Celeste and the Alien Bartender (Intergalactic Brides 8)

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Celeste and the Alien Bartender (Intergalactic Brides 8) Page 8

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “Zanar helped me shop and took me to get her. His parents are the ones who brought her home, so it seemed fitting.” No way was she going to tell her mother that in her temporary insanity she’d forgotten she was here. What kind of daughter did that make her? So hung up on a man and on her daughter’s return that she completely forgot about her mother. There would be no Daughter of the Year award for her.

  “Oh!” Her mother gasped as Sophie came into view. “She’s so precious, Celeste. And she looks just like you!”

  “Come meet your granddaughter.” Celeste led her over to Sophie. “Mom, this is Sophie. Sophie, this is your grandma.”

  “Can you say Grandma?” her mother asked the baby. Sophie blinked at her a few times before grinning and crawling right to her.

  Her mother blinked back tears as she picked up her grandchild for the first time. Celeste sat nearby, close enough to touch her baby, but she let grandma and baby have some time to get acquainted. She wished she had a camera to take pictures. Her mother seemed to read her mind as she plucked a cell phone from her pocket and handed it to Celeste.

  Before the night was over, the phone’s memory was full of pictures of the family reunion, and little Sophie was sound asleep in her crib. Janine Carlisle collapsed on the couch and blew out a breath.

  “I’d forgotten how exhausting babies were. Now, do you want to tell me what happened?”

  “Zanar told his parents about Sophie, and they took it upon themselves to go to Vaaden. When they got there, Pynder’s family didn’t know how to handle Sophie, and they handed her over without complaint.”

  “Just like that? Gave their grandchild to complete strangers? Yeah, right.”

  “Zanar said his parents claimed to be Sophie’s new grandparents.”

  Her mother perked up. “And are they? Did you agree to marry him?”

  “Easy, Mom. I barely know the guy.”

  Her mother studied her. “Did I ever tell you how your dad and I met?”

  “No. You never talk about him. I just figured it was a painful subject, so I’ve never brought him up. I know you said he died, but I don’t know how or why.”

  “When I was eighteen I was over the moon for the high school quarterback. Wilson Carlisle. I thought he was everything I’d ever wanted, and it didn’t hurt that every other girl in school wanted him too. But one day he took me to his home to meet his parents. His mother took one look at me and said he could do better.”

  “What a bitch. So that was my grandmother?”

  Her mom nodded. “Yes, she was your biological grandmother, even though the two of you never met. She never approved of me, and her opinion dropped even further when her elder son came home. Max Carlisle was in the Marines and two years older than me, but the moment he walked through the door, no other man existed.”

  “So you fell for your boyfriend’s older brother?”

  “Yes, and I fell hard. We spent every waking moment together on his leave, and then he had to go away again. We wrote to each other and kept in touch. When he came home again, I told him I was pregnant with you. He married me before he was shipped out again.”

  “What happened?”

  “They sent him into hostile territory, and he was killed in action. I never saw him again, and his family tried to bar me from the funeral. I’ve never talked about your father because it hurts so much. He was everything to me, and I lost him all too soon.”

  “What does Dad have to do with me?” Celeste asked.

  “When you look at Zanar, does your heart race? Do you feel excited and nervous all at the same time, and then when you part you can’t wait to see him again?”


  “Celeste, sometimes you just know. The moment I looked into your father’s eyes, I knew he was the one for me. Don’t throw away precious time you could spend with Zanar because you’re too stubborn to make a move. So what if you’ve only known each other a few days? I’d have married your daddy the hour I met him if he’d asked.”

  “Zanar said he wanted to claim us, Sophie and me. But he doesn’t know anything about babies, and I don’t think he’s ever even held one.”

  “Then don’t you think it’s appropriate the first baby should be his daughter? Most new dads don’t have a clue about babies until the first time their son or daughter is placed in their arms. Show him what to do. But, Celeste, if you don’t give him a chance, if you walk away because you’re scared or you’re too much in your head and not listening enough to your heart, you’re going to regret it. How often do you think guys like him come along?”

  “I was distant with him at the Terran Station. He felt me pull away and he looked sad. How do I fix it?”

  “You’re going to order a pizza and call that man right now and tell him you need to see him. And then the two of you are going to talk. You’re going to tell him what has you so damn scared, and you’re going to listen when he replies. I think he’s going to surprise you.”

  “Mom, what if I screw it all up?”

  Her mother hugged her. “Then you’ll apologize and hope he forgives you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. Love is in the air, and I hope you reach out and grab it with both hands and hold on tight. Don’t be scared to fall, baby girl. It will be the best and scariest thing to ever happen to you.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too. Now order that pizza. I’ll leave some money for you. And then I’m going to go back to my room and pack. It’s time for me to head home and get my affairs there sorted out so I can move here. I won’t leave until noon in case you need me to watch Sophie.”

  Celeste hugged her mother again and then made the call for pizza. Once the order was placed, she called Zanar. When he answered, he sounded groggy, like he’d been asleep. The moment she asked him to come over, he assumed something was wrong. She hoped everything was very, very right and assured him she was fine.

  “Are you sure you want me to come over?” he asked. “It’s late, and you’ve had a long day.”

  “Please. It’s important.”

  “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  Celeste hung up the phone and rushed to change her clothes. She didn’t have anything overly sexy, so she settled for the next best thing. Short shorts and a tank with thin straps. She skipped wearing a bra and made sure she put on another pair of lacy panties since he’d seemed to like the others so much.

  There was a knock at the door as she was pulling her shirt over her head and she raced to answer it. The pizza delivery guy was standing on the other side. Celeste handed him the money and shooed him away. She was about to close the door when Zanar stepped off the elevator.

  “You ordered pizza?” he asked.

  “I thought you might be hungry. Neither of us ate much at dinner.”

  “Sounds good. Where’s Sophie?”

  “Asleep in her crib. As long as we don’t get too loud, she should sleep for a few hours. I gave her a bottle right before I laid her down. That usually helps her sleep for a while.”

  Celeste set the pizza on the coffee table and retrieved napkins and paper plates from the kitchenette. Zanar still seemed confused as to why he was in her hotel room at close to one in the morning. She handed him a plate with two slices of supreme pizza and grabbed one for herself. When she settled on the sofa next to him, she felt his gaze on her.

  “Not that I don’t enjoy spending time with you, but why did you call so late?” he asked between bites. “I doubt it was to feed me.”

  “My mother told me a story tonight. One I’d never heard before. She never talks about my dad, ever. Not even when I was little. She’d tell me that he died before I was born, but otherwise, I never heard anything about him. Not even his name. It wasn’t until I saw my birth certificate when I was older that I learned who he was. She didn’t even have so much as a picture of him in the house.”

  “You didn’t find that odd?”

  “I don’t know why I never questioned it. But tonig
ht she told me about him. Max Carlisle. He was a soldier, a Marine. They met while she was dating my dad’s brother and she claims it was love at first sight. She ended up pregnant with me, but he received orders and he died fighting overseas.”

  “I’m sorry. He sounds like a brave man.”

  Celeste nodded. “I think he was.”

  “I’m assuming your mother had a reason for telling you that tonight.”

  “She pointed out that sometimes when you meet someone, you just know they’re the right person for you. She told me not to waste my life because I was too scared to go after what I want.”

  He set his plate down. “And what do you want, Celeste? Because I thought you wanted me, but I could feel you pulling away today. I was questioning whether or not I’d hear from you again. I don’t understand what happened between yesterday and today, other than Sophie coming home. I thought maybe I’d said something that upset you.”

  She reached for him. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right. It was me. I was so caught up in trying to do things the hard way -- on my own -- that I was determined to push you away. I thought it would be better if I focused on Sophie right now instead of a relationship.”

  “You can’t do both?” he asked quietly.

  “I can, but I didn’t realize it until I talked to my mom. I felt like I had to choose between the two of you.”

  “So, you called to tell me that you want to keep seeing me? In what capacity? Because I can wait for you if that’s what you want, but I want to be clear on how things will be between us.”

  Celeste took his hand. “Zanar, I think I’m falling in love with you, and it scares the hell out of me. I’ve never been in love before. And now that I’m a single mom, I have Sophie to think of as well. I can’t just jump right in and damn the consequences. And I admit, I was a little worried because of how hesitant you were with Sophie. I was worried that you wouldn’t know how to handle her and that it would be better if went our separate ways.”

  “I can learn if you’ll let me. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to be a good father for Sophie. I’m not perfect, Celeste, and I never will be. But I can promise that if you give me a chance, I will do everything in my power to make sure that Sophie and you are taken care of and loved every day for the rest of your lives.”

  “If you’re sure you want us, then I’m ready to be your mate. Whatever that entails. If it means picking your dirty socks up off the floor, making sure dinner is ready every night, and being in your bed as often as possible, then I’m all in. I’m not going to be scared anymore. Mom told me that life is short, and she’s right. Look at how little time she had with my dad. I don’t want that to happen to us.” She squeezed his hand. “So, what do I have to do to become your mate?”

  “I have to petition the council, but I had planned to do things the more human way since I’m living on Earth now. I wanted to take you to a candlelit dinner and propose with a ring the way I’ve seen men do in the movies. You deserve every bit of romance, and I want to give that to you.”

  She softly brushed her lips against his. “Just having you is enough.”

  “If I claim your body here and now, will it wake up Sophie?”

  “Not if we’re quiet.”

  “Then I’ll strive to be as quiet as possible, because once I start loving you, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”

  She smiled. “Shut up and kiss me, Zanar.”

  He groaned and slanted his lips over hers, capturing her mouth with a hungry urgency. It was deep and delicious, making her toes curl. It was intense and thorough, a searching kiss that left her clinging to him and wanting more. Their tongues twisted and twined as their breaths mingled. Celeste felt like she was burning up from the inside out, her nipples taut against the soft material of her shirt. Moisture dampened her panties as she clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the growing ache.

  Celeste swung her leg across Zanar and settled on his lap, her hands sifting through his hair. His hands gripped her ass and pulled her closer, pressing her down on his hard cock. She shivered and scraped his scalp with her nails. Their kiss slowed, and she pulled away.

  “You have on too many clothes,” Zanar said. “I remember every bit of you that was exposed in the limo, but I’m a greedy bastard, and I want to see all of you.”

  Celeste ripped her tank over her head and tossed it on the floor. His hands tightened on her ass, and he stared at her exposed breasts with a hungry expression. Zanar licked his lips, and she remembered his words in the limo. She cupped her breasts and offered them to him. With a groan, he leaned forward and captured a nipple between his lips. The gentle tug sent a zing straight to her clit, and she gasped as she arched into him.

  The rigid peak was sensitive and throbbing as he teased it with his tongue and teeth. When she thought she couldn’t take another moment more, he switched to the other side, giving it just as much attention. Her pussy clenched, and she squirmed on his lap. Her clit bumped against the ridge in his pants, and she rocked her hips. Zanar dipped his hands beneath the waistband of her shorts and squeezed the globes of her ass. His fingers dipped lower and teased her slit until he worked a digit inside of her.

  Celeste stifled a cry as she rocked harder and faster. He ravaged her breasts sending sparks through her. As he gently bit one tip, she bit her lip as she came, coating his fingers in her cream. Zanar continued to stroke in out of her as he transferred his attention to her lips, kissing her until she couldn’t catch her breath.

  He withdrew his hands and helped her stand. “Strip.”

  Celeste kicked off her shorts and shimmied out of her panties. She stood before him bare and shivered with uncontrolled lust. He grabbed her and flipped her onto the couch, settling on the floor in front of her. Her thighs were splayed as his shoulders pushed them wider apart. Zanar spread her pussy with his fingers and then leaned down and captured her clit with his lips. She moaned as pleasure nearly blinded her. His tongue flicked the bud until she was aching to be filled. He sucked, licked, and teased her until she was on the edge of another orgasm.

  “Zanar, please,” she begged. “I need you.”

  He gave her a look filled with heat and promise, then sucked even harder until she came apart beneath him. Celeste’s legs were shaking when he pulled away, wiping her juices from his lips. She watched as he stripped out of his clothes, his cock capturing her attention. Licking her lips, she sank to her knees in front of him, and with her gaze fastened on his, she took him in her mouth.

  Zanar groaned and fisted her hair as she teased his cock with her lips and tongue, licking the pre-cum from the head.

  “Just like that.” His grip tightened on her hair as he thrust into her mouth.

  Celeste relaxed her throat and took all of him. He muttered words in a language she didn’t understand as his cock plunged into her mouth again. She gripped his hips and let him fuck her mouth, enjoying the taste and feel of him on her tongue. His cock crested a moment before he shot cum down her throat. Celeste swallowed every drop, sucking him dry, but she wasn’t finished with him yet. When he tried to pull away, she held him tight and sucked his cock until it was hard again.

  “You’re trying to kill me,” he muttered.

  “No.” She licked her lips and stood on shaky legs. “I’m just not done with you yet. You promised when you claimed me that I’d have cum dripping down my legs.”

  He growled softly and tugged her down to the floor, covering her body with his. His strength pinned her to the floor as his heated flesh pressed against her. He lifted her hands over her head and circled her wrists with his hand, holding her in place. Celeste ached to feel him inside of her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, opening herself to him.

  He nipped her jaw. “Place your feet on the floor and spread your legs as far as you can.”

  A shiver raked her spine at his commanding tone, and she hastened to obey. Zanar teased her slit with the head of his cock before pressing inside of
her, stretching her as he slowly sank into her. She felt the burn as he filled her, not stopping until he was balls deep.

  “So tight.” He kissed her softly before feathering kisses down the column of her neck. “If I hurt you, tell me, and I’ll stop. If you don’t say anything, I’m not stopping until we’re both exhausted and can’t fuck anymore.”

  Celeste moaned and wriggled beneath him. Zanar started a slow, steady rhythm with long, deep strokes. She watched as his eyes darkened to a deep purple. Tension was etched on his face, and she realized he was holding back.

  “You won’t hurt me.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Zanar, I’m not fragile. Fuck me until I can’t walk straight. Whatever you want to give me, I can take.”

  Her words seemed to unleash something wild inside of him. His hips bucked against hers as he took her faster, harder, with a frenzy that left her breathless. He fucked her as if he were possessed by demons, and she loved every moment of it. Every thrust bumped her clit against his pelvis and soon she was coming apart beneath him. He silenced her cries with a kiss, and as her heart raced out of control, she felt him come inside of her.

  He stilled, buried deep. It didn’t escape her notice that he was still hard as a rock. As she panted for breath, he began to move again, taking her just as fiercely as he had before. He filled her with his seed three times before he released her and collapsed onto the floor beside her. Celeste cuddled against him as his arm came around her. She could feel the sticky residue of their coupling on her thighs and wondered if he’d been trying to get her pregnant. It was either that or he had seriously wanted her.

  “So, will it always be like that?” she asked.

  “I should have warned you that I’m controlling in the bedroom. I’d tell you that it isn’t too late to change your mind, but as soon as I’ve caught my breath, I fully intend to make sure you don’t walk out of here until you’re carrying my baby.”

  She smiled. “You keep fucking me like that, and I won’t be walking out of here at all.”

  He dipped his fingers into her pussy, spreading his cum. “Are you sore?”


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