Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy

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Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  Instead of icing their cupcakes separately, the goblins had stuck all the little cakes together in a giant pile and were covering them with thick green icing to make one enormous lopsided cake blob.

  “What a mess!” Rachel said, frowning as one of the goblins ran his finger around the mixing bowl and licked off the icing.

  Kirsty saw Lizzie peeking out of Rachel’s pocket and looking worried. “No sign of your tiara yet, Lizzie,” Kirsty whispered as she and Rachel dipped their rose petals into a bowl of sugar. “But we’ll keep looking.”

  Soon everyone had finished their preparations. Then Mrs. King, Louis, and Caroline helped everyone decorate the cupcakes with icing, silver balls, sugar flowers, and Rachel and Kirsty’s crystallized rose petals. The little cakes looked beautiful when everyone had finished.

  “It’s time to take the cakes over to the Orangery now,” said Mrs. King, glancing at the clock. “The tea party is going to start soon, so we should load everything onto the cart. You’ve all worked very hard, and the cakes look wonderful!”

  Rachel and Kirsty carried their cupcakes over to the cart, as did everyone else — except the goblins. They were fighting over the mixing bowl because they all wanted the leftover icing.

  “Well, this is an, um, unusual cake,” Mrs. King said, staring at the big messy green blob in front of the goblins. She picked up the cake and placed it on an empty cart.

  "No!” the biggest goblin yelled. He jumped up and furiously stomped his foot, grabbing the cart handle. “You can’t take our cake — it’s a special cake with a special surprise in it!”

  Rachel’s eyes widened as she realized what the goblin meant. “I can guess exactly what the special surprise is,” Rachel whispered to Kirsty. “The goblins hid Lizzie’s tiara in their cake!”

  Kirsty nodded. “They must have put the tiara in the middle of the cupcakes and then quickly covered it with icing when we weren’t looking!” she whispered. “We can’t let Mrs. King take it to the Orangery.”

  Rachel hurried over to the cook. “Maybe the boys think their cake needs a little more work,” she suggested. “Kirsty and I could help them finish it up, and then we can bring it over to the Orangery in a little while.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Mrs. King agreed. “Come along then, the rest of you. Let’s wheel these carts over to the Orangery.”

  Rachel and Kirsty waited as Louis and Caroline held the kitchen doors open. Everyone followed Mrs. King out, wheeling their carts with them. Now the only cart left in the kitchen was the one with the goblins’ green cake on it.

  The goblins were still grabbing the mixing bowl from one another and trying to scrape out the last bits of icing for themselves. They didn’t even notice that everyone except Rachel and Kirsty had left the kitchen.

  “Good work, girls,” Lizzie called, flying out of the pocket of Rachel’s apron. “Now let’s get my tiara back!” She zoomed over to the goblins, who shrieked with rage as soon as they spotted her.

  “We know where you hid my tiara,” Lizzie said. “And we’d like it back!”

  “No way!” yelled the biggest goblin. The three of them jumped up from their chairs and ran across the kitchen, taking the cart and the cake with them.

  “Help me catch them, girls!” Lizzie yelled. She zoomed around Rachel and Kirsty and showered them with fairy dust from her wand. Instantly, the girls shrank down to fairy-size. Fluttering their glittery wings, the friends started to chase the goblins.

  The three goblins were swerving around the enormous kitchen with the cart. They were bumping into everything as they raced around, knocking into all the hanging copper pots and pans so they clanged loudly. Then they banged into the table, tipping over two chairs and a bowl of pink icing. The bowl crashed to the floor, spilling icing everywhere. Even though Lizzie and the girls did their best to catch up with the goblins by darting back and forth, they didn’t have a chance of getting the tiara.

  “Keep moving!” the biggest goblin shouted to the other two. “Those pesky fairies can’t do a thing if we keep on running!”

  “He’s right,” Kirsty panted. “We’re just flying around in circles! How are we going to stop them?”

  Lizzie was hovering over a puddle of pink icing on the kitchen floor. She stared down at it thoughtfully.

  “We know how greedy the goblins are,” Lizzie said. “They love the icing and the cakes. Maybe we can use that to stop them and get my tiara back.” She flew down to the table and pointed at one of the piping bags that was filled with icing. “Give me a hand, please, Rachel!”

  Rachel and Lizzie lifted up the bag between them and waited for the goblins to pass by with the cart. Then they aimed the bag at the biggest goblin and pressed down hard. Dark blue icing squirted out of the bag and hit the goblin right in the face!

  “Stop that!” the goblin roared. But then he licked a little bit of the icing off with his tongue. “Scrumptious,” he said, stopping to lick all the icing off his face.

  Meanwhile, Kirsty had spotted a jar of silver balls open on the table.

  She waited until the other two goblins ran past with the cart, then she dumped the jar out. The balls spilled all over the floor.

  “What’s happening?” the second goblin squealed as he slid on the silver balls. “The floor’s all slippery!” He tried to regain his balance but ended up on his bottom.

  Now there was only one goblin left pushing the cart around the kitchen.

  Rachel wondered how to stop him, but then she remembered how the goblins had covered Lizzie with the leaves and grass from the wheelbarrow. That gave her an idea. She swooped down toward the trolley and grabbed a chunk of cake from the goblins’ green creation as the cart sped toward her.

  “Look, I have yummy cake!” Rachel called, waving it in front of the goblin’s nose. “Would you like some? Or should I eat it all myself?”

  “Give it to me!” the goblin demanded, licking his lips.

  “Then come and get it,” Rachel replied. She flew over to the pantry and through the open door, where she hovered above the sacks of flour and sugar that lay on the floor. The goblin raced into the pantry after her, his eyes fixed greedily on the chunk of cake Rachel was holding. At the last possible moment, Rachel zoomed up into the air out of reach and the goblin crashed the cart into the sacks, splitting them open. A large white cloud of flour dust burst into the air.

  “I can’t see a thing!” the goblin complained, coughing and spluttering. “Where did that fairy go with my cake?”

  “Nice work, girls!” Lizzie cried. “Now we just have to find my tiara!”

  Lizzie swooped down and picked up a spoon from the table. Rachel and Kirsty did the same. Then the three of them fluttered over to the cake on the cart. Using the spoons like shovels, they began to dig through the gloopy green icing and lumps of spongy cake.

  Suddenly Kirsty spotted something glittering in the middle of the cupcake mess.

  “I can see the tiara!” she exclaimed, digging away with her spoon.

  A few moments later, all the cake and icing had been scraped away to reveal Lizzie’s golden tiara. Although it had lots of sweet stickiness on it, the tiara still had a magical shimmer. Rachel and Kirsty smiled at each other in delight.

  “I’m so happy to have my tiara back!” Lizzie said with a sigh. With one twirl of her wand, she quickly cleaned the tiara and it shrank down to fairy-size. Lizzie picked it up carefully and placed it on her head while Rachel and Kirsty clapped and cheered.

  “We lost the tiara!” grumbled the biggest goblin, "and now I feel sick, too!”

  “Me, too,” the second goblin agreed. “My tummy hurts!”

  “We ate too many sweet treats,” the third goblin groaned, holding his stomach. Complaining loudly, all three goblins stomped outside.

  Lizzie, Rachel, and Kirsty couldn’t help laughing.

  “Maybe they won’t be so greedy next time!” Rachel remarked.

  “Girls, I can’t thank you enough,” Lizzie cried. “I can�
��t wait to get back to Fairyland and tell everyone how wonderful you were. But first” — she glanced around the kitchen — “we’d better clean up this mess.”

  With another flick of Lizzie’s wand, Rachel and Kirsty were returned to their human size.

  Quickly, Kirsty picked up the chairs the goblins had knocked over while Rachel found a broom to sweep up the silver balls. Meanwhile, Lizzie’s fairy magic cleaned up all the icing and clouds of flour from the walls and floor. The kitchen was spick and span in no time.

  “What are we going to do about the goblins’ cake?” Kirsty said, staring at the mess of cupcakes and icing on the cart. “We told Mrs. King we’d take it over to the Orangery.”

  Lizzie smiled. She flew over to the cake and a stream of fairy sparkles swirled from her wand. The goblins’ blob of green cake and icing vanished. In its place was an amazing golden-colored palace-shaped cake with five towers.

  “It’s the Golden Palace!” Rachel exclaimed with delight. “Look, Kirsty, the towers even have little paper flags on top of them.”

  “It’s gorgeous!” Kirsty gasped.

  “Enjoy your tea party, girls,” Lizzie said with a smile. “Good-bye, and thank you again.” Then she disappeared in a haze of fairy dust.

  Rachel and Kirsty wheeled the cart with the Golden Palace cake on it over to the Orangery, where the tea party had already started. Everyone was sitting at the tables and a buzz of excited chatter filled the air.

  “Ah, there you are, girls,” said Mrs. King, coming to meet them. “Didn’t the boys want to come to the party?”

  Rachel shook her head. “No, they said they’d had too many sweet treats already!” she replied.

  “Well, everyone here loves your rose petal decorations,” Mrs. King told them. Then she noticed the cake and her eyes widened in amazement. “Goodness me, girls, that’s wonderful!” Mrs. King declared. “A Golden Palace cake! I don’t think I could have done better myself. You two certainly have the magic touch!”

  Rachel and Kirsty laughed, and exchanged a secret smile. “We had a little help from our friends,” Rachel told Mrs. King.

  “Five fairy tiaras found,” Kirsty whispered to Rachel. “And two to go!”

  Rachel and Kirsty have helped Hope, Cassidy, Anya, Elisa, and Lizzie find their tiaras. Now it’s time for them to help


  the Fun and Games Fairy!

  Join their next adventure in this special sneak peek. . . .

  “I’ve never seen such beautiful toys!” gasped Rachel Walker, gazing around with wide eyes.

  “I can imagine the princes and princesses playing with them when they lived here long ago,” agreed her best friend, Kirsty Tate.

  The girls were standing in the royal playroom at the top of one of the Golden Palace’s towers, where they were staying for a Royal Sleepover Camp. The other kids were already kneeling down beside the toys, choosing what they wanted to play with. There was a model steam engine that ran along a track around the room, a large jar full of swirly glass marbles, and boxes filled with puzzles and wooden spinning tops. Pretty china dolls sat on low shelves beside plump teddy bears, and balls of every size and color rolled around their feet.

  “Oh, Rachel, look!” cried Kirsty.

  On a low table in one corner of the room stood an exact miniature copy of the Golden Palace. It had the same gleaming white stone walls and golden turrets. Tiny flags fluttered from the top of each tower.

  Rachel and Kirsty carefully opened the front wall to look inside. The rooms were exactly the same as those in the real palace, with thick carpets and plush furniture. There were dolls dressed in royal robes, as well as maids and butlers.

  “This must be the princess,” said Rachel, picking up a tiny girl doll with flowing golden hair and a sparkling tiara.

  “She reminds me of Lizzie the Sweet Treats Fairy,” whispered Kirsty.

  The girls smiled at each other, thinking about their wonderful secret. They were good friends with the fairies, and often had magical adventures in Fairyland. . . .

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-51289-3

  Copyright © 2011 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, August 2012




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