Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 19

by Brooke Cumberland

  I’m sure she’ll be back someday. Not looking forward to it one bit.

  “I hate that woman Derek. I hate what she did to you. I hate what she has done to Emma. I hate what she did to my marriage, even though I was never aware of any of it. I just hate her and I don’t like hating people. But dammit I can’t control the amount of hate I feel towards that woman. I pray Emma never has to meet her. I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening.”

  And I meant it. After going on a rant about how much I hate Skankzilla, I can’t help but smile at the way Derek is looking at me. It’s that cute face he makes when he’s patiently waiting for me to finish whatever I was going off about. But this time it’s slightly different; because this time his eyes are filled with pride. Not sure why he’d be so thrilled that I just bashed his baby momma, but he looks rather pleased.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” He’s playing with my hand and I can’t help the chill that passes through my body as he rubs his fingers over the spot that will be covered by a ring someday soon. Ah, I still can’t believe we are engaged.

  “I’ve just never been this happy before Jes. Even looking back on the days in my life when I thought I was happy; there is just no comparison for how you make me feel. You becoming my wife will be the best thing to ever happen to me. Getting to wake up to you every single morning. Touching you whenever I want. I’ve been searching for you all my life. I had to take a few wrong turns, but they all brought me to you.” I shift my weight so I can lean up to kiss him without causing us to flip out.

  “I love you too, Derek. My world is a better place with you in it. You brought life to it.” I kiss him again before smacking his arm. “Alright, I need to get up. I have to pee.” I scan our surroundings.

  “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but there isn’t a bathroom out here.”

  “Are you kidding me, Derek? Look around. This whole place is a bathroom. I am a country girl, remember?” I shoot him a wink before he pulls us up together. As we walk back to his truck to grab me a napkin he insists on me using instead of the typical drip drying technique, he starts talking about the future.

  “You know, I’ve always wanted to live out here. Even when I was a kid, I always said I was going to live out here one day.”

  “I don’t blame you. I love it out here. It’s so peaceful, yet there is so much to do as well. It’d be like a constant adventure for a kid.” We stop next to the truck, and he reaches to open the door. “So, does that mean you wouldn’t be opposed to me building us a house out here?” I know I’m squealing, but I can’t control the excitement in my voice.

  “Oh my gosh, really Derek? I would love to live out here. Love love love it. I love everything about this place. But what I love most is the beautiful memories it holds for you. Memories of your grandparents. Of you and Seth as little boys. I want our kids to have those kinds of memories too and this place is the perfect place for that to happen.”

  I wrap my arms around him and he follows suit by doing it back to me. This man has no clue how happy he makes me. How after all the bullshit I’ve been through and the terrible loss, he makes me want more out of life. Makes me want to keep moving forward. He shows me that no matter what shitty hand life throws your way, you can live again. “Baby, after we get married I want you to be Emma’s mom.”

  “Well, yeah, I’ll be her step mom once we get married.”

  “No, I want you to adopt her. I want you to really be her mom. The fact that Victoria hasn’t been around since she was born, she legally has lost all rights. I know Emma already looks to you as a mom figure and she loves you as if you were her mom. I guess I just really want to make it official. If that makes sense.”

  I grab his face with both hands and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. “Derek, I would be honored to be her mom. I already love her as if she was my own. Jaxon and Emma are probably brother and sister…” and then it hits me. “Shit, why am I just now thinking about this. Umm, so is there a way to tell with those DNA tests if Emma and Jaxon are brother and sister or to find out if they have the same dad? I mean since Jake is dead, Jaxon is our only chance at finding the truth, right?”

  “I’m sure it could tell us something. I’m not sure exactly what that would be, or if we even want to know. I mean what will it actually change?”

  Realizing that it won’t change anything, and knowing might only raise more questions, I agree with him. “You’re right babe. You’re her dad and if she will have me, I will be her mom. We’re going to get married and have the most amazing life raising our family out here.” With that being said I grab my napkin and hurry up before we head back to town for our last night alone together before we get our kids tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Life is finally looking up for Jesika and I. She agreed to be my wife. I came clean with her by letting her in on all the bull shit I’ve been holding back because I was worried how she’d take it. Maybe it was a good thing Vicky showed up how she did. Because honestly who knows where our relationship would even be right now. Like would I have told her anything about Jake or Emma not being my daughter? Probably not. Not because I want to keep things from her but because she’s been through enough shit as it is. I never wanted to be the person to let her in on the fact that her dead husband wasn’t perfect like she had thought. I figured it was better for her to hang on tight to her memories she had of him instead of them being tainted by his cheating ways. Hell, it was worse than him just cheating. He paid the woman off, and never had anything to do with his supposed child. So, here I am, still believing that everything works out the way it is supposed to in the long run and if you try rushing it, it will only turn into a disaster.

  Determined not to sleep apart another night, we agreed that Emma and I would move into Jes’ house which was pretty perfect for our family. Well, until I get our house built. It’s on a huge hidden corner lot with plenty of awesome yard space for the kids. The three bedrooms and two baths were also very efficient for us. The only thing we had to make sure was that the kids were okay with it. Truth is, we still would have moved in, but we want them included in all family decisions.

  Taking them out for pizza was our best idea on how to do it. Guess you could say we were buttering them up. Whatever you call it, it worked. They were actually pretty pumped. Even more pumped about Jes and I being engaged. Now all I needed to do was get her a damn ring. The perfect ring isn’t just something you find in the first store you run into. But for me, it actually was. As soon as I spotted it, I knew it was hers. The antique look and all. Big squared diamond encased with a bunch of tiny ones layered all around it. Very vintage and extremely classy. Everything Jesika. I could not wait to slip it on her slender finger.

  Since I didn’t propose in the most romantic way women usually desire, I really wanted to make this night special to over shadow my lack of romance. Doing the only thing I can think of last minute to make that happen, I call Seth.

  “Hey bro. I need a huge favor.” I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box when it comes to figuring out how to swoon a woman. I’ve always kind of lucked out, but I know exactly where to take Jesika tonight. The place where we first got to really know each other. Where we let all of our walls down, and just drank each other in. Feeling completely at ease. Back to where we had our first date.

  “Umm, how are things with you and that fuck buddy of yours at that restaurant you hooked Jes and I up at for our first date?” I hear Seth shuffling around.

  “I actually haven’t had any need for Megan since that night. I mean, we didn’t end our little arrangement on bad terms if that’s what you’re asking.” He knew exactly where I was going with my question.

  “Okay. Well, back to that favor I need.” I tell him about my plan to take her back there and make the night I slip her engagement ring on her finger memorable.

  “So, do you have someone watching the kids yet? If not, I can see if Mal wants to play with my
penis, I mean let me stick it where the sun don’t shine,” he chuckles. “I’m just kidding,” he sighs, “there’s no way she’d let me take the dirt road home.” I hope my brother is kidding because personally I’m not all about playing around with the Emergency Exit. “Anyways, I’ll see if she wants to tag team tonight that way y’all can even stay the night at that fancy ass downtown hotel the masquerade ball was at.” Why the hell didn’t I think of that? Oh right. Because leave it to my brother with commitment issues to be the Casanova of the two of us.

  “You’d be awesome at this relationship shit stuff if you’d actually settle down. I’m just saying, so don’t go all crazy on me.” Obviously paying no attention to the last part of what I just said, he goes off on me.

  “Don’t give me that shit Derek. Life isn’t a fairy tale. Everybody doesn’t get their own happily ever after. I’ve accepted that and you know what? Life has been fucking easier ever since I came to that realization. Plus, Mal is just as bad with relationships as I am. So this thing we got going works out perfect for us.” Yeah right, this little arrangement won’t be working out great for any of us if he breaks my soon to be wives best friends heart.

  “Yeah Seth, it’s all fun and games until you break her heart. You might be able to keep your feelings in check, but you’re blind as fuck if you think she’s not growing attached to you. Just know you aren‘t just a fuck buddy to her. I know you well enough to know that‘s not all she is to you either. I‘m not saying another damn word about it. No need to bitch me out again. It‘s your life. So quit being a mofo and just hook me up for tonight.” And ending our conversation on a civil note, he tells me he’ll call me back in thirty minutes with all the details.

  Being the brilliant brother he is, he concocted this perfect plan to keep Jesika in the dark about the whole plan. He had to have Mallory on board to do this, but I knew his plan worked out beautifully the moment I saw Jesika walk through the restaurants door that led her to me on the lightly lit up back balcony. The place we had our first date. Her expression will be forever etched in my memory. At first it was utter shock, then the realization that she had been set up sunk in and she got this sly smile across her face. “Sneaky, sneaky, Derek.” She says as she slowly walks my way while taking in her surroundings. I have it set up just like it was before. White lights strung around with our table sitting in the middle with a lit candle in the center. This time I had the servers set up one of those fancy ice buckets with a bottle of wine.

  Meeting her half way I lightly wrap my arms around her slim waist. She looks amazing in her black halter type sundress. Topping off the look with the fucking sexiest pair of red heels I’ve ever laid eyes on. Damn. Mallory finally talked her into wearing a pair. I’m going to have to personally thank her later for that.

  “You make it very hard to be sneaky Mrs. Soon-to-be Jordan. You look absolutely breathtaking.” I breathe in her scent as I lean into her which sends a chill down her body. I absolutely love that I still have that effect on her. She does the same damn thing to me. She still has no clue that she has me by the balls. And the heart.

  Even though I’ve already asked her to marry me, you’d think I would have no need to be nervous. But fuck, I’m nervous as hell. All I’m doing is giving her a ring as the hard part is already over. She can sense my nervousness. Not sure if it’s from the klutz in me coming out by my inability to fully keep up conversation as it gets closer to the time I plan of giving her the ring, or if it’s the fact that I can’t keep my damn leg from bouncing up and down.

  “Ah, Derek. Is everything okay over there? You don’t fully seem like yourself.” I give her a quick smile hoping to cover up my sudden lack of confidence.

  “Yeah. Totally. Everything’s fine. Just peachy. Why do you ask?” Oh, yeah that totally threw her off. I sounded like a teenager trying to lie to his parents. Non-believable. Knowing that I’m only going to sound worse the longer I put it off and inevitably make her worried that something is wrong, I pull the small blue box out of my pants pocket. She’s in her own world just chatting away about something that happened at her work today. I have no clue what she’s even saying. I just have my thoughts blowing through my mind. She instantly stops talking when she sees me stand and making my way towards her. I know my face is probably showing so many emotions that she has no clue what to think. No clue what to think until I kneel down on one knee in front of her, lifting the tiny box up for her to see. She gasps and moves her hand over her mouth.

  “Jes. When I proposed to you, it’s not how I had ever planned it would happen. I was just so caught up in the moment and my love for you that nothing else seemed to matter but making you mine, right then and there. I needed you. I needed to know you needed me just the same. We’ve always been so in tune with each other and I felt that you were feeling exactly what I was. Proposing in the shower, without even having a ring as well, is not the typical way to go about it. But I don’t regret it. All the emotion was there. What good is it to ask someone to marry you if all you’re focused on is making sure the setting is perfect, if while doing that all the feelings and purpose behind it is overshadowed by the grand finale of it all?”

  I reach up and caress her cheek. “I love you Jesika. I know I’m fucking rambling right now, but dammit I’m nervous as hell. You do this to me.”

  Grabbing her hand I place it over where my pounding heart resides. “I’ve never met anyone like you. You are the most beautiful person inside and out. You love me like no other. You love Emma like she’s your own and I feel the same about Jaxon. I’ve been searching for what we have my whole damn life. You’ve showed me what true love is. Honest, pure, unconditional love. I will never hurt you Jes. You are my world. And I’m so damn glad you’re mine.” I hate getting emotional, but I can’t help it with this woman. She guts me like no other by touching every emotion I’ve kept locked up since having my heart ripped out. I open the box for her to see the ring.

  “Oh my god, Derek. Are you freaking serious? This ring. This ring is amazing!” I grab her hand that is still resting near my heart and slowly slide the ring up her finger. It’s a perfect fit, looking so beautiful on her. She can’t stop checking it out. I don’t blame her, it looks even more amazing on her than it did at the store.

  “I love you so much, Derek. I’m so lucky to have you. You have no idea. You are an answer to a prayer I never knew I was praying for.” She bends down grabbing my face in her hands and gives me the deepest, meaningful kiss. Yep, she loves the ring.

  “Are we going home now?” She asks as we make our way to my truck. This time of night always feels amazing. Right between hot and cool with a slight breeze. Caught between the stages of fall and summer. If I didn’t already have plans I’d take her to our new favorite spot at my grandparent’s old land and go for a dip in the man-made pond.

  “No baby. I actually have us a room for the night. I hope you don’t mind.” I open up the truck door for her and can’t help checking her incredible legs out as she steps up into my truck like a pro in those hot as hell heels she’s wearing. As she’s about to turn to sit I quickly give her ass a smack, earning me a high pitched yelp.

  “Sorry baby, I couldn’t help myself. I think it’s something to do with those fucking sexy heels you got on. They must be channeling my inner god. Haha, shit that doesn’t even sound right. How in the hell do you women get away with saying that inner goddess shit?”

  She just shakes her head at me. “Pretty sure I will never need to channel anything as long as I’m with you.” I bend in to give her a quick kiss.

  “Well, I hate to admit it baby, but tomorrow you might want to channel a massage therapist because I’m going to be putting good use to every single muscle of yours tonight. I have an urge to make sure you know how to properly use each one.” I give her a wink and close her door leaving her with a stunned expression plastered over her face. I’m excited to be spending the night with just her alone at the Remington INN. I’ve heard amazing rumors about their rooms b
eing spectacular. Guess we’ll be putting those rumors to the test. This is a much needed night for just the two of us away from our everyday life. Not saying anything is wrong with the life we now share together, it’s just the fact that every couple, especially when kids are involved, need to get a break away from the hustle and bustle. So, damn right I will be taking full advantage of the alone time we have tonight. There will be no sleeping. Sleeping is for the birds.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Getting off of work an hour late sucks, but thankfully it was Derek’s day off and he was able to pick the kids up from school. I’m usually the one getting to pick them up because I typically get off at 3:30 in the afternoon giving me plenty of time to make it to the school from my job that’s twenty minutes away.

  My phone rings as I’m at a standstill in the sluggish traffic I’m usually able to avoid. I smile hearing Mallory’s “My Milkshake” ring tone.

  “Hey babe! What’s—” She doesn’t even let me finish before she explodes.

  “I can’t believe that cotton pickin’ lint licker did that to me. How dare she make me look stupid in front of our bosses just because we’re after the same job!”

  Mallory has a unique way of going off on people that I’ve always admired. She will tell you how it is in a heartbeat. She’s always on my ass about sticking up for myself and growing a pair, as she would call it. We are polar opposites on how we deal with confrontation; or more like how I don’t deal with confrontation at all. Where she is full force in your face when she is wronged, or thinks she is, I’m more sit back and not do a thing about it. It’s a weakness I know, but I blame it on my upbringing of being the only child. If I would have had a sibling I would have grown a pair a long time ago. Being a mom has definitely helped in the descent of the balls I’ve been told to grow. You get this protective streak about you that you never thought you possessed. Your inner momma bear side comes barreling out ready to attack anyone who could harm her cub. I’d like to think that I’m much better at standing up for myself these days, but truth be told I’m still in the puberty stage of my growth in that area. The ‘know it all’ assistants I work with are proof of that. Sometimes I still allow people to walk all over me. Maybe one day I will have what it takes to speak my mind.


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