbed his cock so hard, and he was already so damn close. He knew he would lose his battle to hold on at any second.

  “Come with me, sienta.”

  She moaned deep in her throat, and he knew she was close. He closed his eyes and allowed every sensation to roll through him. He shuddered to his core as the orgasm snatched him, so pleased when he heard her scream a moment later, knowing they were falling over the edge together.

  Her one long yell turned into several short, sharp barks as her body convulsed with pleasure. When he finished, he could barely hold himself up. Carefully untangling their bodies, he pulled her close and fell to the ground, where he drew her into a kiss. It was unimaginable how he was never sated. He always wanted more of her. He wanted all of her. Tongues and lips bit, sucked, and danced with each other. He would never get enough of this female, and with each coupling, she grew deeper into his soul.

  “I have to taste you.”

  He slid down her body. She lay limp on the ground and showed no sign of stopping him as he pushed apart her thighs. She was so wet with arousal. He inhaled her scent, feeling like an animal needing to mate. He didn’t even take the time to tease her. He covered her cunt with his mouth, suckling hard enough that she writhed and moaned again. He pressed his tongue inside her. She clutched at the blanket, tearing a corner of the fabric as she rose into the air, shoving herself against his face.

  “God, Nikolai. I never get enough.”

  He licked her, abrading the nub quickly while sliding his two fingers deep into her drenched cunt.

  “What have you done to me?”

  He smiled against her pussy.

  “Is that a complaint, sienta?”

  “God no. Fuck me!”

  She writhed into him, his fingers and tongue now coming to a nice rhythm. He heard her hand slap against her breasts, knew she was playing with her nipples. He closed his mouth on the nub and sucked, her flavor infusing him with primal lust so raw and deep. In that moment, he would have killed a thousand warriors for the possession of her soul.

  Once again she screamed out her pleasure. He kept his rhythm steady until he knew she’d crested. Then he took one more long taste of her, solely for his own pleasure, before sliding up her body to hold her beside him.

  “I’ve never been like this before.”

  He lay trying to catch his breath while the breeze blew over their naked bodies, cooling the sheen of sweat against their skin. He reached around her and pulled the blanket over them, making them a cocoon.

  “Like what, sienta? Insatiable?”

  “I guess.”

  She rolled to her stomach, placing her hand on his rib cage. She flipped her head, tossing her hair to one side, and put her chin on the back of the hand she rested on him.

  “When I’m with you, I want to feel and try anything, I want people to watch. I feel wild. I want to fuck and fuck and fuck until…I don’t know…I explode or something. Nikolai, I can’t breathe, I can’t stop, I can’t reason. It’s like I turn into an animal.”

  He brushed his hand through her hair, stimulated by the thought of having people watch them fuck.

  “This kind of raw passion…” He paused, making sure his sated brain didn’t let slip too much information. �
�It is very rare.” He touched her cheekbone and thought about the legends. “It is usually only experienced with mated people of my race.”

  “Mated? As in forever? Like ‘I belong to you alone until I die’ sort of mating? I thought the Vaturians didn’t mate like that?”

  He drew a breath to steady his nerves. He had to tell her. He was out of time on his secret and prayed inwardly when he took this leap, she would be his soft place to land. He brushed back her hair and brought her closer to himself so he could kiss her forehead before looking into her eyes, knowing the next moment might end up being his undoing.

  “Sienta, I am not Vaturian. I am nay-chi.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Should it bother me that I have no idea what you’re talking about?”

  Naveenah wondered if the sex had knocked some of her brain cells loose, and perhaps she should take a look on the ground to see if she could find them again, but one look into his eyes told her exactly how serious he was. She sat up and grabbed her dress and dropped it over her head. As it immediately fell off both her shoulders, she settled for holding it in place by pressing a hand over the fabric between her breasts.

  “Naveenah, I want to share myself with you, but it would require you to keep my secret. Not even Antares can know my truth.”

  In all the time she’d known Nikolai, he always had a dark undercurrent, but he spent most of their time together laughing and being lascivious, so it had been easy to push to the back of her mind. This Nikolai, though, was so deadly serious, he almost scared her. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know his secrets, and what would happen if she couldn’t keep them?

  “Nikolai, you’re scaring me.”

  She licked her lips and tucked her hair behind her ears, wanting to be the female he could lay his heart bare for but not sure how she should respond to him.

  “That is not my intention. I have held this secret all my life. I had not meant to…” He closed his eyes and ran his hand over his head. “I have begun it. I have to finish it, but, Naveenah, there are lives at stake. If you were to tell…”


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