Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1)

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Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1) Page 5

by Destiny Hawkins

  Alcia took a deep breath and stepped onto the ocean surface, then she slowly walked out a little further. Under her she saw explosions, and the firing that the soldiers of both worlds were creating.

  “I can do this,” Alcia said while firmly planting her feet on top of the water, then she tightened her arms, once again, and let the water push her up into the hair.

  The Machinian’s noticed how close that she was getting, and began to shoot at her, but she shielded herself with another water shield above her head. When they saw that the bullets weren’t making it through, they fired a missile, but Alcia took it down by raising a large amount of water that wrapped itself around the missile and yanked it down under the water, where it exploded under the surface.

  With all the strength Alcia had left, she faced her palms upwards and slowly raised them upwards towards the sky. In front of her formed a giant wave that was headed right for the Zultrain in front of her.

  Machinian soldiers aborted the aircraft once they saw the wave coming for them, and dove into the water. The wave then crashed into the Zultrain, and took it down to the ocean surface, where it slowly began to sink.

  “I did it,” She panted “I took it dow...n,” The world around Alcia grew hazy and she suddenly felt like she were falling. She splashed into the water seconds later, and was about to sink back down to the city when a soldier dove in after her and dragged her back to the island.

  Alcia blinked a few times, then passed out. The bright white clouds was the last thing she saw.


  Marian and Jacob hid by the side of a yellow house while reloading their guns.

  “What’s the plan?” Jacob asked.

  Marian wiped the sweat off of his forehead and shook his head, “there is no plan. Just cover me, and I’ll cover you. Survive.”

  Jacob nodded, “you good?” he asked, seeing that Marian didn’t look like his confident self.

  “Fine,” Marian took a deep breath, “follow behind me,” Marian walked towards the edge of the house that shielded him, and brought his gun to his chest, then he looked back at Jacob and motioned for him to follow.

  Marian ran out into the street as fast as he could, so to get to the other side and head back for the school, but stopped when he heard Jacob being shot down. It was a horrify sound that made his heart sink to the ground “Jacob!”

  Jacob fell onto his back with an arrow sticking out from his chest, “M...Marian...” he looked up at Marian as if he were apologizing.

  “Not you too man!” Marian began to tear up, “Jaco-”

  Marian was yanked by the back of his shirt onto his back, then froze when he saw a group of arrows being pointed down at him.

  “The other one okay?” One soldier asked.

  “No, dead,” someone said.

  The soldier sighed, “So young. Well, we can spare this one. Send him to the sector.”

  Marian looked up at the men with hate and fear in his eyes. At this point, he didn’t really know what to feel for the Varenwhile’s. They had killed both of his friends, and he couldn’t do anything about it. One sudden move and he would have arrows sticking out from his face.


  “Darvenious...” A voice whispered in the wind.

  The sword, once again, turned the Oceanian soldiers into dust right before their eyes.

  Zyas stood behind Angel with a confused expression on his face, “how is it that you can do that? Are you some kind of demon?”

  Angel looked down at his sword, “no, just an ordinary human. This sword though...” their eyes slowly followed down the blade of the sword to the tip. He remembered how he had obtained the sword as he ran to Shalina’s unsuccessful rescue. It had just appeared in his hand, as if it had chosen him, but how can a non-Verna user use such a powerful instrument?

  “Angel!” Zyas raised his bow and arrow, and shot an Oceanian soldier riding a water horse in their direction.

  Angel came back to his senses, “there doesn’t seem to be many Oceanians left around here.”

  “Yeah, you pretty much took them all out,” Zyas said as he watched Angel’s sword.

  “You should go and check on your family,” Angel said, putting his sword away, “I’ll go and check on the village.”

  “Are you sure? I could come with you,” Zyas said.

  Angel looked back down at his sword and smiled, “I’ll be alright.”

  “Okay, but after I check on them, I’ll meet you in the village.”

  Angel nodded, then blew out a whistle. Seconds later his horse came running from the trees with Zyas’ horse following.

  “Good boy,” Angel jumped on top of his horse, “I’ll see you in the village. Hope that your family is alright.”

  Zyas nodded, then watched as Angel rode off through the forest, “amazing one, isn’t he?” After watching Angel literally blow away his enemies, Zyas felt inferior compared to him. All he had was a bow, some arrows, and a spot on aim, but that was nothing compared to Angel’s ability. How does a mere human hold such power?

  Zyas jumped onto his horse and rode back to his home, where his sister sat next to their unconscious father.

  “Is he alright?” Zyas asked, frozen in the doorway.

  Zaray looked back at Zyas with teary eyes, “he’s fine. Just very weak.”

  Zyas sighed loudly, “don’t scare me like that. I thought he was...” Zyas stopped talking and kneeled down next to his sleeping father, “never mind that. Are you okay?”

  Zaray nodded, “I’m fine. Just a bit tired now. Is the boy you were with okay?”

  Zyas thought back to Angel, who was untouched, “he’s alright. Went to go and check on the villagers.”

  “I’m glad. He looked strong,” Zaray said with a smile.

  “He is strong. He’s amazing. The sword he has is incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it. We barely even had to fight, we just- well he just...blew them into dust,” Zyas realized how foolish he sounded, and slowly brought his eyes to his sisters.

  Zaray laughed at that one, “Zyas, that’s not possible. No one in all the villages in Varenwhile can do such things. Not unless he has Verna in his blood, and no one has had any for about fifty years.”


  Zaray stopped laughing and smiled, “Oh, right. You haven’t been to the village enough times to know what that is.”

  “So, what is it then?”

  “Verna is power. Royal power that originated in the First Kingdom.”


  Angel arrived at the village to find it untouched, but surprisingly empty. He figured that the people had heard Zyas’ warning and hid in their homes for shelter.

  Angel jumped off of his horse, and walked through the deserted village while searching for any leftover enemies. If there were any, he was just going to turn them into dust like all of the others.

  “Angel,” A voice called out. Only in a moment of danger did Angel ever get to hear the soft voice from his word. He would respond, or ask questions, but the woman’s voice would never answer. It’s been that way since he was a child, and he could never understand why she wouldn’t talk back to him unless his life was threatened, “she’s here...she’s here.”

  “Who?” he thought he would give it a try.


  Angel froze, then started looking around himself, but found nothing but the huts around him. Shalina was here? But where? And how did she get back? Had she finally learned how to control her Verna?


  Angel turned around to a familiar face that wasn’t standing more than ten feet away from him. She was a little shorter than him, standing at about five feet and six inches with long blond hair and dark ocean blue eyes.

  “Shalina?” Angel was taken aback by her sudden appearance, and was more shocked than overjoyed to see her beautiful face. He took a step forward, finally coming back to his senses, but stopped when he noticed the elegant dress that she were wearing.

lina wore a red dress that fit her curves beautifully, with a red rose pinned in her hair. She also wore a silver necklace, and long white gloves that stopped at her elbows.

  “Who are you?” Shalina asked as she stepped back in fear.

  Sadness took over Angel, “it’s me. A-Angel. Don’t you recognize me?”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t,” Shalina shook her head.

  “We were friends before,” Angel said, feeling defeated before he even got started. Was this actually Shalina, or just someone that looked exactly like her? It had to be her though, because no one in the world had eyes as blue as hers.

  Shalina frowned, feeling confused. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you.”


  Darrengiy appeared next to Shalina, “don’t come any closer.”

  “Get away from her!” Angel immediately pulled out his sword at the sight of the young lord, but then lowered it after seeing the frightened expression on Shalina’s face, “Shalina, what are you doing!? He’s the enemy. Why are you still standing with him...?”

  “Darrengiy?” Shalina turned to Darrengiy, “What is this boy-Angel, talking about?”


  “Look around yourself,” Darrengiy said to Shalina, “this was your home, this is where you were born, and him,” he pointed to Angel, “he was the one who took it away from you.”

  “What? Don’t listen to hi-”

  “With that very sword, he killed your family,” Darrengiy frowned over at the sword that shined right in the middle, “he turned them into nothing, just like he did the rest of the villagers, using its power.”

  “Shalina, he is lying to you! For what reason would I have to do that!?” Angel yelled taking a step forward.

  “To use her power of course. You wanted to take her, and use her for your own selfish reasons, then you destroyed her village when she declined! For years your village remained empty of life. He is an evil being Shalina, you must always remember that!” Darrengiy yelled, “I knew it wasn’t a good idea to bring you here.”

  Shalina looked around, and noticed that there were no villagers around, “did you kill all of the villagers here? Is that why there is no one around?” her voice shook with fear and anger.

  “Shalina, no- that’s not it at all. He is lying to you. There’s a war and-”

  Zyas rode his horse next to Angels and jumped off, “Oceanians,” he said out of breath, “on their way now.”

  Angel looked back at Zyas, then to Shalina and Darrengiy. The Oceanians would have to wait, because Angel had to get Shalina back, and it’s not like the villagers needed any protecting, because it looked like Darrengiy took the last few lives that remained, “try to remember me,” he said softly.

  Zyas turned to the two strangers across from him, and looked them up and down. When he looked up into the males eyes, he jumped, seeing that they were as dark as night.

  “Shalina, we were best friends. I would have never done something like that,” Angel took another step forward.

  “Angel?” Zyas said. Oceanians were beginning to surround them.

  Shalina’s anger had turned into confusion when she looked into Angel’s eyes. They looked as if they were telling the truth, but how could she know? The only person that she was ever able to read was Darrengiy, and he would never lie to her. But still, she wasn’t very sure anymore.

  “Darrengiy, maybe you have him confused with someone else. Maybe -”

  An Oceanian from behind her aimed at her back, causing Zyas to point his bow and arrow in their direction, and then fired. Quickly, Darrengiy reached out and grabbed the arrow, making it seem as if it would hit Shalina, “we must leave now. I told you that they were dangerous.”

  “Wait! Darrengiy you’re not taking her away again- you’re not going to!” Angel ran at Darrengiy and raised his sword, but then Darrengiy blocked with his own sword, as if protecting Shalina.

  Any thought that Angel was telling the truth diminished in seconds.

  “Shalina, I...”

  “You can’t have her, so now you try to kill her?” Darrengiy kicked Angel to the ground, “let’s go Shalina,” he rested his hand on her shoulder and then faded into the air with a smile.

  “Angel,” Zyas stood next to Angel, who was still on the ground.

  “Drop your weapons!” One Oceanian yelled.

  Zyas dropped his bow and held his hands up. Angel just sighed and looked down at his sword.

  Chapter 5: Shalina-Part One

  Year: 6009

  Shalina woke up on a large bed with a purple comforter, pink sheets, and white pillows. She sat up on her elbows with sleepy eyes and looked around her. The entire room was painted pink, with white dressers, and a white closet against the wall across from her. On her left, there was a white desk with a lamp and chair, and on her right there was a large brown door.

  Shalina scooted out of the bed and ran to the door, then pushed on it, “it’s locked,” she sighed. She put her ear against the door, hoping to hear something outside of it, but unfortunately, there was nothing. She then rested her back against the door and looked out of the window across from her. From what it looked like, she was way above ground, because there was nothing in sight but the sky and clouds until she walked closer to the window.

  Once Shalina saw how high she actually was, her mouth dropped. She had never been so far above ground before, and the trees she climbed couldn’t even compare. Darrengiy had put her on the very top floor of the castle.

  Shaking off the shock, Shalina grabbed the handles to the window and tried to lift them, but it was jammed shut, and when she tried again, the window began to sparkle with different colors, and her hands started to tingle, so she snatched them away and shook them off. Seconds later, the sparkling died down, and her hands felt back to normal.

  Feeling like there was no use, Shalina decided to observe the outside world, and to her own surprise she really liked what she saw. There was a courtyard that stretched out so far that the large wall it ended at looked to be the height of her finger.

  The courtyard was a large sea of colorful flowers, with pathways that connected together for people to walk on. There were a few workers out clipping the bushes or watering the plants, but it wasn’t very lively. There weren’t even any guards spotted patrolling the grounds.

  Shalina sighed, then backed away from the window. There was no way out of this room, and even if she managed to get out, she would have to find the exit to the castle without being caught.

  Shalina sat down on the soft bed and ran her fingers across the comforter. She had never felt cloth so soft before....KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. She jumped to her feet when the large door creaked open and someone’s head popped in.

  “Excuse me ma’am,” A young male servant with light brown hair and brown eyes came in holding a tray of hot foods. She could tell that they had just finished cooking because of the steam that rose off of the plates.

  Shalina stood on guard, waiting for him to make a sudden move.

  “Your dinner is ready,” the servant said with a bright smile, “don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

  Shalina frowned as she watched the servant set the tray of food down on the bed, “where is Darrengiy?”

  “I wouldn’t be able to tell you right now,” the servant answered.

  “Why? Is he not here?”

  The servant smiled slightly, “my lord is always here. Believe me, so I don’t recommend you try anything clever. He’s the last person you want to make upset.”

  Shalina frowned, “where is he! Tell him to return me back home!” she yelled.

  “I’m sorry, but I cannot do that.”

  “Then, can you take me home?” Shalina tried to hold back her tears.

  “I can’t do that either,” the servant boy sighed, “enjoy your meal my lady,” he turned around and left the room. Shalina took the chance and ran for the open door, but before she reached it, it slammed shut.

  “Let me out!! You can’t ke
ep me in here! Let me out!” She slammed her hands on the door repeatedly until a force suddenly yanked her back, across the room, and against the desk. The pain in her back was so immense that she couldn’t even let out a cry, and moments later, she passed out.


  Shalina woke from the sound of a fireplace crackling, and the smell of burning wood. The pain in her back had gone away, and she was relieved that she didn’t wake up screaming like the time she had broken her arm. She turned her head towards the fire and wondered where Darrengiy had taken her now.

  “She’s awake,” The young servant said.

  “Good,” A deeper voice responded, “leave us.”

  Shalina sat up, but saw no one in front of her. Just a large painting on the wall of a beautiful woman with dark blue eyes and long blond hair. For a moment she felt like the woman’s gentle smile was made for her comfort, but then shook off the thought.

  “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” The deep voice asked.

  Shalina turned to her left to see Darrengiy sitting at a dark brown desk on the other side of the room. His orange eyes glowed in the darkness, making Shalina squeeze the cushion of the soft brown chair she had been sleeping in.

  “Don’t be alarmed, I won’t hurt you,” Darrengiy stood from his chair, then walked around his desk and into the light.

  “How should I know? You threw me across the room,” Shalina snapped.

  Darrengiy laughed softly, “That was you’re doing my dear. You have no control over that Verna of yours, and I guess it doesn’t help that you’re near me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re stronger. Together, I mean, we are stronger.”

  “That’s why you brought me here, huh?” Shalina looked towards the fire, “Angel warned me.”

  Darrengiy sighed, “No need thinking of him anymore, he’s in the past.”

  Shalina snapped back to Darrengiy, ready to cry once again, “you’re not going to take me back?”


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