The Pirate Empress

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The Pirate Empress Page 12

by K R Martin

  Why did he always say such harsh things? Around her, his voice seemed to have a mind of its own, bringing out the worst in him, and in her it seemed. Part of him enjoying riling her up. The first moment he saw her, he thought her a doll. So beautiful, yet so cold and calculated. His first quip had brought fire to her eyes, allowing him to glimpse true emotions. With that glimpse, she looked radiant. Part of him knew he had been looking for that spark, even if it meant riling her anger.

  “Lady Desiree!” he called louder as he shot to his feet. She deserved better than his antagonism. His steps quickened as he followed her direction. Their fights had lessened, since the masquerade especially.

  That night brought a smile to his face. He knew exactly who she was the moment she stepped into the room. Nothing could disguise her beauty, especially since she let her mask down that night. Behind the mask, she was real, had feelings, allowed laughter and flirtation to fill her voice. And, well, having her gaze at him with true affection and passion; she stole his heart that night, and he didn't know if he wanted it back.

  “Fedor!” The cry struck his heart.

  Desiree... She sounded terrified. Why would she call out to him? He urged his feet faster, but only empty halls greeted him. Something wasn’t right.

  Turning on his heels, he altered course, focusing on finding her quarters. Stopping before the door, he gently rapped on the wood with his knuckles. “Lady Desiree?” he called. Silence greeted him. “I’m coming in, my lady.”

  He swung the door open. “Empty.” This was wrong. So very wrong. He stepped inside, rustling greeted his ears. “What...” his eyes looked down, catching white beneath his foot. Bending, he picked up the paper and read the missive.

  “King William!”

  “I can’t believe someone had the audacity to come into my home and kidnap my guest!” Will thundered. Fedor couldn’t blame him. If someone infiltrated his castle and snatched a princess, he’d be furious too. Scratch that. He was furious. For all his teasing, the last thing he wanted was to see her harmed.

  For the countless time, he forced his hands to unclench before he swung at someone. The entire room felt tense, everyone fighting to keep from exploding on the others. The last thing they needed was for them to fight each other. Although, it was hard to snap at the others.

  “What do we do now?” Katie asked.

  “We go after them and rescue her.” Renee spoke with such fury, Fedor couldn’t help but see the famed pirate captain.

  “We need to do it quickly; Retanny cannot know that she’s been taken, or we could be facing a war.” Jonathan piped in.

  “Is there anything in that letter that can help us find her?” Caleb asked.

  “All it says is that the people of Cartiana do not want the foreign princess as their new queen.” Will continued. “They promise to treat her well and keep her safe, but they refuse to release her until I formally promise to never enter into a marriage agreement with her or the empire of Retanny. Only then will she be returned home.”

  Silenced followed the words. What could anyone say? If Will acquiesced, then Retanny would declare war, but if Retanny found that their princess had been kidnapped... war seemed inevitable.

  “What do we know about this group?” Renee eventually asked.

  “Only murmurs, whispers in the city,” Caleb replied. “Most are hopeful for peace, but not entirely fond of you marrying again.”

  “Great,” Will muttered. “Look, we have to find her, now. Spread out, find what you can.”

  Everyone nodded, going their separate ways. Fedor strode to the hallway she had wandered down. Perhaps he’d be able to find something initially missed.

  The sun had begun its decent, and candles now illuminated the space. It felt wrong. Empty. As if the true light had been taken. He supposed it had. Nothing stood out in the main hallway; perhaps she’d followed one of the connecting paths?

  In each, he took a few steps in, but saw nothing amiss. Wait. He retraced his steps into the last one. There, resting on the floor, was that a paper scrap? He lifted the item, reading the sloppy scratches. That inn. It sat just inside Cartiana’s borders. Well, at least it was a start.

  Fedor hurried to Will’s study. Empty, just as he expected. He found paper, jotting down a quick note, leaving the paper’s scrap. They’d follow when they could, but he couldn't wait. A lady needed rescuing.

  Chapter 21

  “In you go,” the man said as he nudged Desiree into the room. She’d say pushed, but the man was gentle about it. However, it did feel good to have his hand off her arm. The ride had taken a good while, and he held her the whole time.

  “What do you want with me?” she asked, forcing bravado into her voice. She might be terrified, but she refused to show it.

  “We wish you no harm,” the man replied, making Desiree give a very un-ladylike huff.

  “Of course, which is why you kidnapped me.”

  “We do apologize for that, but it was necessary. This s not against you, but you cannot marry King William. As soon as he realizes that, you can be sent home to your family. Until then, you need to remain here. I promise you will be treated well while you are here. Please, make yourself comfortable, and food will be delivered soon.” The man stepped out, closing the door behind him. The tell-tale click confirmed that she was locked in.

  Still, she ran to the door, testing the handle. It didn’t budge. Turning around, her eyes took in the room. The furnishings were sparse, but in decent condition. A bed sat against the wall, a table beside it. On the opposite wall stood a chair with a companion table. A lone window graced the wall near it, and she hurried over, though she knew it would be pointless. Climbing three flights of stairs meant escape would be impossible. With no tree or trellis outside, she was trapped.

  Somehow her feet carried her to the bed, and she lay down, eyes gazing at the flickering candle flame. What would happen now? No doubt Will and the others would be on their way to save her, if they could find her. She hoped so, because the alternatives were unbearable. Should Will formally give up their courtship, as it were, well, she feared what her uncle would do. And if he ever found that she’d been taken...

  Desiree closed her eyes to the tears. Had she just condemned her friends to death?

  Please, someone, save me.

  “We’ve searched all night, and nothing,” Will bemoaned. The poor man, Renee could see the dark shadows under his eyes. Though, she probably looked just as weary. Everyone had been out looking for any evidence they could. Well, all but Sonia as Caleb sent her to rest. With an infant, she needed as much sleep as she could get.

  “We’ll find her, love.” Renee assured him. “I don’t think she’s truly in danger.”

  “No, but we still have to find her quickly. Far too much is at stake.” He sighed and opened the door to his study. His steps were weary as he moved to his desk, almost falling into his chair.

  Renee wanted to allay his fears, and take his burden on herself, but she couldn’t, especially not with her own heart hammering in fear. No trace did not bode well. Will had watched her be taken all those years ago when she was nearly kidnapped. He saved her that night. Now, while they found out quickly, dawn’s rays had already begun to creep into the windows. And with no trail, hope had certainly begun to disappear.

  “What’s this?” Will’s voice pulled her focus. Rushing to his side, she saw the paper in his hands, and began to read over his shoulder. “So, Fedor’s gone after her.” There was a chuckle in Will’s voice, but also relief.

  “I know that inn. That’s where we spent those days when we courted in secret.”

  “Yes. The owner, he’d never allow something like this, and he’d also keep an ear out. If this group ever met there, he’d know. We have a lead!” Will’s face seemed to light up.

  “Let’s gather the others and update them,” Renee agreed. “And after, we all need some rest. We will be no help to Fedor if we’re falling over from exhaustion.”

  Fedor ke
pt his hood low even as his gaze roved over the room; the inn’s dining area seemed popular, but other than Fedor, no others seemed shifty. Not that he was shifty, but the cloak gave him an air of aloofness.Everyone seemed jovial, meeting with friends and relaxing. No one stood out as radicals intent of kidnapping.

  “You know, that hood makes me think you’re looking for trouble.” Fedor turned to the man staring down at him. His face had a friendly look to it, but a hard glint rested in his eyes. Add to that a height and breadth that rivaled Caleb, and Fedor knew that the inn’s owner was not a man to trifle with.

  “Sorry,” Fedor spoke as he removed his hood. “I just wanted to see if I could find someone without them seeing me. And I just realized that sounds like I’m asking for trouble.” He chuckled, though it sounded tense.

  “Look, I know just about everyone around here. Not you, since you’re obviously not from around here. Wanna tell me who you’re looking for?” There was a challenge in his eyes, the kind that promised that the man would weigh his words and protect a friend, or perhaps do a good deed.

  “I’m searching for a friend. She was taken from the home we were guests at.” Fedor knew his voice had taken a harsh tone, but he couldn’t stop it. “The only clue left was a scrap with this address on it, and a note stating the group had connections to one that’s against King William’s remarrying. So, here I am, asking if you’d heard of a young woman seen recently who seemed less than thrilled being here.”

  “Hmm...” The man seemed to lean back, thinking things through. “I haven’t heard of anything like that. Now, there was a group that came through a few nights ago. The kept mostly to themselves, but one asked if I ever packed food to be taken. Usually it’s for travelers, but they seemed a bit more permanent.”

  “You don’t happen to know where they are now?”

  “Sadly, no, but, I got the impression they’d be back soon.”

  “Good. Then, I’ll take a full meal, a good drink, and I hope you don’t mind if I stay for a while.”

  “Be my guest.” The man smiled before striding off.

  Fedor leaned back, fighting the yawn. He probably should have taken some time to rest, but she needed him. Well, he wasn’t going to let her down. He just knew the answers lay here. Even if he had to come back every night, he’d find her.

  Wait for me. I’m coming.

  Chapter 22

  The knock sounded, drawing Desiree from her mindless gazing out the window. Not that she planned on answering. She hadn’t the other three times. Her stomach now protested loudly, but she chose to ignore it. They might claim to treat her kindly, but they still kidnapped her.

  The pounding intensified. That was new. Still, unless they were promising to release her, she refused to accept their generosity. Perhaps if she started weakening, they’d realize they didn’t want a dead princess on their conscience.

  “I’m coming in whether you’re decent or not.”

  What the... No. He wouldn’t.

  But he would. The click sounded before the doorknob rattled. The wood swung open, revealing a new face, this one more threatening in his mask of annoyance.

  “How dare you?” she fumed.

  “You haven’t eaten all day, and you need your strength.”

  “What if I refuse to eat?” She folded her arms.

  “Then I’ll force it in you.” He slammed the tray onto her table. “You’re no good to us dead.”

  Dejected, Desiree shuffled to the table. Only, she realized she had dragged the chair to the window earlier. The man huffed, but strode to the chair, lifting it and slamming it beside the table.

  “Thank you,” she muttered and sank into the chair. The man leaned against the wall, arms crossed as he glared at her. So, he planned on watching to make sure she actually ate.

  Arms as heavy as her heart, she lifted her hands to the utensils provided. Her movements were slow as she cut into the meat before lifting it to her mouth. Hmm. It actually tasted fairly good. But even so, she couldn’t seem to make her movements quicker. She ate slowly, her movements automatic as her mind escaped the prison’s walls.

  Poor Renee and Will. She half expected to have seen them riding towards her prison. But since they hadn’t, she must be better hidden than she thought. Who knows if they could even find her? They were probably frantic by now, and they did not deserve all the trouble she’s caused them. She was the reason they had to remain apart. She was the reason Renee stayed in hiding.

  And Fedor. She owed him several apologies. Why had she said such awful things to him? He didn’t deserve her animosity. Granted, he always seemed to talk down to her. Sort of. His quips had become almost fun to repartee, but she always tended to take it too far. And to think she’d been taught all her life to be lady-like.

  “Are you going to take all night?” The annoyance brought her thoughts back to her plate. Somehow, she’d managed to eat half of the food provided, but now she felt too full to eat another bite.

  “I am finished,” she said as she set the utensils on the plate.

  “You still have half the plate yet to finish.” the man growled at her.

  “You can try to force more inside me, but I’ll probably just throw it back up on your shoes,” Desiree threw at him. His eyes narrowed, obviously debating whether it would be worth the trouble.

  “Fine. But you better eat tomorrow.” He yanked the tray from the table, stomping from the room.

  Her body practically collapsed into the chair. She almost missed the man who initially kidnapped her. At least he seemed kind as opposed to the one who just left. Somehow she managed to carry herself to the bed, sitting back against the head board. She pulled her legs to her chest, hugging them to her chest.

  When would she be free of this prison? Or would she even be free? Somehow, she wondered if her freedom would even be a good thing. If the only way to free her would be for Will to give in, then war would be inevitable. How had things gotten so bad?

  Growing up, all she wanted was a love found in the stories her mother read her. The throne might have been hers from birth, but it never meant much. Not until her mother passed. Now, she had to secure the hand of a married man or risk war against some of the kindest friends she’d ever known.

  The tears came unbidden, flooding down her face. Why had the world become so dark? “Oh, Renee, Will, please forgive me. And Fedor. I’m so... if things were different, maybe... no. I’m sorry. Everyone, I’m so sorry.”

  She wept. For her new friends whose lives had been torn apart, for a future that could never be, she wept, mourning the hope that had died.

  “You sure we can find her before any rumors get out?” Renee asked as they rode through the forest separating their two kingdoms, Arrow’s claws digging into her shoulder as he hunched against her neck.

  “We can only hope,” Will responded. “I honestly don’t think she’ll be hurt, but if we take too long suspicions will arise.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she sighed. “I still can’t believe we slept the whole day away.”

  “We were up all last night,” Jonathan responded. “Besides, traveling in the dark does help with the secrecy.”

  “I know; I just hate always having to worry about appearances.”

  “It will be over soon enough,” Will replied, his voice soothing. “At least we are together again, even if we are sneaking around.”

  “Not like we haven’t done that before,” she teased.

  “Speaking of which, this feels rather fun, just the three of us again.” Jonathan noted. “I mean, I miss Katie, but I know she’s needed helping with the little ones.”

  “This is rather memorable, sneaking off just the three of us,” Will added.

  “And that castle’s full of memories too,” Renee mused, allowing the smile to form.

  “Hopefully we can find Desiree soon and take a little time to ourselves.” the teasing in Will’s voice caused Renee to warm, and part of her really hoped they could have some time alone.

  “The opening should be just ahead,” Jonathan noted, and all slowed their steeds. “I’ll scout ahead.” he spurred his horse on, disappearing into the trees as Renee and Will halted their horses. Once stopped, Arrow lifted his head, ruffling his feathers for a moment before lifting into the sky.

  “This does bring back many memories.” Renee spoke softly as she rolled her shoulder. Thankfully she wore enough layers that no blood was drawn, but the poor falcon had held on tight during their quick flight. “If memory serves correctly, not far from here is the clearing where I soundly defeated you the first time we sparred.”

  “Hey, now, I seem to remember it being a tie.” Renee chuckled at his outrage. He was right; she doubted they’d ever sparred and not ended in a draw. It only made their relationship better. “And of course where you met Arrow the first time,” he motioned to the falcon who now flew in slow loops, nearing until he slowed his descent enough to land on Will’s shoulder this time.

  “And I will always be thankful to count him a feathered friend,” Renee replied as she reached to brush the feathers down.

  Horse hooves caught her ears, and she turned to see Jonathan emerge. “All clear,” he called. Together, the three rode past the tree line, not stopping until they rode through the back gate into the courtyard.

  “Your Majesty,” the stable master said, and he helped take the reins, allowing them to dismount.

  “For the record, none of us are here,” Will told him.

  “That would explain why you left your personal steed,” he replied. “They’ll be well taken care of, and discreetly.”

  “Thank you.” Arrow seemed to also realize that he’d find better lodging elsewhere as he once more lifted, swooping low as he probably made his way to the building he once called his home.


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