Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1)

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Angel's Blade: Power (Angel Series Book 1) Page 16

by Destiny Hawkins

  “Angel...” the voice whispered, “Angel...” it had been a while since his sword had spoken to him, and it took a moment to recognize the soft feminine voice. It was faint at first, but then the last one was so loud it felt like the voice was coming from right in front of him, “move!”

  “Wha-” Somehow, Angel lost control of his sword, and the handle slammed into his stomach, causing him to fall back. As he was falling, he notice a blur that zoomed by, but not before it spurt out some sort of black oil onto Angel’s face.

  Angel slid onto his back while screaming and rubbing his eyes, “my eyes! Something got into my eyes! I can’t see!” Angel panicked and felt around for his sword. Once he got a hold of the handle, he scrambled back to his feet and held it out in front of him. Now all he had to rely on was his ears, but it was hard to point anything out because there were demons everywhere, “now I’m really going to need your help,” Angel said while calming himself.

  “Don’t worry...” for the first time the soul in the sword sounded human. It was a sweet voice, one that, in his current situation even made him feel safe.

  Angel could feel the grip of the sword become warm, then suddenly the loud screams and explosive sounds around him became muffled, “what is this?” with his vision slowly coming back he could see some sort of transparent force surround him, and any demon that touched it was blown into ashes, “darvenious?”

  The sword didn’t answer.

  Zyas had finally made it over to where all the commotion was, and spotted Angel right in the middle of it, being protected by a barrier.


  It had taken him a while to get there after Verenda had broken the chains with the bottom of his golden staff, and he was exhausted.

  “But why? Aren’t you a demon?” Zyas asked as he got to his feet.

  “Not quite,” Verenda smiled, “only half. Besides, I wasn’t just going to let a decent human be eaten alive.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m sure my friends are on their way now,” Zyas dusted himself off.

  A loud roar sounded from not far away, “sounds like they’re already here,” Verenda said. He pulled the top off of a small brown bottle, then drank down its contents, “that should get them going,” his pupils went from large to skinny.

  Zyas grabbed his bow off of the booth next to him and strapped it onto his back, “I have to go. Thank you again,” he started running towards the sound of the commotion, then slowed down when he saw Verenda flying over him


  Zyas shook his head as he noticed how Verenda was fighting among his friends, making a perfect team member. He was an incredible fighter, and the staff he used was just as powerful, knocking demons back with one swift attack, or simply going straight through them, causing their bodies to blast into golden embers. It reminded him of Angel’s sword that blew his enemies into dust.

  “Angel!” Zyas yelled. He cut through two demons that came at him, and then stopped in front of Angel’s barrier, “Angel!” he called, “get out of there!”

  Angel frowned in confusion, “Zyas?” his vision was just a little more clearer, and he could see his friend fighting outside of the barrier, “it’s okay now. I’m getting my vision back. Let me help them.”

  There was no response for a moment, then, “as you wish...” the barrier that surrounded Angel faded, and he began to aid his friend in battle.

  Tren wiped the sweat off of his forehead and hated the thought of not being able to use his guns. They just had to come to a world with no means to produce bullets. These people didn’t even know what a gun was!

  Tren balled his black fists and then slammed it through the head of a demon that thought jumping at him was a good idea. The demons body slammed down with a splat and oozed out green blood.

  “No!” Cried out a little girl. Tren was surprised to see her at first, until she revealed her razor sharp teeth and nails. The little demon ran over to the lifeless demons body next to Tren, then frowned up at him, “you killed her!”

  Tren felt bad at first, but as soon as the little girl leaped up at him and dug her nails into his shoulders, the only thing on his mind was getting rid of her.

  “Get off!” he grabbed the girl by her waist and threw her off of him, but she just came running after him again. She reminded him of an angry cat that wanted to scratch his eyes out.

  The little girl jumped at him again, but this time Tren just punched her in her side hard enough to break her ribs, or whatever bones were on the right side of her torso. The demon let out a scream, then slammed down onto the dirt with a thud. Even though she was an enemy, she was still but a child, and Trenza couldn’t manage get himself to kill a young one.

  “Brother!” the little girl cried out.

  Tren looked in the direction that the girl screamed to, and saw another demon with abnormal sized muscles, sharp teeth, and sharp nails. It stopped what it was doing and started running for Tren at the sound of the little demons cry.

  Tren’s eyes widened when he felt the ground vibrate with each step, “oh, hell,” he said. He was becoming exhausted from using his blood armor for so long, and had a muscle head sprinting in his direction. This wasn’t going to end well for him.

  The little girl smiled and got up to her knees, “he’s going to rip your head off!”

  Tren prepared himself for the little girl’s brother to make contact, but right before the demon could smash his fist into Tren, it was blown back by a large ball of fire.

  “Sheesh! Alcia could handle herself better than you!” Marian said.

  Pale Tren wiped the sweat off of his forehead again and smiled, “thanks, bro.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Marian grabbed Tren by his wrist, “come on, let’s go,” Marian led Tren through the crowd of angry demons that were, for some reason, fighting each other now, and made it up to Montago and the others.

  The passage that they came through earlier opened up, and Montago was the first person through with Marian and Tren being last. They made their way through the narrow pathway and then out into the open forest, where the sun was yellow and the air smelled of flowers again.

  They all stopped running to catch their breaths. Verenda stood hunched over next to Angel and laughed, “You fight well.”

  “So do you,” Angel nodded to him.

  Montago looked over to Verenda, “my friend from the forest.”

  “Montago,” Verenda nodded.

  The others had finally caught their breath and began taking off their cloaks.

  “So,” Verenda started, “I see you guys weren’t just there to save your friend. This was well planned?”

  “Yeah,” Montago said, “I was surprised to see you in there, and where is your human friend?”

  Angel just remembered that he saw a girl with him the night Tasa was poisoned.

  “She’s back at the village. I just went to the Devil’s Town to get me a little something to help with my wings. It seems that their elixir is all that can get them to work.”

  “Right,” Zyas looked up and down Verenda’s back, “your wings. Why do you have wings? Where are they from?”

  Verenda just smiled back at Zyas “well, that’s for me to know and well, you to never find out,” he turned back to Angel and looked down at his sword, “that’s one hell of a sword you have there.”

  “Thanks,” Angel slipped his sword back into its sheath.

  “I’ve never seen a sword protect its master out of free will. It looks like something that came from the first kingdom.”

  Angel frowned, “you’ve been there?”

  Verenda held his slight smile, “no, I’ve just seen weapons from there before. They’re pretty powerful,” he lied.

  Angel knew that Verenda was lying, but decided not to push it any further than that.

  “So, your stones. Let’s see them,” Montago said. He pulled his out of his pockets and held them in a brown cloth so not to burn his hands. The others did the same, “this is good enough.”

Tren smirked at Marian, “where are yours, Marry Anne?” he teased.

  “Shut-up Tren,” Marian said. He was a little embarrassed that he wasn’t able to even take one.

  They each handed Montago the stones that they’d collected, and he put them in his brown bag, then threw it over his shoulder.

  “So, what are you guys about to do now?” Verenda asked.

  “Head back,” Montago said, “you?”

  Verenda scratched the back of his head, “well, I do have a lady waiting back there for me,” he laughed, knowing that Shalina would never be his girl.

  “Alright, let’s go,” Montago said.

  They were just about to start heading back to the village when the ground began to shake, and a large Bift came from the trees, followed by four Moorenof’s.

  “Great,” Tren sighed.

  Angel pulled his sword back out and held it in front of himself, next to Verenda. They were about to attack when two more beasts appeared. Their mouths dropped in sync.

  “Oh, that’s fucking great!!” Tren threw his hands up, “more of them!”

  Verenda smiled over at Angel, “you going to fight the whole way through this time?”

  Surprisingly, Angel smiled back, then turned back to their new enemies.


  Back in the village, Alcia was helping Tasa get back on her feet and start walking again. The poison had finally completely cleared from her system, and she was ready to get back into action. Especially, with a dangerous and powerful man seeking for her death.

  So far, Tasa was doing as well as what was expected of her. Alcia stayed close by in case Tasa lost her balance, so that she could catch her.

  “Thank you for your help,” Tasa said as she wiped sweat from her forehead.

  “You’re welcome,” Alcia said, snapping back into reality. The boys hadn’t come back home yet, and she was worried to death about them.

  Tasa stopped and leaned over on the wooden wall, “you shouldn’t worry so much. Those guys are strong, they’ll be back,” she gave a weak, yet, reassuring smile, “and so will Zyas.”

  Alcia nodded and gave a slight smile.

  Tasa started to laugh, “He must have some serious feelings for you to go after that boy.”

  Alcia blushed and turned to look over at the blinking bugs in the jar, “yeah, maybe not so much anymore.”

  “Oh, please,” Tasa slid down the wall and sat down on the floor, “water.”

  Alcia picked up the wooden cup which was on the floor next to Tasa’s mat, and brought it to her.

  Tasa took the cup from Alcia, and then gulped the water down, “me and Montago have been through plenty, and he always comes running back. Don’t worry about that either, he still has feelings for you.”

  “But...” the pained look on Zyas’s face after he had caught her kissing Jermya came to mind, “he saw me...”

  “He’ll forgive you. It’s hard times right now, so he’ll understand, but when he makes a mistake, you should also be forgiving as well,” Tasa gave a serious look, then smiled again, “come and help me back up.”

  Alcia finally calmed down, and walked over to Tasa to help her get back to her feet. As soon as Tasa was upright, the bark door slammed open and Alcia’s smile faded when the person in the doorway wasn’t Zyas.

  “Oh, Jermya,” Alcia slowly let go of Tasa, “what are you doing here? The guys aren’t back yet...”

  Jermya’s dark frown confused Alcia. It was almost as if he were another person. This couldn’t be the same guy that she kissed the night before.

  “Is everything okay?” Alcia asked. She could literally feel the tension in the air.

  Jermya frowned harder, “your friends foiled my plans,” he took a step into Tasa’s home with his eyes fixated on Tasa.

  Looking down at Jermya’s shaking hands, Tasa watched as he pulled out a sharp knife from his pocket, “Alcia.”

  Alcia stepped in front of Tasa as soon as she saw the knife, “what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to finish off the plan,” Jermya said, “I’m going to kill her,” he pointed his knife at Tasa.

  “Jermya, I don’t understand,” butterflies formed in Alcia’s stomach, but they weren’t the good kind. Even though she hadn’t known him for long, it still hurt to know that he had betrayed her.

  Jermya started to laugh, “I’m going to kill her Alcia. Darrengiy’s orders,” he turned to Tasa, “so there’s no need to regain your strength. I’ll end this quickly.”

  Alcia looked to the empty cup that she wished was still full, “stay away from her.”

  Jermya walked up to Alcia and put the knife to her throat. He was surprised at how soft her skin was. It was as if the knife had cut through her already, “or what? You have no water. Oceanians need that, right?”

  Alcia took a deep breath, not sure of what she should do. There was an injured woman behind her, an armed man in front of her, and no water to manipulate, “Jermya, you don’t have to do this.”

  “Oh? But I do,” Jermya said, looking around her to Tasa, “you see, Darrengiy is a very powerful man. One that that has promised to share his power with me. I could rule all of Vernasia with him,” he smiled, “and all I have to do is kill her.”

  Alcia took a deep breath, still trying to think of a plan to stop him, because if she didn’t make a move soon, then Tasa would end up being killed, and maybe even herself.

  “So, move out of my way, or I’ll end you too,” Jermya boomed. He pushed the knife harder against her skin, and was surprised to see water start dripping down the knife and onto the floor.

  Alcia’s eyes widened when they met his, then without thinking, she head butt him on the nose, and pushed him back as hard as she could, “get back,” she ordered Tasa.

  Tasa did as she was told and had backed herself up against the wall. Alcia shot out for the knife after it had slid out of Jermya’s hand when he hit the floor, but he had grabbed her ankle, causing her to fall.

  As soon as she landed on her knees, she kicked back at Jermya’s head and eventually fought him off, then she grabbed the knife and rolled over to her back, where her eyes met right with Jermya’s as he leaped on top of her. He was trying to strangle her, but his hands splashed right through her neck.

  Alcia held the knife against Jermya’s throat, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Alcia, kill him,” Tasa said with urgency.

  Jermya smiled, “yeah Alcia, kill me,” he laughed, “You don’t have the balls!”

  Alcia looked deep into Jermya’s eyes and could see that he was hurting inside, but instead, he chose to hide his pain with a smug grin, “Jermy-”

  Jermya snatched the knife out of Alcia’s hand and was about to plunge it into her, when something stopped him midway, “Alcia…” his face was so pained that she could see veins forming on his forehead. He coughed once, but could barely get it out and dropped the knife, “what-” he slowly looked down at the part of his body that had been penetrated. Water, in the shape of long thorns, stretched through his stomach and pointed out of his back.

  Alcia, still not fully comprehending what had just happened, looked down at her chest and stomach and saw that it had formed clear thorn-like spikes that stuck outwards. It wasn’t cold, so she knew that it wasn’t ice, and figured that it was just water. Very sharp, and hard water.

  What had bothered her most was the fact that a part of her body had gone through another person’s and killed him. Her body was just simply protecting itself as it had been doing since she’d left Oceania.

  “Jermya,” Alcia shot up and the thorns dropped back into its original watery form. Jermya also fell on top of Alcia, but she had rolled him from on top of her, and onto the floor.

  Jermya turned to Alcia with wet eyes, and tried to speak, but no sound came from his lips. He took a few more struggled breaths, and then let out his last one.

  “He’s dead,” Alcia whispered, “Tasa, I didn’t want to...” she looked back at Tasa, who was still sho
cked from what she had seen. She was relieved that Jermya had died, but still surprised at what Alcia’s body had just done.

  Tasa just nodded back to Alcia, who had turned around and closed Jermya’s eyes. Even Tasa could see in his eyes that there was more to what he had told them, but she would never know what it was.


  Angel and Verenda rested their backs against each other’s while breathing heavily. They had been fighting off the Moorenofs for quite some time now and were running out of gas.

  “Hope you aren’t getting tired over there,” Verenda said while trying to catch his breath.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not,” Angel replied.

  “Really? Because you’re breathing pretty heavily. I can hear you,” Verenda laughed for a moment, and then held his staff out in front of him with the end facing the Moorenofs.

  “I’m fine. Just stay out of my way,” Angel said raising his sword once more. He had blocked yet another attack from a Moorenof’s vicious nail slashes, and then he kicked it down.

  Angrily, the Moorenof got back to his feet and ran at Angel again, only this time, Angel moved out of the way, so that it could meet with Verenda’s dangerous blow. With one quick thrust, Verenda slammed the end of his staff against the Moorenof’s gut and it burst into little golden embers.

  “And you thought I was going to get in your way,” Verenda said with a grin.

  Angel grinned back. He liked how well the two of them worked together, and planned on asking him to join them on their quest to stop Darrengiy after all of this was over.

  “Watch it,” Verenda spotted a Moorenof coming for Angel’s back, and stopped it before it had cut through Angel’s skin with its sharp nails, “another one turned to dust. You should be more alert, or are your eyes still a bit damaged?”

  Angel gave a full smile this time, and with one swift swing, he cut through a morrenofs head. The demons may have gotten stronger, but they weren’t strong enough to stop this bunch.

  Angel and Verenda continued on using team work to take down the moorenofs, and oddly, they enjoyed themselves. It had been a while since either of them got to have a real release, and taking out a common enemy with brute force felt good!


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