The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 3

by K R Martin

  “Yield.” Her voice was loud and deep as she barked the command.

  His eyes narrowed, just a fraction. She could feel the tension flowing from his body, his muscles coiled and ready to pounce. Surely he wasn’t fool enough to try to fight her now? He definitely wanted to. Her torso leaned forward, all energy flooding to her arms as the blade pressed a bit closer, this time pulling blood onto the blade.

  The fire in his eyes cooled, as if he finally gained some sense from that prick of pain. “I yield.” He spoke loud enough for his men to hear, even if reluctance filled his tone. Mutters of disagreements rang through his men, but the clattering of weapons falling meant they were complying.

  She jerked her head, calling one of her men to relieve her guard. She would not move an inch until someone else’s blade was on him. The glint of steal relaxed her, and she left the captain under the watchful eye of two men. Wiping her blade with a spare cloth she always carried on her, she stepped towards Taras.

  “You realize you have robbed too many. The empires of Retanny and Jenha both have bounties on your head, and soon the navy will be out in force to hunt you down.” The captain spat at her.

  “I’m glad someone’s finally noticed my efforts,” Ama Lei joked. However, it did give her satisfaction, and hope. Her plans were starting to fall into place. Now it would just remain to be seen how Jenha’s military felt about her. She just hoped they still cared more for the people than the current leader.

  “You really are a pirate,” the captain seemed shocked at the realization, as if he expected his threats to put fear in her. They would all soon learn that she never backed down, not when there was so much good to stand up for.

  Her gaze found the figures emerging from below deck. This was the fourth… or was it the fifth? Yes, it was definitely the fifth group she’d recovered from slavery. It still sent waves of fury rolling through her chest. Several deep breaths were needed to calm her before she did something she’d later regret.

  “All secure, Captain,” Taras told her.

  She merely nodded, keeping her eyes on the captain. Thankfully, the weapons had been taken below, well out of reach. Two of her men flanked her, covering while the others fled.

  “All clear!”

  Instantly, she whipped around, sprinting to the edge before leaping over, two thuds echoing hers. The lines were pulled, and the ship sped away.

  Ama Lei strode to the group of newcomers, relieved that no fear shone through their eyes. “I hope the ordeal has not been too terrible,” she told them. “You’ll be returned to your loved ones soon.”

  “You are too kind,” one of the women spoke. “You risk your life in so many ways, for strangers?”

  “I may not know your faces or names, but you, like me, are people of Jenha, and therefore not strangers. Besides, I was born with a warrior’s spirit and determination. That same spirit will not allow me to sit idly by while my people are chained by a foreign tyrant.”

  While she had not planned to speak so much, the conviction given free reign soothed her. This was truly the least she could do for them, but soon she would do more. First, she had people to deliver home safely.

  Chapter 5

  Jian’s steps rang through the halls. He hated how loud the sound was after it echoed through the cavernous spaces. The palace once felt full of life, but now it just felt empty. It could be due to there being less people, but even he knew that difference was minute. No, the emptiness had little to do with the people around him, and everything to do with the hole in his heart. The footsteps pounding echoed in that cavern as well.

  Why did he remain? Everything bore her memory. Then again, where else could he go? At least here he could watch over the man he placed on the throne. And didn’t that thought chafe?

  There was nothing for it, not now. He stopped at the doors to the throne room, forcing the breath into his chest. Time to see what this summons was about. Would it be a diplomatic guest? He lost count how many times he’d been paraded as the ”great hero of Jenha.”

  He pushed the doors open.

  “Ah! Jian, so good to see you.” The man sitting on the throne said with a smile. It took Jian a moment to step further into the room; it always took him aback to see a Retanny man on the Golden Throne.

  “You summoned me, Lord Orbert?” Jian asked as he moved closer.

  “Yes, I have a particular task that requires your expertise and skill sets.” Orbert continued as he waved the secretaries around him away. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Phoenix?”

  Now that sent Jian’s eyebrows up. The rumors had been fresh, but enough whispers had reached his ears, rumors of an avenging pirate who attacked Retanny’s slaving vessels, returning the slaves to their families, and paying their debts.

  “I’ll take it that you have heard. Good, then I won’t have to explain things. I need you to hunt her down, and bring her back for justice. Or, if she proves too difficult, deal out justice yourself.”

  It was good that Jian had already stopped moving. Had Orbert truly just ordered him to find and kill the girl? Of course he did. She might have been helping the people of Jenha, but she cost Retanny doing it. Sadly, Retanny owned the throne, and he was nothing more than Orbert’s sword.

  “I shall begin preparations,” Jian spoke.

  “Most are finished, and all they await is you. So pack swiftly and light.”

  He might as well have been dismissed. With a bow, Jian spun from the room. Perhaps being away from the palace would give him a chance to fix what he shattered.

  Cheers. The music of resounding applause had become a familiar and welcoming sound at every port now. Ama Lei could swear that her men moved faster, lashing the ship to the dock in record time. They wanted to see the families reunited as much as those they rescued. The plank was barely lowered before people rushed down the wooden boards, right into welcoming open arms.

  Ama Lei moved onto deck at a much more sedate pace. It lightened her heart to see her people so happy, to know she had done something to help them. This must have been how Renee felt when she gave up her crown to turn pirate. Granted, Ama Lei did not willingly abandon her throne, but she still felt a thrill rescuing her people.

  Though, as she looked around, she realized there was one figure not present. Where was the tax collector? It had become a familiar sight to see the grumpy man stomping through the crowds toward her, flanked by soldiers. How she loved the reluctance of the men, their attempts of denying her requests, even though she gave them no choice. But this city’s collector had yet to appear. Nor had any soldiers.

  Bracing her resolve, Ama Lei motioned for a couple more of her men to join her. It only took one inquiry into the office’s location to be pointed to the building. The group of five wove through the crowds, remaining an imposing force as they approached the offices. Two soldiers guarded the doors, for once appearing formidable.

  “The collector is inside,” the one to the left spoke.

  “I’d recommend making this meeting quick.” The other added. “The rest of the local military have been notified, and there’s a large group stationed here.”

  “Thank you for the warning,” Ama Lei spoke as she glided past them. The moment she stepped into the room, a balding head lifted to meet her gaze.

  “I wondered when you would arrive,” he said with a sigh. “I suppose pointing out that whatever funds you offer to pay me with are stolen from already paid taxes is pointless.”

  “Sir, I am insulted. We are merchants, after all, and use those profits to help others.” Of course, Ama Lei wasn’t going to admit that their merchant profits were not nearly as much as the taxes stolen from her people. “Then again, it’s not as if the so called taxes are anything but pure theft of another kingdom’s resources.”

  “The people of this empire welcomed us with open arms when we assisted in removing a tyrant. All Retanny asks is a little compensation for its protection.” The man seethed with the thought.

  “Protection, enslave
ment, I suppose it’s all in how you view things. But, I am following a path away from our objective here. This is Hino, my purser, and he’ll be handling the transaction today.” Ama Lei stepped aside and allowed Hino to handle it from there.

  “Thank you for your business.” Ama Lei grinned at the sulking man. It felt good to thwart Retanny’s plan to expand their slave trade. The man just grunted and Ama Lei stifled a chuckled as she walked from the office.

  The moment she stepped out of the doors, her footsteps faltered. The streets before her were filled with soldiers, the citizens quietly waiting on the sides. Most watched with rapt attention, though many looked ready to jump into whatever fray happened. Her men tensed near her, and she could feel them reaching for their weapons. She lifted her hand, staying them. None of the men before her held weapons, or even reached for them.

  “Something I can help you with?” Ama Lei asked casually. Hopefully she could escape without confrontation. After all, the military truly did have her people’s interests at heart, and she hoped she could earn their support when she took her throne.

  “We heard that the Phoenix was in town,” a man said as he stepped forward. “We’ve also heard rumors that she’s a ruthless pirate captain, attacking every naval vessel, stealing the entirety of the wealth carried on those ships.” He stepped closer, and Ama Lei couldn’t stop her hand from reaching for her weapon. “I’ve also heard that you free people destined for slavery, returning them to their families, and paying their debts rather than keeping the treasure for yourself. A woman such as that,” the smile grew on his face, “well, she is someone we would be proud to assist.”

  Ama Lei allowed her hands to drop, a smile forming on her own face.

  “As soldiers, our hands are restricted. But everything we’ve done is for the people we’ve sworn to protect. Are you truly a pirate merely to help the people?”

  “I love these people,” Ama Lei spoke from her heart. “I have vowed to serve them any way I can.”

  “Then who are we to stop you.” He smiled and stepped to the side. Soon, a pathway opened, and Ama Lei walked through, head held high, her men following. Applause surrounded them, and she couldn’t help but wonder if this is what being their empress would feel like. She hoped that once the truth was known they’d be as supportive, but she had a good feeling that the military would follow her when she claimed her throne.

  Chapter 6

  The laughter of children filled the air, carried on the soft breeze. Renee watched Spera toddle after her big brother and sister, Willy and Rosa. Louisa, Jonathan and Katie’s girl, also ran with them, along with Ferdinand, Little Wolf’s brother. The children were so close in age, it was fun to watch them play together.

  Sitting near a picturesque lake, Renee enjoyed the freedom and sunshine. Surrounded by her closest friends, and the few entrusted with her secret, she felt like herself again. She still had to keep the secret from the kids, but she could relax, away from prying eyes, and not be the masked foreigner. Will sat beside her, not too close, but comforting anyway, Arrow, their falcon, circling the skies above them. Jonathan and Katie were playing at the lakeside, giggling and splashing each other, Little Wolf and Mei close by. Caleb sat next to Sonia as she held their infant. Renee was still surprised that her friend joined them so soon after giving birth, but Sonia insisted.

  Renee smiled at her friend. There really was no better feeling than creating life, and holding your infant child. And Cecily was such a cute baby girl! There were some worries the last few weeks; Caleb and Sonia had adopted Ferdinand, and loved him as their own, but they were worried he’d feel left out with a child of their blood. They were wrong. Ferdinand adored his baby sister, and Caleb made sure to spend extra time with him when able. Even Little Wolf saw her as a sister and helped watch her, with Mei’s help usually. Everyone rallied around them, reminding Renee of the family they had once become, not that they truly stopped.

  Then there were Desiree and Fedor. The two new people had folded almost seamlessly into the group, more than happy to assist how they could. It still chafed that Will courted Desiree in public, but there really was nothing to it. The two foreigners were sitting on the blanket, alternating between silence and companionable conversation.

  Fedor stood, offering his hand. Desiree seemed reluctant, but eventually allowed him to help her to her feet. As soon as she stood, she stepped back, but then followed him towards the forest line.

  Interesting. Renee thought.

  “It’s a shame Commodore decided to try his hand at espionage again,” Caleb spoke. “It was nice all of us being together again.”

  “That it was.” Renee smiled. After her rescue and defeat of Schwarz Feur, he and the crew remained ashore for a bit, giving Renee a proper homecoming, well, as a member of their crew, their family. One day, she’d have a homecoming as queen, and that was why Bartholomew Read returned to the sea. Aside from escorting a delegation of Little Wolf’s people home, he was determined to help Renee by learning everything about Retanny and stopping any threats on the sea.

  “He was very nice, and reminded me of Luca,” Mei said as she and Little Wolf joined the group. “It’s a shame he left when Ama Lei did.”

  “I miss him too,” Renee agreed. “But he has done so much to help us, and he does have his own merchant business to tend to. Besides, he deserves to see his own family.”

  Though she missed Luca, Renee was glad he decided to take the time to see his brother and family. The kingdom in the southern lands sounded beautiful and Renee hoped to see it one day. After all, Prince Luca sent her a personal invitation, and it was rude to decline an invitation from royalty.

  They still had a few months before planning to meet up, and she hoped her friends would return by then. Especially Ama Lei. Mei usually wore a smile, even more when Little Wolf was around, but Renee could sense her worry for her sister.

  “You’ve never been apart before, have you?” Renee asked.

  “No,” Mei’s face lit up from the memories. “Even from a young age, we were practically inseparable. My mother died when I was still little, and Ama Lei became sister and mother. I know she’s all right, it’s just odd being apart.”

  “I think we’ve all experience that,” Jonathan winked at Sonia who rolled her eyes. She had finally become okay talking about her imprisonment and separation from Jonathan. He had a point, though; they’d all dealt with separation, difficult ones too. It would all be over with soon.

  Renee found her eyes drawn to Desiree. She was the key to finally being free.

  “It feels lighter over here,” Fedor noted as they strolled along the tree line.

  “Yes.” Desiree agreed. She glanced over at the group. “They have been so good and welcoming. I don’t think I’ve ever been so included before; especially with who I am.”

  “You mean a spoiled princess?” Fedor’s tone was playful. She fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him. At least it wasn’t malicious or scathing. Teasing was still a bit foreign, but she could handle it better.

  “I was referring to the fact that I was the daughter of the man who hurt Renee, and the niece of the man who ordered her death.” She quipped back.

  “That does tend to put a damper on relationships.” Fedor’s face was a bit too serious for Desiree to take it was such.

  The smile, genuine smile, felt nice on her face. “They are wonderful. I truly don’t deserve such kindness.”

  “I think you do.” The contemplation on his face seemed so natural. “I know you came from a less than friendly empire, but you have a caring heart.”

  “Well, thank you,” Desiree said. “I hope I can live up to the expectations they have. I’d hate to let them down.”

  “My sister said the same thing when she inherited the crown. She was only sixteen, not yet married, and responsible for a ten-year-old brother and an entire nation.”

  “How did she handle that?”

  “She grew up, grew strong, and wasn’t afraid to accept suppor
t, even if she learned from it to grow capable. I helped when I could, learned to grow quickly as well.”

  “How is she now?”

  “Happy, though she rarely shows it,” he smiled at her. “She always had a more stoic disposition, but especially now, she is very calm and commanding. No one dares to defy the Snow Empress or face the wrath of the Ice Stare.”

  “You must be teasing me.” Desiree felt her hands fist on her hips. Since when did she take that stance?

  “Honestly, no.” He chuckled. “Her husband created the names for her. As she became confident, she became, not ruthless, but iron willed is a good way to describe her. There were plenty of ‘wiser’ men who thought her inexperienced and too young, and she rose above them, refusing to be cowered but to cower. She became cold and commanding. She had to be to keep her crown, at least the power behind it. Then there was this nobleman. His father happened to be one of the louder voices for her to be placed under a regent, until she was deemed old enough to rule or placed under a husband. Vasilissa fought him often and was truly a figure of ice around him and so many others. Even me.”

  Fedor’s eyes turned sad for a moment. Desiree never had a sibling, but she could feel the sadness of a brother watching a beloved sister pull away.

  “Vasilissa had just turned nineteen when the nobleman brought his son, Sasha. The older man attempted to bully her, and she became aloof. Sasha told his father to be careful not to anger the Snow Empress. Everyone turned silent. I think Vasilissa’s jaw dropped, and I had to focus on not laughing. The stare she gave him once she gathered her wits? He dubbed the Ice State. I knew then that he needed to be my brother.”


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