Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance

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Broken Melody (Rock With You #2) Rock Star Romance Page 5

by Hunter, Adriana

“Did Joe say anything else?” Melody tried to stay as far away from Logan as she could, trying to maintain the façade of attorney and client. But she longed to be next to him, to feel his arm around her. Even though Lori had heard everything Ryan had said, Melody hoped Lori would just chalk it up to Ryan’s anger at being caught, that it was just him spewing vitriolic words at Melody. She and Logan had known they’d be taking the risk of exposing their affair to Lori, trusting she’d be so caught up in whatever happened it wouldn’t really register to her what she was seeing.

  “Just that he thinks it would be best if Ryan were on leave. He certainly can’t come to work. Not now.” Lori snorted in disgust.

  “He’ll be on paid leave. It won’t make any difference to him, at this point. Other than the damage to his ego. And believe me, that man has an ego bigger than the Empire State Building but as fragile as spun sugar. When his ego or his pride is damaged, look out.”

  Melody frowned at the woman. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I think he’s wounded…you’ve wounded him where it hurts. And you’ve damaged his reputation.”

  The elevator deposited them in the lobby. Lori turned, her hand on Melody’s arm.

  “I’d be careful if I were you. He’s like a wounded lion now. Unstable and dangerous.”

  The cab ride to Logan’s hotel was brief. They were in his room before Melody finally was able to let herself let go of her tightly controlled emotions. And when she did, the tears started. Logan held her, pulling her down on the couch beside him.

  “Shhh…it’s over. It’s done. You’re fine…” His words grew less distinct, English slowly replaced with soft Gaelic, the words gradually forming the rhythm of music. It wasn’t long before Melody recognized the melody of the song from the gig in Scotland. The song about home.

  She raised her head, her tears trailing away to sniffles. “Thank you, Logan. For everything. For thinking of this…for being there when I needed you.”

  An involuntary shiver ran through her body. “I can still feel his hands on me, touching me. I knew I had to let him, but still…it was worse pretending I liked it, that I wanted him…and for you to see that…”

  “Melody. Enough. I know why you did this; hell, I was in on the idea. Let it rest. You’ll make yourself ill.”

  He sat back, pulling her onto his lap. “I just hope he’s not ruined you for all men. He hasn’t now, has he?”

  The teasing light in his eyes and his gentle smile made her relax. She shook her head, smiling down at him, arms around his neck.

  “No, not at all.”

  Logan slid his hands beneath her suit jacket, fingers brushing against the silk. It was so different from Ryan’s touch and Melody pressed against Logan. He was watching his hands as they moved over the material, over her breasts beneath, his eyes half-closed and dreamy, as her nipples grew hard, pushing against the silk.

  “You’re not hungry, are you? For dinner I mean?” His eyes met hers. She shook her head, and the seductive smile she received in return set off a small explosion low in her belly.

  With his help she shrugged out of her jacket, letting it fall to the floor. Logan’s eyes traveled slowly down over her body and she enjoyed every moment of his gaze, the fire and passion in his eyes mirroring the heat that was blossoming inside her.

  “Logan,” she breathed his name. She leaned forward, her lips on his, gentle but insistent.

  The pressure of his hands increased and soon she was moaning against his mouth. She was growing frustrated at the confines of her clothing and shifted on Logan’s lap, tugging her skirt up her legs, straddling his hips.

  The touch of his fingers on her inner thigh sent a shiver through her body. They crept higher, and she spread her legs a bit further, each caress of his hand sending a wave of pleasure through her.

  Logan suddenly looked up at her, eyes widening. “Melody. I’m shocked. You’re not wearing anything under your dress.” His laugh was low and sexy, and he drew his brows together in mock reproach.

  “What exactly were you planning for today?”

  Melody’s smile was just as seductive as any she’d seen on Logan’s lips. “I was covering all the bases…or in this case, making sure they were uncovered.” His fingers had moved further north, stroking her softly, and her hips were moving in response, slowly undulating at his touch. When she spoke, her voice was a breathless whisper.

  “I didn’t know how far he’d go. Or how far I’d have to let him.” She met his gaze, lips parted.

  “I’m glad he didn’t get this far. He’d have had more than a fist to the jaw. I’d have removed anything of his he’d ever wanted to use on any woman with his own letter opener.”

  Melody breathed out a deep sigh. “Enough of him. Pay attention to me, Logan.”

  Logan leaned forward, one arm behind her back, his hand warm on her bare skin. She was cradled between the hand on her inner thigh and the hand on her back, and as he held her, he leaned forward, lips brushing the silk of her blouse. His breath was warm and the silk thin enough that she could feel every nuance of his mouth on her body, every breath filtered through the fabric.

  The touch of his tongue on her nipple made her cry out, the friction of the wet silk against her body enticing and erotic. His head was bent against her and she wound her fingers through his dark hair, holding him gently against her breast.

  He drew her into his mouth, sucking gently at first, but then with increasing fervor, nuzzling her, pulling on each breast in turn.

  Melody was moaning, back arched, pressing herself against Logan. His fingers were still exploring, testing her depths, and the combination of his mouth and lips and tongue and fingers all conspired to drive her into a state of complete abandon.

  If Logan’s hands hadn’t been holding her, she would have tumbled off his lap. As she came, he held her hard against him, his cheek turned against her breast, moaning with her as she shook in his embrace.

  She finally pushed away from Logan and he raised his head, eyes meeting hers. Her breath was more or less back to normal, her heart beat slowing.

  “I’m afraid I ruined your blouse.”

  Melody was unsuccessful in controlling her fit of giggles. She slid off his lap, lying on her back on the couch, letting them run their course while Logan watched, an amused smile on his lips.

  “Aye, it’s good to see you laugh again, Melody. It seems like such a long time since I’ve heard you laugh like this.” He leaned over, kissing her briefly as she hiccoughed her way through the last of her giggles.

  As he straightened, she stretched her arms over her head, feeling the wet silk clinging to her body. Logan’s eyes strayed from her face, looking over her as she lay there.

  “Like what you see?” Arms still overhead, she arched her back slightly, the silk molding to every curve.

  “Oh, aye.” His voice was a low growl and it set off a corresponding shudder in Melody. The amused look on his face had been replaced by something else, a wild and dangerous look, a look that had Melody drawing in a sharp breath, her heart fluttering in her chest. His eyes met hers again.

  “As much as I like this blouse, I think it’s needing to go.”

  Melody started to reach for the buttons at the back of the blouse but Logan was quicker, grabbing the front of the fragile silk, pulling sharply, tearing the garment. One more tug had it fluttering to the floor in a puddle of tattered material.

  “I liked that blouse.” Melody gave Logan mock pout. The cool air on her damp skin made her shiver, her nipples pulling up sharply.

  “I’ll buy you a dozen.” Logan leaned over, his lips hard on hers, his tongue flicking over her lower lip. His hands were at her hips in an attempt to tug her skirt off. Melody covered his hands with hers, breaking away from their kiss.

  “I like the skirt more. There is a zipper.” She tugged the zipper down and Logan quickly had the skirt joining the blouse on the floor, leaving Melody naked on the couch. He sat back, kneeling between Melody’s legs, slo
wly undoing the buttons on his jeans. She was incapable of looking anywhere else but where his fingers worked at the front of his pants, the bulge of his erection so very obvious, all the more tantalizing because she knew in her heart how much she aroused him, that she did this to him. And she knew Logan knew it too.

  With a slowness that belied their arousal, Logan stood, leaving his flies undone but his jeans in place, his erection just visible, rising above the waistband of his jeans. Melody bit her lip, wanting more, reaching for him. But he just smiled, undoing the buttons of his shirt one at a time, teasing her as he stopped to slowly undo the buttons at the cuffs.

  He left his shirt open, revealing a seductive view of his chest and stomach, as he looked down at her, eyes traveling over every inch of her body. Everything he wanted to do to her was written in his gaze and Melody gasped.

  He finally shed his shirt and Melody let her eyes wander over his broad chest, down his torso to the jeans that still concealed most of his erection. Logan finally drew them down over his hips, kicking them away, standing naked in front of her.

  She was so aroused by his strip tease, every nerve ending singing with desire. She wanted him, to touch him, kiss him, to have his hands on her skin again. Her body was moving on its own, hips rising, legs moving restlessly in anticipation of him claiming the space between them. His restraint was maddening to her and she was on the verge of begging him to come to her when he did, lowering himself onto her, his weight against her breasts, his hips pinning hers to the couch cushions.

  He held her gaze for a moment, his eyes burning with a fire that matched Melody’s.

  “Aye…now, Melody. Now.”

  There was nothing restrained in anything he did to her. He took her hard and fast, with such force she was gasping within minutes. She met him fully, all the emotions and tensions of the day transmuted into pure animal lust.

  The couch was too narrow, too confining and they tumbled to the floor. In a seductive struggle, Melody briefly fought with Logan for control, finally pinning him to the floor, rising above him in triumph. His hands came up to her breasts as she set the pace, controlling him with her movements, driving him to the edge over and over, taking herself dangerously close to that same cliff, pulling back before either of them fell.

  When he rolled her over onto her back, she let him, giving up, surrendering to him again. He settled himself between her legs again and she knew there was no turning back this time, no reason to control anything. She was free to fall, free to let him take her with him over the edge.

  Logan held her face in his hands, his body rising above her, his breath coming hard and fast, their bodies locked together. The strength of his gaze took her breath away, his words making her dizzy with love.

  “God, woman, but I love ye. More than I thought possible.”

  He closed his eyes and Melody knew it was time. Logan cried out, his face buried against her shoulder. Her body responded, arching beneath him, her legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him hard against her writhing body.

  There seemed to be no end and Melody lost track of time and space. Her body was consumed with wave after wave of ecstasy, and from a distance she heard herself crying out, high and keening, mixing with Logan’s almost feral growls.

  Sometime later she was aware of his breathing as it gradually slowed, his heart beating against her breast. With a low groan he pushed himself off onto his back, arms flung wide, where he lay for a moment before turning to Melody.

  “It was lucky we were on the floor and not the bed.”

  She turned onto her side, propping herself on one elbow. “We’d have ended up on the floor anyway.”

  Logan took her hand, kissing her fingers before laying it on his chest. “Tá mo chroí istigh ionat.”

  Her eyes met his and she repeated the words. “My heart is within you.”

  * * *

  “Yes, I do have to go to work.” Melody was trying with much difficulty to extricate herself from the tangle of sheets and Logan’s arms in a vain attempt to get ready for work.

  “I can’t stay home today.” She moved out from beneath his arm, sliding to the edge of the bed.

  “I have work to do, for one thing. Your case, as a prime example. With Ryan gone…” She slapped at his hand as it snaked up the inside of her thigh “…I’ll have to make sure nothing falls through the cracks.”

  Logan finally gave up, rolling onto his back as Melody climbed out of bed, clutching the sheet around her body.

  “I don’t want to think about Ashton,” he said. “But I suppose there’s no hope for it. Do you know where we’re at with the case? It seems so insignificant now, but it’s what started this whole thing, no?”

  “I still need to interview you, you know. That part of yesterday’s meeting wasn’t a ruse. It still needs to happen. You can come with me to the office and we can do that first thing.”

  Melody padded to the bathroom, stopping at the door to look back at Logan. He was lying naked on the bed, hands behind his head, regarding her with that look that made her weak in the knees. She bit her lip. It was obvious, even from across the room, he was ready to take her again.

  She dropped the sheet, letting it fall slowly to the floor. “We could share a shower, if you want to. Save some time getting ready. If you don’t dawdle, that is.”

  Logan had her in his arms almost before she’d finished speaking. “I was hoping for an invitation.” He pushed her ahead of him into the bathroom, hands already exploring her body.

  “But hey…” She tried to talk over the sound of the shower. “We can’t be late…”

  But Logan was already pulling her under the stream of warm water. “Aye, stop talking, woman, and we won’t be.”

  * * *

  Melody was on time, barely. She and Logan had taken a cab, and as she walked past the desks of secretaries and paralegals on the way to her office, she was conscious of curious looks and some outright stares. Whether it was just Logan’s presence or word of yesterday’s encounter with Ryan, she had no idea.

  Victoria had her head down, engrossed in the document on her desk. She jumped, head coming up sharply, as Melody spoke.

  “Morning, Victoria.”

  “Morning, Melody.” She rose, eyes traveling to Logan.

  “This is Logan MacKenzie. We’ll be conducting an interview in my office. Do you have the file for the case?”

  “Um…no. It’s still upstairs. Do you want me…” Her voice trailed off as Melody shook her head.

  “I’ll go get it. I know where it is. Victoria, can you see if there’s anything Mr. MacKenzie might like to drink? You can get settled in my office. I’ll be right back.” As she turned away, she heard the chirp of Logan’s cell phone. Victoria was ushering him in Melody’s office and she saw him scowl at the display before flipping the phone closed.

  The door to Ryan’s office was open, the lights out. Lori’s desk was unoccupied as well and she remembered Lori had said she was given the day off.

  She was shuffling through the files on Ryan’s desk when she heard a noise from the doorway. Looking up, she was shocked to see Ryan leaning against the doorframe, dressed in jeans and a sweater.

  Fear made her jittery and her immediate reaction was to bolt, but he stood between her and the rest of the office. I could scream…

  “Don’t worry. I’m not coming near you, especially here. Why should I? You’ve ruined me at my own firm.” He straightened, walking slowly into the room.

  “I’m here for a file.” She held out the case file, then clutched it to her chest.

  “Melody. You have every right to the file. It is your case, after all. I’m just here for a few personal effects. Hunter was gracious enough to allow me to come claim my own things.”

  Ryan moved behind his desk and Melody watched as he opened drawers, rummaging through the contents.

  He spoke without looking up. “You know, I really need to give you credit for your little scheme. Well played. I didn’t think you had i
t in you. I underestimated you, Melody.”

  Glancing up, he regarded her from behind the desk. “Although, judging by your cowering here in my office, I suspect the bravado yesterday was all a false front, as it were.” His gazed traveled down to her breasts, lingering there for a moment. She pulled the file higher, gripping it tightly.

  Ryan shrugged, resuming the search through his desk drawer. A few objects materialized on the blotter. “Oh, well. I’ll have the memories at least. Nothing quite as stimulating as what we might have had, Melody, if you’d gotten your head out of your ass long enough to realize what was being offered to you.”

  His bark of laughter made Melody recoil. “The look on your face is priceless. Really. And again, I have to wonder…was your boyfriend the mastermind behind yesterday’s little coup? I really don’t see your hand in that at all, come to think of it. It’s not your style. You’re a little…too passive.”

  Ryan came around the front of his desk and Melody backed up a step. But he only leaned against his desk, arms folded across his chest.

  “If so, then you’re weaker than I thought, not really partner material, in any sense. If you’re so easily manipulated by any man that exerts the slightest bit of control over you, real or implied, then what are you? A pawn in a man’s world.”

  Ryan straightened and before she could move, he was standing in front of her, close enough for her to feel his hot breath on her cheek.

  “And in a man’s world such as this, you’re never going to succeed. Never.”

  And then he was gone. With a start, Melody realized she was trembling. She drew a deep breath, took a hesitant step forward, then another. By the time she was at the elevator, she was calmer. And by the time she was back in her office, she was no longer shaking. But her mind was in turmoil, playing back Ryan’s words.

  * * *

  She was distracted during the interview with Logan. He answered her questions patiently, but the underlying tone of his voice made it obvious he knew something was wrong.

  After an hour she dropped her pen. Logan reached for her hand and she let him massage her fingers.


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